Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement today on this week’s special session of the General Assembly to consider proposals to expand access to health care for Virginians:
“As legislators prepare to come back to Richmond to consider proposals to expand access to health care for Virginians who need it, I hope they will join me in moving past the partisan division that has characterized this debate so far. To that end, Delegate Tom Rust has introduced a conservative compromise proposal that will get Virginians the care that they are already paying for, without exposing our Commonwealth to undue fiscal risk. I hope the General Assembly will pass the Rust bill this week so that I can sign it right away.
“This special session is an opportunity to continue to prove to Virginians that Republicans and Democrats can work together on common sense solutions to make their lives better. I am ready to negotiate and sign any proposal that brings our taxpayer dollars home to expand access to care, and I invite my friends in both parties to join me at the table.
“Virginia families, businesses and hospitals will be watching the actions that we take here this week. We owe it to them to bring our tax dollars home to expand health care access, create jobs and bring savings to our budget. We cannot afford to fall short of that goal.”