Friday, November 21, 2014

Gloucester, Virginia Board of Supervisors Nov. 2014 Meeting And Report Card

BOS Report Card Nov 2014

In the July meeting I spoke during the citizen comment period and gave the BOS a list of things they need to do to make Gloucester County "The Land of the Life Worth Living."

Until they fix the items  I think they need to be graded on their progress.  So I will grade them on the five items.  Maybe the School Board needs to be graded on the same items; I would but untl they get above a “F” I will not waste my time.  I will keep track so we can present your grade when your next election comes up.

If any of the boad members feels the grades are not fair I will consider their appeal.

Note: This report card changed based on what happened after the meeting  and not to the positive.

1. Integrity at the Board of Supervisors level

Quit voting  or things that benefit you over the county.  Follow the US and VA Constitution, VA code and rule of law.






Aug 14





Jan 15




Robert Orth





Christopher Hutson





Ashley Chriscoe





Andrew James, Jr.





Michael Winebarger





John Meyer, Jr.





Phillip Bazzani





Comment:             Aug - Dr. Orth did not vote for Ernest Lane.  Absent that night.

                        Sep - Why do you think more government intrusion into our lives is better?

                        Oct – Not voting to send the rquest to the State Representatives for mandintory sewer hookup was good, however keeping it on the agenda was not good.

                        Nov – Mr. Hutson said it best I paraphrase: actions of overzellous employes do reflect opon the board.


2. Hold Department Heads and Supervisors to high standards and get rid of them when they break the rules.  You cannot hold lower level employees to high standards if they are not practiced at the higher levels.

Aug 14





Jan 15










Aug - Nothing has been fixed.

            Sept - Allowed department heads and supervisors to get away with not answering your questions.

            Oct – Based on Mr. Meyer’s action to hold county administratioraccountable the Board was in line to get an A.  However, Mr. Hutson and Chriscoewanted to allow carry over and new funding to proceed without going through correct procedures.  The county employees did a better job presenting their requests and reports to you.

            Nov –I have to wonder about Ms. Garton’s management skills and her ability to pick the correct people for department head positions.

3. Fire employees on the spot if they use vehicles for personal business, except in the case of an emergency and the employee better contact the supervisors before the supervisor contacts them.  No shopping, banking, and fast food restaurants in county vehicles.  If trash is found in the vehicle from these places the employee needs to receive the same punishment.

Aug 14





Jan 15










Sept –  Apears employees are not going out to eat, however, they are still finding places to go to not work, cruising the beach.  Many different vehicles, departments sruising not including those that were actually there for work.   One month does not show a fix but it is trending in the correct direction.

Oct –  Why does Jeff Stillman still have a job?

Nov – In my openion it apears you have one department that believe it is ok to go after personal vendetas and not provide service to the public.

4.  Quit wasting taxpayers money.  The Board of Supervisions and all county employees need to be good stewards of the resources.






Aug 14





Jan 15




Robert Orth

Sincerely:  Wayne Crews
Gloucester, Virginia

Gloucester, Virginia: Steve Baranek Wasting Your Tax Dollars?

The question we are asking:  Is Steve Baranek, Chief Animal Control officer for Gloucester County wasting our tax dollars?  The reason we are asking this is because as of today, Novermber 21st, 2014 we have filed a complaint that he appears to have been conducting personal business while on county employment time.  The date in question is July 26th, 2014 where Steve was seen at the Tractor Supply yard sale in the Gloucester County Courthouse Area.  We have a picture of him at that event.

  Why was he at a yard sale?  Now Tractor Supply does provide their parking lot during most of the year for animal swap meets and an occasional yard sale where no animals are present.  On July 26th, 2014 the event in the Tractor Supply parking lot was a yard sale without any animals present.  Why was he even there?  He was in full uniform and driving a county vehicle just like the one pictured above.  Why is the county paying him to shop at a private event on private property?

Below is a copy of the complaint form we submitted and filed with the Director of Human Resources of Gloucester County local government.

Gloucester, Virginia Complaint Filing, Animal Control, Official 

In the above document there is a picture of Steven Baranek.  In the background one can see there are no animals at this event.  The complaint we filed with county officials and Human Resources is 2 pages as opposed to the one page above.  I added a true signature to the copy filed with Gloucester County to make the complaint official.  Why are Gloucester residents being expected to pay for county government employees to go shopping while on duty?  This is no different than if he was shopping inside Wal Mart while on duty.  This is an outrage for every resident in Gloucester who pays any form of taxes including shopping in any of the local stores.  It's an outrage to anyone who comes to Gloucester and shops as some of those tax dollars fund this kind of behavior as well.

  If you find this kind of behavior disturbing, please email the Board of Supervisors and tell them about it.  is the email address to the Board of Supervisors of Gloucester.  Let them know you DO NOT CONSENT to this kind of behavior by county employees wasting your tax dollars.  

Speaking Out Against HRTAC And Their Proposals To Destroy Hampton Roads Virginia Through Policy

English: The Hampton Roads Transit Paddlewheel...
English: The Hampton Roads Transit Paddlewheel Ferry is a system of three 150-passenger paddle-wheel ferry boats, one of which is the world's first natural gas-powered pedestrian ferry. The Ferry travels between North Landing and High Street in Portsmouth and Downtown Norfolk at The Waterside. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hampton Roads Transportation
Accountability Commission
Meeting for November 20, 2014

12:30 P.M.

Good Afternoon:

My Name is Donna Sayegh
I live in Portsmouth
I am the State Coordinator
For the National Liberty Alliance

Principles of Liberty # 21. Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human liberty.

Political power automatically gravitates toward the center, and the purpose of the Constitution is to prevent that from happening. The centralization of political power always destroys liberty by removing the decision-making function from the people on the local level and transferring it to the officers of the central government. This process gradually inactivates the spirit of service among the people, and they lose the will to solve their own problems. They also cease to be involved in community affairs. They become the nameless and forgotten in the seething crowds of the city and are they are the corrupted faceless puppets that have neither a voice nor a vote.

In Ancient England, local self-government is found in connection with the political and territorial divisions of ten’s to hundreds of boroughs, counties, and shires, in which the body of inhabitants had a voice in managing their own affairs. Hence it was the seed of the Anglo-Saxon constitution of civil government. (The Shire was originally a division of the kingdom under the jurisdiction of an Earl or Count, whose authority was entrusted to the sheriff.)

In the course of events, the crown deprived the body of the people of this power of local rule, and vested it in a small number of persons in each locality, who were called municipal councils. They were clothed with the power of filling vacancies in their number, and became self-perpetuating bodies. In this way, the ancient freedom of self-government was undermined, and the power of the ruling classes was installed in its place. Today, Virginia has its new A- ris-tock-racy, our municipal councils, they are clothed with power, power granted to it by the General Assembly, not by the people. SB513 and HB2313 legislation is attempting to rob us, Virginia Patriots, of our life-giving spirit of self-government. We are not going to allow this Law to dampen our spirit for Liberty and Justice for all. We have not lost the will to solve our own problems. We are not going to cease to be involved in our community affairs.

We are not going to be the nameless and forgotten in the seething
crowds of our cities and we are not going to be corrupted faceless
puppets that have neither a voice nor a vote.

We are putting you on Notice. We, the good people of Virginia, are not going to Consent to this Tyranny. We are not going to Consent to being ruled by the self-appointed few. The self appointed few has multiplied into an army of non-governmental agencies trying to take on the New World Order crusade, such as: Connect Hampton Roads, Hampton Roads Public Transportation Alliance, Transportation for America, Mobility Matters, Hampton Roads for rail, The American conservative Center for Public Transportation, The Economic Forecasting Project, HR Association for Commercial Real Estate and many others agencies too numerous to count.

The HRTAC was created to have the transportation bonding authority and the issuance of bonds for the Hampton roads transportation projects. That is all. We only need 6 people to do the work of a bonding authority. We need to have people who know how to do a bond. All we need is a job description on the Bonding requirements. I have attached a sample guideline to simplify what needs to done for this Commission. Our taxes do not need to pay for another bureaucracy. If the Secretary of Transportation wanted to work to do the Bonding for the Transportation projects, then the job is limited in scope. We, the good people of Virginia, do not need this Commission in the first place. We do not consent to have one.

HRTAC is all about transportation funding for the Virginia Port Authority. It is all about getting trucks in and out of the port of Hampton Roads. It is all about building another terminal on Craney Island. It is all about getting more material things into the hands of the unaware people of Virginia and other states in our union. Have you seen all the frivolous materialism coming from China stock the shelves of Wal Mart. These aren’t necessities. Look at Portsmouth, we have lost so much of our land for the benefit of the Port. Not only lost of land, but the excessive building of apartments and houses with the remaining land that we do have. Portsmouth is a Port city. It is an industrial City, but the non-governmental agencies are promoting us to live like rats in an urban environment to promote the totalitarian government that we the good people of Virginia are saying, NO WE DO NOT CONSENT to this form of government. I have attached a Notice of the Totalitarian form of government you are trying to force on us. We the People say: NO WE DO NOT CONSENT.

Thanks for listening.

(When we saw this we had to get rights to publish it which we did.  This was a well done speech given at the meeting.  We agree, we DO NOT CONSENT!)

Donna's speech was very Patriotic and a lesson for all.

Governor McAuliffe Statement on the President's Executive Actions on Immigration

RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement following President Obama’s executive actions on immigration:

“I applaud President Obama’s efforts to ensure that undocumented workers who are living, working, and paying taxes in the United States are no longer under constant threat of deportation. Families come here to achieve the American Dream and to provide a better future for their children. Over the last few years, Virginia has become increasingly diverse, with many first-generation Americans, and I believe this diversity adds value to our Commonwealth. 

“I also have spoken with business leaders across the Commonwealth and the nation who have called for skilled worker immigration reform to ensure that top international talent who have come to the United States are encouraged to stay here to pursue their careers. In order to build a new Virginia economy, we must make sure that international entrepreneurs have opportunities to start their businesses and create jobs here. The actions President Obama took today will help us achieve those goals.

“While these are important steps, it is clear that comprehensive immigration reform is still needed. Senators Kaine and Warner have shown great leadership on this issue, and it is my hope that Congress put their differences aside and take decisive action to build upon the progress President Obama announced today.”

(Guess that means we can keep our housekeeper and gardener for now.  Sweating bullets over that.  Just hated putting down the Rolling Stones magazine and High Times to watch the news broadcast.  Now it's on to Mad Magazine.)

The President Speaks on Fixing America's Broken Immigration System

America’s immigration system is broken. The President is taking executive action to fix what he can to help build a system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.

(Watch Obama's eyes throughout the speech.  It's rather clear he is reading from a teleprompter.  Can't remember the speech?  Also, you have to love the makeup he has on.  Maybe it's Maybelline?  Mary Kay?  And is anyone buying his lies?  Let's blame the republicans?  Let's blame the democrats?  It's an old ploy but it still works on you.  You don't get it do you?  It's designed to divide the people, not to create policy.

  Now here is a question.  Can we deport Obama too?)