Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dr Lianis Bidot: Healing Hands Ministry Opening Soon

My name is Dr. Lianis Bidot. I am a trained medical doctor and surgeon. I was born and lived in Puerto Rico until 1987. All my training was in Puerto Rico at an American Medical Association approved school and hospital. I became an active duty Air Force surgeon in 1987 and served until 2001, including serving in Desert Storm. After this I had my own practice followed by working in a hospital and nursing homes. I saw how our medical system was only geared to make money for everyone except for the ones caring for the patient directly. The patients were getting much less care for their money every year. The health of the patients I was seeing was getting worse. Most of the patients in the nursing home were on 5 or more medications daily but their health was getting worse despite the medications. I decided that I wanted to improve the health of my patients without medications. I did a 3 year training on Energy Medicine at the Rhys Thomas School of Energy Medicine and finished in 2014. I am also a certified Passion Test Facilitator, to help you identify your passion and make your life happy and worth living. I am currently training to be a Spiritual Life Coach and Emotion Code Facilitator.

Our body has the capacity to heal itself given the right energy, nutrition and physical changes. We are living in a time in which the earth and our bodies are not cared for but just patched to solve the immediate problem without regard to the consequences in the future. My passion is to help you reach your full potential without drugs or patches, naturally with what the earth and your body provides. There are many things you can do to improve your health without medications but you have to be willing to make the changes and spend the time.

Your body did not deteriorate to a state of poor health over night. With that in mind, you will not recover your health overnight either. It takes time to rebuild your health to a stasis of proper balance. I will help you with nutritional support, herbal, mineral and vitamin supplementation, energy balancing and counseling. Working as a team we can greatly improve your health and life, for the extraordinary life you were meant to have.

Dr Lianis Bidot will be opening a new location here in Gloucester, Virginia very soon.  Location of her new church will be 3682 B George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes, Virginia, 23072.  Phone - 757-690-3333.  Next to the Tidewater Motel.  

A Whirlwind of Events

The past several months have been a whirlwind of spectacular events all around the Hampton Roads and surrounding areas.  Above is a picture taken Friday evening, June 7th, 2015 of the L'Hermione in Yorktown.  It was the maiden voyage from France to the United States and Yorktown was the first stop.

L Hermione at Yorktown, Virginia 2015 from Chuck Thompson

We scanned in the brochure that was given away at the event as well as a copy of the boarding pass.  Take a look to learn more about the L Hermione.

We spend 4 days in Yorktown taking pictures of all the events and shows going on.  We took over 3,000 pictures and some HD video that we still need to process and get up.  The above is some art we created from the event.

The weekend before that was the Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival.  3 days of non stop entertainment.  We only went on Sunday for a few hours but still managed over 700 photos from the event.  We have them up on Google + and Flickr.

If you are a history buff, the events are non stop fun.  Pirates are the most fun to work with when it comes to photography.  Many of them are real hams.  Above is a few of the folks from the Motley Tones.  The female is Ring Tone pictured above and in the background purposely  messing up the photo is Flintz Tone.  I love those names.  They have real character.  You can visit their website at

The weekend before that was several great events for history buffs.  Civil war reenactments in Yorktown and American Revolution reenactments in Gloucester at the Courthouse Circle.

We managed over 1,500 photos between these two events.  Talking about a lot of shooting.

And a few weeks prior to these was a Pirate invasion in Yorktown.

At this one we only created about 300 photos total.  We were there more for the enjoyment of the event than to shoot anything.  But I just can't resist taking a bunch of pictures anyway.

Virginia is graced with a host of incredible places to visit and events to attend throughout the entire year.  For us, we love history so that is usually where you will find us the most.  We make a lot of friends at these events and share our works as much as possible.

And then there is always the fun of taking pictures where ever you are.  Events or not.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Original 13th Amendment To The Bill of Rights: 1840

A study of history can turn up some very big surprises.  Not in favor of present conditions is one we just recently came across.  We just found in a book written and published back in 1840 and known as the "American Citizens Manual", and comes from the Library of Congress, so it is an official document of the United States, some very disturbing evidence that history has in fact been tampered with and against the people no less.

  The book has a number of facts that are not in the least common knowledge today.  In fact, the Bill of Rights is not even called the Bill of Rights but instead, Amendments to the Constitution.  The first 12 amendments are the same as we read them today, however, in 1840, there was in fact a 13th amendment.  It is not the same as we have today.  What is that amendment?

1840: XIII- If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept or retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them or either of them.

Today we are told that the 13th Amendment that we all commonly know reads as follows and came about in 1865.

1865 XIII - Section 1.  Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

                  Section 2.  Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Interesting.  These two amendments that both claim to be the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, also know as the Bill of Rights, are not even close.  So it would seem that we have two 13th Amendments to the Bill of rights.  What happened to the original on listed in a book published in 1840?

American Citizens Manual- 1840, Real Law from Chuck Thompson

Take a look at page 28 of the book ported in here to see the original 13th Amendment as stated in this article above.  On the way to that page, note that the book is an official Library of Congress documented book.  Our so called present 13th Amendment to the Bill of rights was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by the Thirty-eighth Congress, on the 31st day of January, 1865 and was declared, in a proclamation of the Secretary of State, dated the 18th of December, 1865, to have been ratified by the legislatures of twenty-seven of the thirty-six States.

  Abraham Lincoln was still the President of the United Stated when this began in January 31st, 1865.  He was not assassinated until April 15th, 1865.  (Anyone notice anything peculiar about that date?)  The official end of the Civil War was April 9th, 1865.  11 of the 36 states of the Union were not a part of the Union at that time.  There were 11 Confederate states leaving only 25 states left in the Union when this new 13th amendment was started.

  Now this is where it continues to get even more interesting.  Virginia, on February, 9th, 1865, a Confederate State, somehow managed to ratify this new 13th Amendment with the Union?  That is what our United States government tells us today.  And no one questions this?  Really?  Yes really.

(Citation: - The Constitution of the United States of America - 108th Congress, 1st session, Document number 108-95.  United States Government Printing Office Washington: 2003. ISBN 0-16-05-1424-X)

  What would be the purpose of getting rid of the original 13th Amendment and replacing it with a new one?  Well, you have to know and understand your history.  Both the Confederate States and the Union States received financing for their war efforts from foreign countries.  A violation of the original 13th Amendment and a very serious problem for all politicians and government employees at so many levels.  Everyone involved was now guilty of crimes against the United States.  If the original 13th Amendment were made to disappear, then, no harm, no foul.  Everyone walks away without issues.  With the original 13th Amendment still in place, even Lincoln was a criminal guilty of treason against his own country who would have lost his citizenship and would have needed to be hung for treason against the country.

  It is not at all in the interest of any politician anywhere for the original 13th amendment to ever come back as they are all guilty of treason for accepting any foreign present, money, office, title and so forth.  Contributions to campaigns from foreign nations to say the likes of the Clinton's from China?  Even our Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe would need to be hung for treason with all the work he does with China.  This marked the beginning of the end of the United States that so many try and fight for.  It is the full justification of treason against ones own country.

  You will never see this in any past history book or present ones for that matter.  Few have ever put it together.  Even fewer understand it.  This article will not be popular either even though it exposes the information.  Not enough people will ever see this to make any difference and many will be thankful for that.  History you were never meant to know.    

This is not what any of them ever fought for.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

L Hermione Frigate, Last Chance on Sunday June 7th, 2015 To See Her In Yorktown, VA

The L Hermione Frigate from France is here in Yorktown, Virginia for one more day.  If you have not come out to see this ship yet, you need to come out by Sunday, June 7th, 2015 to see her.  She is stunning.  This is a recreation of the ship that the Marquis de Lafayette came over to the Continental United States on.  She cost an astounding $36 Million to build and took about 20 years.  An amazing floating and sailing museum.  The crew are as nice as can be.  This is her maiden voyage from France and the first time she has ever been seen in the United States and we are the fortunate ones to see her first in the US.  

  That in and of itself is history.  So far we have over 1,500 photos of this ship that we will be getting online over the next few weeks.  Until then we have put up an initial 72 photos on Google Plus and Flickr.  Throughout historical Yorktown and the Riverwalk are a bunch of reenactors creating an atmosphere that simply should not be missed for anyone with even a passing interest in American history.   

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Gloucester Magazine, Vol. 1 Issue 2 - 7th Virginia Regiment

The Gloucester Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2 from Chuck Thompson

The Gloucester Magazine, volume 1 issue number 2.  This month we feature the 7th Virginia Regiment who will be here this coming weekend for Memorial Day weekend.  36 pages of American Revolutionary delight for those who like a bit of history.  We have more advertisers for this issue and we have managed to come up with even more for next months issue.

  You can download free copies of this magazine through SlideShare or you can share the link for the magazine or even embed the magazine on other websites.  To download a free copy all you have to do is sign up with SlideShare for a free account.  Once you have that you can download any of our works for free.

  Other magazines in the works include the American Revolution, Civil War, pirates and more.  We also publish the Official Unofficial Photo Magazine of Colonial Williamsburg.  We will also be creating special one time magazines of historic Yorktown and the battlefields.  Early American history and Tall ships are also being planned.  These magazine are not sold in stores.  They are strictly online editions.  The good news is they have an indefinite shelf life because of this.  

Accident On 17 North, Hayes May 15th, 2015: Man Hit While Riding Bicycle

An accident on route 17 North Bound occurred on Friday afternoon, May 15th, 2015.  A man was riding his bicycle along the shoulder of the highway.  From what we have been able to learn he was trying to avoid debris along the shoulder when he accidently pulled out in front of traffic getting hit.  Luckily as we understand it, the man hit on the bicycle did not sustain any life threatening injuries.  The accident happened just across the street from the Tidewater Motel.

  Sheriff's deputies responded along with local paramedics and one State Police officer.  The man's bike was going to be left standing against a telephone pole along the highway but good neighbors have moved it across the street and put it into storage inside a commercial building located at 3682 B George Washington Memorial hwy.  Next door to the Tidewater Motel.  The bicycle is still in very good shape except the seat was destroyed by the accident.  The owner of the bicycle can pick up the bicycle anytime by visiting the location listed above.

  The driver of the vehicle that hit the bicycle is not identified as it was one of those very unfortunate accidents that from what we have learned, was not the drivers fault.  The vehicle did sustain some damage to the front end.

It proved to be a bad day for two people.

Dr Walter R Clemens On School Board Issues, May, 2015

Greetings Dr. Clemons,
Let me start off by welcoming you to Gloucester County. Granted it is a bit late for such a gesture, but due to circumstances that manifest well before your arrival; many of us have become mistrustful of anything or anyone associated with our school administration and School Board. My intent is not to ridicule, but rather to share insight from another perspective. Since your arrival here; I have heard you remind everyone numerous times that you have no control over that which happened in Gloucester before your were hired. I agree with you 100%, however replaying that statement does little to mitigate the problem of mistrust. During the May 5th Board of Supervisors meeting you said the BOS needs to trust you and the School Board. I absolutely believe the BOS should be able to trust the Superintendent of our school system and the School Board. More importantly the people and citizens of Gloucester County should be able to have trust in our school system. Unfortunately, and due to circumstances that predate your arrival here, we do not have the pleasure of such trust at this time. You have likely received a large helping of stories about what occurred in the past and my story is way too large and detailed to get into here. Therefore, I will only offer a few suggestions that may help you get the bridge of cooperation built.
During the last two budget processes, the County has taken great steps towards enhancing transparency. Among other things the BOS required just about every entity requesting money to appear before them to justify their requests. We asked that the budget work sessions be televised and they were. On the other hand; when you folks do your budget, it is all done in secrecy. There are limited documents associated with the school budget, but most importantly, none of us know or understand where any of the money is going or what we are getting for it. Mr. Bazzani’s question pertaining to floating teachers is a good example of something that should be vetted in public during the school system budget process. Conducting the people and citizens business this way will provide clarity and enhance our faith and trust.
Another way to help restore trust would be for all school administration and School Board email communications to occur utilizing only school system email accounts. Attempts in the past to obtain school system email information under FOIA from School Board members’ and school system employees’ private email accounts have had negative results. We all have a constitutional right to know what is going on in our school system and local government. Likewise, our elected officials and employees have a responsibility to ensure accountability of government communications/documents and to ensure our unfettered access to such information authorized by FOIA.
I have submitted numerous FOIA requests to the school system and have been charged considerable fees for information. In fact I was informed that it would cost me in excess of $800 to obtain activities funds accounting information. I could not afford that one. I have also requested considerable information from the County and have been charged very little if any. In the eyes of the people and citizens; the excessive fees charged by the school system are viewed as retaliation and as a deterrent mechanism. Facilitating and welcoming other insight on what is going on in the school system would certainly help to establish trust.
The ineffective and community splitting relationship between the School Board and BOS continues to cast a negative shadow over Gloucester County as a whole. Some people say it is the BOS fault while others say fault lies with the School Board and school administration. The finger pointing and blaming should stop immediately and be replaced with consolidated and focused efforts to ensure the academic success of Gloucester’s children above all else. Such cannot be accomplished by merely throwing money at it, causing negative media attention and splitting the community. It will take everyone working together without distracters like power struggles, politics and secrecy being included in the equation. Potentials for consolidating services with the County and other potential cost saving measures should be thoroughly investigated and vetted. Committees that include members of the community could be formed to gather and format various types of data the two Boards will need in order to make informed decisions.
To sum it all up; the number one thing we all want is transparency. We want to see and hear discussions on where all of the money is utilized. We want to hear and see. It appears most of the BOS does too.
Thank you for your efforts since becoming a member of the Gloucester Community. I firmly believe after observing you over the past several months that with your expertise, our school district can achieve many great things. That is if the County, school system and community start working transparently together.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.

And the response?

Dear Mr. Hogge:

Thanks for the email and welcome. I greatly appreciate it. Also, thanks for the suggestions. I look forward to continuously working with the School Board, Board of Supervisors and the entire community in building relationships that foster trust and collaboration. That is why we started the process this year on developing a Comprehensive Plan that sought community input. I definitely want the community to be aware of what direction the school division is taking, what it needs and how we can work together to accomplish those goals. It will be an ongoing process and I welcome your participation. As far as the budget is concerned, I believe we have expressed our needs appropriately to the Board of Supervisors regarding our current request as this information has been previously shared (since my arrival) that dates back to September of 2014. I also know that the School Board had discussion with the BOS about the operating costs of reinstituting two middle schools before my arrival. In addition, I have also had conversations with the BOS about our needs and why we need the items requested. However, with that being said, we will be looking at revamping and refining our process next year for greater clarity. Specifically, our final budgets (2014-15 final is online on our homepage/2015-16 will be forthcoming later this spring) are much more detailed than what is initially shared with the BOS as they see the line items by categories without detailed explanation. This is the way that it has been done by GCPS over a number of years and I did not change that process this year. Next year we will provide a detailed version at the beginning instead of afterwards as we all want the process to be as transparent as possible. Please know that we will make every effort to be good stewards of all money that is appropriated to us. In closing, thanks so much for your time and have a great weekend!

Walter R. Clemons, Ph.D.
Division Superintendent