Monday, March 10, 2014

Beware The Agenda 21 Protesters

Saturday, March 8th, 2014 at the Lighthouse Worship Center, having started at 2:00PM and running straight to 5:00 PM was a special program open to the public and covering issues that are often referred to as Agenda 21. Agenda 21 purports to affect every American's life on a multitude of levels from wetland mitigation, climate change, public schooling, community planning, housing, personal property, health care and much more.

It was estimated that somewhere in the neighborhood of just over 300 people showed up for this event with several people having traveled several hours to do so. Most of the people who attended were what are often referred to as conservative in nature. Not right wing even though some may take that credit, we understand what the meaning of right wing means today and what it used to mean. There is a substantial difference between the past meaning and the present.

(Conservative:  Meaning;  1 disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restoretraditional ones, and to limit change.
cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservativesuit.

People who care about their community and the future that we all seem to be heading towards. People who are trying to do what they feel is right and what is best for everyone and not just themselves. It is very important that these distinctions be pointed out and made very clear. Because our next concern is the content of the meeting that we are about to address and it is going to offend the people who attended this meeting. It's what we like to call;

Bait And Switch:

Two main speakers gave their views during the vast majority of the 3 hours allotted for the meeting. Most of what they communicated, we would have to say, we agreed with the majority of it. Climate change is nothing more than a religion and has no real science behind it in the views of many. Agenda 21 is a culmination of a multitude of concepts and planning that is very quickly stripping away the rights of all American's. Again, we do not disagree.

But now here is where we highly disagree with what took place at this meeting. The tools, books, DVD's newsletters, pamphlets, and more were all designed to make anyone who tries to use these tools look like complete idiots. They are some of the least professional, highly disturbing pieces of crap put together and the folks at this meeting were told that to expect to be told that these tools would not work but what the folks who are using them need to do is go in groups and demand to know why politicians would not sign them and demand that they be signed anyway. I looked at a bunch of these forms myself and I would never sign them as they; ARE NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!!

These two speakers, in our opinion, were very slick Washington, DC con men leading good people down a very dangerous and narrow path. These jokers tell a great story, and they have a very conservative pitch which is what makes them so appealing to a certain class of people, but it does not appear that the people are really looking at the end game of these jokers.

One of the tools that was given to the people at this meeting is called a “Resolution To Protect Citizen's Property Rights”, which must be read very very carefully. What it boils down to is the full shut down of planning by anyone in the county if anyone in any county could ever get this insane document signed by their county officials. If county officials did ever sign and agree to this, then the state would have to come in and take over the planning and the state is not going to sign any document like this nor give any bearing to one signed by county officials. It's dead from the very start because no county official would ever sign it. Besides, it would also be thrown out of court should it ever make it that far. No judge would ever uphold the document in our view.

What those who attended the meeting were told is to expect that county officials would not sign it, but not to accept that issue and keep fighting it anyway, not being told the real nature of why no county official would ever sign. That makes the group of folks trying to push something like this through look like a bunch of nuts. Well, if they did not read the document and understand how nuts the document is, then they are a bunch of nuts. AHHA! We start to see how these jokers work and how it very much appears they are working against the folks they profess to be trying to help.

Next on our list of nutty goof ball ideas spreading around the meeting came from the Virginia Christian Alliance. We do mean nutty goof ball ideas. Here is what this one is about.

Petition For Impeachment of Attorney General
Mark Herring:

First, the document is under a 2013 copyright by the Virginia Christian Alliance, strike one. We are going to make a copy of this that will be watermarked for news use only, therefore allowing us to make a copy to show everyone the document. This petition only states that the folks who signed the petitions want Mark Herring impeached. The reason? Good question. It isn't very clear. It's a bunch of mumbo jumbo concepts and no real reason actually stated. Only opinions are given as to why Mark Herring should be impeached. Yeah, I would worry about a petition like that. No, not really. It has no chance of happening. It only sounds good to those upset by the Gay Marriage ban being lifted.

No law is cited that Mark broke and no law is cited that Mark has failed to uphold. No chance of the petition having any chance of doing anything. It's a farce and a waste of time with the exception of seeing who the dissidents are who were willing to sign such a petition. For that part, it's rather valuable.

Now there is also the free copy of the magazine they were giving away, not worth the price of free. Again, it has a very conservative style writing to it on the surface. When you actually dig down and look at what they are writing about and how they are choosing their articles, it's not so conservative. It's more conservative socialism or conservative fascism or conservative communism. It is not conservative capitalism however. The magazine is titled, “New American”, which says it all.

We prefer the old style American ways of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Not the fascist conservative right wing. Again, there lies more issues, the people at this meeting were not what anyone would call fascists or socialists or communists by any means. They were old fashioned and were brought up and taught a much different America than what is presently taught. When polled, I do not recall seeing anyone raise their hands when it was asked if there was anyone in the audience under the age of 40. Everyone in the audience was 40 plus years and older. A different form of education at a very different level.

The Fight:

What people were told where they must take a stand and narrow their focus is on property rights. We have to ask, what good are property rights if all other rights are taken away? The right to privacy, the right to a fair trial, the right to keep and bear arms and on and on...... Eventually your property rights can be taken away once all your other rights are taken away from you.

You can protect your property rights by protecting all of your rights and demanding that local, state and national governmental bodies adhere to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, or the State Constitution and the state Bill of Rights, if your state happens to have those. You watch everything your government officials do. You ask a lot of questions and hold representatives accountable for their actions.

You ignore these traveling road show, slick Washington, DC hucksters, who talk a nice talk but lead you down the wrong roads in our view.

We will be bringing you the entire meeting on YouTube once it's all finished. It's 3 hours worth of meeting time. We are going to break the entire meeting up into 3 segments. It's several days worth of work on our part. We will also be showing you their documents as well. We will once again go over all the areas that are wrong with these documents. It was not a waste of time attending the meeting, but it sure was a major disappointment.

In Conclusion:

Beware the Agenda 21 protesters. It's not so much what they are fighting for is wrong, but it is heavily misguided. These are honest hard working folks who are trying to protect not only their own rights, but the rights of everyone. The issues are that they have been given tools that do not work by people whom, in our opinion, do not want their tools to work, and are designed to make conservative people look like fools. It is for reasons like this that many in our own organization are not Republicans nor Democrats, nor Libertarians, nor socialists nor communists or belong to any political party. It's become a complete fools game that we all refuse to play. So we beat all of them up here on this site with equal fervor.

From Jim Marrs: Rule by Secrecy, Perennial Books, Page 98;

The objectives of the IPS, (Institute for Policy Studies), came from an agenda laid down for it by the British Round Table.... one of the most notable being to create the “New Left” as a grassroots movement in the U.S. IPS was to engender strife and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferate the “Ideas” of left-wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types, and be the “Big Stick” with which to beat the United States political establishment. (Nihilism: Denial of all reality; rejection of all religious and moral principles: Opposition to all constituted authority or government).

Another goal of the IPS stated, “the dismantling of all economic, political, social, and cultural institutions in the United States”. All of this is done while maintaining a facade of a liberal scholarly research center.”

It would appear that there are much larger forces at work than Agenda 21. How hard is it to undermine the opposition when invited right through the front door? Agenda 21 is a United Nations document that people are being suckered into fighting against, which means they are accepting UN mandates. Why would anyone fight the UN when we should be fighting for our Constitutional Rights as well as our Bill of Rights which by US law, has no higher authority?

Instead the questions should be asked, who elected any of the United Nations officials and or politicians to begin with, and what charter are they working from, under what authority?

Our notes to those who attended the meeting and are now reading this article; Please note that right wing no longer means what it once did nor does conservatism. There are no names now for those of us from the old school. We no longer fit in the paradigm of the new political system and that is by design. This is partially what causes such great grief in so many older people in this nation today. Most do not understand that the meanings of words have dramatically been altered without your knowledge or consent. Isn't that what your parents told you when you were young about the way you were using words? Gay once meant happy. Cool once referred to the weather outside. Groovy, what the hell? The term “man” referred to a male person and not a general answer to everything and to everyone. The list is very long on how we accepted and changed the meaning of words without our parents consent or knowledge. Now we are under the same issues our parents once faced with the meanings of words.
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Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors Non Public Meetings?

Brenda Garton told Supervisor Orth the budget work session meetings would not be video broadcasted.  
The Code of Va. does not allow a closed meeting for budget work sessions. 
§ 2.2-3707 of the Code of Virginia says:
H. Any person may photograph, film, record or otherwise reproduce any portion of a meeting required to be open. The public body conducting the meeting may adopt rules governing the placement and use of equipment necessary for broadcasting, photographing, filming or recording a meeting to prevent interference with the proceedings, but shall not prohibit or otherwise prevent any person from photographing, filming, recording, or otherwise reproducing any portion of a meeting required to be open. No public body shall conduct a meeting required to be open in any building or facility where such recording devices are prohibited.

Tax payers of Gloucester County, Virginia pay for recording capabilities at two locations to record and broadcast public meetings.  We also pay County employees to perform recording and broadcasting functions.

In the above video, no one mentions whether or not these meetings will be open to the public.  It is also not mentioned if the videos, that Ms Garton shook her head yes to, regarding that the work sessions would be recorded,  would be made public.  

In the above video, Ted Wilmot explains in great detail what a meeting is and what the requirements are under FOIA.  When dealing with the taxpayers money, why are the meetings not being broadcast and why are they not showing as open to the public on the county website?  We are asking the Board this question and will post an update once they get back with us.

  Just a reminder, we want, pay for and expect open and fair government.
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Gloucester, VA Boards, Enhancement Thru Consolidation

The days of dysfunction between the Gloucester Board of Supervisors and the Gloucester School Board needs to come to an abrupt and immediate end.  We all know the school system will be funded; so why is school funding once again being used as a political tool?  The Gloucester Board of Supervisors has always fairly funded the public education process for “all youth” within the County.  What has been done with those funds has been completely left up to school staff and the School Board.  As things are now; the School Board and school staff are overburdened with way to many distractions that take their time and efforts away from concentrating on administering a high quality and fully complete K-12 education process. 

 The School Board members are bound by the duties of their office to first and foremost oversee the administration of such an education process.  However, School Board meetings focus primarily on managing school system support items with very little time spent on the actual education process.  Most of the distractions that are taking the focus off of the actual education process can be eliminated by consolidating numerous school system services with County services.  Transportation, construction, facilities maintenance, land acquisition and use, grounds keeping, internet technology, finance, after school hours facilities use and any other overlapping services not directly related to or required for the hiring and management of school system employees or the administration of the education process should be consolidated with compatible County departments and be overseen by the Board of Supervisors.  Making these changes will allow school staff and the School Board to focus on enhancing the education process and will make the school system unusable as a political tool. Nothing will ever improve if the two boards don’t start getting along.  I wonder how many times in a year does a first grade teacher say to their students, “Now let’s all get along.”
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.
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Governor McAuliffe Announces Administration Appointments

Terry McAuliffe by David Shankbone, New York City
Terry McAuliffe by David Shankbone,(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced additional appointments to his administration today. The appointees will join McAuliffe’s administration focused on finding common ground with members of both parties on issues that will grow Virginia’s economy and create more jobs across the Commonwealth.

Secretariat of Natural Resources

Kaci Easley, Confidential Assistant to the Secretary of Natural Resources
Kaci Easley previously served in several positions at the U.S. Department of Agriculture including as a Program Analyst and Project Manager at the National Finance Center, and an administrative officer at the Natural Resources Conservation Service. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business marketing from Hampton University.

Secretariat of the Commonwealth
Board Appointments

Bill Leighty, Board of Trustees of the Virginia Retirement System
From January of 2002 until September of 2007, Bill served as Chief of Staff to Governors Warner and Kaine. In 2005, Governing Magazine named Virginia the “Best Managed State in the Nation” and in 2007, Governing Magazine named him one of the nine “Public Officials of the Year.”  For seven years, Bill was the Director of the Virginia Retirement System, where he led the agency to three consecutive U.S. Senate Productivity Awards. Upon retirement Bill joined DecideSmart, LLC consulting.  In April of 2008, he served as Senior Advisor to the Scottish Executive advising the government on how to design and implement Scotland Performs, a national performance management system.  In July of 2008, Bill conducted a performance review of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, a $52 billion pension system.  In 2011, at the request of the National Governors Association, Bill led a 5 person delegation to Nigeria to conduct a “new governors” seminar for the newly elected governors of Nigeria. Bill joined state government after serving in the United States Marine Corps.  Bill graduated from Mary Washington College in 1978, and holds an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
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Governor McAuliffe and Virginia Council on Women Announce the 3rd Annual STEM Essay Contest

English: Former DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe spea...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Governor Terry McAuliffe and First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe to Serve as Co-Chairs

RICHMOND – Today Governor McAuliffe and the Virginia Council on Women, in collaboration with the Science Museum of Virginia, announced the 3rd annual STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Essay Contest for high school junior and senior girls.

The Council will award one $5,000 scholarship to a female junior or senior who will be pursuing a STEM career at an institution of higher education. Other scholarships may be awarded at the discretion of the Council.

The STEM Essay Contest was launched in 2012 with 170 young ladies from across the Commonwealth submitting essays focusing on the student’s vision for a future STEM.  The Council raised $10,000 and made three scholarship awards.

In 2013, the Council received 330 essays submissions and raised $22,000 to distribute in scholarship awards.  Sponsors included Capital One, Holland and Knight, Hunton & Williams, KPMG, McGuire Woods, MeadWestvaco, Skanska, Bon Secours health System, Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc., Council Member Mais Abousy, and LeClair Ryan.  In addition to the top three scholarship recipients, the Council awarded five $2,000 honorable mention scholarships.  Scholarships were presented to the recipients at the Science Museum’s Up & Atom Women’s Leadership Breakfast.

 Speaking about the contest, Governor Terry McAuliffe said, “Encouraging all of our students to learn and succeed in high demand STEM fields is critical to Virginia’s ability to compete in the 21st Century economy. I am pleased that the Virginia Council on Women and the Science Museum of Virginia are offering this contest yet again, and expanding their efforts to encourage Virginia’s young women to lead the future in these key areas. Innovative ideas like the STEM Essay Contest help open our students to new learning experiences and strengthen Virginia’s ability to prepare our children for future success.”

Ms. Tracy Key, Chair of the Council, commented, “The Council believes opportunities offered to women early in life will help lead to their future successes, and supporting young ladies who want to pursue a career in STEM is critical to our future workforce.”

To be eligible, one must be a female who resides in Virginia, be enrolled as a junior or senior in high school and hold at least a 2.5 GPA.  Applications and guidelines are available online at: Entries must be submitted byMarch 30, 2014.  The winning essays will be selected by a panel of judges who hold a degree in or work in STEM fields.

Winners will be notified by April 25, 2014.  The scholarship award(s) will be presented at the 2014 Up & Atom Women’s Leadership Breakfast on May 7, 2014 at the Science Museum of Virginia, 2500 West Broad Street in Richmond.

The purpose of the Virginia Council on Women is to help women reach their potential and maximize their contributions to society and the Commonwealth as wage earners and citizens.  The Council has initiated several projects to meet this goal.  One is the annual STEM essay contest for young women in high school.  For more information on the Council or on available sponsorship opportunities, please visit:

The mission of the Science Museum of Virginia is to inspire Virginians to enrich their lives through science.  The annual Up & Atom Women’s Leadership Breakfast helps support its role in STEM education.  Literacy in STEM disciplines is vital to prepare youth for an ever changing, increasingly complex world. For more information on the Science Museum of Virginia, please visit:
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Governor McAuliffe Announces First AFID Award to Promote Economic Development, Increase Agricultural Exports

Varieties of soybeans are used for many purposes.
Varieties of soybeans are used for many purposes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ Investment Enables Montague Farms to Access High-Value Sprouting Soybean Markets in Asia ~

Partnership with Isle of Wight County will provide Virginia Growers New Production, Market Diversification Opportunities

RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe today awarded his administration’s first economic development grant from the Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund (AFID) for a business expansion project that Montague Farms, Inc. has undertaken at the company’s Windsor facility in Isle of Wight County.  Montague, a family-owned producer and exporter of specialty soybeans based in Center Cross, will invest more than $600,000 to purchase a new state-of-the-art packaging line, soybean testing lab, and warehouse facility. The AFID grant of $14,100 was matched by Isle of Wight. 

            In addition to the creation of three new jobs at the facility, the company will now be able to sell into the highly regulated, but lucrative sprouting soybean market of South Korea and beyond.  To serve this new market, the company will purchase more than 4,000 metric tons of Natto soybeans from Virginia producers over the next three years.

            Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “I am delighted to award the first AFID economic development grant of my administration to Isle of Wight and Montague Farms, furthering two goals of my economic development and jobs creation strategy for the Commonwealth.  By collaborating with our private sector partners and local governments, we can make the make smart, targeted investments needed to position our economy for new opportunities, especially in agriculture, Virginia’s largest industry.  Secondly, with a focus on increasing the amount of products shipped from Virginia into the global marketplace, we can make Virginia the East Coast capital for agricultural and forestry product exports and return more jobs, revenue and prosperity to our rural communities.”

            Montague Farms has been involved in exporting food-grade non-genetically modified organism (GMO) soybeans for over twenty-five years, successfully focusing their exports on the Japanese Natto market, widely recognized for its demanding quality standards.  Investments announced today enable them to enter a new market, increasing and diversifying their opportunities for selling these value-added soybeans abroad.  Further, farmers in the region will now have the opportunity of supplying Montague with product and receiving a premium for their efforts, helping them diversify their farming operations while sending more money to the bottom line.  Montague owns and operates two grain storage and conditioning facilities in Virginia, the Windsor operation and another in Center Cross.

            “More than ninety percent of the world’s customers lie outside the borders of the United States, so if we are to see continued growth in Virginia’s agricultural sector it is imperative that we continue seeking new export opportunities in the global marketplace,” said Todd Haymore, Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry.  “I thank Montague Farms for their leadership in this area, for supporting so many other Virginia growers by purchasing their crops, and for moving us as toward Governor McAuliffe’s goal of making Virginia the leading state for agricultural and forestry product exports on the East Coast.”

            “We are very thankful to Governor McAuliffe and Secretary Haymore for making Isle of Wight County not just the first AFID Grant recipient of this administration, but the first locality in Virginia to have received two AFID Grants,” said Byron B. Bailey, Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors.  “First, this past June, with the reopening of the former International Paper sawmill by Franklin Lumber, and now with this facility, we are continuing our partnership with the Commonwealth in supporting projects in our county that bring jobs to our citizens and create new markets and opportunities for our forest and farmland owners.”

            “Exports are what drives our business, so we are glad to have this assistance from the Commonwealth of Virginia that enables us to continue to develop these markets” said Tom Taliaferro of Montague Farms. “Whether through trade missions promoting Virginia agricultural products, or through their support of the infrastructure needed to access these markets, as we are receiving today, we are appreciative of the Commonwealth’s focus on agriculture exports.”

            According to a 2013 economic impact study conducted by the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, agriculture and forestry are two of Virginia's largest industries, with a combined economic impact of $70 billion annually.  Agriculture generates more than $52 billion per annum, while forestry induces over $17 billion. The industries also provide more than 400,000 jobs in the Commonwealth.

About the Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund

            The AFID Fund was created  during the 2012 session of the General Assembly and is being embraced by the McAuliffe Administration as an important tool in growing the Commonwealth’s agriculture and forestry sector and helping to make Virginia the leading export of ag and forest products on the East Coast. More information about the AFID grant, which has the flexibility to assist projects large and small, can be found at (
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