Monday, September 9, 2013

Charlie Chan Sunday Comic Strip

Charlie Chan Sunday Comic Strip 2 from Chuck Thompson

Charlie Chan old time classic Sunday comic strip.  Short stories of the world famous detective from the 1920's to the 1950's.  His popularity went down towards the end of the 1940's pretty much putting a halt to the movies and comic strips.  During the time period, Charlie Chan was more popular than Sherlock Holmes.  These days, not that many people are even familiar with Charlie Chan.

  To view the comic strip in full screen mode for easier reading, just left click the icon at the very bottom far right of the slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.   
First episode of Alfred Andriola's Charlie Cha...
First episode of Alfred Andriola's Charlie Chan Sunday comic strip (October 30, 1938), distributed by the McNaught Syndicate. The daily strip began earlier that week (October 24, 1938). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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