Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013

In A Democracy, No Room For Patents, Copyrights or Trademarks

A stylized representation of a red flag, usefu...
A stylized representation of a red flag, useful for articles related to socialism in one way or another. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Everyday we keep hearing about how we must protect our democracy.  What most people do not understand and it's by design, is that a democracy is a communist form of government, and not how the United States was founded.  The United States was founded and set up as a republic.  That republic these days is just about gone thanks to democracy.  Well if we are going to live in a democracy, then the democracy should be one that is fair and by the people for the people.

  Monopolies must then be banished to ideals and idealism of the past.  Monopolies such as the ideas and ideals of patents, copyrights and trademarks are direct conflicts with a free and fair democracy.  A free and fair democracy should embrace the concepts that all inventions are for the good of all the people and not something to be held in secrecy.  After all, if you wish to benefit mankind, you do not do so by hiding truths from your fellow man.

  Any and all secret patents should be loathed as hideous manipulations against one's fellow man and should be shunned and abolished.  Trademarks are the tools of monopolies and therefore should be ignored and abolished.  Copyrights have no place in a democracy and should equally be loathed, ignored and abolished.

  Corporations, the evil monopolies, that would argue against these ideas are becoming concepts of a past we will soon forget as we seek to wipe them from the face of the earth as they no longer have a place in modern society.  Ideas such as the federal reserve no longer have a place in the coming global communities.  Concepts such as the IRS, who's time should now be considered over, are not the ideals of a free and democratic society.

  If gas is 9.00 dollars per gallon in England, it should be 9.00 dollars per gallon in every part of the world.  If a man makes 15.00 dollars per hour in the United States, every man at every level throughout the world should make the same fair 15.00 dollars per hour without regard to what work he does, whether he be a politician or boat repairman.  No man should live in luxury above another.

  Taxes in one country should never exceed what others pay in other countries.  All people irregardless of status should pay the same fair amounts in taxes at all times.  All trade should be fair and equal.

  Secret societies must be banned and opened to the public at every level.  No more should concepts such as the Masons be allowed to maintain secret meetings or hold secret services.  We are not talking about the abolishment of the Mason's but instead the opening of the Mason's to every person.  All secrets revealed and all without cost to anyone.  If the Mason's wish to continue to operate, let them do so through the free and fair donations from those who would wish to continue to support them.

  No government should be allowed to hold anything secret.  Free and fair minds only expand through the freedom of all information.  If governments wish to track people, allow them to, however, any government that wishes to track people must share all tracking information in a free and public manner.  Gone are the days of secrets in a fair democracy.  All the world's information should be freely shared at every level.

  Let no country wage any form of war against another.  Any country that so chooses the ways of war against another should have all supplies, communications and travel cut off until they end such foolishness.  If we are to have a democracy, it can not be a partial democracy, it must be fully open free and fair.  No longer are meetings to be held by any government or any two or more people that would deem it a secret meeting.  All information must be made open at all times when it concerns nations and states.

  Concepts of power and wealth should be forever banished and loathed.  Profits need be forfeited as it would put one's status above another and could not be considered fair to that of any other person.  The manipulation of the people can no longer be considered fair and must be halted forever.  Corporations must be closed forever, never to see the light of day again as a concept.  It's facilities turned to the use of all humankind owned by the people and not the state.

  The concept of state must also be abolished and loathed as it has always been the way of manipulating the human spirit and all of mankind.

Anyone still interested in preserving democracy?
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

President Obama's Secret Papers Slated For Shredding Revealed

An often heard complaint from the right wing is that Obama is a secret communist.  His books are often sited that strongly suggests such coming from the right wing.  Well now the right wing can have a party as we have uncovered this unbelievable scandal that are within these papers.  We are calling this the spoof scandal.  (Our note:  We are neither left wing nor right wing, nor are we in the middle of the two.  Our views lean more towards libertarian but we are not libertarian either).

  You are free to download a copy of this or send it to your friends.  Embed a copy into your own website.  Have fun with it.  Spread the word.  The spoof scandal is hot.
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Monday, June 10, 2013

Vote Louise Theberge June 11th, 2013 For More Conflicts of Interest

Vote Louise Theberge tomorrow, June 11th, 2013 if you are interested in more conflicts of interest.  More ordinances that do not meet state law.  More heavy handed tactics in the republican party designed to keep decent people from running for office.  Send her a message that it's time for her to take a vacation.  After 14 years of service, she deserves the break.  After 14 years of service you have to ask the question, why are a number of county ordinances out of sync with state law?  Has Louise been asleep for the past 14 years?  Do we need another 4 years where the county ordinances remain out of sync with state laws? Do we need more conflicts of interest that violate state laws like in the video above?

  Vote John Meyer for Supervisor at large tomorrow, June 11th, 2013.
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gloucester, VA Links and News - The Rights of The Citizenry

Political History, The Rights of The Citizenry;" target="_blank">Political History, The Rights of The Citizenry;
View more documents from Chuck Thompson

As part of our ongoing series of historical sayings quotes and political history, we present to you, "The Rights of The Citizenry."  With contributions by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Henry D Thoreau.  We have a huge surprise coming very soon.  We'll let you in early on what we have under construction.  We are working on a custom version of Beacon's Rebellion.  Beacon's Rebellion is a very big part of Gloucester History and the information on line is simply horrible.  We are going to have a free download of our own custom version with local area pictures.

  So far the e-book is 70 pages total.  We will offer a free license with this e-book as well.  So it can be used on any site or printed and used as a promo for local area businesses and or government projects.  Look for it as a side bar item towards the end of the week.  Which reminds us, to our reader feed friends, thank you for putting us in your reader feeds, may we recommend you visit the site again as we have added a huge amount of features that you do not want to miss.  More free e-books, more music downloads, extra pages with all kinds of databases and directories, site and news submission areas and a link to one of our sites with a great mix of free software.  We continue to add features that we think you might find helpful.  SO the next time you have a minute, come back and explore the site.

Free MP3 Album download - J S Bach - Some well produced classical music.  We offer a full range of music genre's as we have a full range demographic audience and we try to offer something for everyone.  This is Russian produced and outstanding.  Click Here for your free copy.  Again, it's an entire album, not just a single song or a few songs.  You are going to need to visit our software site to make sure you can use the downloaded files.  We have converted everything over to ISO files in a zipped folder to ensure against malware.

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