Showing posts with label Secret Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret Society. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Dark Side of Freemasonry Part 2 of 2

Here is part two of the video we posted just a few days ago.  Although we do not agree with everything this guy has to say, overall, we can backup the majority of it.

Now this is a lot of time to spend watching videos online, however, it is well worth the time spent to learn about the real inner workings of a secret society that has had an incredible influence on the lives of everyone on the planet.  Do you really think this is a harmless group with harmless philosophies?  You need to see these videos to answer that question.

The Mysteries of Freemasonry, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

This book is one of the books by one of the Authors that Bill talks about in the above videos.  In the above book, you can see for yourself the oaths that masons take and what those oaths are as well as what they mean.  It's not that benign.  Most of the books that are discussed in the above videos are available from us on our Slideshare site and available for free downloads.  Do your own research.  We are adding more books all the time that show exactly what is behind so much of the problems we face today.

Gloucester Main Street Shopping Center with the sign of BAAL, a trapezoid, pyramid lighting, pyramid at the very top of the square over the trapezoid, how magical.  Ask if they will offer you a square deal or if they know the widow's son.  If you are asked if you are a traveler, the answer is you travel from east to west and from the west to east.  If they ask what you are searching for, you answer, for that which is lost. 
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sir Francis Bacon's Own Story - Full Ebook

English: Sir Francis Bacon
English: Sir Francis Bacon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sir Francis Bacon's Own Story - Free Book from Chuck Thompson

Learn more about the past that has dramatic impacts on both our present and our future.  The inside secrets of secret societies are shown full blown here.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  We give this ebook away on our Slideshare site.  Our slideshare site is one of the top sites on Slideshare today.  We have been informed that we are in the top 1 percent of all pages on slideshare.

2014 will prove to be another stellar year as well as we have so much more planned.  We expect to break our new present record and remain in the top 1 percent on slideshare and set a new tone for excellence.  Our commitment to history and education are proving to be what everyone is looking for.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Sir Francis Bacon's Cipher Story, Online Ebook

Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sir Francis Bacon's Cipher Story - Free Ebook from Chuck Thompson

To read the above ebook in full screen mode, left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the above container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.

  Sir Francis Bacon's Cipher Story.  Read about early encryption methods developed by a master for stealth communications and why it was needed and used.  Sir Francis Bacon is an extremely important figure in world history and that importance applies very much so to today's world.  We will be covering more about Sir Francis Bacon and his imprint on today's world and the political structure of the US both in the past, present and our future. 
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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Inside Look At The Masonic Order


Fourteen years ago the writer of this volume entered the temple of Freemasonry, and that date stands out in memory as one of the most significant days in his life. There was a little spread on the night of his raising, and, as is the custom, the candidate was asked to give his impressions of the Order. Among other things, he made request to know if there was any little book which would tell a young man the things he would most like to know about Masonry—what it was, whence it came, what it teaches, and what it is trying to do in the world? No one knew of such a book at that time, nor has any been found to meet a need which many must have felt before and since. By an odd coincidence, it has fallen to the lot of the author to write the little book for which he made request fourteen years ago.

This bit of reminiscence explains the purpose of the present volume, and every book must be judged by its spirit and purpose, not less than by its style and contents. Written as a commission from the Grand Lodge of Iowa, and approved by that Grand body, a copy of this book is to be presented to every [viii]man upon whom the degree of Master Mason is conferred within this Grand Jurisdiction. Naturally this intention has determined the method and arrangement of the book, as well as the matter it contains; its aim being to tell a young man entering the order the antecedents of Masonry, its development, its philosophy, its mission, and its ideal. Keeping this purpose always in mind, the effort has been to prepare a brief, simple, and vivid account of the origin, growth, and teaching of the Order, so written as to provoke a deeper interest in and a more earnest study of its story and its service to mankind.

Read the book below for the rest of this story.

The Builders - Inside The Masonic Order from Chuck Thompson

The book is available for free download on our Slideshare site.  You will have to log in with either a Facebook account or a LinkedIn account or you can set up a free slideshare account for the free download.  To read online and in full screen mode, please left click the icon on the far bottom right hand side of the Slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  This is the first book in our series on Freemasonry.  We will be taking deeper looks into this secret order and let you determine your own opinions on what you read.  The above book is 174 pages total.
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Friday, August 2, 2013

Secrets of Secret Societies Revealed - What You Do Not Know Does Hurt You

Secrets of Secret Societies are revealed in this book.  This is an historic book that was written back in 1896.  It exposes the Masonic order and there is no reason to believe that anything has changed since it's publication.

Free downloads are available on this e-book from our SlideShare site.  You will need to log in with either a Facebook account or a LinkedIn account.  Or sign up for a free account.  To read this online, click the icon at the bottom right hand side to enlarge.  What you do not know does hurt you.
The Square and Compasses. The symbols employed...
The Square and Compasses. The symbols employed in Co-Freemasonry are mostly identical with those in other orders of Freemasonry. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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