Saturday, December 21, 2013

Federalist Papers No. 35. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the General Power of Taxation)

For the Independent Journal. Saturday, January 5, 1788

To the People of the State of New York:
BEFORE we proceed to examine any other objections to an indefinite power of taxation in the Union, I shall make one general remark; which is, that if the jurisdiction of the national government, in the article of revenue, should be restricted to particular objects, it would naturally occasion an undue proportion of the public burdens to fall upon those objects. Two evils would spring from this source: the oppression of particular branches of industry; and an unequal distribution of the taxes, as well among the several States as among the citizens of the same State.
Suppose, as has been contended for, the federal power of taxation were to be confined to duties on imports, it is evident that the government, for want of being able to command other resources, would frequently be tempted to extend these duties to an injurious excess. There are persons who imagine that they can never be carried to too great a length; since the higher they are, the more it is alleged they will tend to discourage an extravagant consumption, to produce a favorable balance of trade, and to promote domestic manufactures. But all extremes are pernicious in various ways. Exorbitant duties on imported articles would beget a general spirit of smuggling; which is always prejudicial to the fair trader, and eventually to the revenue itself: they tend to render other classes of the community tributary, in an improper degree, to the manufacturing classes, to whom they give a premature monopoly of the markets; they sometimes force industry out of its more natural channels into others in which it flows with less advantage; and in the last place, they oppress the merchant, who is often obliged to pay them himself without any retribution from the consumer. When the demand is equal to the quantity of goods at market, the consumer generally pays the duty; but when the markets happen to be overstocked, a great proportion falls upon the merchant, and sometimes not only exhausts his profits, but breaks in upon his capital. I am apt to think that a division of the duty, between the seller and the buyer, more often happens than is commonly imagined. It is not always possible to raise the price of a commodity in exact proportion to every additional imposition laid upon it. The merchant, especially in a country of small commercial capital, is often under a necessity of keeping prices down in order to a more expeditious sale.
The maxim that the consumer is the payer, is so much oftener true than the reverse of the proposition, that it is far more equitable that the duties on imports should go into a common stock, than that they should redound to the exclusive benefit of the importing States. But it is not so generally true as to render it equitable, that those duties should form the only national fund. When they are paid by the merchant they operate as an additional tax upon the importing State, whose citizens pay their proportion of them in the character of consumers. In this view they are productive of inequality among the States; which inequality would be increased with the increased extent of the duties. The confinement of the national revenues to this species of imposts would be attended with inequality, from a different cause, between the manufacturing and the non-manufacturing States. The States which can go farthest towards the supply of their own wants, by their own manufactures, will not, according to their numbers or wealth, consume so great a proportion of imported articles as those States which are not in the same favorable situation. They would not, therefore, in this mode alone contribute to the public treasury in a ratio to their abilities. To make them do this it is necessary that recourse be had to excises, the proper objects of which are particular kinds of manufactures. New York is more deeply interested in these considerations than such of her citizens as contend for limiting the power of the Union to external taxation may be aware of. New York is an importing State, and is not likely speedily to be, to any great extent, a manufacturing State. She would, of course, suffer in a double light from restraining the jurisdiction of the Union to commercial imposts.
So far as these observations tend to inculcate a danger of the import duties being extended to an injurious extreme it may be observed, conformably to a remark made in another part of these papers, that the interest of the revenue itself would be a sufficient guard against such an extreme. I readily admit that this would be the case, as long as other resources were open; but if the avenues to them were closed, HOPE, stimulated by necessity, would beget experiments, fortified by rigorous precautions and additional penalties, which, for a time, would have the intended effect, till there had been leisure to contrive expedients to elude these new precautions. The first success would be apt to inspire false opinions, which it might require a long course of subsequent experience to correct. Necessity, especially in politics, often occasions false hopes, false reasonings, and a system of measures correspondingly erroneous. But even if this supposed excess should not be a consequence of the limitation of the federal power of taxation, the inequalities spoken of would still ensue, though not in the same degree, from the other causes that have been noticed. Let us now return to the examination of objections.
One which, if we may judge from the frequency of its repetition, seems most to be relied on, is, that the House of Representatives is not sufficiently numerous for the reception of all the different classes of citizens, in order to combine the interests and feelings of every part of the community, and to produce a due sympathy between the representative body and its constituents. This argument presents itself under a very specious and seducing form; and is well calculated to lay hold of the prejudices of those to whom it is addressed. But when we come to dissect it with attention, it will appear to be made up of nothing but fair-sounding words. The object it seems to aim at is, in the first place, impracticable, and in the sense in which it is contended for, is unnecessary. I reserve for another place the discussion of the question which relates to the sufficiency of the representative body in respect to numbers, and shall content myself with examining here the particular use which has been made of a contrary supposition, in reference to the immediate subject of our inquiries.
The idea of an actual representation of all classes of the people, by persons of each class, is altogether visionary. Unless it were expressly provided in the Constitution, that each different occupation should send one or more members, the thing would never take place in practice. Mechanics and manufacturers will always be inclined, with few exceptions, to give their votes to merchants, in preference to persons of their own professions or trades. Those discerning citizens are well aware that the mechanic and manufacturing arts furnish the materials of mercantile enterprise and industry. Many of them, indeed, are immediately connected with the operations of commerce. They know that the merchant is their natural patron and friend; and they are aware, that however great the confidence they may justly feel in their own good sense, their interests can be more effectually promoted by the merchant than by themselves. They are sensible that their habits in life have not been such as to give them those acquired endowments, without which, in a deliberative assembly, the greatest natural abilities are for the most part useless; and that the influence and weight, and superior acquirements of the merchants render them more equal to a contest with any spirit which might happen to infuse itself into the public councils, unfriendly to the manufacturing and trading interests. These considerations, and many others that might be mentioned prove, and experience confirms it, that artisans and manufacturers will commonly be disposed to bestow their votes upon merchants and those whom they recommend. We must therefore consider merchants as the natural representatives of all these classes of the community.
With regard to the learned professions, little need be observed; they truly form no distinct interest in society, and according to their situation and talents, will be indiscriminately the objects of the confidence and choice of each other, and of other parts of the community.
Nothing remains but the landed interest; and this, in a political view, and particularly in relation to taxes, I take to be perfectly united, from the wealthiest landlord down to the poorest tenant. No tax can be laid on land which will not affect the proprietor of millions of acres as well as the proprietor of a single acre. Every landholder will therefore have a common interest to keep the taxes on land as low as possible; and common interest may always be reckoned upon as the surest bond of sympathy. But if we even could suppose a distinction of interest between the opulent landholder and the middling farmer, what reason is there to conclude, that the first would stand a better chance of being deputed to the national legislature than the last? If we take fact as our guide, and look into our own senate and assembly, we shall find that moderate proprietors of land prevail in both; nor is this less the case in the senate, which consists of a smaller number, than in the assembly, which is composed of a greater number. Where the qualifications of the electors are the same, whether they have to choose a small or a large number, their votes will fall upon those in whom they have most confidence; whether these happen to be men of large fortunes, or of moderate property, or of no property at all.
It is said to be necessary, that all classes of citizens should have some of their own number in the representative body, in order that their feelings and interests may be the better understood and attended to. But we have seen that this will never happen under any arrangement that leaves the votes of the people free. Where this is the case, the representative body, with too few exceptions to have any influence on the spirit of the government, will be composed of landholders, merchants, and men of the learned professions. But where is the danger that the interests and feelings of the different classes of citizens will not be understood or attended to by these three descriptions of men? Will not the landholder know and feel whatever will promote or insure the interest of landed property? And will he not, from his own interest in that species of property, be sufficiently prone to resist every attempt to prejudice or encumber it? Will not the merchant understand and be disposed to cultivate, as far as may be proper, the interests of the mechanic and manufacturing arts, to which his commerce is so nearly allied? Will not the man of the learned profession, who will feel a neutrality to the rivalships between the different branches of industry, be likely to prove an impartial arbiter between them, ready to promote either, so far as it shall appear to him conducive to the general interests of the society?
If we take into the account the momentary humors or dispositions which may happen to prevail in particular parts of the society, and to which a wise administration will never be inattentive, is the man whose situation leads to extensive inquiry and information less likely to be a competent judge of their nature, extent, and foundation than one whose observation does not travel beyond the circle of his neighbors and acquaintances? Is it not natural that a man who is a candidate for the favor of the people, and who is dependent on the suffrages of his fellow-citizens for the continuance of his public honors, should take care to inform himself of their dispositions and inclinations, and should be willing to allow them their proper degree of influence upon his conduct? This dependence, and the necessity of being bound himself, and his posterity, by the laws to which he gives his assent, are the true, and they are the strong chords of sympathy between the representative and the constituent.
There is no part of the administration of government that requires extensive information and a thorough knowledge of the principles of political economy, so much as the business of taxation. The man who understands those principles best will be least likely to resort to oppressive expedients, or sacrifice any particular class of citizens to the procurement of revenue. It might be demonstrated that the most productive system of finance will always be the least burdensome. There can be no doubt that in order to a judicious exercise of the power of taxation, it is necessary that the person in whose hands it should be acquainted with the general genius, habits, and modes of thinking of the people at large, and with the resources of the country. And this is all that can be reasonably meant by a knowledge of the interests and feelings of the people. In any other sense the proposition has either no meaning, or an absurd one. And in that sense let every considerate citizen judge for himself where the requisite qualification is most likely to be found.

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Christmas Eve Short Stories Ebook

traditional Christmas Eve supper in Poland - d...
traditional Christmas Eve supper in Poland - dishes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Christmas Eve Short Stories - Free Ebook from Chuck Thompson

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Short Stories ebook.  Some old fashioned stories to read to help you get you into the spirit of the season.  To read the ebook in full screen mode, right click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the above container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free downloads of this ebook are available from our slideshare site.  You will either need to log in with a Facebook account or a LinkedIn account or set up a free account to get the free download on this.

  Merry Christmas.
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Gloucester, VA Trans Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo Music Video

Continuing what we have already started, we are bringing you more Christmas music videos.  Today we are bringing you the Trans Siberian Orchestra.  This is one of the official videos and not shot by someone that attended one of their concerts and got lousy footage and sound.  Merry Christmas and enjoy.
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Governor McDonnell Announces Results of Regulatory Reform Initiative

English: Governor of Virginia at CPAC in .
English: Governor of Virginia at CPAC in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Repealed 848 Sections of the Virginia Administrative Code; Streamlined an Additional 678 Sections Resulting in Freer, Fairer System and Savings for Tax Payers
Full Report Available Online Here

RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell today announced the results of his Regulatory Reform Initiative (“RRI”).  The RRI consisted of a comprehensive review of regulations currently in place, and has resulted in the repeal of regulations that are unnecessary or no longer in use, the reduction of unnecessary regulatory burdens on individuals, businesses, and other regulated groups, and the identification of statutes that require unnecessary or overly burdensome regulations.

            As a result of the RRI, 167 regulatory actions have been filed, 848 sections of the Virginia Administrative Code have been repealed, and 678 sections have been reformed or streamlined. Included in the reforms are substantial cost savings to taxpayers in the form of reductions of fees, removal of excessive licensing procedures, and arduous permitting processes. Citizens, stakeholders, and twenty nine different agencies submitted reform recommendations. The RRI efforts were coordinated through the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall website ( by the Economic and Regulatory Analysis Division of the Department of Planning and Budget.   

he RRI is an extension of Governor McDonnell’s efforts as Attorney General to eliminate unnecessary and onerous regulations through his Task Force on Regulatory and Government Reform.

            Speaking about the RRI, Governor McDonnell said, “Good governance means in fostering an environment where citizens and business can thrive. By streamlining confusing code and eliminating unnecessary regulations we are making smart reforms that ensure that government works for the citizens.  I applaud the work accomplished by the agencies who participated in the RRI for their efforts to make Virginia freer and fairer.  Not only did agencies work diligently on identifying reforms, but we took an innovative approach and allowed the citizens and stakeholders to submit recommendations through our website.  Working together we helped taxpayers keep more of their hard earned money by reducing fees, we’ve streamlined regulations, and permitting processes; all of which contributed to naming Virginia the ‘Top State for Business’ in the nation”. 

            The initiative resulted in hundreds of reforms, some examples of these reforms include:

  • The Virginia Waste Management Board took action to provide relief from a burdensome permit amendment fee for solid waste landfills that are undergoing corrective action. It was charging landfill sites a fee of $22,860, but streamlining efforts within the corrective action program have reduced costs. These efforts allowed the board to decrease the fee to $3,000, a reduction of 87 percent.

  • The Board of Medicine provided a one-time reduction in renewal fees for family physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, respiratory care practitioners, physician assistants, occupational therapists, radiologic technologists, acupuncturists, athletic trainers, and midwives.

  • A change in permitting procedures will reduce costs ($7,000 per facility) for entities such as some electricity generators, paper manufacturers, and landfills, without affecting the environment. 

  • Manufacturers outside of Virginia have been taking advantage of costs subsidized by Virginia taxpayers for “street drug preparations” (bath salts for example) during forensic testing. The proposed changes would allow the Department of Forensic Science to charge the actual costs of the “street drug preparations” used in the forensic evaluation process, saving Virginia taxpayers thousands of dollars.
 The full report can be viewed and downloaded here.

            Regulatory changes that are not exempt from the Administrative Process Act involved executive branch review by the Office of the Attorney General, the Department of Planning and Budget DPB, the appropriate Cabinet Secretary, and the Governor in accordance with the requirements of the APA and EO 14.  Recommendations that have not completed this regulatory process will continue until finalized.
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Governor McDonnell Announces Work to Begin on Interstate 64 Upgrades in the Shenandoah Valley

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New Technology Utilized to Enhance Afton Mountain Safety

RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is moving forward with technology upgrades designed to improve safety and traffic flow on Interstate 64 over Afton Mountain.

            The Commonwealth Transportation Board recently awarded a $4.6 million contract to G4S Technology of Springfield to design and build an Active Traffic and Safety Management System (ATSMS). The project will be located on I-64 between mile markers 94 and 107 through Augusta, Nelson and Albemarle counties.

            “This is a prime example of VDOT using technology to save lives,” said Governor McDonnell.   “This section of the I-64 corridor has a higher than average traffic crash rate related to fog or wind, including several large multivehicle accidents. The ATSMS project will help mitigate frequency and severity of crashes related to adverse weather conditions within the corridor.” 

The I-64 Afton ATSMS includes numerous improvements:

·         A network of Dynamic Message Signs to keep drivers informed of changing traffic and weather conditions.
·         Additional traffic cameras that will allow complete surveillance of the corridor by the Staunton Traffic Operations Center, which provides real-time information to drivers through the 511 Virginia system.
·         Visibility detection sensors to improve the response and performance of the existing fog-light system.
·         Fiber-optics infrastructure that will support future development of variable speed limits based on weather and traffic conditions.

            Keeping drivers informed of road and weather conditions is a key component of the ATSMS project. Dynamic Message Signs will communicate information received by the Staunton Traffic Operations Center from the visibility detection sensors, traffic cameras and traffic detection sensors. All of these systems aggregate atmospheric and roadway surface condition information as well as traffic speed and volumes.  VDOT will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system.

Other key stakeholders in the project will include the Virginia State Police, as well as multiple city and county law enforcement and emergency response agencies that respond to incidents occurring along the corridor.

            By supplementing existing operations technologies on Afton Mountain, TOC operators will have improved traffic incident management and information sharing capabilities. Drivers will have an improved driving and decision making experience to help achieve lower crash rates along this portion of the I-64 corridor, making the road safer for all who use it.

            Throughout Virginia VDOT is improving corridor operations with similar ATSMS projects. Other projects are in Northern Virginia on Interstate 66 and a proposed project on Interstate 77 in Carroll County in Southwest Virginia.

            Construction on the I-64 Afton ATSMS project is scheduled to begin in early 2014, and finish in summer 2015.
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“Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000” Achieves Goal!

Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell speaking at...
Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell speaking at CPAC. Please attribute to Gage Skidmore if used elsewhere. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Governor McDonnell Announces 1,008 children Adopted or Matched So Far in 2013

RICHMOND- The “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000” effort has met its goal. Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that in calendar year 2013, 1,008 children from Virginia’s foster care system have been adopted or matched with a family who is going through the process of adopting.  The announcement is a part of the focus Governor McDonnell has placed on foster care and adoption since the launch of the “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000” in May of this year.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McDonnell said, “In May, we set out to achieve a clear goal: to match 1,000 children in foster care with permanent, loving families this year. Today, I am pleased to announce we have met, and actually now surpassed, this goal. I commend Secretary Hazel, Secretary Kelly, and the many state and local Department of Social Service employees and private adoption agencies who champion this cause day in and day out and who have worked tirelessly to reach this goal. Even though this is a tremendous milestone, there is still a great deal to be accomplished. I look forward to the continued focus on adoption throughout the McAuliffe administration.Every child deserves a family and a place to call home. Virginians have big hearts and big dreams and together, this year, we have changed lives forever.”

“Growing up in a loving family is one of the most important factors in a child’s life. It contributes to a strong sense of identity and builds a foundation for success.  Reaching the goal of matching 1,000 waiting children with permanent families is an extraordinary feat.  I look forward to building on the successes of the McDonnell administration and continuing this effort until there are no more foster children waiting to be adopted in Virginia,” stated Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe

Former First Lady Anne Holton added, “I am delighted to see the Campaign for 1,000 reach its goal. Tim and I believe deeply in this cause and it’s gratifying to see the next two gubernatorial Administrations take on and expand the effort.  This is an excellent step in the right direction, and I know that Governor-elect McAuliffe will expand on this success.”

The “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000” launched in May from the steps of the Governor’s Mansion.  Former first lady Anne Holton joined Governor McDonnell at the launch.  In late July, the Campaign held informational rallies in nine localities across Virginia. More than 900 participants attended these events where potential adoptive parents learned more about children waiting for adoption and the adoption process. The Campaign also featured two innovative social media campaigns: “100 Kids, 100 Days” and “#IHeartAdoption.” The first campaign shared the story of 100 children in the foster care system waiting for a family, over the period of 100 days. #IHeartAdoption encourages adoption supporters to share photos describing why they support adoption on Facebook and Twitter.

Governor McDonnell announced last week his biennial budget will include $27.7 million in new funding for four initiatives targeted at improving foster care and adoption. In 2013, Governor McDonnell secured in the state budget $1.5 million in new funding dedicated to extreme recruitment, general recruitment, and post adoptive services. 

Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel stated, “Now that we have met the goal of matching 1,000 children, our focus will shift to those that have become available for adoption in recent months, since about 40 new children become available for adoption each month in Virginia.  Our goal is to surpass the number of children waiting with a pool of parents who want to adopt out of the foster care system.”

Secretary Kelly said, “This goal means that for 1,008 children, they will celebrate the last Christmas without a permanent family or the first Christmas with their new, permanent families. This is a phenomenal achievement, but we need to keep this momentum up for three to five years in order to truly change the culture of foster care adoptions in Commonwealth.”

            For more information about the “Campaign for 1,000” please view the Governor McDonnell and Governor-elect McAulliffe’s video messageand visit
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