Showing posts with label Criminals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criminals. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Outrageous Court Order by Judge Sward of Portsmouth Virginia

What happens when you are acting pro se (your own defense) in a court in Virginia and you dare to question jurisdiction?  You get ordered to undergo a competency hearing.  Outrageous.  Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!  In a Gloucester Virginia court case that in my own opinion is 100% predicated on fraud at every level this is just one more area where the courts are going beyond ridiculous.  It is my own opinion that the reason the courts are doing this is because of all the fraud involved in this case and the fact that they want to make sure that they do not get sued for all of their criminal activity.  Again, my opinion.  So where is the proof?  Let's take a look.

Challenge Jurisdiction? See What Happens Next from Chuck Thompson

What I need to point out in the above legal document in the above container is that at no time did the defendant ever communicate with the Commonwealth attorney's office that the defendant suffered PTSD.  That information is incorrect.  Also Commonwealth Assistant Attorney from Virginia Beach, Virginia states that defendant filed frivolous motions.  I have read those motions and did not find anything frivolous in them.  But I am not a BAR attorney.  Nor would I ever dream of wasting my time in becoming one.

  Here is what they do not want you to know however the defendant challenged jurisdiction.  All the courts throughout the US either have already or are presently having their jurisdiction challenged at every level by the National Liberty Alliance.  Please visit the link to see for yourself.  I would also recommend everyone join who is not an attorney or Judge to stop the criminal courts.  (Again, my opinion).  The NLA will not accept anyone who is a Judge or attorney into membership because they are part of the problem.

  If a revolution does occur in this country again, I believe it will be brought about by either the actions/inaction's of the courts in this country.  Not because of politics.  What I have been witnessing over the past few months is nothing short of showing me that the real criminals in this country are running the court systems and they do not dispense justice.  But let's look at some more facts.


Judge Sward's Outrageous Court Order, Portsmouth, VA Judge from Chuck Thompson

This order was created by Judge Sward of Portsmouth, Virginia and is not factual in my opinion as I was a witness to these proceedings and all the events that have occurred throughout the start of these actions.  I know every facet of the case as I have read every document and have done research in multiple areas in order to assist both the defendant and her husband has also been working on research to assist with her case.  We all have spent a vast amount of hours speaking on this subject and digging through everything we can find.

  Judge Sward stated that he did not see PTSD as an issue in the defendants case as any form of possible issue for her competency.  He denied her motions for dismissal but stated that defendant had some very valid points in those motions.  Witnesses to this case on this day can all testify that the defendant did not show a lack of competency for the defendant to continue to move forward.

    What is even worse is that Judge Sward heard no evidence other than from the prosecuting attorney, Wendy Alexander from Virginia Beach, that defendant filed frivolous motions that she later stated she refused to answer but that the motions contained valid points in regards to competency of the defendant.

  Wait, did anyone read that correctly?  Wendy Alexander stated she refused to answer the defendants motions as they were frivolous yet still stated that the motions had valid points.  Can anyone say corruption?  Judge Sward ignored these little facts.  The defendant had moved the court to have special prosecutor recused for a number of reasons that I consider very valid.  For one, in a previous hearing, Wendy Alexander pretty well called the defendant insane.  The defendant brought this up before judge Sward but he decided to give his interpretation on what Wendy Alexander meant by her statements without having been the judge in the hearing where Wendy Alexander made that specific statement.

  Now these actions are supposed to be in Circuit Court, but the court where Wendy Alexander made this statement was in a General District Court in front of Judge Shaw who had not yet been inaugurated into his position as a Circuit Court judge and there was not court reporter in the room and the defendant as well as several witnesses including myself were moved out of the actual Circuit Court courtroom where an actual court reporter was.  We were the only ones moved to the General District Court courtroom.  This was put together by Wendy Alexander with the aid of Holly Smith Gloucester, Virginia Commonwealth attorney.

  Now in my own view that was criminal intent with intent to commit fraud.  Wendy on January 27th, 2015 did not want a court reporter in the court.  Here is what happened in that courtroom before Judge Shaw that day.  First Wendy pretty well called the defendant insane and was arguing to put the defendant under evaluation then.  She then argued that she wanted to try the case right there on the spot.  Wait.  Who is the real insane person here?  Wendy first argued that the defendant was not competent to stand trial or defend herself and then Wendy wants to start a trial right on the spot.  Judge Shaw stopped her on the spot in that area.

  Now lets have some real fun.  The next action in this case is it moves to jury trial.  The defendant has never been identified by any of the judges in any of the 4 previous hearings, the defendant has never given a plea at anytime, the defendant has always contended that the court lacks jurisdiction and the courts continue to move forward anyway.  Wait, who are the criminals here?  The defendant has been accused of statutory violations that are so vague that even the supreme court has ruled that to be the case.  Plus, the courts have even stated that the statutes are not even violations under common law which Virginia Code, 1-200 states that all codes must be interpreted to the meaning of common law.  Plus this comes from West's annotated Virginia Code on the above so called statutory violations.  (Part of the research I helped with.)

  Even more hilarious but very sad and maddening is what Judge Sward also said during this hearing.  These motions have obviously been put together by someone with legal knowledge and skill but lacking a legal education.  I take that to mean that the defendant did not go to law school and is not a member of the BAR so that is an automatic disqualification and reason for a mental evaluation.  Again:  who are the criminals here?

  Oh, and have I mentioned that the Commonwealth has been withholding evidence from the defendant and stated in court that they would continue to withhold evidence from the defendant?  Not only that, but Judge Sward was asked about evidence provided to the court and if he saw the evidence.  He confessed he knew nothing about the evidence that was brought up in question and the two court clerks in the room looked at each other very surprised.  Why?  Was it because it was withheld from judge Sward?  He immediately ended the hearing after he admitted to not seeing the evidence or knowing anything about it.  I have to keep asking who the real criminals are here.

  Now Judge Sward came across as a nice guy, but he danced around the defendants questions and it was very clear to everyone who was there witnessing the hearing, that Judge Sward had no intention of allowing a fair hearing.  He even threatened the defendant with a revoking her bond and throwing her in jail if she did not consent to the psychiatric evaluation and that he would force compliance anyway.

  Let's also look at some other oddities of this particular hearing.  It was done as a stand alone hearing on a Thursday when all other Circuit Court business was conducted on Tuesday.  It was held in the basement in a hearing room.  No docket was posted and when we all asked for a copy of the docket in the Circuit Court clerks office, we were told that there was no Circuit Court cases being heard that day and there was no docket.  Others who were going to join us as witnesses were not able to find us in the hearing room as they were also told the same thing, there are no cases today.  We did get a copy of the days docket.  It states Circuit Court hearing to hear motions.  There was no court reporter at the front of the room.  No court reporter was sworn in after Judge Sward came into the room.  I believe I did recognize a court reporter in the back of the room who was only there witnessing the proceedings, and not taking any notes, so that the element could be covered.  But the element was not properly executed as required to be a court of record.  So that means this was once again a District Court proceeding done under the guise of a Circuit Court hearing and it was not public.

  Again, who are the criminals?   Oh this continues to get a lot more interesting but we are going to save that for other posts.       

Friday, February 7, 2014

Gerald Celente - The People's Voice - February 4, 2014

Old version of monthly People's Voice
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The latest updates from Gerald Celente.  Up in arms as usual and rightfully so.  He is rough and raw and has great reasons to be.  He calls the politicians of this country nothing more than criminals and killers and no better than the gangs of this nation.  Can you argue against this guy?  News you do not find in most places.
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Friday, December 6, 2013

Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisor's Meeting Video for December, 2013

The last meeting for 3 members of the Board of Supervisors and they go out approving yet more ordinances that look to us like very clear violations of county code.  All we can say is we are very glad these criminals are gone.  And of course, they had to pat themselves on their own backs because no one else wants to go any where near them.

County animal control officers may purchase their county-issued
service handguns in the situations set forth in, and subject to the
requirements of, Va. Code § 59.1-148.3, and all amendments thereto, with
the approval of the county administrator.

So what does state code read?

§ 59.1-148.3. Purchase of handguns of certain officers.
A. The Department of State Police, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the State Lottery Department, the Marine Resources Commission, the Capitol Police, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Department of Forestry, any sheriff, any regional jail board or authority and any local police department may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer, deputy, or regional jail officer, a local fire department may allow any full-time sworn fire marshal, the Department of Motor Vehicles may allow any law-enforcement officer, and any institution of higher learning named in § 23-14 may allow any campus police officer appointed pursuant to Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23, retiring on or after July 1, 1991, who retires (i) after at least 10 years of service, (ii) at 70 years of age or older, or (iii) as a result of a service-incurred disability or who is receiving long-term disability payments for a service-incurred disability with no expectation of returning to the employment where he incurred the disability to purchase the service handgun issued or previously issued to him by the agency or institution at a price of $1. If the previously issued weapon is no longer available, a weapon of like kind may be substituted for that weapon. This privilege shall also extend to any former Superintendent of the Department of State Police who leaves service after a minimum of five years. This privilege shall also extend to any person listed in this subsection who is eligible for retirement with at least 10 years of service who resigns on or after July 1, 1991, in good standing from one of the agencies listed in this section to accept a position covered by the Virginia Retirement System. Other weapons issued by the Department of State Police for personal duty use of an officer, may, with approval of the Superintendent, be sold to the officer subject to the qualifications of this section at a fair market price determined as in subsection B, so long as the weapon is a type and configuration that can be purchased at a regular hardware or sporting goods store by a private citizen without restrictions other than the instant background check.
B. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer who retires with 5 or more years of service, but less than 10, to purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer employed by any of the agencies listed in subsection A who is retired for disability as a result of a nonservice-incurred disability may purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Determinations of fair market value may be made by reference to a recognized pricing guide.
C. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow the immediate survivor of any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer (i) who is killed in the line of duty or (ii) who dies in service and has at least 10 years of service to purchase the service handgun issued to the officer by the agency at a price of $1.
D. The governing board of any institution of higher learning named in § 23-14 may allow any campus police officer appointed pursuant to Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23 who retires on or after July 1, 1991, to purchase the service handgun issued to him at a price equivalent to the weapon's fair market value on the date of the officer's retirement. Determinations of fair market value may be made by reference to a recognized pricing guide.
E. Any officer who at the time of his retirement is a full-time sworn law-enforcement officer with a state agency listed in subsection A, when the agency allows purchases of service handguns, and who retires after 10 years of state service, even if a portion of his service was with another state agency, may purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency from which he retires at a price of $1.
F. The sheriff of Hanover County may allow any auxiliary or volunteer deputy sheriff with a minimum of 10 years of service, upon leaving office, to purchase for $1 the service handgun issued to him.
G. Any sheriff or local police department, in accordance with written authorization or approval from the local governing body, may allow any auxiliary law-enforcement officer with more than 10 years of service to purchase the service handgun issued to him by the agency at a price that is equivalent to or less than the weapon's fair market value on the date of purchase by the officer.
H. The agencies listed in subsection A may allow any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer currently employed by the agency to purchase his service handgun, with the approval of the chief law-enforcement officer of the agency, at a fair market price. This subsection shall only apply when the agency has purchased new service handguns for its officers, and the handgun subject to the sale is no longer used by the agency or officer in the course of duty.

Nope, don't see Animal Control listed in the above list of who can buy a handgun.  But the county does not care and they are going to sell one to Carl Shipley for all his years of terrorizing animal owners in the county?  Twitching Ted, (I'm still not an attorney), Wilmot, the court jester, county attorney is the one who wrote this code knowing that Virginia is a Dillon Rule state.  Maybe the new board should fire both Ted and Brenda as their first line of duty come January, 2014.  We must say, Twitching Ted performed in his sorry manner giving away the fact you just can't trust this guy?  Watch him in the video.  His body language still has not improved although he has taken a bit more control over his hands when he isn't hiding them.

  Anyone find it odd that Sheriff Warren refuses to take responsibility for selling a handgun to an animal control officer?  Is it because Sheriff Warren is smart enough to know that he can't do that?  Is Brenda being put up as a patsy then for selling a handgun to a retired Animal Control officer?  The fall gal?  It would seem that the new board might just have just cause for termination of two overpaid county employees and they do not get to pass go and collect $200.00 either.  They would just get to go.  

Now here is the real kicker, Chris Hutson stated that he had issues with going with anything other than keeping within the state rules or following the Dillon Rule.  He voted against version 3 of the new county code because he feels like it's in violation of the Dillon Rule and accused Ted of making up his own laws.  Watch the video, it's right there.  All the other board members had no problem with violating state laws?  Anyone have issues with this?  Ted didn't care and neither did Brenda.  Seems they have no issues with violating state laws.  We need criminals running the county why?  Just open the jail cells, those folks could probably do a much better job than these two.  We can just imagine how many people are behind bars that should not be and we see those who should be but are not.

That's okay, we are presently working on a plan that will forever prevent the county from violating Dillon rules in the future.  If they do, it will cost them very dearly and we are working on this at the state level with the introduction of new state laws.  Here is a little preview, it falls in under state compliance audits.  Fail an audit and funding disappears and criminal charges could also be brought along with investigations into the courts depending on the nature of the violations.  That's just a small sample preview.  The state then forces the criminals out of office and may criminally charge the offenders.  Does that make you nervous Ted?  How about you Brenda?  Welcome to accountability for actions.  Coming very soon.

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Gloucester Government Employee Corruption Report

7:45 AM Monday morning, September, 30th, 2013, Van number 226, Gloucester County Government vehicle, pulls into 7-Eleven in the courthouse area along route 17.  One man gets out and goes into the store.  Then what?

He goes across the way and over to McDonald's.  Here you see him driving around the building checking out his surroundings to make sure he isn't being watched.

Here is the guy driving that van.  He just finished placing his order at the drive up window at McDonald's.  Sorry the picture is fuzzy but anyone recognizer this guy?  It does not matter, all anyone has to do is look up who had van number 226 today.

License plate 117-607L.  So this guy starts his little adventure at 7-Eleven and then goes to McDonald's, all on your money.  If anyone doubt's the location, we have plenty more pictures of this vehicle at these two locations.  We only seethe need to post so many though.


Vehicle number 23, Public Utilities.  Came out of WaWa at 9:05 AM.  We caught them as they were coming out.  This shot is after the fact going down 17 south.  They were not buying gas.  The county has it's own gas pumps for government vehicles.  More government employees playing around on your tax money using officials vehicles for personal use.

As we continue to say and continue to show.  Gloucester, Virginia officials are incapable of following any rules and think that rules only apply to others and not them.  How many months have we been showing this and the county does nothing about it?  Oath of office means nothing.  Laws mean nothing.  Rules mean nothing, except when it works in their favor.  These people have to be so proud of themselves these days.
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Friday, September 20, 2013

Criminals with no regard for the law

English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...
English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

“For the Common Good. “

The Virginia Constitution was written for us to limit the government intrusion into our lives.  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia?

Why is it that the County Jester who serves as the Board of Supervisors Public Affairs Officer, Court Jester, and County Attorney in his spare time, can send a reply to Mr. Thompson within hours when Mr Thompson presented one of the county codes as in violation of the Dillon Rule and he has not replied in over two weeks when Mr Thompson shows the County is in violation of one of the codes?  He must be real busy Jestering!  The violation of the animal control code Mr Thompson pointed out to the county would have any of us in court if we violated this code.  See his story for details.  However, the county is giving itself a by “Criminals with no regard for the law” and the rule of law.  If we had an educational system in Gloucester I bet the Middle School civics class could do a better job running the county. They know not to break the rules and laws and would not let county employees run personal errands on county time in county vehicles. Maybe before the new swamp school sinks into the Muck they can teach classes of value?  I heard you can make a bet in Los Vegas that the length of time we will pay for the bond will outlast the swamp school.

Based on the actions of this Board it appears they have total contempt for the Virginia Constitution, Virginia Code, and the US Constitution. We need to ensure anyone we elect to the Board is willing to follow the oath of office and believes in constitutional law. This is the same type of behavior we can expect if we reelect anyone that was a former Board member or previously on the school board.

I look forward to Mr Thompson’s next county code violation since the board is not willing or able to fix the illegal code  it is nice to see someone show the kind of oath breakers we have representing us on the board.  Bring back the rule of legal laws and make this "The Land of the Life Worth Living" for everyone in the county.

I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  Our founding fathers used common sense and Christian scripture when establishing our founding documents. 

“For the Common Good. “

Alexander James Jay

P.S.  "The good Education of Youth has been esteemed by wise Men in all Ages, as the surest Foundation of the Happiness both of private Families and of Common-wealths. Almost all Governments have therefore made it a principal Object of their Attention, to establish and endow with proper Revenues, such Seminaries of Learning, as might supply the succeeding Age with Men qualified to serve the Publick with Honour to themselves, and to their Country."--Benjamin Franklin, Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, 1749

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Attacks on Health Reporters and Their Readers Are Escalating

English: Cover of the book Take Control of You...
Take Control of Your Health by dr. Mercola. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies. Attacks against health web sites like yours truly and others, and our readers—yes, that would be you—are rapidly escalating.

Thinly veiled threats are issued not just by industry spokespersons (many of whom hide their industry ties from their readers), but also international organizations like UNICEF. It’s become very evident, very quickly, that now more than ever, we need your support to counter the increasingly dirty tactics of these industry players.
Simply by reporting the scientific evidence—which is published in peer-reviewed journals, mind you—I’ve been labeled as a top “anti-vaccine influencer” for my pro-safety stance on vaccines, and a “media supporter of domestic eco-terrorists” for my reporting on the hazards of Roundup and genetically engineered foods.

Why Is UNICEF Accusing Health Journalists of Lying?

A recently published report1 by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reveals that the organization is tracking "the rise of online pro-vaccine safety sentiments in Central and Eastern Europe,” and has identified the most influential pro-vaccine safety influencers” on the web.
UNICEF included me on the list, along with other independent health websites like, and, just to name a few. In their opening reference, they use a quote by Mark Twain that reads:
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
Clearly, UNICEF is inferring that I and other vaccine-safety advocates are lying about the situation and therefore should be ignored. This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious.
Here we have an international organization supposedly dedicated to children’s health and well being, and instead of addressing the ample scientific evidence showing the potential harm of vaccines, they’re entering into ever-deepening partnerships with vaccine company giants like Merck2 and GlaxoSmithKline3(GSK).
They spend precious time and resources on public relations schemes to convince you to ignore any science that raises questions about the wisdom of “carpet-bombing” infants’ and young children’s immune systems with potentially harmful vaccines.

UNICEF’s Bedfellows

This is especially disturbing because Merck has been involved in numerous criminal scandals and class-action lawsuits in recent years, including fraudulently marketing its deadly drug Vioxx; lying about the true efficacy of its mumps vaccine.
Additionally, they engaged in scientific fraud (a charge brought by its own scientists); and hiding critical side effects associated with its osteoporosis drugFosamax, just to name a few of the most publicized.
Even more shocking, in 2009, it was revealed that Merck actually had a hit list of doctors to be "neutralized" or discredited for voicing critical opinions about the pain killer Vioxx—a drug that indeed ended up killing more than 60,000 people before it was pulled from the market.
Two years later, in 2011, the company ended up pleading guilty to a criminal charge over the fraudulent marketing and sales of this deadly drug.4 But sure, let’s listen to UNICEF and trust the guys who go so far as to threaten the lives of those who question the safety of a very factually dangerous drug. Then there’s GSK, whose leadership among corporate criminals is illustrious indeed.
Not only was GSK found guilty in the largest health fraud settlement in US history just last year, for which they were fined $3 billion. A couple of months ago, Chinese authorities accused the company of bribery and illegal marketing schemes. Chinese police claim to possess evidence showing that bribery has been a "core part" of GSK China's business model since 2007.
Doctors and government officials are said to have received perks such as travel, cash, and sexual favors that when combined, amounted to nearly $5 billion, according to some reports. The company allegedly used travel agencies as middlemen to carry out these illegal acts. Four Chinese GSK executives have so far been detained on charges of cash and sexual bribery.
GSK also spent more than 10 years covering up information that proved they knew about the serious health dangers of their blockbuster diabetes drug Avandia, as it would adversely affect sales. While carousing with the true liars and criminals, UNICEF deems it fitting to paint me and other health journalists as the liars; the ones leading you astray.
Little does UNICEF realize that by publicizing a list of monitored “vaccine influencers”—the health reporters who stick pegs in the wheels of their crafty PR schemes by publishing all those studies the vaccine industry would rather see buried—they’ve basically given you a Who’s Who of real vaccine information.
Maybe we should thank them rather than rail against their poor judgment? As stated by Sayer Ji5 of, who was also targeted in the report:
“[W]hile the document purports to be analytical and descriptive, it has proscriptive and defamatory undertones, and only thinly conceals an agenda to discredit opposing views and voices. UNICEF's derogatory stance.
This is all the more surprising considering that websites such as aggregate, disseminate and provide open access to peer-reviewed research on vaccine adverse effects and safety concerns extracted directly from the US National Library of Medicine, much of which comes from high-impact journals.”

GMO-Labeling Supporters Now Accused of Supporting Eco-Terrorism. What’s Next?

Another recent article, published in Forbes Magazine,6 really ups the ante of the attack on health journalists and their readers with the headline: “ Domestic Eco-Terrorism Has Deep Pockets. And Many Enablers.” The article, written by Jay Byme and Henry I.Miller, reads in part:
“In recent years, [eco]terrorists have attempted to gain sympathy and “justification” for their actions by means of disinformation campaigns that relentlessly smear the safety and utility of genetic engineering applied to agriculture... “Frankenfood” headlines may sell newspapers and organic food, but this kind of “black marketing” — enhancing the perceived value of your products by disparaging those of your competitors – can also encourage serious criminal acts.
...There exists in this country a vast, well-established, highly professional, protest industry fueled by special interest groups seeking to line their own pockets... Anti-genetic engineering campaigns are openly funded and promoted by mainstream organic food marketers like Gary Hirshberg, the chairman of Stonyfield Organic, and alternative health and food-supplement hucksters Joe Mercola and Mike Adams — all cynical fear-profiteers who benefit from increased consumer mistrust in their competitors’ products... The ultimate objective, of course, is to sell more overpriced, overrated organic food...
One result of the widely disseminated disinformation effort is an environment that provides encouragement to extremists who commit criminal acts. It comes from the Facebook and Twitter followers of the genetic engineering conspiracy theorists, organic marketers and “right to know” labeling activists... Against the backdrop of this fear-mongering, hate-speech and support for acts of terror toward legal, highly regulated, safe and societally valuable R&D, we should condemn not only the perpetrators themselves but also their corporate and media enablers.”

Why Am I on Biotech’s Hit List?

Alright, now that we’ve been  labeled as “enablers of domestic eco-terrorism” as well—again by simply reporting on research that is published in peer-reviewed journals and interviewing educated researchers and professionals in the field—let’s take a look at who’s behind the  name calling.  The first author of this hit-piece is Jay Byrne, whose author’s bio identifies him as president of v-Fluence Interactive Public Relations, Inc.  Why does Mr. Byrne fail to mention in his bio that he was a former Monsanto executive?
Jay Byrne actually headed up corporate communications for Monsanto Company from 1997 to 2001. And this piece is nothing if not a corporate communication; clearly, there are persistent ties there. How nice for Monsanto to be able to call up their old communications director and have him pen a totally impartial article warning you of your eco-terrorism ties and contributions, should you decide to support a GMO labeling campaign. Back in 2001, Jay Byrne also made the following statement, which is more than a little telling:
“Imagine the internet as a weapon, sitting on a table. Either you use it or your opponent does, but somebody’s going to get killed.”
Byrne’s company v-Fluence Interactive Public Relations7 is also a thinly veiled arm of big Biotech. According to Byrne,“traditionally produced foods and agricultural practices are under attack... Leveraging such issues as pesticides, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, Mad Cow disease, CAFOs and trade concerns linked to risk factors (human health, environmental risks and consumer choices/controls).” If that’s not a statement taken right out of Big Biotech’s playbook, I don’t know what is. He’s certainly not speaking with any concern for your health and wellbeing.
Perhaps Jay would like to address the recent contamination of alfalfa and wheat exports. While it was just recently approved for commercial use, it was already found in contaminated and rejected exports sending yet another shock to countries who require labeling or reject genetically engineered crops. Monsanto is single-handedly destroying farmer's export markets by genetically polluting and contaminating our entire agriculture.
The following slide is from his 2013 conference presentation8 on Food and Agricultural Advocacy, which carries the following description (you can view the slideshow in its entirety here):
“These five stakeholders represent a core group of commercial players who act in advocacy roles seeking to influence public attitudes, commercial and governmental policies negatively impacting agriculture and food biotechnology. These influencers directly or via their organizations have been principal drivers via direct activities, funding or complementary marketing behind North American antiGMO advocacy campaigns in 2011.
While the scope of this report focused on NGOs it is important to note that absent commercial partners – specifically those in the organic, natural products and alternative health sectors – who provide funding and other leverage for antiGMO advocacy there would be little effective or sustained advocacy in this space.”

Remember Henry Miller?

Coincidentally, if the name Henry I. Miller—the second author of that hit piece—rings a bell, it could be because you paid attention during last year’s campaign to get genetically engineered foods labeled in California. He was front and center of the “No on Prop 37” campaign, posing as a Stanford professor in TV commercials and flyers, telling California voters that the ballot measure was “arbitrary,” “completely illogical,” and “ill conceived.”
In reality, he’s not a Stanford professor; he’s a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank that happens to be housed on the Stanford campus. Furthermore, Stanford has a policy to not take positions on candidates or ballot measures, and does not allow political filming on campus. The campaign’s TV ad was eventually pulled due to the misrepresentation of Miller.9 He also has a long history10 of defending toxic chemicals such as DDT, in addition to working for Big Tobacco.
If you care about your right to know what’s in your food, your right to choose organic, and your right to learn how your food is being produced, I suggest you etch the names Jay Byrne and Henry Miller into your memory, so you know exactly who is speaking when you come across their industry PR pieces, because nowhere do either of these men fess up their close ties to the industries they defend.

The Science Media Centre—the Dark Side’s PR Center

Another not-so-independent source of information is anything generated by the Science Media Centre (SMC).11 Headquartered in the UK, there is also a US-based outlet.12 The SMC13 claims to be “an independent press office helping to ensure that the public have access to the best scientific evidence and expertise through the news media when science hits the headlines.” Yet their list of funding sources reads like a a Who’s Who of big biotech14 -- multibillion dollar giants like:
BASFBayerCropLife (pesticide and biotech trade group)Abbott Laboratories
MonsantoNovartisSyngentaAstra Zeneca
Coca-ColaBiochemical SocietyChemical Industries AssociationGlaxoSmithKline

The organization lays claim to being objective and non-biased because they don’t receive more than five percent or so of their funding from any one company, organization or individual. But how non-biased can you possibly be when so much of the funding comes from different companies and front groups within the same industries? Their highly conflicted panel of “experts” represent the funding industries and are NOT providing the media with objective academic feedback. Why would any company pay to have some independent, objective expert speak out against them? In short, the SMC has one agenda, and that is to deceive you with corporate propaganda.
For example, they provide handy tips to their “independent” experts in a document15 called “Communicating Risks in a Soundbite: A Guide for Scientists.” It explains how to respond to media questions by downplaying problems. For example, if a reporter asks, “Is it risky?” the scientist should get the journalist to instead ask about the benefits by replying, “the benefits outweigh the risks.” Another suggested answer: “It is a very small risk. So small that I believe it is safe.”
Not exactly players with an objective view of science.
This might explain why the Science Media Centre pounced16 on the French study showing organ damage and massive cancer tumors in rats fed GE corn. This was the first lifetime feeding study that has ever been conducted with GE food, so it was sure to be a major embarrassment to Big Biotech. The very same day the French report was published came a press release17 from the Science Media Centre claiming “anomalies throughout the paper” despite the authors having been through the usual peer review process.
In short, you can bet if there’s a harmful substance out there that makes money, there are at least one or more front groups, posing as independent non-profit organizations, disseminating anything but independent safety reviews and information pertaining to it. It’s high time to pull back the curtain and see who’s really pulling the strings and levers.
I hope you will support not only this web site by reading and sharing what you learn here with others, but also any number of other health journalists reporting the results of research that Big Business would rather you didn’t know. It’s quite clear that many of us have targets on our proverbial backs, and the attacks are quickly escalating. Now is the time to stand together, form a united front, and show them that we simply will not be cowed by their thinly-veiled threats.

Why Does Monsanto Hate Americans?

Interestingly ,Monsanto seems to be fine with supporting GMO labeling when there’s no other choice. Here’s a Monsanto ad from the UK, letting British consumers know how much the company supports the mandatory labeling of their goods—even urging Britons to seek such labels out—ostensibly because Monsanto believes “you should be aware of all the facts before making a decision.” What’s the difference between British shoppers and American shoppers? Why does Monsanto support one nation’s right to know but not another?

Here is a picture of starving children.  Note the bellies are fat, yet the rest of their bodies are skin and bone.

Now look at any American these days.  Bellies are fat while the rest of the body is out of proportion.  Our food supply is horrible despite the amount we have.  More people go to bed starving in the US than probably any other country per capita,  yet your belly is full.  You are starving for nutrition.  What the American diet lacks.  Because of this, you end up sick and have all kinds of medical complications.  The doctors won't pinpoint the real underlying issues, they will just treat the symptoms.  It's a rigged system and it's rigged against you.  But it's all your fault anyway is what they tell you.  

  One book we read, the best hospital administrators can tell what kind of doctors to staff and how to maximize the hospital for maximum income based on a simple trip to the local grocery stores and looking at the fast food restaurants in any given area.  Heart specialists, cancer specialists, diabetes specialists......
Drug stores know exactly what to stock based on food trends for those fast so called remedies.  

   Another scary story.  Doctors went on strike in one US city for two weeks effectively shutting down the healthcare in the area.  The death toll actually went down substantially during that two week period.  (WOW).   

  From yet another book, a professor at a college wanted to show his students the superiority of food based vitamin C as opposed to synthetic vitamin C.  He went to the local supermarket and bought a bunch of oranges for his classes.  At the end of the day he was horrified.  The oranges had no vitamin C content.  He went to the supermarket to find out what was going on.  It turns out that the oranges in question came in from South Africa and were picked green 3 years before making it into the store.  They were warehoused for over 2 years before being shipped.  When they made it to the US, they were recolored orange with food dyes and sold as fresh.

  Keep in mind that the health care industry is just that, an industry and as an industry it's main function is to make money and do so any way it can.  It's not about ethics, it's about dollars.  Besides, if you are not properly nourished, you are not thinking to your maximum potential and you do not have the energy to fight what is going on.  How can they lose that battle?

  Is it fact or science fiction?  You have to wonder.
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