Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Continuing Saga of Moonbeam Bagels

Tales from the campfire
This is a work of fiction.

As the weather has been suitable for spending time out around the
campfire more people are out and talking about the great bagel shop in
the community.  We had wondered about the lack of open business hours
and the long hours into the night of the business while closed.
People have come forward and explained.  The business being open
interferes with the money making back door operations.

The front door operation had a very limited menu while the back door
operation has a huge assortment of chemicals used to alter your mood
and pain level.  We are now wondering if the backdoor business is
cutting the business of our local doctors and medical centers, but has
probably increased our emergency rooms and undertaker business?

We had also wondered why the business had such a huge presence, large
square footage, yet little front door foot traffic to justify the
large retail space.  Is the retail side for laundering all the
backdoor business income?

How do you go about ordering backdoor bagels?  Hold the cream cheese?
Can coffee hold a candle to the back door chemical pick me up?

While waiting to get your best in the area bagel or hanging out in the
parking lot (we have to wait because of the limited hours and highly
limited production) be sure to keep your smart phone handy to get
pictures of people going to the back of the building for business.

You have to wonder why the owner of the bagel shop was once
complaining about the spice shop that existed next door.  Did the
owner need the space for the chemical business or was the problem the

We need a good bagel shop, but one that has the front door open for
bagels that does not sell out in two hours each day.

Remember this is a work of fiction and tales around the campfire.  No
writer of this work of fiction uses illegal chemicals to alter mood or
pain level.

As we hear more interesting tales around the campfire we will share
them with you.  If you have any stories, fact or fiction, you would
like to share we are always here to share.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving, USA

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving - USA from Chuck Thompson

Why we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the USA.  Here is a short story about this American holiday.  Canada has a similar holiday as well.  To read the story in full screen mode, please left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the above container.  To exit full screen, please hit the escape key on your keyboard.  We have more stories coming this week.  
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Saturday, November 9, 2013

David Bushnell and His American Turtle, American Revolution

English: Bushnell's "Turtle", Oceano...
English: Bushnell's "Turtle", Oceanographic Museum, Monaco Deutsch: Bushnells "Turtle" im Ozeanografischen Museum Monaco (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world's first known submarine was invented during the American Revolution by an American Patriot, David Bushnell.  The name of the machine was known as the Turtle.  Those of you that have followed this site know all about the story of the Turtle through our hosting of the Liberty's Kids series on here.  For those of you who have not heard this story, well here is your chance to learn all about it now.  The book below is only 24 pages long so it's a rather fast read.

David Bushnell And His American Turtle from Chuck Thompson

To read the above in full screen mode, right click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the container above.  To exit, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Liberty Education Series.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Edgar Allen Poe - The Purloined Letter

Edgar Allan Poe
Cover of Edgar Allan Poe
A short story by Edgar Allen Poe.  The Purloined Letter.  One of the rare pieces not often seen of Poe's works.  The story though a short one, is to long to post in it's entirety on this site so we enclosed it into a Slideshare container.  You are free to download a PDF version of this story for your own use from our Slideshare site.  To read the story in full screen view, just left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the container.  To exit full screen mode, just hit the escape key on your keyboard.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sherlock Holmes - A Study In Scarlet

Sidney Paget: Sherlock Holmes
Sidney Paget: Sherlock Holmes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mr. Sherlock Holmes In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for sur- geons in the army. Having completed my studies there, I was duly attached to the Fifth Northum- berland Fusiliers as Assistant Surgeon. The regi- ment was stationed in India at the time, and before I could join it, the second Afghan war had bro- ken out. On landing at Bombay, I learned that my corps had advanced through the passes, and was already deep in the enemy’s country.

 I followed, however, with many other officers who were in the same situation as myself, and succeeded in reach- ing Candahar in safety, where I found my regi- ment, and at once entered upon my new duties. The campaign brought honours and promotion to many, but for me it had nothing but misfortune and disaster. I was removed from my brigade and attached to the Berkshires, with whom I served at the fatal battle of Maiwand. There I was struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet, which shat- tered the bone and grazed the subclavian artery.

 I should have fallen into the hands of the murder- ous Ghazis had it not been for the devotion and courage shown by Murray, my orderly, who threw me across a pack-horse, and succeeded in bringing me safely to the British lines. Worn with pain, and weak from the prolonged hardships which I had undergone, I was removed, with a great train of wounded sufferers, to the base hospital at Peshawar. Here I rallied, and had al- ready improved so far as to be able to walk about the wards, and even to bask a little upon the ve- randah, when I was struck down by enteric fever, that curse of our Indian possessions.

 For months my life was despaired of, and when at last I came to myself and became convalescent, I was so weak and emaciated that a medical board determined that not a day should be lost in sending me back to England. I was dispatched, accordingly, in the troopship Orontes, and landed a month later on Portsmouth jetty, with my health irretrievably ru- ined, but with permission from a paternal govern- ment to spend the next nine months in attempting to improve it. I had neither kith nor kin in England, and was therefore as free as air—or as free as an income of eleven shillings and sixpence a day will permit a man to be. Under such circumstances, I natu- rally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.

Read the rest below.

To read full screen, left click the icon at the far bottom right of the slideshare container.  To exit full screen, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  The entire story is to large to fit on this site in a single post.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mom Loses Sons in Fire, Helps the Homeless Wavy TV Story

GLOUCESTER, Va. (WAVY) - After losing her three children and mother-in-law in a fire, a Gloucester woman is giving back to the community that helped her during her darkest hour.

Grogan knows all about loss. On a bitterly cold night in January, fire erupted inside her Summerville Road home.

"The nightmares have gone for the most part," Grogan added. "I had one a couple weeks ago, and it was really bad."

A nightmare isn't even the word to describe what she went through. She was saved from the burning home, but her four loved ones weren't as lucky. Seven-year-old Thomas Grogan, 2-year-old Michael Grogan and six-month-old Gabriel Grogan were killed; their grandmother, Virginia, died after running back into the burning home.

"In my mind, I knew they were gone when nobody came out [of the burning home] after me," Grogan said.

The home was destroyed, but Jessica is rebuilding her life. Part of that, is giving back to a community that helped her husband and her when they had no one else.

"When the fire happened, we were only given three days in a hotel by the Red Cross, and we had nowhere to go," Grogan added.

Grogan and her husband were essentially homeless.

"It only takes one person to change somebody's life," she said.

Jessica, along with a couple friends formed a group inspired by the idea of creating a change. They started a Facebook page called "Make the Homeless Smile." They hope to convince people everywhere to get out and help a neighbor, the same way neighbors helped her when she had nowhere to go.

"There are homeless people everywhere," Grogan added. "You don't know what the situation is, and it happened to them."

For Jessica, the cause is near to the heart. It's also about finishing what a seven-year-old started.

"Little Tom, he was my angel," she said. "Even when he was here, he was an angel in disguise."

In his short time on Earth, Thomas learned the meaning of giving. Jessica says he helped his father ring a charity bell one Christmas. He also donated his piggy bank to help victims after Gloucester was hit by a tornado.

"If a seven-year-old can do it. grown ups can do it too," Grogan said.

This mission by Jessica and her group is really just beginning. They are holding an event September 28 -- that's the day they want everyone to get out and do something nice for someone else.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Voodoo - The Shelf of Skulls, Comic Book Of The Week

Voodoo - The Shelf of Skulls from Chuck Thompson

To view the comic in full screen mode, left click the icon on the bottom right hand side of the container.  Hit escape to return back to this size.  From the Golden Age of comic books, Voodoo.  The featured story is The Shelf of Skulls.  Old fashioned entertainment.  What people used to do before spending so much time in front of the TV or the Internet.

  Now you can spend time on the Internet seeing what people used to do and how.  Neat huh?  Enjoy.

Voodoo 01 - 03 The Shelf of Skulls - Matt Baker
Voodoo 01 - 03 The Shelf of Skulls - Matt Baker (Photo credit: bbmason1981)
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Mystery Theater - The Beach of Falesa - Old Time Radio

Old time radio is back.  Mystery Theater with the chilling episode called, The Beach of Falesa.    Back before the days of TV, everyone gathered around the radio to listen to the latest episode of their favorite programs.  The broad range of programs were as varied as the movies of the day or even TV today.

What is great about old time radio is that you actually have to listen to what is being said.  While listening, you form your own images in your mind of the events.  So sit back, relax and let your imagination take over as these story tellers weave an incredible journey for you.  Just hit the play button and enjoy.

Gloucester Point Beach - By Chuck Thompson of ...
Gloucester Point Beach - By Chuck Thompson of TTC Media (Photo credit: Battleofthehook)
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Code of Treachery - Sunday Comics

The Code of Treachery from Chuck Thompson

The Code of Treachery.  A good old fashioned pirate story from the golden age of comics.  If you like this story, you can download a free copy at this link.

No emails, no advertising, no junk, no gimmicks, no kidding.  Where free really means free.  Enjoy.

My Life 01a
My Life 01a (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

George Washington Cartoon Biography Video for the 4th of July

Here is an interesting way to help the educational or lack of education amongst the citizens of these United States.  If it takes comic book stories, cartoons, videos, books, e-books, pictures, or what have you, we will at least try to help out the serious lack of education about the history of our nation on our sites.  George Washington Biography in cartoon form, when many of our adults throughout this country have long forgotten or were taught very little about our American History, this is at least a way to learn something about it.

English: US Postage stamp: George Washington. ...
English: US Postage stamp: George Washington. Issue of 1890, Lake, 2c (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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