Showing posts with label Electronic money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronic money. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014


English: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alex Jones and Gerald Celente predict a global shutdown in the 2nd half of 2014.  What this means to you, little to no access to your cash money you may have in any bank accounts.  Bitcoin begins to look more promising should this trend bear out.  One would need to get into Bitcoin before this trend actually hits however in order to have some degree of protection.  Bitcoin values are presently at $845.46 as of this post.  A substantial uptick from what we were reporting on last week.  A nice recovery on the Bitcoin market.  Expect a major rush and buy in on Bitcoin if the news continues to trend in world economic collapse.  Bitcoin values will soar and the opportunity to ride the wave up will not be realized to it's full potential.

  We are not real big on the other digital currencies trending out there such as litecoin or any of the others as we are with Bitcoin.  We see issues with all of the digital currencies as well as issue on freedom, however, we are facing those issues anyway with or without Bitcoin.  We will help everyone keep an eye out on world trends to help you determine how to cover yourself.

  Also, the above video has some very interesting news at the end.  Commercials galore on the above video which detract from the news, but, you have to pay for getting information out somehow.  Check out the information on what military personnel said about the potential for being deployed to Syria.  Watch the information, we are not going to spoil the surprise.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bitcoin 101 - Understanding Bitcoin (pt. 2 of 3) Video

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Because Bitcoin is the number one story of the century so far.  One of the main ideas we should explain here is that Bitcoin requires multi dimensional thinking.  
This series is top notch and explains what others are not able to even begin to cover to answer many of your questions.  We are staying on top of this news as much as we possibly can which is challenging considering all the other research we now have going on.
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let's Talk Bitcoin, Movers and Shakers, Podcast E-13

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Movers and Shakers, Let's Talk Bitcoin podcast.  Now this is from back in the late spring of 2013, however, the objective is to catch people up on the news and information all surrounding the Bitcoin revolution.  Don't have time to listen to the show here on the site?  Download an Mp3 copy to play later when you do have the time.  The show is an hour and a half long.  We have found these shows to be very helpful and informational in understanding everything going on in the Bitcoin revolution.  As we go to print on this post, the present Bitcoin to dollar ratio is about $778.00 per single Bitcoin.  It's been pretty well all over the board of the 700's these past few days.

  From the point of speculation, Bitcoin is a very wild ride.  How do you hedge against it's constant price swings?  Stack your buys and or sells.  (What?)  Do not buy all your coins or sell all your coins on one single order at one time.  Spread out either the purchase or selling of Bitcoins over a period of several days, weeks months or what have you.  Do not seek to buy 10 bitcoins at one time.  You will suffer the market fluctuation swings more harshly if you do.  If you buy or sell over a period of time, you will have a more stable holding that is not being scrambled to death by these market shifts.  Within a 10 minute period we have seen swings of up to $10.00.

  The very good news is that you can buy or sell fractions of a single coin.  You are not locked into buying a full coin at anytime.  So if you want to put say one thousand dollars into Bitcoins?  Stack the buy to spread over several days.  Buy at $50.00 or $100.00 intervals.  Is there any time of day better than another?  No.  It's a world market and so as one nation sleeps, another is actively trading.  This isn't crude oil futures where the market closes at 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  This is a world market that is 24/7.

  Bitcoin as an investment vehicle in our own opinion is insane at this point and not really recommended.  Bitcoin as a speculation is also insane.  Bitcoin wallet setup is incredibly easy.  Buying or selling Bitcoin, at least in the US is still a nightmare however and has a long way to go.

  Any business can set up an account to accept Bitcoin payments.  Once you start taking Bitcoin payments, you can also refund Bitcoin payments as easily as you accept them.  But how do you know if you are making any money with the wild swings in the market that can wipe out 10% of your holdings in a matter of hours or even minuets?  It's going to be a long time before you can stabilize Bitcoin like other real world currencies.  Here is the issue.  Let's say you sell an item for the Bitcoin equivalent of $100.00 US.  Let's say that Bitcoin was trading at $1,000.00 per coin.  The next day you need cash for whatever reason and need to cash out your Bitcoin.  Some country decides that Bitcoin has violated some International law and now your Bitcoin holding that was trading at $1,000.00 US yesterday is now only $500.00 US today.  You just took a major 50% loss.

  Now Bitcoin is supposed to make life and accounting much easier for everyone.  If it is the only currency, we would agree.  If you have to translate every transaction with it's subsequent inventory and dollar conversion value, then you have just created one of the worst accounting nightmares anyone could ever imagine.  How can anyone possibly do that?  If you only sell one item a day, you spend half the day just doing the accounting for that one sale.  How could Wal Mart, with thousands of sales per minute, ever do that with all of these wild fluctuations in the Bitcoin to dollar value?

  This is why businesses are not jumping in on accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment, especially in the US.  At the moment there are to many issues that are not addressed that need to be looked at more closely.  Most US businesses simply can not afford all the hits from the accounting perspective, legal and government intervention perspectives and possible need for an influx of specialists that do not exist to handle all of these new issues.  More to come.
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Bitcoin News Podcast Learning, Let's Talk Bitcoin E12

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We continue to take you through the news of the past year surrounding the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.  These podcasts have a lot to teach everyone so we are going to bring you through them.  This is an area that everyone is going to eventually have to learn as it is going to impact us all.  For anyone interested in knowing what a Bitcoin's current value is, at the time of this post, one Bitcoin is presently valued at $724.59.  The price fluctuates throughout the day, 24 hours a day.
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Litecoin vs Bitcoin - Interview With IBM Architect Richard G Brown

As we continue to state, Bitcoin is the largest news story of the century to date.  Now of course Bitcoin is not the only game in town or in the world.  Litecoin is also a new contender on the market and there are others already popping up.  Crptocurrency as it is now being called is here to stay.  Based on all present research, what our own opinion is at this time, paper currency will not be going away in any country anytime soon.  Debit cards may disappear, however, credit cards will continue to flourish.

  What we are also looking at will be an entire new series of laws and regulations that will come up around these new currencies that will also invade privacy as well as change the way services are rendered which will mean price increases on many services.  Trying to protect your privacy in the future will become a crime.  This is a given.  What you presently take for granted will be going away.  It's based on the technology.  (Not really, that's just the excuse that will be used).

  There are many areas of the technology that we like, however, there are now many areas of the technology that are really starting to concern us.  The invasion of privacy that will follow is our biggest concern.  How will this new technology invade privacy?  It could and will be used to prevent anyone from remaining anonymous.  Only criminals have something to hide.  Are you a criminal?  Now of course you will be allowed to conduct certain transactions in an anonymous fashion, however, you will go through a great deal of scrutiny, questioning and audits.  You may or may not be found guilty of some form of conspiracy however.  This is how privacy will be invaded then taken away.

  Now it's not to say that it will be fully taken away, it will at first be made a major risk to anyone who wishes to try and remain anonymous for whatever reason.  Cash will become a rare commodity in the next 10 to 15 years if not sooner.  It still has uses, but they will become more and more limited.  Why cash currencies will not go away.  Imagine a major power grid goes out for days on end.  Cryptocurrencies depend on the ability to conduct transactions electronically.  How does anyone continue to conduct any form of trade without some form of payment in exchange?  Battery backups?  That is simply to limited.  Some form of alternative payment systems will always be needed.  Cash is the only means for that.

  Other issues of cryptocurrencies, they devalue cash.  When transaction and conversion fees apply one of the forms of payment must be devalued in order to value another.  If cryptocurrencies become the main form of transacting business, then it's the cash that gets devalued.  Now the cryptocurrency may be tied to the cash, one still has to take a hit.  So a question now comes up.  Is Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies now starting to impact the value of other currencies?  It has to.  All of the cryptocurrencies have transaction and conversion fees.  Those need to be paid for in cash.  Add to it the country where you are conducting business and then take into account that they too want monetary conversion fees.  To reverse the cryptocurrency back to cash?  Yup, more fees.

  So who is going to lose with the new age of cryptocurrencies?  White collar workers as they get phased out of the offices as they will no longer be needed.  That in itself is yet another full post for a later story.
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Bitcoin 101 A Beginner's Guide - Part One Video

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As we have said, Bitcoin is without question, the single biggest story of the 21st century right now.  It's like the invention of the automobile in many senses.  No matter what happens in the future, this technology is going to change everything.  We thought 3D printing was the major news story.  It's a big part of future trends, but Bitcoin is by far more a game changer.
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Let's Talk Bitcoin Podcasts, Information You Need To Understand

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Because Bitcoin is the single largest news story of our times, we are going to educate everyone to the best way we can.  We are digging through all the information out there and bringing our findings to you.  Above is over 11 hours of podcasts on Bitcoin that brings you very indepth knowledge of the coming future wave.

  You can download each episode individually to play at a later time and keep it in your library for future reference.  We are going to continue to show where we are in the world with our present banking system and what the future looks like if we continue to go along that path, or what the future can look like if we decide to take more control of our future with concepts such as Bitcoin.  

  We think it has become very clear based on reports here for the past few days, if we continue down present paths with our present banking system, we are all in very serious trouble.  If we decide to take more control over our future, we have some serious hurdles to get through, but the end rewards for everyone makes the most sense.
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