Showing posts with label Animal Control Officer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal Control Officer. Show all posts

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gloucester, VA Local Terrorist Organization Now In Place?

What is terrorism?  As defined by Yahoo Education, the meaning is defined as follows;


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

What this clearly shows is that not only can outside forces be considered terrorist organizations, governments can also be considered terrorist in their very acts.  Is it possible that we here in the United States may be experiencing terrorism from our own governments?  That's the question we are now posing for your consideration.  What we are about to cover in this article is a story of fiction that is based on an ongoing series of highly researched facts.   We are calling this story, "Gloucester, Death County, Virginia."

  Recently everyone in Gloucester, VA has read about the murder suicide that happened in a remote part of the county.  What most people do not know is the facts behind the story.  The murder suicide is only a half truth.  The half that is true is the murder aspect of the story.  The suicide part is only a smoke screen to ward off investigations.  So who would want to ward off investigations?  The sheriff's office is investigating the story right?  Yes the sheriff's office is investigating and it's the sheriff's office that has put up the smoke screen as they do not want outside investigators moving in and potentially screwing up the scene.  

  What is it about this murder suicide that no one in the sheriff's office wants anyone to find out?  It was committed by sheriff's deputies and they murdered the couple in the house.  Now the question is why!  Well it turns out the couple were drug runners for the sheriff's office and they have not been fully up and up with the money and the shipments in and out of the area.  You see, the house the couple lived in is right on the water and has easy access to the local rivers and the Atlantic ocean.  It's one of the many gateways for moving drugs and contraband in and out of the area.

  The local paper reported that there was no forced entry into the home and that the home was locked from the inside.  Easy enough to do when you are invited into the house and you leave locking the door behind you.  Now the sheriff's office has very close ties to animal control and local animal control officers all seem to have businesses that make it very easy to destroy all evidence of criminal activity.  Examples;  Jed Stillban of Animal Control has his animal crematorium that is perfect for destroying external evidence.   Marl, (Puck) Shipey, the head of Animal Control has Puck's Carpet Cleaning, you call in Puck's Carpet Cleaning to clean up hence destroy internal evidence.  

  The county has attorney's and a fixed court system that will clean up the estate, put a series of back taxes owed on the property and eventually figure out a way to take the house through legal, yet highly questionable maneuvers so as to maintain the base for moving drugs and contraband in and out of the county.  

  Now this is only part of the story.  The county has ways of washing the money made on it's illegal drug and contraband trade.  Through a series of local business setups.  Sunwise Donuts is one of those setups used for washing and cleaning drug money.  Buy It Old, is yet another one.  Buy It Old is owned by yet another Gloucester Animal Control Officer, one Christine Tames.  The Buy It Old store is also an outlet for the county to make money on used office and school furniture instead of either dumping it or trying to sell it at auction.  Other items confiscated during local raids by the sheriff's office also make it into Buy It Old.  Any animals that are gained through raids and or murders are either brought to the Gloucester Mathews animal shelter, the Pet Mansion located by Buy It Old or taken out into the country and shot for target practice.

  Yes the local terrorist network is well set up and running right here in Gloucester County, Virginia.  Now again, the above story is fictional.  We altered names and businesses in the fictional story.  The facts follow.

The above article is from the Daily Press and is reprinted here under the terms of fair use laws of the US.  

(Note:  Look at the office furniture in the background of the above picture.  The county is overloaded with used office and school furniture from both a recent school closing and another school recently demolished. Please note, we are not saying that Buy It Used is anything less than what they claim, we are just making notes and questioning everything.)

The above article is from the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal and is about Buy It Used owned by Animal Control Officer Kristine James and her husband.  Is a live link to Carl, (Chuck) Shipley's carpet cleaning business.  It's interesting that the majority of business hours for the carpet cleaning business are about the same as when Carl is supposed to be running Animal Control in Gloucester County.  Is he doing both on county time and payroll?  Is the web site for Jeff Stillman's cremation business.  We have a witness that places Jeff Stillman as being directly involved in this business and even their Facebook page shows this.  We see this as a conflict of interest.  Also heard about Jeff Stillman is that he is often seen running his Father-in-law's store in uniform still wearing both his badge and gun.  Is he doing this while still on the clock with Gloucester Animal Control?  Does he really need to be behind a counter wearing a gun?  If so, what does that say about the area?  We have also been told that the financing for the animal crematorium came from a local developer who committed suicide under mysterious circumstances.  Curious.

  Sunrise Donuts, owned by ex 911 operator Holli Cahoon.  We have been informed that the money for this operation came from an accident claim made while working for the county in the position of being a 911 operator.  The accident we were told had something to do with the chemicals used in cleaning the floors.  Was this caused by Chuck's Carpet Cleaning?  That we do not know.  Holli told us she got the money from a bank loan.  We have caught Holli telling tall tales before, is this yet another tale about the bank loan?  Anyone can spend some time around the donut shop and see that there never seems to be enough traffic going in and out of the place to justify keeping the doors open.  Plus she has employees?  Holli and her husband also added rooms onto their house and bought his and her's new vehicles that each are in the amount of around $78,000.00 new sticker price.  No bank would finance that kind of loan in the economy we have had in the past few years.

  We are not saying that any of these businesses are less than anything than honest fully up and up operations.  However, the appearance and opportunity is there for something entirely different.  Facts stated in a previous sheriff's race is that drug busts are way down in Gloucester County compared to other local, state and federal statistics.  Part of that story can be found at this link and is reported by the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal.

  Is Gloucester County the only area with these kinds of issues?  Charles City County as well as Dinwiddie County has it's share of issue coming from Animal Control officers as well.  This is a link for what is going on in Charles City County.  Animal Control officer out of control.  This link is for the Chief Animal Control officer in Dinwiddie County that has been indicted for embezzlement.  Other stories place this person as not even having been qualified for the position to begin with.  Here is what we believe the embezzlement charges  really are.  She is the one behind the horse raid in Dinwiddie back this past summer.  She worked with USERL in seizing all the horses on one farm.  USERL gets funding for large raids.  It is our opinion that she received payment from her roll in that raid and did not want to share the payment with others that she was required to share that payment with.  Since she didn't want to share, she is being taken down through the legal system.  That's our opinion and based on research.

  A few weeks ago, we did a story on how to protect yourself from animal control.  We are not the only ones who are writing such stories.  After we posted that story, we found yet another story similar in nature.  This is a link to another story that was published on the other side of the nation.  We are looking at a real epidemic on our freedoms.  Animal Control is not a rogue section of any local government.  They have to answer to people above them.  So this is well above being an animal control problem that we all face.  Anyone is a target.  Even if you have animals crossing your property, you can be made a target based on that.  Animal Planet is a culprit in the conspiracy in our opinion.  They glorify Animal Control raids throughout the nation, never showing the evil side that does exist inside this network.  This is the site where we have been posting issues with local law enforcement and many people have found it all difficult to believe if not impossible.  Do you really have to be hit on the head or become the next victim before you wake up?  Most people have to become the next victim before they understand what is really going on.

  Here is yet another question to ponder.  Positions in Animal Control anywhere in the nation are considered notoriously low paying jobs.  The same for many 911 operators.  How can people in low paying jobs possibly afford to open their own businesses?   No bank will loan you money to open a business with a low paying job in this economy.  If they did, we would have a thriving economy as everyone in a low paying job would all be opening their own businesses to support themselves properly.  So what could the attraction be for accepting and staying in a low paying job such as animal control?  Maybe the fact that a business will be financed for you to justify and expand your personal income and help wash some other income?  If the jobs are that poorly paying why not do what everyone else has to do and find a better paying job?  No, there has to be a reason for staying in a low paying job.  Again we bring up the question of how certain people in both Animal Control as well as the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office are able to live in such expensive houses and drive nice new vehicles based on the low pay that they get.  Some things are just not adding up.

  In all fairness, we are not saying that the entire county is corrupt.  It is our opinion that the majority are honest, hard working people who are very professional and very considerate in this county that we hold the highest respect for.  It is our opinion that there is a very corrupt element in the county that has rigged the system against the majority.  It is also our opinion that this is not an isolated situation but a nationwide problem.

Here is a wake up video of very serious concern.  Like we said, it's a nationwide issue.  Anyone can get nailed at any time and you have little chance of fighting back.  Your life is ruined because the criminals now wear badges and carry guns and are supported by fixed court systems.  Again, they are not all bad.  It's a minority but it's everywhere now and it is growing very rapidly.

This is the type of propaganda we are talking about regarding Animal Control glorification.  Not that this video isn't heart wrenching.  One thing we found unusual is that the officer here called the dog by name after initial treatment for dehydration.  This was an obvious hit to the owner of the dog and a message being given to that owner.  Not just blatant animal abuse.  The animal abuse is in fact disgusting, but there is more in this video than it's initial appearance.  Swaying your opinion is easy.  Digging for more answers is hard.  Go to the original source of the animal control video and see how everyone's opinions have easily been created.  No one is looking deeper into the story.  Question everything.

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We cover what no one else will.

Update to this post.  Please see  Regarding a section to the fictional story above.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gloucester, VA Animal Control Laws Updated To Reflect Specifics

Gloucester, VA Animal Control Laws have been updated to reflect a more accurate definition of potential violations.  Going over the new site updates, it is now more clearly defined what constitutes a violation to Gloucester, VA Animal Control laws.  No longer can animal control officers just suddenly charge animal owners with violations based on what is merely a snapshot in time offenses.  Charges that fall under section 3-15 of Gloucester Animal Control must now be backed by a corresponding offense under say section 3-2 and the exact section under 3-2.  Evidence must be provided by Animal Control that shows existing offenses and that these offenses are either ongoing or are an eminent danger to the animal in question.

Simply charging an owner for a violation under section 3-15 without a more descriptive meaning is mere harassment in our view and should be fully challenged in court.  If the court sides with Animal Control, the judge should then be questioned and a petition to a higher court should be filed immediately.  There is still some very questionable material in Gloucester, VA animal control law section 3-15 that we are looking into even further that could fully invalidate it under all circumstances.

  Again we are not attorney's and only an attorney can give you legal advice.  We are merely questioning everything and looking at all the evidence we can.  The more we dig, the more questions we keep coming up with.

  In other animal control news, a case to throw out the "Chief" Animal Control officer in Dinwiddie County is fully under way.  Click Here for information on a petition drive to oust Chief Warden Broughton.  Not that it matters, this woman has been arrested and charged with embezzlement and even though details are not presently available, we pretty much know what those charges are and where they stem from.  Gloucester County officials might want to take notice of this case.  Click Here for a link to this story.  We will cover more on this soon.

  We are presently on another animal control story that will shock everyone.  One by one, no stone on-turned  a slow methodical and fully legal justice is now under way.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Protect Yourself From Animal Control And The Tricks That They Use

Wile E. Coyote Business Card .. Genius .. Have...
We have been investigating Animal Control for several years now and we have interviewed numerous people to compile a list of interesting facts that we are going to share.  It would seem that Animal Control in many areas throughout the nation is out of control.  Citizen rights are being violated in the name of so called animal protection.  Some cases are fully justified while there is growing evidence that there are a lot that are not in the least bit justified and are nothing more than true violations of citizen rights.  So we are publishing this article to level the playing field so that those of you animal lovers never become a victim of unjustified violations of your rights.
English: Olympus Digital Voice Recorder
English: Olympus Digital Voice Recorder (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  One of the issues that has come up to our attention time and time again is that Animal Control Officers carry pocket digital voice recorders.  They conceal these in their pockets and when they go onto a property, they record everything that goes on.  Not a bad thing in itself, however, they never tell you that they have one of these on them and they do not tell you that you are being recorded.  These recordings sometimes end up in court and are used against you.  What has been reported to us numerous times is that the recordings have been altered from what was really said.  In the event you think this is nothing but hot air, we are going to give you a link to one of our other sites where we obtained altered animal control voice recordings.  These recordings were used against a person in a court of law.  They were altered from every test we could conduct on the recordings.

  If animal control shows up on your property, one of the first things to ask them is, "Do you have a voice recorder on you"?  Are you recording this conversation?  Tell them that you do not consent to being recorded.  If it's your property, even if you are only renting, you have a right not to consent to being recorded.  Each question they ask you, start out your answer with, "I do not consent to being recorded".  Then answer their question.

  What we highly recommend is keeping a camera around or close by and should animal control show up on your property, immediately start video recording them.  You want your own records in the event they take you to court.  As long as they are on your property, you have the right to video record them.  If they get out of line then upload the video to every site you can think of such as You Tube.  Here is a list of 31 sites beyond You Tube for posting that video.  It's called leveling the playing field.

  Another tactic that Animal Control and some police and or sheriff's deputies use is intimidation tactics to get you to violate your own rights.  They use the power of their badge and gun to just walk right into your home, garage, storage area or any other personal area.  If you try and challenge them, some will tell you that they have the right to do this.  After all they are wearing a badge and have a big scary gun on them.  Don't be fooled.  They do not have the right to enter your private area without a valid search warrant.  Make them get one if it's that important.

  We have seen a sheriff's deputy barge right into a private home because of a noise complaint.  This deputy was nasty as all get out and in complete violation of the renters rights.  We have interviewed several different families that have had Animal Control barge right into the house of the owners and take away their pets.  There was nothing wrong with the pets.  The owner in one case had made a complaint about a pesky raccoon in the area.

  Just because someone is wearing a badge and carrying a gun does not give them the right to violate your private home.  In the event that this does happen to you, we highly recommend that you locate your local state police telephone number and put it into your contacts on your phone.  You will want to tell the local animal control officer that he or she is violating your rights and that they must leave or you are going to call the state police and file charges against them.  You can also do this against your local police or sheriff's deputies if your rights are being violated.

  Even if you are just being served papers, video tape everything as we have heard of numerous cases where the police have mis stated facts in order to mis lead the ones being served.  Check over the papers you have been served with a fine tooth comb and question everything.  Look up the laws the papers say you have violated that are listed on the warrants and see if you are actually in violation of those laws or if you are just being hoodwinked.  Do not be intimidated by any of these people.  Most of our public servants are not bad people and are just doing their jobs so please keep this in mind.  This information is just to cover areas for when people are having their rights violated and this issue is growing.  If you are dealing with an honest person, they should not have any problems with you recording them to protect yourself.

  And that is the name of this game.  Self protection.  Because if you are targeted for whatever reason, you are going to need proof of the violations.  The only way to stop these violations is to level the playing field.  Police use video camera's in their patrol cars, you can use your own as well.  Do not ever let any officer enter your private property without a search warrant.  It's a violation of your rights.  If they enter and you have told them to leave and they do not leave, call your local state police and file charges against that person.

  Do not be intimidated into not filing charges.  File them.  Now there are cases where animal control do have the right to enter onto private property and inspect animals without any kind of search warrant.  If you are running a business with any kind of animals on your property, then you must allow inspections during normal business hours.  You still have the right to video record animal control during the inspections, but you do need to allow the inspections.  Inspections only apply to the areas where animals are kept.  Not into other areas of your business or home.  Please check your local and state laws for more information.

Disclaimer:  We are not attorney's and this article does not represent legal advice.  Only an attorney can advice you on your legal rights.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gloucester County Obscure Animal Control Law

On the left is a picture of a local person.  His name is Charles Braxton.  He is an owner of a number of exotic snakes.  Animal Control hates snakes.  When this picture was taken some years ago, what Charlie was doing was okay.  It's now considered illegal in the county of Gloucester.  On the right is his grandson.  Also committing what is now an illegal act.  That's correct.  In Gloucester County, Virginia, you can not drape a snake around your neck.  Why?  The reason has been stated that someone found it offensive.

  Your rights further taken away because some idiot found what is going on in these pictures offensive.  This is only the first part of the story.  We will be posting the second part of the story very soon.  If you think this is ridiculous, it gets a lot worse.  Kool Aid is here and the drinking from the Kool Aid well is very high.
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Gloucester County Animal Control - A Shout To Carl (Chuck) Shipley

English: Carpet Cleaning Before and After Image
English: Carpet Cleaning Before and After Image (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Seal of Gloucester County, Virginia
Seal of Gloucester County, Virginia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is a quick shout out to Carl (Chuck) Shipley of Gloucester County Animal Control.  Soon you will be invited to a meeting and it will be very important that you attend this meeting.  It's not something you are going to be expecting.  Once you attend this meeting you will know what the intention of this post is for.

  For those of you who do not know, Carl (Chuck) Shipley is the person in charge of Gloucester Animal Control.  Carl also happens to own a local carpet cleaning business known as Chuck's Carpet Cleaning.  This is the link to Carl Shipley's side business.  Again I have to question why the county allows full time employees under it's direction to own businesses that have a potential for a conflict of interest in county business.

  What does a carpet cleaning business have to do with animal control?  Well let's look at that shall we?  If you own animals and you hire Chuck's Carpet Cleaning to clean your carpets, is it possible that something might be seen at your home that an Animal Control Officer might find offensive?  Or if you are a really good customer, is it possible that something that an Animal Control Officer might see and find offensive just might be overlooked because you are such a good customer?

  Has anyone experienced having problems with Animal Control after having their carpets cleaned?  Have a dog and have a problem with Chuck's Carpet Cleaning service and don't think you should have to pay?  You may just find yourself being visited by Animal Control and finding that your dog is in violation of some county ordinance.  Has this happened?  Can't tell you yes or no.  Can it happen?  You bet it can.  Does that create a conflict of interest?  YES, YES, YES!

  Enjoy the meeting Carl.  Update;  The meeting has been canceled.  You will learn why soon.

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