Showing posts with label Texaco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texaco. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

Save Edge Hill Service Station? Gloucester, VA, More Information

We have continued to dig up information on this site and oh what we have found.  In a past article we pointed out that we had heard that this property had sold for over four hundred thousand dollars.  That did not make sense since the building on the county tax map shows it's value to include it's present value at under one hundred thousand dollars.  Well it turns out that this property is a combination of 3 lots.  The car wash is part of that ownership and where the real price came into play.

  So Fairfield owns a for profit business.  Now from everything we have been able to see so far, even though Fairfield owns the car wash, it looks like they may have subleased the business out to someone else.  It's interesting that you have never read this in the local news anywhere.  But here are the backup facts straight from the county.

Fairfield Edgehill Texaco Station Info, Gloucester, VA from Chuck Thompson

If the information proves tough to read, you can blow the above into full screen mode.

Why this property was divided up the way it was does not make sense.  At least the sale price of the property now makes more sense.  But wait, it gets even more interesting.  Gloucester County officials, after Fairfield bought this property, submitted this property to VDOT for a special preservation grant.  Why did the county do this for Fairfield?  Not only that, but the grant was approved.  Don't take our word for it, we got the evidence straight from VDOT themselves.  A copy of the email is below.

Our records indicate that an award was made to Gloucester County for this project in June, 2012 in the amount of $384,000.  Realize however that this is a reimbursable program and no funds are awarded up-front.  Funds must be expended and then a request made for reimbursement.  For further details regarding the Transportation Enhancement – now the Transportation Alternatives – Program and past allocations, please see our website .
Thank you,
Pam Liston

Wow, all Fairfield has to do now is sucker people in to produce the matching funds and they have a windfall business free and clear.  Why they are not using any of the profits from their car wash business is a question we have.

  There has been a lot of interest in keeping this corner tied up.  Now in all fairness it does have a viable but probably a very poorly performing business on this corner lot.  The service station itself, as we have shown has no real historical value.  So why is the corner lot of such great concern?  Oh, it's coming.  But not just yet.  We have a lot more.  Keep an eye on the areas we told you are eyed for future development.  Therein lies the master key in our opinion.  And does this have anything to do with the new Page Middle School?  Remember that question.  It may just have something to do with keeping traffic tied up on the 17/14 corner during rush hours and forcing new road construction through certain properties, located close to TC Walker school, who's ownership may prove revealing.  It's amazing how things start to tie together.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Edgehill Texaco Service Station, Gloucester, VA Update

Yesterday we asked the question as to the historical significance of the above pictured Edgehill Texaco Station.  Well one of our staff found it and we are going to share that information with you.

Please be sure to take the time to read up on all of this very carefully, for in there is the secret that this isn't an historic landmark by any stretch of the imagination in any area.  So why all of the fuss?  Well that just gets rather interesting.  We think it is a bit early in the entire story we will be telling you, but we have decided to start here because this seems to be the place where everything comes back to for some odd reason.  Well it's not really all that odd once you have caught up with it all.

This is a news story from the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal and starts to clue you in with where we are going.

Now who owns the Edgehill Texaco Service Station?  Everyone seems to think it is the Fairfield Foundation.  Well tax information shows otherwise.  It's the Fairfield Edgehill LLC.  Same owners as the Foundation, but legally separate entities.  

As we understand it, the purchase price for this property?  Over 400 thousand dollars.  Why would anyone pay so much for such junk especially when it is listed by the county as being worth less than 100 thousand?

  This corner may just have some special purpose to keep this intersection the way it is and may just not have anything to do with historical landmarks. Especially when one looks at the estimated costs that are going into the building listed at around 1 million dollars. It's in one of the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal articles above.

  This corner seems to play a very prominent plan for the future of Gloucester and it has nothing to do with historic preservation from what we can tell. It is preservation, but that preservation may not be what people seem to think it is. There just may be some hidden incentive to maintain that corner somehow to prevent the alleviation of traffic congestion that this area experiences every weekday during rush hours. We got a lot of heat when we did articles in the past about this site. We now have a really good reason why that was.

  Our crystal ball tells us what to expect for the future of the Edgehill Texaco service station and that crystal ball does not see a long term place for the site in question. Short term yes, but not long term?  No way!  It would be nice to have an old fashioned gas station, but what purpose would it really serve? You have to ask some strange questions sometimes in order to figure out what the real intent may just be.  Stay tuned, we have a lot of surprises coming.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gloucester, VA Edgehill Texaco Service Station Historic Landmark?

It's interesting that we are all told that the Edgehill, Texaco,  Service Station is some sort of historic landmark.  Why is anyone buying this?  That is a really good question.  A thought had occurred, if this gas station was really of any historic concern, then why hasn't Texaco stepped up to offer some form of support to help this project along?  So we started digging.  What we were told is that the reason this place is being called an historic location is because it is the oldest service station of it's type that ran the longest in the history of Texaco. (BS meter anyone?)

  First off, who cares?  That is like arguing that you can never put anyone into the old Wal Mart because that was the first Wal Mart ever built in Gloucester, therefore it's an historic Landmark.  The old Roses which is now the Boys Club never should have been allowed as that was the first Roses to ever come to Gloucester.  The arguments do not fly.  So why are we buying the same lousy argument to this old Texaco station?

  In 1911 Texaco opened its first filling station in Brooklyn, New York.  So this is not the first Texaco in the nation by any means.  As far as the longest running of it's type?  Give it a few years, that will change.  So where exactly is the historical value in this area?  Your guess is as good as ours and we would sure like to see the evidence as to where that so called value is.

  Tomorrow we will be covering more on this property, opening up even more questions and concerns everyone should have.  Stay tuned.

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Edge Hill Service Station Stays In The News

Ted sent us a very hilarious comment the other day and now we just have to share it with everyone.

"Attacks? You really must have a thin skin. I'll let you know the source of my inside information. The Gazette Journal. You really should get a subscription."

This is the person whom we have been showing his comments to our posts and his most recent response to us.  Ted claims that his inside source is the local paper.  Nice try there Ted.  We read the paper every week and though late reading it this week, we found what you knew in advance which confirms our statement, inside information.  Let's look this over shall we?  Page 13B, Thursday, May 2nd, 2013, $53,000.00 + Awarded In Main Street Grants, is the headline.  Bottom left hand column of the of the article.  Fairfield Foundation received a grant for the continuing restoration project of the Texaco station building at the Main/Route 14 intersection, with the recent grant for installation of the lighting and fixtures suited to the 1930's when the building was erected, $4,704.54. (It does not state they actually received a check or any other form of payment, just a grant).

  Now the above statement is not clear as to whether Fairfield received a check for this amount now or if they are subject to the rules of having to complete the work first to get this grant.  Next, why is the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust giving the grant to the Fairfield Foundation?  The Fairfield Foundation does not own the property.  We showed in an article posted yesterday that the business that owns the property is the Fairfield Edge Hill LLC.  A separate entity.  Now for arguments sake, they may be tied together, but for legal purposes, they are clearly separate entities.

  Now let's go back and look at our friend Ted's first statement.  "Please keep posting stories like this. They prove that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

The restoration of the station has hardly begun with much work left. Check your facts before you post alarmist articles. I'm guessing you have not spoken with the owners ... they would have told you what is actually going on. "

The restoration of the station has hardly begun.  The newspaper says the continuing restoration there Ted.  "Check our facts before posting alarmist articles?"  What is alarmist about showing what the GMSPT has on their site?  The date of this note from Ted was April 27th, 2013.  

April 29th, 2013, at 7:25 PM Eastern Time Ted sends this update.  "Yes, keep it going. You display your ignorance and wild leaps of "logic" which time will show are at best confused.

The station was painted white prior to being sold to the current owner who plans to upgrade the existing building and corner. This reality has nothing to do with a planning document ... say what you will about the planning document's merit ... it is not prescriptive. Not even the long arm of zoning can force a property owner to comply with a planning document.

So, like I said, keep up the ignorance and people will gradually see that you have no idea what you are talking about. I particularly like your brazen posting of my previous message and you will probably do the same with this one ... I hope. Ignorance is not bliss. "

It's interesting that this news article comes out on May, 2nd that would somehow seem to justify Ted's point.  But let's look at the wording that follows the story shall we?  MSPT presents a check for the improvements once the work has been completed which preferably will be before the end of the current calendar year.

  How did you put it Ted?  It's not prescriptive that the Fairfield Foundation will even receive a check.  Not even the long arm of the MSPT can force the present owner to comply with doing the work planned.  And again why would the GMSPT give Fairfield Foundation a check when the Fairfield Foundation does not own the building?  

  Ted's most recent post claiming he read this in the paper?  May 3rd, at 7:22AM.  Gloucester residents know that the paper is available as early as Wednesday afternoon which would have been Wednesday, May 1st, 2013.  Ted could not have read any of this in the paper ahead of time.  He started the argument on April 27th after we first exposed the present plans to potentially demolish the Edge Hill Service Station by the same people now claiming to be offering a grant to the wrong entity for the Edge Hill Service Station ownership.  Is this making sense to anyone?  These people seem awfully shifty to us.  

  However, this is the same group that is developing plans that affect homeowners, businesses, investors, and potential investors that would increase taxes and compliance issues on their own and asking the local government officials to help them with those plans.  ???  And again we point out that Louise Theberge is playing both sides of this coin.  Could someone please explain to us what a non profit organization has to do with making such plans?  

  We have been wondering if these people are violating their 501(c) 3 status and also may be violating IRS rules for such an entity.  We will have to ask the IRS to see what they think.  Something isn't right here.  Thanks for your input Ted.    We found it quite enjoyable.  Keep up the outstanding work.  By the way Ted, we know that you are sick of all the issues you are surrounded by each day, when you are ready to spill the real beans, we will be here waiting to help you expose the dirt and wash your hands of it all.  ; )

Free MP3 Download.  - The TenGooz - Lost In Translation.  A funky blues tune.  It's rather interesting.  CC Lic attrib/non commercial share alike distribution.  Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.

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