Further Information sent to us to show what is really going on in the county that is being hidden from everyone:
RRMM Architects, the firm the Gloucester School Board hired for consulting and design of Page Middle School is a financial sponsor of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents. www.vassonline.org/ Gloucester Schools Superintendent, Ben Kiser, became president of that association in early 2012.
That association supposedly paid for Kiser's 2012 trip to Finland. Gloucester Schools Construction Manager Scott Shorland is a Director on the Virginia Educational Facilities Planners Board. www.vefp.org/boardBios.html RRMM CEO Duane Harver is the president of that board. Shorland’s professional description shown with his picture on the VEFP board website describes him as being a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in 3 states, Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina and has over 30 years experience planning communities including infrastructure, which does not seem to compliment the professional description of the other directors on that board.
In the last School Board meeting Shorland was quick to get up to speak for and defend Harver when board members started questioning aspects of the building design and saying they wanted to allow the committee that supposedly developed the criteria for the building, time to review, and help to determine a balance between glass and regular style walls. Harver, Kiser and Shorland spoke and looked very nervous at any possible actions that would delay or change what they are doing.
Below is the last school board and Board of Supervisor's joint meeting held in September, 2013.
And now to see the real answers from the video above.......
There is without question, some very shady stuff going on here right in front of everyone's eye's, in our view. Carter Borden thought that the hardening of a section of the school was voted on and planned in as part of the school budget. It was as evidenced not only by the video above, but also the county's own documents from what we see. Now the school board and contractors are saying no it was not added in as part of the original agreement in this second video above. Look it over yourself. Nothing that we dig into is up and up as we continue to go through all of the nonsense of the upcoming Page Middle School. Was $388,000.00 confiscated by the contractors against the county, hence the taxpayers? Did Louise Theberge assist in this confiscation?
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