Saturday, December 7, 2013

Governor McDonnell Applauds Latest Study on Virginia Offshore Energy Potential

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Report: Oil and Gas Production Could Create 25,000 New Jobs; Generate $1.9 Billion in State Revenue

RICHMOND - A new study released today finds that offshore production of oil and natural gas could mean 25,000 new jobs in the Commonwealth and $1.9 billion in new revenue for Virginia’s state government. The study, “The Economic Benefits of Increasing U.S. Access to Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Atlantic” was jointly produced by The American Petroleum Institute (API) and the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA). The report further indicates that Virginia will benefit significantly from the development of the outer continental shelf (OCS) with as much as $400 million a year in marine activity at the Port alone by 2035, and over $14 billion in industrial spending in the state from 2017 to 2035. Annual contributions to Virginia’s economy could reach $2.2 billion by 2035.

Speaking about the report, Governor McDonnell remarked, “Throughout our Administration we have been strong supporters of a truly ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy incorporating all of our domestic resources, from wind to solar to coal to nuclear to oil to natural gas. We need to develop the energy resources we possess here at home; that is how we will create new jobs, grow our economy and continue to help our nation move towards greater energy independence. Today’s study is just further proof of what such a comprehensive approach to our energy issues could produce: thousands of new jobs, billions in new revenue, a stronger economy. It is time that we moved forward to responsibly develop Virginia’s offshore energy resources: wind, oil, and natural gas.”

There is strong bipartisan support for offshore development in Virginia.  The Federal government awarded Virginia with an OCS oil and gas lease sale in March of 2010 but later cancelled the sale and refused to include Virginia in the current 5-year OCS plan.  The next plan is scheduled for 2017-2022.

“Virginia strongly objected to the cancellation of our lease sale and, later, the Interior Department’s refusal to include us in the current plan,” said Doug Domenech, Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources.  “We are encouraging Interior to begin the planning process for the next 5-year plan immediately and to include a sale off Virginia in the next plan.”

Information on the full study can be found
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Friday, December 6, 2013

WebMD Pockets Millions to Stimulate $1 Trillion in Drug Sales

4.If you are unsure whether your prescription ...
 (Photo credit: SafeMedicines)
By Dr. Mercola
According to the Washington Times,1 WebMD, the second most visited health site on the World Wide Web, has received a $4.8 million government contract to educate doctors about the ins and outs of the Affordable Care Act, colloquially dubbed “Obamacare.”
A similar contract for the public portal to educate consumers might also be in the works. However, the lack of transparency and disclosure of the contract has raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.
WebMD has defended against such allegations, saying that the government contract does not affect the company’s news operation, which is free to report what it wants about the health care plan. Still, as stated in the featured article:
“[F]ew if any news outlets earn millions of dollars in training fees from the government on topics they cover, putting WebMD in a unique spot in the media landscape as it navigates not only potential conflicts but also the appearance of conflicts.”
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has criticized the lack of transparency, telling theWashington Post:2
 “Disclosure and transparency would be a good practice for any recipient of federal funding to promote the administration’s health care plan.
Even if certain content is not produced with federal funding, but the same company takes federal government money to produce other materials, consumers would be better-informed by knowing the financial relationships.”

WebMD Charged with Educating Your Doctor on the Plan

According to the featured article,3 the contract includes training services aimed at physicians using the private portal, in the form of “lectures, articles, podcasts and ‘expert viewpoints’ in audio, video, or writing, among other presentations.” Doctors can also receive continuing education credits simply for watching the videos.
These services don’t come cheap. According to the Washington Post, a four- minute long video featuring the viewpoint of a medical expert can cost as much as $68,916 under the contract.
And an “exclusively sponsored” five- to eight-question quiz “to convey key sponsor messages” will cost the US government in excess of $140,000. That said, my criticism of this hidden association between the US government and WebMD does not revolve around their service fees.
The real problem is that WebMD has positioned itself as a primary source of independent and science-backed health information yet is financially dependent on pharmaceutical companies, and now the US government, which is trying to promote a widely contested and unpopular health care plan.
Not only that, but WebMD has in fact been caught red-handed promoting dangerous drug solutions on behalf of their sponsors to people who really don’tneed such treatment—cementing the notion that WebMD is beholden to its sponsors, even at the expense of the safety and well-being of its readers.

Drug Promotion Presented as a Health Screen...

You may recall that three years ago, WebMD was found to have created a depression screening test in which 100 percent of quiz-takers ended up having a “high likelihood of major depression,” and being asked to talk to their doctor about available treatment.4, 5 The test was sponsored by drug giant Eli Lilly, the maker of Cymbalta, and it’s quite telling that no one is found mentally healthy when Eli Lilly foots the bill...
The quiz was really nothing but direct-to-consumer advertising masquerading as a valid health screen. This is perhaps the most hazardous kind of drug advertising there is, as you don’t even realize they’re trying to sell you something. Seeing an advertisement on TV or in a magazine is one thing—you can recognize that as marketing.
But a health screening test on a well-respected health site? Most would fail to consider that such a test might be rigged to turn you into a consumer. It would probably have been more appropriate to present the test with a disclaimer stating: “For entertainment and time-wasting purposes only.”
That mental health screen debacle sounds awfully similar to the quizzes WebMD has now been contracted to produce under this government contract, “to convey key sponsor messages.” What might these sponsored messages be? In all likelihood, they will be related to the promotion of key drugs, such as cholesterol-lowering statins, now that the statin treatment guidelines have been updated to apply to twice the number of patients as previous guidelines.

Key for Successful Propaganda—The Illusion of Independent Corroboration

The drug industry has deep pockets, so it’s no surprise that their adverts would be splashed all over the WebMD website. Prescription drugs for every imaginable problem are listed on virtually every WebMD page, along with plenty of health-harming processed foods and snacks.
The revenue WebMD generates from advertising is considerable. According to a recent WebMD press release,6 the revenue from public portal advertising and sponsorship for the months of July through September, 2013 alone was $109.6 million, compared to $97.6 million for the corresponding quarter in 2012. That pencils out to nearly half a billion a year in ads from the drug companies.
WebMD is a great example of the brilliant marketing the drug companies are doing. They seek to provide you with the illusion of an independent objective third party that just so happens to confirm their solution is the best choice for your health issues. But when you draw back the curtain, you find it’s really the drug companies themselves that are crafting the message—not an independent entity.
It might be worth noting that WebMD is also partnered with the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This virtually assures that you will not learn about any alternatives besides those approved by the FDA for your condition, and further strengthens the promotion of sponsored drugs. By default, you will be kept in the dark about the strategies that can make a real and lasting difference.
The lack of independence among promoters and distributors of health information has become of tremendous concern. Due to a dramatic rise in scientific fraud, which is particularly prevalent in the medical literature, it’s more important than ever to be able to gain access to the full set of data before making or taking a recommendation. Not only are industry studies 400 percent more likely to show positive outcomes, negative findings are never published, and raw data is rarely publicly available. 
The sad fact is that before we can regain trust in the scientific method, science must be forthcoming with ALL the data. Every clinical trial should be registered before it begins, and all results and raw data should be provided at the conclusion.  At present, they’re not... as a result industry sponsored studies have a 400% increase in positive outcomes vs. independent studies, and on top of that the negative studies are never published at all.

Bias Pervades Scientific Reporting

The reality of biased reporting on science was recently highlighted yet again in a study7, 8 authored by John Ioannidis and colleagues at Stanford University. Ioannidis is one of the world's most important experts on the credibility of medical research. He and his team of researchers have repeatedly shown that many of the conclusions biomedical researchers arrive at in their published studies are exaggerated or flat-out wrong.
Here, they did a meta-analysis9 of 160 other, previously published meta-analyses of animal studies for treatments of a variety of neurological disorders. This analysis ended up covering no less than 1,000 separate animal studies. As reported by Medical News Today:
“The authors' ‘meta-analysis of meta-analyses’ used the most precise study in each meta-analysis as an estimate of the true effect size of a particular treatment. It then asked whether the expected number of studies had statistically significant conclusions.
Alarmingly, the authors found that more than twice as many studies as expected appeared to reach statistical significance. The authors suggest that rather than reflecting willful fraud on the part of the scientists who conduct the original studies, this ‘excess significance bias’ comes from two main sources.
One is that scientists conducting an animal study tend to choose the method of data analysis that appears to give them the ‘better’ result. The second arises because scientists usually want to publish in higher profile journals; such journals tend to strongly prefer studies with positive, rather than negative, results. Many studies with negative results are not even submitted for publication or, if submitted, either cannot get published or are published belatedly in low-visibility journals, reducing their chances of inclusion in a meta-analysis.”[Emphasis mine]

Changes Are Urgently Needed to Protect Value of Medical Science

Ioannidis’ team speculate that, as a result of these kinds of biased animal studies being published and used as grounds for further research, inappropriate treatments have probably made it into human trials where, of course, the stakes are much higher. But no matter what type of research you’re talking about, scientific integrity and complete uncensored reporting of results matter dearly. As stated in a related editorial in PLOS Medicine:10  
“As early as 1990, Iain Chalmers, one of the founders of the Cochrane Collaboration, stated that, ‘Failure to publish an adequate account of a well-designed clinical trial is a form of scientific misconduct that can lead those caring for patients to make inappropriate treatment decisions.’”
Ultimately, when a researcher skews the results to fit a preconceived notion, whether it’s done for prestige or to please funders, consciously or unconsciously, it can eventually affect tens of thousands of patients. As reported by Medical News Today:11
“Adriane Fugh-Berman MD charges that basic science, not just clinical trials, is plagued by financial conflicts of interest. Fugh-Berman identifies evidence showing that industry-funded studies on animals and cell cultures can be as biased as industry-funded clinical trials, and can distort data on medical treatments.12
To remedy this dismal situation and get medical science back on the right track, Ioannidis’ team makes several suggestions, including:
  • Requiring animal studies to adhere to strict guidelines for study design and analysis
  • Pre-registering animal trials in the same manner as human trials, in order to ensure publication of results regardless whether it’s positive or negative
  • Making methodological details and raw data available in order to allow other scientists to verify the conclusions drawn
Another team of researchers in the Netherlands have drawn similar conclusions. In their essay, published in the journal PLOS Medicine,13 they too recommend study registration and data sharing to improve research quality and conduct. They also argue for the creation of a transparent system in which animal studies are routinely and systematically reviewed and replicated.

Estimates Show $1 Trillion Will Be Spent on Drugs Next Year

A staggering statistic can be found in a new report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.14 According to this report, global expenditure for prescription drugs is estimated to hit $1 trillion next year, and as high as $1.2 trillion in 2017.  The main driver of increased drug sales is increased access to medical care across the world. In the US, the Affordable Care Act will likely lead to major spending increases, considering the fact that drugs are prescribed for virtually any ailment or complaint you might see a doctor for. As reported in Time Magazine:15
“[I]n a best case scenario of nearly complete enrollment [in the Affordable Care Act], increased demand from more insured people will push up prescriptions. Given the large pool of anticipated new enrollees, however, even if signups are lackluster, Michael Kleinrock, research director for the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics says, “We are still [going to] hit $1 trillion in 2014.”

Remember, You Can Take Control of Your Health

It's important to understand that our current medical system has been masterfully orchestrated by the drug companies to create a system that gives the perception of science when really it is a heavily manipulated process designed to manipulate and deceive you into using expensive and potentially toxic drugs that benefit the drug companies more than it benefits your health.
Across the board, drugmakers do an excellent job of publicizing the findings they want you to know, while keeping studies that don’t support their product hidden from you and the rest of the world.  
Also, I’m sure by now many of you can follow the dots and draw your own conclusions with circular maps and arrows marking the many conflicts of interest that exist between this unholy alliance of so-called independent health advisors, pharmaceutical companies, processed food companies, and the regulatory agency, the FDA. Folks, it’s time take control of your health, and that includes being able to discern real health advice from shadow marketing machines and propaganda that serves no one but the very industries responsible for much of the ill health in the first place.
It's important to realize that all research is NOT published. And it should come as no surprise that drug studies funded by a pharmaceutical company that reaches a negative conclusion will rarely ever see the light of day... And with so much data missing in action, what does the claim “scientifically proven” really amount to? It certainly cannot be construed as a guarantee of safety or effectiveness.
Likewise, if an alternative treatment has not been published in a medical journal, it does not mean it is unsafe or ineffective. There's a lot to be said for the tried-and-true remedies of old, even if they've not been rigorously studied by modern researcher. I recommend using all the resources available to you, including your own sense of common sense and reason, true experts' advice and other's experiences, to determine what medical treatment or advice will be best for you in any given situation.
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Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisor's Meeting Video for December, 2013

The last meeting for 3 members of the Board of Supervisors and they go out approving yet more ordinances that look to us like very clear violations of county code.  All we can say is we are very glad these criminals are gone.  And of course, they had to pat themselves on their own backs because no one else wants to go any where near them.

County animal control officers may purchase their county-issued
service handguns in the situations set forth in, and subject to the
requirements of, Va. Code § 59.1-148.3, and all amendments thereto, with
the approval of the county administrator.

So what does state code read?

§ 59.1-148.3. Purchase of handguns of certain officers.
A. The Department of State Police, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the State Lottery Department, the Marine Resources Commission, the Capitol Police, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Department of Forestry, any sheriff, any regional jail board or authority and any local police department may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer, deputy, or regional jail officer, a local fire department may allow any full-time sworn fire marshal, the Department of Motor Vehicles may allow any law-enforcement officer, and any institution of higher learning named in § 23-14 may allow any campus police officer appointed pursuant to Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23, retiring on or after July 1, 1991, who retires (i) after at least 10 years of service, (ii) at 70 years of age or older, or (iii) as a result of a service-incurred disability or who is receiving long-term disability payments for a service-incurred disability with no expectation of returning to the employment where he incurred the disability to purchase the service handgun issued or previously issued to him by the agency or institution at a price of $1. If the previously issued weapon is no longer available, a weapon of like kind may be substituted for that weapon. This privilege shall also extend to any former Superintendent of the Department of State Police who leaves service after a minimum of five years. This privilege shall also extend to any person listed in this subsection who is eligible for retirement with at least 10 years of service who resigns on or after July 1, 1991, in good standing from one of the agencies listed in this section to accept a position covered by the Virginia Retirement System. Other weapons issued by the Department of State Police for personal duty use of an officer, may, with approval of the Superintendent, be sold to the officer subject to the qualifications of this section at a fair market price determined as in subsection B, so long as the weapon is a type and configuration that can be purchased at a regular hardware or sporting goods store by a private citizen without restrictions other than the instant background check.
B. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer who retires with 5 or more years of service, but less than 10, to purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer employed by any of the agencies listed in subsection A who is retired for disability as a result of a nonservice-incurred disability may purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Determinations of fair market value may be made by reference to a recognized pricing guide.
C. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow the immediate survivor of any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer (i) who is killed in the line of duty or (ii) who dies in service and has at least 10 years of service to purchase the service handgun issued to the officer by the agency at a price of $1.
D. The governing board of any institution of higher learning named in § 23-14 may allow any campus police officer appointed pursuant to Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23 who retires on or after July 1, 1991, to purchase the service handgun issued to him at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Determinations of fair market value may be made by reference to a recognized pricing guide.
E. Any officer who at the time of his retirement is a full-time sworn law-enforcement officer with a state agency listed in subsection A, when the agency allows purchases of service handguns, and who retires after 10 years of state service, even if a portion of his service was with another state agency, may purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency from which he retires at a price of $1.
F. The sheriff of Hanover County may allow any auxiliary or volunteer deputy sheriff with a minimum of 10 years of service, upon leaving office, to purchase for $1 the service handgun issued to him.
G. Any sheriff or local police department, in accordance with written authorization or approval from the local governing body, may allow any auxiliary law-enforcement officer with more than 10 years of service to purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price that is equivalent to or less than the weapon's fair market value on the date of purchase by the officer.
H. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer currently employed by the agency to purchase his service handgun, with the approval of the chief law-enforcement officer of the agency, at a fair market price. This subsection shall only apply when the agency has purchased new service handguns for its officers, and the handgun subject to the sale is no longer used by the agency or officer in the course of duty.

Nope, don't see Animal Control listed in the above list of who can buy a handgun.  But the county does not care and they are going to sell one to Carl Shipley for all his years of terrorizing animal owners in the county?  Twitching Ted, (I'm still not an attorney), Wilmot, the court jester, county attorney is the one who wrote this code knowing that Virginia is a Dillon Rule state.  Maybe the new board should fire both Ted and Brenda as their first line of duty come January, 2014.  We must say, Twitching Ted performed in his sorry manner giving away the fact you just can't trust this guy?  Watch him in the video.  His body language still has not improved although he has taken a bit more control over his hands when he isn't hiding them.

  Anyone find it odd that Sheriff Warren refuses to take responsibility for selling a handgun to an animal control officer?  Is it because Sheriff Warren is smart enough to know that he can't do that?  Is Brenda being put up as a patsy then for selling a handgun to a retired Animal Control officer?  The fall gal?  It would seem that the new board might just have just cause for termination of two overpaid county employees and they do not get to pass go and collect $200.00 either.  They would just get to go.  

Now here is the real kicker, Chris Hutson stated that he had issues with going with anything other than keeping within the state rules or following the Dillon Rule.  He voted against version 3 of the new county code because he feels like it's in violation of the Dillon Rule and accused Ted of making up his own laws.  Watch the video, it's right there.  All the other board members had no problem with violating state laws?  Anyone have issues with this?  Ted didn't care and neither did Brenda.  Seems they have no issues with violating state laws.  We need criminals running the county why?  Just open the jail cells, those folks could probably do a much better job than these two.  We can just imagine how many people are behind bars that should not be and we see those who should be but are not.

That's okay, we are presently working on a plan that will forever prevent the county from violating Dillon rules in the future.  If they do, it will cost them very dearly and we are working on this at the state level with the introduction of new state laws.  Here is a little preview, it falls in under state compliance audits.  Fail an audit and funding disappears and criminal charges could also be brought along with investigations into the courts depending on the nature of the violations.  That's just a small sample preview.  The state then forces the criminals out of office and may criminally charge the offenders.  Does that make you nervous Ted?  How about you Brenda?  Welcome to accountability for actions.  Coming very soon.

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If You Do Not See Merry Christmas In The Window, Just Walk On By

We were sent this video and we could not agree more.  This holiday season where everyone is scrambling for that all mighty dollar is for one reason and one reason only.  Christmas, where Christians celebrate the birth of Christ.  For anyone who has issues with this, sorry about your bad luck.

  We can destroy the holiday but at the same time we highly recommend destroying the entire retail industry as well.  Close all the retail stores and all the factories that make the stuff to go in them.  Shut down all the jobs associated with it all.  We can go back to planting and making our own goods.

  Anyone ever see Holiday trees for sale at any other holiday other than Christmas?  I want a holiday tree for the 4th of July but no one sells them.  Why is that?  I also want a holiday tree for Flag day, but again, no one sells them.  So what the heck is a holiday tree then?  Ever try to buy a Veteran's day ornament to hang on your holiday tree?  Why can't I buy holiday lights during the summer?  Let's face it, there is no separation between church and state.  That is an illusion.  Both Thanksgiving and Christmas are religious holidays and have been recognized as such for hundreds of years in this country.  There is no reason to ever bow down to a minority terrorist group that does not like our holidays.  They sure like our money.  Maybe it's time to stop giving it to them.  Defund the terrorists who keep trying to steal our rights.
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Two Virginians Named to Vineyard & Winery Management’s “20 Most Admired People in the North American Wine Industry”

English: Selection of early Ridge wine bottles.
English: Selection of early Ridge wine bottles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ Luca Paschina, Lucie Morton Recognized for Long-Time Work in Virginia and Beyond ~

RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell today issued the following statement regarding Luca Paschina, General Manager and Winemaker of Barboursville Vineyards, and Lucie Morton, a longtime viticulture consultant in Virginia, being named in Vineyard & Winery Management(V&WM) magazine’s “20 Most Admired People in the North American Wine Industry.”  The winemakers, grapegrowers, educators, media members, and other industry professionals on the list are featured in the November-December 2013 issue of V&WM, a bi-monthly trade publication based in California.

            Speaking about the recognition Governor McDonnell said, “I’m pleased to learn about this new significant milestone for Virginia’s wine industry and the personal recognition for Luca and Lucie.  To be ranked among the top 20 most admired people in the entire North American wine industry is quite an accomplishment, but both are very deserving of this honor.  It’s been a privilege to have worked with Luca and Lucie during the last four years, and I am grateful for all they have done to help elevate the Virginia wine industry both nationally and internationally.”

  A panel of North American winemakers, grapegrowers, wine writers, educators, buyers, sommeliers, and consultants was asked to nominate their industry heroes, from which a list of 50 finalists was compiled.  The panelists were then asked to vote for their top candidates.  It was from this list where the Top 20 nominees emerged. 

            In addition to Paschina and Morton, the V&WM Top 20 Most Admired People in the North American Wine Industry included the following listed in alphabetical order:
  • Eric Asimov, Chief Wine Critic, The New York Times
  • Ted Baseler, CEO, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
  • Andy Beckstoffer, Chairman/CEO, Beckstoffer Vineyards
  • Dan Berger, Wine Writer/Publisher, “Dan Berger’s Vintage Experiences”
  • Jean-Charles Boisset, President, Boisset Family Estates
  • Cathy Corison, Founder/Winemaker, Corison Winery
  • Paul Draper, CEO/Winemaker, Ridge Vineyards
  • Merry Edwards, Founder/Winemaker, Merry Edwards Winery
  • Randall Grahm, Founder, Bonny Doon Vineyard
  • Jerry Lohr, Founder, J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines
  • Larry Mawby, Proprietor/Winemaker, L. Mawby Vineyards
  • Dr. Carole Meredith, Professor Emeritus, UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology/Co-owner, Lagier Meredith Vineyard
  • Joel Peterson, Head Winemaker, Ravenswood Winery
  • Johannes Reinhardt, Winemaker, Anthony Road Wine Company and Kemmeter Wines
  • Jim Trezise, President, New York Wine & Grape Foundation
  • Carolyn Wente, CEO, Wente Vineyards
  • Dr. Jim Wolpert, Viticulture Extension Specialist Emeritus, UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology
  • Kevin Zraly, Wine Educator

  •             To read the full story, including profiles of the award winners, visit:

                The recognition by Vineyard & Winery Management comes on the heels of Wine Enthusiast magazine recently awarding Gianni Zonin, owner of Barboursville Vineyards, with its 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award.  The magazine also awarded Eric Trump, owner of Trump Estate Vineyards & Winery, with its 2013 Rising Star Award.  For more information on Wine Enthusiast’s 2013 Wine Star awards and nominees, please visit

    Virginia currently ranks fifth in the number of wineries in the nation with more than 240. Virginia is also tied with Texas as the nation's fifth largest wine grape producing states. According to a 2012 economic impact study, the Virginia wine industry employs more than 4,700 individuals and contributes almost $750 million to the Virginia economy on an annual basis. In addition, more than 1.6 million tourists, a record high, visited Virginia wineries in 2011.

                For more information about the Virginia wine industry, please visit the Virginia Wine Marketing Office’s website at or call 804-344-8200.
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Governor McDonnell Unveils New “Virginia is for Lovers” License Plate

New Plate Design Will Be Available Beginning March 2014


RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell unveiled today the new “Virginia is for Lovers” license plate, which will become the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) standard-issue plate beginning in March 2014.  Governor McDonnell showcased the new plate for the first time during his remarks today at the Governor’s Transportation Conference, themed “Road to the Future,” at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. The new plate design will replace the plain blue and white plates which have been the standard for the past couple of decades. 
Speaking about the announcement, Governor McDonnell remarked, “In 2007, we honored on Virginia plates the anniversary of the founding of America at Jamestown. Soon, we will utilize Virginia’s timeless slogan to help promote our great Commonwealth. Every time a Virginia-registered car sporting one of these tags travels outside of the state, people around the nation will be reminded that Virginia is a tremendous destination for businesses and tourists.”

            Governor McDonnell commended the Virginia Tourism Corporation and DMV for their collaboration to make this new plate a reality. The license plate will also feature the Web site, the Commonwealth’s official travel and tourism Web site, which has been recognized as the best tourism website in the country. More than 80% of travelers use Internet websites to find, plan, and book their travel. These license plates will drive travelers to, where consumers can find and book their next Virginia vacation.

About “Virginia is for Lovers”

The “Virginia is for Lovers” slogan will celebrate its 45th birthday in 2014.  The phrase came from a creative team headed by a Richmond advertising agency, now known as the Martin Agency, which won the Virginia State Travel Service account in 1968. The first ad mentioning the new slogan ran in the March 1969 issue of “Modern Bride.”

By popular vote, “Virginia is for Lovers” was inducted into the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame on September 21, 2009. The slogan was included in the Advertising Icon Museum alongside fellow 2009 inductees, the AOL Running Man, the Budweiser Clydesdales, and State Farm's “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There.”  This recognition came on the heels of tapping “Virginia is for Lovers” as one of the top ten tourism marketing campaigns of all time.

No one knows exactly why “Virginia is for Lovers” has been so durable, but part of the mystique of the slogan is that it has meant many things to different people. Today, a new generation is discovering love for Virginia’s mountains, beaches, history, theme parks, vibrant cities, outdoor activities, sports and hospitality.

And now, Virginia’s love story will hit the roads in March 2014.
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