Friday, August 29, 2008

Gloucester Chamber of Commerce Site

Gloucester Chamber of Commerece
The Gloucester County, Virginia Chamber of Commerce website.  Link.  Gloucester, VA Links and News website.  

Gloucester Weather

The Weather Underground
Gloucester County Virginia Weather Underground. A great bookmark for the most current weather conditions. We loaded one of their stickers onto the bottom of this page.  Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.

Virginia Hometown Location Link

Virginia Hometown Location Link
One of the things missing from this site is Gloucester Churches and places of worship.
Also missing restaurants, and places to shop. Other than that, a great site to dig up tons of information on Gloucester County. Four star site out of 5.  Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Coleman Bridge Opening, Gloucester, VA from YouTube

Here is a video of the Coleman Bridge opening.  Gloucester Point and Yorktown.  Found this on You Tube and thought we would share it.  Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.

Big Gloucester County Issue

This is a big Gloucester County issue. I do not have all the facts of the case so I do not take sides having been a para legal in the past. I will be happy to post both sides of the issue, and let both the courts and the public make their own respective verdicts.  Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.

Gloucester High Marching Band

Found this on YouTube. Thought it would be nice for everyone to see.  Video of the Gloucester High School Marching Band.  Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.
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Gloucester Wal Mart

Technically speaking, what you see in this video is a big no no. Wal Mart does not allow cameras to be used in their stores and if they had caught the person who did this, they would have made sure this file never made it to this point. My opinion? It was not done in anyway that would harm Wal Mart, so I have no issues posting it here, in case you have not seen it.

Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Stagecoach Market

The Stagecoach Market is celebrating it's 20th birthday this year. This Antique village, flea market and farmers market was opened to the public back in 1978. A family owned business since the beginning and still run by the same family, this is a fun place to browse around in and find some really great bargains and hard to find items. An antique lovers dream is found here as there are plenty of antique shops with all kinds of finds.

Looking for out of print movies? This is a great place to look as the selection here is one of the best. The link to the Stagecoach market is right at the beginning of this post, just click on the name Stagecoach Market above and you will be taken right to that website. There you will get a much better idea of what kind of items and deal you can find at the Stagecoach. This is one of our featured sites and there is also a link on the bottom of this page to the site. Happy Shopping.

Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.

Tyndall's Point, aka Gloucester Point - History

Tyndall's Point, aka Gloucester Point, was originally named after map maker Robert Tyndall in 1608. Mr Tyndall was exploring the lands of Virginia with Christopher Newport and John Smith. The area quickly became a hot bed for tobacco plantations and a warehouse was built on the point to serve planters shipping their crops back to England. In 1667, the first fort was built to defend against any possible invasion from the Dutch fleet.

This was an important area during both the American Revolution and the Civil War. The Earthworks, also known as readouts, are all man made defenses from those periods. Tyndall's Point park is a great example of modern warfare, but the biggest secret of this park remains buried in the woods covered with overgrowth. The best of the earthworks are rather dangerous and the parks department would prefer you stay out of that area and not know about it. The ending pictures on this slide show reveal the best areas, but they are not easily accessible and we do not recommend you try to go into them. They are dangerous as there are sudden unseen drops that are very deep. I tried to take a few pictures of them, but the overgrowth is so thick, none of them came out where you could tell what they were. Plus moving around that area was extremely rough and very hazardous.

Gloucester, VA Links and News.  GVLN Website.
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