Showing posts with label Readers Respond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Readers Respond. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Readers Respond To Edge Hill Service Station Slated For Possible Demolition

From one of our readers.

"Please keep posting stories like this. They prove that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

The restoration of the station has hardly begun with much work left. Check your facts before you post alarmist articles. I'm guessing you have not spoken with the owners ... they would have told you what is actually going on. "

Now this comment we find rather interesting.  It shows that the reader paid no attention as to where the concept of potential demolition comes from.  It came from the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust's web site.  The information is on a PDF and we have linked that PDF to this site on a previous post.  It is very very slow loading because the PDF is a huge file.  Whoever made the PDF didn't shrink the images on the pages prior to creating the pages.

  Look at the previous post.  The top image was shot in 2010 by us.  The second image is from 2012 and is used above.  Now look at the image of the service station that comes from the GMSPT site below.

The picture image from the PDF page that comes from the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust site shows a different look to the present look of the building.  The outside of the building has been restored from it's original condition.  Is it the inside that may not have been restored?  We are not interested in that.  If the building is up for rent, then it's up to the new tenant to put in whatever they want or need for their business.  The outside has been refurbished which is restored.  (Information from the GMSPT suggests the building can be used as a potential cafe, suggesting the building is up for rent).

  The demolition information is right in front of everyone.  You are looking at it above.  What exactly is alarmist about it?  What is the reader really trying to convey to us?  Look at 6.1.3 above.  It states remove the existing structure, referring to the Edge Hill Service Station.  This is not our information, it comes from the GMSPT site that anyone can read at any time.  

  These are part of the sub plans that have already been submitted to the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and the Board has already passed a 7 to zero vote on accepting.  We have the video showing this as well.  Is the reader nervous about this information being made public?  The local paper sure didn't cover this.  We can post that video at any time as it comes directly from the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors.  

  It looks like we are making some people rather nervous by exposing what is really going on in the county.  So we are going to continue to expose these bad ideas so everyone knows what is going on.  Like we keep saying, what no one else is willing to cover.

Free MP3 Download.  David Certano - I'm From The Country - A Rockin country blues song with a great beat.  You just have to get past the accent.  CC Lic 3.0 non comm./Attrib  Is the download link.  It's a bribe for county employees too  ;  )
Just kidding.  If it's free to the public, it's free to county employees as well.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Readers Respond To Video Posting

Readers respond to video of local business man being interrupted during his talk to the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors.

"This gentleman gets interrupted by someone on the Board of Supervisors at only 59 seconds into his talk. He's supposed to have 10 minutes. He is 94 years old.

 I'm retired military and I respect and love my county. And I respect my elders. This is a damn shame that somebody obviously has no respect for her elders."

This is the video our reader is responding to and it was Louise Theberge, Chair person of the Board of Supervisors, who interrupted this gentleman while he was trying to make a point to the Board of Supervisors.  We thank our responder for their time and service to our country.

Free music download.  

Bane Djakovic  Urban Tales.  A nice soft instrumental piece.  Modern classical.  

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Slane Bee Free Collection

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gloucester, VA Local Readers Mad As Hell At County

Readers Respond:  Here is a letter we just recently received by another concerned citizen.

"I have read your stories with great interest along with the local paper.
The paper tells us our taxes are going up and not until we read your blog do we find out it is to pay for pet projects wanted by the members of the Board of Supervisors that vote in favor of their pet projects.  Do they not know we are in a recession?
These tax and spend people are as bad as the people in Washington, we do not have a spending problem we have an income problem.  People are having to tighten their belts to make ends meet and the fiscal irresponsible people voting to make these changes do not care.  We just get to hold the money we work hard to earn until the tax and spend government wants it from us.  Our Gloucester County Chair person states she listens to the people of Gloucester County.  She proved otherwise in the meeting where she voted to go along with the wishes of the downtown association.
  I was sorry to hear our Gloucester County chairperson was going to run again we need her to get out and to take the illegal laws she has pushed on the county with her.  A couple of examples:  the flags on used car lots, where is the state law to deny this?  Most of her pet laws have to do with animal control ordinances.
Gloucester County started the water and sewage projects to allow previously undevelopable lands on where the water table was causing systems to fail.  We have been taxed to pay for these improvements.  Now they want to tax us again if a line goes by their property and are trying to get support at the State level.  Go for our State Representatives to ignore them.   The board knew then if they told us the truth and would make everyone pay if it goes by your property it would have been turned down.  I know let the people that need the service pay for it.  Let the new developments that want lots too small to support wells and septic systems pay to bring it to their development.  Or you can get rid of all of animal control but one, required by state law, and pay for your other pet projects.
Another story I read with interest was the one on low paying jobs in Gloucester County.  I travel all over the state and starting pay for animal control is much higher in Gloucester than in some cities in the state.  Also if the pay was low there would be lots of turnover not people staying for life.  But when you allow employees to perform jobs and outside positions in conflict of interest of state laws and to be bribed, or the appearance of bribes, why would they leave?  The county likes to state how old it is, have they forgotten because of old age that our nation, commonwealth, and county governments are based on law and not mob rule?
Maybe you should pay attention to the words of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Consider reading the Constitution of the US and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Please consider buying a current copy with updates of the Code of Virginia so Mr Wilmont will be able to keep up with the changes to the state code.
Another concerned citizen of Gloucester County".

Points well given by this reader and we want to thank you for taking the time to respond to this site with your concerns.  All very valid.  Now if we can just get the county officials to understand that their actions do have consequences.  We can always dream can't we?

This business man has been doing business in Gloucester for nearly 65 years.  His contributions to the county are tough to match if they even can be.  He did not need to be interrupted during his discussion as it was very valid to the discussion.  He's upset with what it now takes to get anything done in the county government.  We agree with his points.  Do you think the Board of Supervisors even cared?  At his age and considering all of his contributions to the county, he deserves to spend as much time on the floor as he wants, talking about whatever he wants to talk about.  We could all learn from someone of his experience.

  Shame on Louise Theberge for interrupting him.  

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Readers Respond To Gloucester Main Street Village New Site

One of our readers has just sent us a response to a recent story.  It's about our new web site, Gloucester Main Street Village.

"So you show the not so nice side of Main Street ... fine. What is the story behind the buildings that do not look so good. Why not write about the background to the buildings not blatantly misrepresent a good thing such as the community wide trash pick up with orange bags.

You could be performing a good community service with this site and instead you chose this sophmoric action.

You have heard from me before ... on the Animal Control ordinance."

First off, thank you again for taking the time to comment on our work.  We do appreciate it.  Second, we think you will find the answer to your comment on the post just below this one and we believe it will be an answer that is more than you bargained for.  You can not begin to understand the pain that this type of research causes all of us.  We keep unraveling unbelievable crap that sickens us to the bones and at times does make us physically sick.  What is the future you want for all our children, our grand children, our future generations?  What kind of community do you wish to live in?  Do you want government officials that can come into your home whenever they feel like it, take whatever they want and then do to you and your family whatever they want to?  

  That isn't what we want.  Let's look at good community service.  We are aware of an individual who tried to produce post cards for the county as he noticed that the county lacked them.  It's great for tourism.  He approached the county about producing post cards for the county.  The county said no thanks, they produce their own.  What is government doing producing goods that is supposed to be the domain of private industry hence locking out private industry from even being able to produce?  You can not compete against the government.  

  The government has no business competing against private businesses.  Yet Gloucester County is doing just that.  Locking out private enterprise.  That is big government getting bigger and more dangerous.  By the way, the government official who told this person that the government produced their own post cards and were not interested in private industry competition was no other than Hilton Snowdon, one of the people involved below in a major conflict of interest with his county job and private non profit board status with the Gloucester Main Street Association.  Hope that answers your concern.  Thank you again for the comment.

  Oh wait, the orange bag thing.  The county found a bunch of suckers to clean up the trash produced by major corporations who spend billions convincing us we need their garbage and then blame us because the crap they produce does not break down?  Great plan.  Another sucker buys the cool aid and drinks freely.  Like I said, it's trash left in by the building.

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