Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Newhart - Classic TV for Tuesday

Newhart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our classic TV episode for today and every Tuesday is Newhart.  This is the first episode that started it all.  Newhart was a very popular show back in the 1980's and saw 8 seasons total broadcast before being retired.  Watch an episode of Newhart each Tuesday here on GVLN.   The world's first website to implement and use a programming guide format.

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Daily Press Update - Turnout At Polls Less Than 5 Percent

In related news from the Daily Press;

Police are investigating a homicide in the 2900 block of Shell Road, a spokesman said.
Officers were called to Roy's Quick Serve convenience store shortly after 1 p.m. Thursday after receiving a call about multiple shots being fired in the area. Upon their arrival, police found a man suffering from a gunshot wound, said Sgt. Jason Price, spokesman for the Hampton Police Division. The man was pronounced dead at scene.

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Cincinnati IRS Workers Reveal What Really Happened – And Yes, It’s What You Think

June 10, 2013 by  
Cincinnati IRS Workers Reveal What Really Happened – And Yes, It’s What You Think
A pair of IRS agents who worked out of the Cincinnati office at the center of the widening Tea Party discrimination scandal told Congressional investigators that they were ordered by “higher-ups” in Washington, D.C. to target conservative political groups applying for tax-exempt status.
That’s a contention, notes CBS-D.C., that “directly contradicts claims made by the agency since the scandal erupted last month.”
One Cincinnati agent, Gary Muthert, said he was instructed by a local, unnamed supervisor to go through tax-exempt applications to see if they had “Tea Party” in their titles. But that local supervisor was acting, said Muthert, on order from on high: “He told me that Washington, D.C., wanted some cases.”
Using the “Tea Party” criteria yielded a small handful of applications, but, when Muthert widened his search to include phrases like “patriots’ or “9-12 project,” he hit upon close to 40 more applications.
“I used ‘patriots’ because some of the tea partiers wouldn’t, they would shorten their name to TP Patriots,” Muthert said. “I thought, OK, I will use ‘patriot.’”
From there, Muthert’s supervisor told him that “someone in Washington” had requested to see seven of those applications, but he told investigators he never knew who that “someone” was.
Another Cincinnati IRS agent, Elizabeth Hofacre, was responsible for processing Tea Party applications that had already been flagged in 2010. Her local supervisor, also unnamed, assigned those applications to her. But an IRS attorney in Washington, D.C. named Carter Hull – who worked in the tax-exempt division – allegedly “micromanaged” Hofacre’s work and contributed to the groups’ delay in receiving tax-exempt status.
Hofacre said she thought Hull’s interest in the cases was both unusual and “demeaning.”
“It was demeaning. One of the criteria is to work independently and do research and make decisions based on your experience and education, whereas on this case, I had no autonomy at all through the process,” she told investigators.
Hull also allegedly took his time signing off on letters Hofacre sent asking the flagged groups for extra documentation. “All I remember saying and thinking is, ‘This is ridiculous.’ Because at the same time, you are getting calls from irate taxpayers. And I see their point,” she said.
If the testimony is true and leads to the uncovering of additional evidence, it will further refute the many assertions made by IRS officials and the Administration of President Barack Obama that “rogue” agents acting independently in Cincinnati were solely responsible for the election-season targeting of conservative nonprofits.

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Song of the day - Crokodile Tears by Dickey F - Jazz Blues

Blues, jazz, electric guitar.  A strong and good flowing beat.  All instrumental.  You can play it above before you download it.  You have to love free music.  Especially when it's this good.

(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SAYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Distribute all derivative works under the same license

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GMO Wheat Found - Detrimental To World Health?

A variety of foods made from wheat.
A variety of foods made from wheat. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wheat (Photo credit: Big Grey Mare)
By Dr. Mercola
Monsanto has really done it this time.

As recently reported by CNBC1 and other media outlets,23 an unapproved strain of genetically engineered (GE) wheat has been found growing on a farm in Oregon. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the anomaly on May 29.
As it turns out, the Roundup Ready (i.e. glyphosate-resistant) strain of wheat was developed by Monsanto and field tested in 16 different states between 1998 and 2005.
Plans to bring it to market were abandoned due to opposition against genetically engineered wheat. Many countries importing US wheat do not permit GE ingredients in their food, or require such foods to be labeled.
About 50 percent of the wheat grown in the US is exported. The finding of illegal GE wheat contamination may dramatically alter this ratio however.
Japan and Korea has already suspended orders of US wheat4 in response to the findings. The EU has ordered member states to test imported wheat for contamination.

The economic impact to wheat farmers could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Washington and Kansas wheat farmers have already filed lawsuits against Monsanto due to the immediate harm this disaster has created.

The effects will not be limited to wheat, as importing countries question what other genetic experiments may have escaped the lab and contaminated natural varieties. Monsanto has clearly stated they will leverage the fact they followed government protocol and therefore cannot be held accountable for this mess. The biotech industry is also defending Monsanto, suggesting 'activists' must have set them up.

The biotech industry has so strongly infiltrated and influenced the government agriculture and 'health' agencies they should be considered subsidiaries.

How Did Unapproved GE Wheat Survive More than a Decade After Last Field Trial?

Monsanto and other biotech companies have repeatedly promised that their creations will not escape its intended confines. Today, after hundreds of farmers have been sued for patent infringement after Monsanto’s patented seeds were found growing where they weren’t supposed to, we know how ridiculous such assertions are.
The present situation is even more disturbing, as it shows that field trials alone might have the potential to cause permanent cross-contamination. During a seven-year period, between 1998 and 2005, field tests were conducted in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming.5
Monsanto resumed field trials of Roundup Ready wheat last year, planting 150 acres in Hawaii. Furthermore, according to a report by Bloomberg:6
“Another permit allows Monsanto to test wheat with multiple traits, including Roundup tolerance, on 300 acres in North Dakota this year. Monsanto said May 29 in a statement that it ended its program to develop Roundup Ready wheat nearly a decade before the USDA announced this week that the experimental crop was discovered growing on an Oregon farm. The Roundup Ready wheat in the new field trials is 'an entirely different event' than the escaped crop reported by the USDA, Monsanto said.
'This research is still in the very early phases and at least a decade away from commercial approval,' Lee Quarles, a Monsanto spokesman, said in an e-mail response to questions today. 'The Roundup Ready wheat project that is the subject of the USDA report was previously discontinued.'”
So, by their own admission, Monsanto agrees that the presence of GE wheat in Oregon is not due to any recent activity on their part, but must be the result of escaped wheat going back to field tests well over a decade ago! I wonder if they even realize how significant such an admission is as it seems to be proof positive that they have no control over what happens to their products. No GE wheat seed was ever permitted to be sold, and the last field trial in Oregon was in 2001. As to how the farmer made the discovery in the first place, NPR7 reports:
“About a month ago, a farmer in eastern Oregon noticed some wheat plants growing where he didn’t expect them, and they didn’t die when he sprayed them with Roundup. The farmer sent samples of these curious plants to Carol Mallory-Smith, a scientist at Oregon State University who has investigated other cases in which genetically engineered crops spread beyond their approved boundaries. She found that this wheat was, in fact, genetically engineered. She passed samples on to the US Department of Agriculture, which confirmed her results.”

Good Going Monsanto... US Wheat Exports Now at Risk

In 2006, traces of unapproved genetically engineered rice were discovered in the American rice harvest. This led to several countries banning US grown rice and exporters lost millions of dollars as a result. Bayer CropScience, the company responsible for developing and field testing the GE rice ended up agreeing to pay $750 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by 11,000 American rice farmers.
The export market for wheat is far larger than that for rice, and while Steve Mercer with the US Wheat Associates has gone on record saying that “there’s no indication” that wheat exports will be affected in a similar fashion, his statements appear to have been premature. As mentioned earlier, Japan—frequently the top export customer of US wheat—has already canceled orders of white wheat originating in the Pacific Northwest8 and other importers are keeping a close eye on the matter. Japan also canceled orders on some feed-grade wheat.
According to Mercer, the GE wheat issue is confined to “a few isolated plants growing in eastern Oregon.” Or is it?
The day after the USDA’s announcement, the organic food blogger and activist Vani, aka Foodbabe, reported9 that one of her British readers had sent her a photo of the label on a Kraft Mac & Cheese box imported from the US, and in addition to informing buyers of the presence of artificial colors linked to attention disorders in children, the label clearly states that it’s made with genetically modified wheat.
Now... since GE wheat is not, and never was, approved for commercial planting in the US, how could Kraft’s Mac & Cheese, manufactured in the US, be made with GE wheat? Vani notes: It is uncertain at this time who places this label on products once they are imported into the UK. And this is something I am still investigating.” Lynne Galia, a spokesperson for Kraft Foods, released the following10 statement to MSN News:
"Genetically engineered (GE) wheat is not available for commercial use. We do not use genetically engineered wheat in KRAFT Mac & Cheese or any other Kraft product. So anyone who is saying or implying there is GE wheat in KRAFT Mac & Cheese or any other Kraft product is wrong. In addition, we don’t export Mac & Cheese to the UK and have no authorized distributor there. The company that has applied this sticker is not authorized by Kraft to sell our products. They are not a customer of Kraft. They are getting the product from someone else and reselling our product in the UK. We’re continuing to investigate, but because we are not dealing with authorized distributors of our products, we may not get to the bottom of this issue anytime soon."
Make no mistake about it. The USDA recognizes what a major problem this could be for the US economy. As much as 90 percent of wheat grown in Oregon is sent overseas,11 and in 2011, the state’s wheat crop sold for $492 million. According to US Wheat Associates, US wheat exports totaled $8.1 billion in 2012. 12
Many if not most countries do not permit GE wheat (along with many other genetically engineered crops), so this contamination is going to have massive implications for wheat growers. All the while, Monsanto just shrugs and says they don’t know how their product escaped their well-controlled labs, and the USDA and FDA backs Monsanto up by pretending to know there are absolutely no potential safety issues involved. Truly, the situation is unacceptable.

As Worldwide Activism Against Monsanto Increases, US Government Shields Big Biotech

May 25 saw activists rallying against Monsanto in 36 countries across the globe. In Europe, activists are concerned that the company is trying to overturn EU disclosure laws, and many in the US hit the streets to voice their opinion about the "Monsanto Protection Act" that was silently slipped into the 2013 Federal Appropriations Bill. This is an act that gives biotech immunity from federal prosecution for planting illegally approved GE crops.
Mainstream media took little notice of this global phenomenon. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that just two days prior to the worldwide protests, US senators overwhelmingly voted against the right of states to pass their own GMO labeling laws.13 Best to keep news of Monsanto’s poor image at bay while legislators are hard at work protecting the beast’s rights to continue its wanton slaughter of human rights.

 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/11/unapproved-gm-wheat.aspx  Link to original article.

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Recipe Of The Day- Rice Dumplings

Uncooked, polished, white long-grain rice grains
Uncooked, polished, white long-grain rice grains (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Best way to prepare the rice:

it is best to soak the rice in water over-night, as it then requires less time to boil it,
and moreover, when soaked, the rice becomes lighter, from the fact that
the grains separate more readily while boiling. Put the rice on to boil
in plenty of cold water, stirring it from the bottom of the saucepan
occasionally while it is boiling fast; when the grains separate at the
ends, and thus appear to form the letter X, the rice will be done; it
requires about half an hour's gentle boiling. When the rice is done,
drain it in a colander, and place it before the fire, stirring it now
and then with a fork.


Boil one pound of rice as directed in the foregoing above, and when
thoroughly drained free from excess of moisture, knead the rice with a
spoon in a basin into a smooth, compact kind of paste, and use this to
cover some peeled apples with in the same way as you would make an
ordinary apple dumpling. In order the better to enable you to handle the
rice-paste with ease, I recommend that each time previously to shaping
one of the dumplings, you should first dip your clean hands in cold
water. Let the dumplings, when finished, be tied up in small cloths, and
boiled in plenty of hot water for about three-quarters of an hour. The
cloths used for these dumplings must be greased.

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ESPN MLB Video Updates - All Stars And Astros

Keep up to date with sports right here on GVLN.  We give you sports updates every day.
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Smokers Now Responsible For World Destruction

its hard keeping this one on one hand and the ...
its hard keeping this one on one hand and the camera on the other. :) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
First it was complaints about smokers and then complaints about secondhand smoke.  Many of the complaints are more than fair.  But now the new mantra coming out is third hand smoke?  Really?  No joke.  The newest complaints are now the effects of third hand smoke.  MPNNCSB is now running ads as well as planting what seems like fake letters to the editor of newspapers complaining of third hand smoke.

This is a very blatant targeting of people and would we dare say, profiling of a certain class of people?

One letter to the editor of a local paper stated that this one person goes around picking up the cigarette butts of smokers off the ground because the butts are so toxic to our environment.  One cigarette butt can contaminate 2.5 gallons of water.  The article also pointed out that it takes 13 years for a cigarette butt to disintegrate.  13 years?  And how many millions of taxpayer dollars went into that study?  Also, was that a plastic filter that was used to determine that?  Most manufacturers do not use plastic filters anymore but a small amount of brands still do.  The letter did not state what type of filter was studied or who did the study, so it was not a real complaint in our book.  Just a false statement at best.

  What we want to know is who is going around putting drip pans underneath all the parked vehicles in all the parking lots across the world to collect the oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, anti-freeze and other contaminants that are leaking out of automobiles on a regular basis causing by far more caustic issues than someone's cigarette butt.  Where is the screaming mantra about a vehicle free workplace?  Why isn't anyone demanding that every owner of property install drip pans in the parking lots to collect all of these contaminants from vehicles?  Imagine the industry that can be created by collecting and recycling all of these fluids?

  Also, what about all of the exhaust coming out of every running vehicle?  Should we now argue that mechanics need to work outdoors because of all the toxic air inside the garage where they work?  What about when they go home and all the third hand smells from all the grease, oil and other vehicle fluid contaminants that mechanics are loaded with?  Should they be forced to stay out of stores until they are decontaminated?

  The ads of MPNNCSB target people and do nothing to address the underlying issues of those addicted to tobacco.  No solutions are offered.  Only complaints. So let's look at other very serious issues that this group needs to be addressing.  Such as indoor air quality.

And exactly how is MPNNCSB addressing these issues?  Well they are not.  Instead they are attacking a group of people.  What we want to know is when are they going to come up with fourth hand smoke and fifth hand smoke issues.  Further complaints we saw in one of the letters to the editor is recycling cigarette butts and how you can't because they are so highly contaminated.  It's like recycling grease.  No one wants it.

  We understand the dangers of smoking and understand that most people do not want to be around tobacco smoke.  That is not the issue.  To continue to complain about smokers instead of addressing the underlying issues is a farce at best.  Create all the smoke free workplaces you want and let smokers refuse to spend even a dime with you.  Until these people address all the other issues, they should really stop these complaints.  If you agree, you can call them at 1-888-PREV-550 or 1-804-642-5402 or email them at prevent@mpnn.state.va.us

  Smokers need to demand that their tax dollars not be wasted on such foolishness.

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