Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Public Notice: Dr William J Bennett Being Sued In King William County

Filed January 22nd, 2019, a suit for malicious prosecution, extortion, bribery and graft have been put against Dr William J Bennett in King William County, Virginia and also includes premeditated theft with malice of personal property, jewelry, land theft and hetero-sexism.  We have a copy of this suit for verification.  More to come.

(By :  Liberty Law)

Public Notice: Judge Jeffrey W Shaw Being Sued

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019, filed today in King William County Court, Judge Jeffery W Shaw is in default of jurisdiction and is being sued for malicious prosecution under extortion, bribery and graft.  We have a copy of the suit as filed in King William County and have verified the suit.  This is a matter of public record.  Further, a commercial lean has been put against Judge Jeffery Shaw in this matter.

An update has been posted at the top of the site.

(By:  Liberty Law)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Violet Holland's Rant: Trusting Politiciansđź‘€

The subject title alone here can make the hairs on the back of ones neck stand straight up when we think of how many times we have been deceived by the men we have voted into office.

We used to trust these men but then we discovered they were lying to us and now we have become divided...a nation that in 2001 representatives that stood on the White House steps hand in hand on September 11th, vowing that we are one nation under God. Yet, the fact is many of those hand holders are seeking division in the worst possible way. Unity is what will keep Our Country strong.

Let's go back to the days of old for a bit.... Some of you are too young to remember her ..., but her name was Chandra Levy. She was a young beautiful intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons who had her whole life before her until she became a missing person in 2001. Her remains were found in May of 2002. Throughout the search, the secret affair she had with an U.S. congressmen by the name of Gary Condit(D) unfolded. Many thought he was behind it, others slandered her name. Although someone has been tried and convicted of her death, the question still lingers in the hearts and minds of many if the sexual predator of this young intern had anything to do with it.

Then there was another beautiful young intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky..... who was shunned and scandalized for revealing thatour then President Bill  Clinton(D) was having sexual relations with her. He even stood before the American people on National television and called her a liar...., "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" were his words. And To add insult to injury he used OUR Oval Office to violate her.  As we all now know DNA DON'T lie but Bill Clinton does!

Here's my point, you have just been given two examples of what could happen to young beautiful interns that are placed in the midst of powerful men. As of late, we're informed of a "list" of women who have been paid off with 17 million of our tax payers dollars to keep them from revealing sexual harassment and /or abuse from trusted politicians. Yet, we have a Senator right here in Virginia who has access to that list and refuses to show it to us. Which isn't surprising.... because let's not forget his close association with the Man "who didn't have sex with that woman". That's right, his beloved wife Hilary wanted him to be vice president! Does he have no shame? Does he not comprehend that the man sexually violated a young intern whose parents were once proud to speak about yet now feel they were let down by the very men they entrusted their daughters with? If that's not cause for concern, then you must not have a daughter, wife or granddaughter who is excelling in the powerful world of politics.

My question to you is, how many of these young women on that list have been frightened or coerced into taking money to seal their lips? Afterall, look at the ones we do know about. Their lives were ripped apart, they were put down by the media and presented as "having asked for it". đź‘€ Really? That's the opinion of  our young rising interns? How horrible to be in a position to have to decide between justice and slanderous accusation that can ruin you forever or being quiet and watching the perpetrator continue on his path. Ladies....take a moment And ponder that. And as you do so, ask yourself...... Do you really think they stopped at one victim?

It's election time people....if you're a woman this should bother you tremendously regardless what party you represent. If you're a husband or father it should bother you. Let me put it like this...... If you're a HUMAN BEING this should bother you. Make a statement at the polls on November 6th. Let Tim Kaine and all those in this cover up know we want him to reveal the list of the senators who have violated the human rights of women! If you don't .... you are just as guilty of their treacherous acts as they are, simply by disregarding these women and their sufferings. Most were most likely young interns who had visions of rising to the top only to be stymied by sexual acts upon them. Demand the list from senator Tim Kaine who stands side by side with the most notorious sexual predator in our political arena Bill Clinton. Stand up for these women and get mad that millions of our tax dollars are being used to cover it up! Vote November 6th. It's time corruption stops and it's up to us to make it happen. 

See you at the polls!
Violet Holland

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Regression In The United States of America. Do you see it??

As I observe the events unfolding in our political arena I am incredibly saddened by the regression our Country has somehow managed to find itself in. At times, I find myself wondering if our younger generation has a clue what our ancestors went through to acquire the freedoms that they now own. Many would be surprised to learn that men of color actually acquired their rights to vote, long before WOMEN did! Yet, no one is stopping to notice the REGRESSION!

In 1870, two women tried to get into the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London and were denied access. This started a movement that took 80 years to  achieve. Women's Rights to Vote. They would no longer be silenced! Their opinions finally had credence in America!
This was actually 50 years AFTER the black MAN was given his right to vote yet, I watch as politicians silence women with monetary funding from our tax dollars and a blind eye has been turned, even by the Women Rights Activists who proclaim to fight for ALL women. Wow! That is heart breaking!

Regression my friends, we are in the midst of it! The government on the left says they want you to have more "free stuff". Housing, food, etc. Tell me....wasn't that what slavery was all about, the owner/ master gave you a roof over your head and provided the necessities yet you never really "owned" anything. In fact, they owned you! Hence, the new terminology "Government Plantation" and I am amazed how many are willing to surrender their freedom to achieve nothing really. Keeping in mind, you can't make a lot of money to "qualify" for the free stuff, nope as soon as you do you are on your own, keeping you in their clutches. Which only means one thing, the government owns you,at least until you try and break "free" from their clutches. That is NOT what your ancestors fought for!
Rosa Parks defied the stigma imposed upon  her and sat in a white man's seat. Martin Luther King Jr. called for and achieved through the non-violent Civil Rights Movement, the freedoms people of color had been pleading for. And, in case you didn't know.....he was a minister, A MAN OF GOD who put his faith in the God this Country was founded on. In my opinion, one should not use his name to defend any ungodly acts of violence they perform, that was never his mission! He  and Rosa succeeded through non-violent marches and speeches that reached the ears and hearts of those who needed to hear and through the powerful process of prayer!

As for women, we were silenced for so many years and the struggles we went through took 80 years to achieve! 50 years after the black MAN was given the right to vote. Which leads me to the question..... Why are we turning a blind eye to what is happening to the women who have been paid off (with our very own tax dollars)to not expose the politicians that sexually harassed and abused them? Why are we regressing like this? Having said all of this, I'd also like to point out that  it was 17 years after the black man achieved the right to vote that the Native Americans were considered citizens and that was only if they left their tribes! With Native American blood running through my blood, I have to say, my people were raped and killed, theur land was stolen....the slaves that were brought here were given rights before them. Ponder that. Yet, the Native Americans are a peaceful people and hold no one walking this earth today accountable for what was done to them then.   

To make it simple folks:
1) People(black and white)fought for black freedom, the government wants to take that away by giving free stuff (as long as you will remain in poverty)
2) Women(there were men supporters)fought for their rights to vote and not to be silenced or "kept". Yet, here we are watching politicians silencing women after performing some form of perverted acts upon them. And "kept" by 17 million of tax payers dollars.
3)Native Americans were the Last to be called citizens on their own land, yet no one sees them standing in streets, looting and setting things on fire
4) Last but certainly not least, Christians are being called haters simply because they follow the Word of God. The foundation of this country! And are therefore, watching as the government tries to remove morals and values from our Country, leaving us in the turmoil where our younger generation can't find peace within and are told there is no God...... even being told they have no gender...... that ought to upset every praying Christian in America!

If you don't see regression, it's only because you choose not to!

Written By Violet Holland

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sexual Misconduct Cover Up (What are Tim Kaine and others hiding)

I am somewhat taken aback by the women's rights activists who are deliberately overlooking the fact that their beloved candidates have paid out 17 million in tax payers dollars to hush women who have been sexually harassed or abused by, said politicians. Since when did only one party be worthy of their recognition? Since when did these women victims stop becoming important?

I see so much regression happening in the liberal party that it pains me to know that women are once again being hushed by men, money and power. Where are our feminists who cried in the streets for Dr. Ford? The woman who couldn't remember a detail pertinent to her "ordeal"? Yet they have no empathy or desire to get to the truth on behalf of the great cover up amongst our senators. Then to add insult to injury, they used millions of tax payer dollars to do so!

Are you frustrated that a man by the name of Tim Kaine could share the list of these predators, yet doesn't? Has the thought occurred to you that he "might" be hiding his own name from the public? Let's be real...if your son husband or father were accused of such a deed, they would be arrested, publicly humiliated and face a judge. The only "plea deal" would be an admission of guilt and a rejection by society with a tag over their head for the rest of their lives. Yet, we are PAYING sexual predators to remain in office and allow their power to only victimize more women and/or men. Yes, I believe we might even see that there are men victims as well.

Think about it, wasn't Anthony Weiner a close ally of the Clintons who are also closely tied to Tim Kaine? Hmmm....apples don't fall too far from their tree and we all know only too well Monica Lewinski has paid dearly for having been violated by Bill CLinton in the oval office. Yet, Where is his shame? Why doesn't it bother Tim Kaine to be seen with such a sexual predator? Whom I might add his wife ... Hillary’s closest associate is married to one of the most notarized internet child sexual predators of all time. People if we don't stop this craziness that is taking place in our public offices...we are just as responsible as if we did it ourselves! They won't stop unless we stop them...your daughter could be next....your wife...even your mother. Is that when you'll make noise? Is that when it will matter? The fact of the matter is....we must DEMAND to see the list of sexual predators serving the people. We must expose these men and DEMAND pay back from these unprosecuted criminals. We don't want our tax monies bailing these men/ women out of their sexual misconduct. If you vote for a man who refuses to reveal the truth to YOU. You have in fact, helped to fund the hush money for future pay offs.

It's okay to question the behavior of your party if they go against your values and I know you don't want to surrender your values for a party that deliberately keeps it's voter's in the dark. Be wise this coming election day....demand the truth and stop the deception.... we don't want or need anyone in office who would willingly make a woman or man feel inferior by sexually harassing them or deceive the people by not exposing the predators. Ladies....and gentleman, I ask you to consider this matter before voting. Don't allow them to victimize another soul or hush them with YOUR money. You also might want to ask many of these predators would offer up your tax dollars to get you out of a bind discreetly? With that answer you should have the answer you need when stepping up to the polls this November.

Written by Violet Holland

Friday, October 5, 2018

America Is Waking Up….... Now is the time for "We The People" to take action.

Freedom; a word that is the foundation of a republic founded by our forefathers over 230 years ago and while the United States is not the only country in the world with freedom we as Americans celebrate and cherish this privilege every day and sorrowfully a lot of people overlook the freedom that we have. Along with freedom also comes the word respect because our republic’s constitution was written on compromise and respect.
Over the years we had our battles within our country regarding tyranny, slavery, racial and civil rights and these disagreements were bloody and long, but we worked through the issues only after thousands of people died fighting for what they thought was right. Whether the tyranny of King George or the tyranny of the northern armies during the War Between the States, people died fighting for a cause, unity and respect and while minorities such as the Irish, the Asians or the Africans were not treated fairly for many years they have taken steps forward in equality.
In the past 10 – 15 years a new battle has reappeared to the front stage of our country and the world. We are fighting another war not with guns and close combat (yet) but in the political arena of county, state and federal governments. Republicans and Democrats are at odds at all levels of government spending the people’s money and making decisions that are not in the best interest of the people, the same people that these politicians are supposed to be working for and representing. People are protesting in the chambers of congress and the senate and in some cases these protests are violent and the appalling matter that disturbs me is the amount of lies being fabricated to justify the agenda of their political party. Totally sickening that we as a respected people on the world stage that our elected officials have stooped to such low levels, demonstrating how corrupt we as a nation have become and we as the people are allowing this to happen.
Today we argue about our President and while the Democrats deny his election they must recognize that he is our President. Our elected officials are charged with making decisions for the good of the people and not for the good of the vote or their political career. While due diligence must be exercised when confirming appointed positions, the people demand that the Constitution drafted and adopted by our forefathers, be followed and not used as a guideline. We the people deserve better and we the people demand that people start acting responsibly and while just saying this is not going to make it happen we the people must demand equal and fair treatment under the law and we need to make a statement to the governing body that treason, perjury and intentional defamation will not be tolerated and needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, setting an example that these activities will no longer be tolerated by the people.
In November mid-term election are going to take place and a swing of power could take place and while I am not suggesting or endorsing any one particular party or position, but I encourage everyone reading this to research the candidates and their platforms. America is waking up to all the corruption and scandals in Washington, Richmond and Gloucester. We the People need to stand together and forget white, black and racial differences because if they divide us as a people they have conquered us as a people, we will lose our rights, freedom and respect, not only on the world stage but with each other. It is time for America to wake up the sleeping beast that we are and strengthen our country, state and county. It is time for America to wake up, are you ready?
Your Humble Servant
Silence Dogood Lives

Friday, September 28, 2018

Cox Communications Should Be Expanding Service In Gloucester County? This is what we found in federal law.

There are a lot of residents in Gloucester who are upset because of the lack of internet access throughout the County. There are even more residents who do not understand why Cox Communications has not expanded cable service throughout the County. Don’t get me wrong, Cox will extend service to anyone who can pay for it and when I say pay for it, we mean thousands, tens of thousands and even more dollars in some instances to install cable to a single residence.

The question is; can anything be done about it? According to federal law governing cable franchises, it appears there is something that can be and should have been done for many years. Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter V-A, Part III, Paragraphs 3 and 4, of the United States Code state in part:

 (3) In awarding a franchise or franchises, a franchising authority shall assure that access to cable service is not denied to any group of potential residential cable subscribers because of the income of the residents of the local area in which such group resides.

(4) In awarding a franchise, the franchising authority—

(A) shall allow the applicant's cable system a reasonable period of time to become capable of providing cable service to all households in the franchise area;

(B) may require adequate assurance that the cable operator will provide adequate public, educational, and governmental access channel capacity, facilities, or financial support; and……..

We are not lawyers and are not rendering legal advice, but it certainly looks like Gloucester’s local government has the authority under federal law to require Cox to expand their cable services throughout Gloucester. If this is in fact true; why, in all the years Cox has provided service in Gloucester, hasn’t Gloucester’s local government pushed the issue of expansion? There could be any number of reasons, but the important question today is; will the current Board of Supervisors look out for the interests of Gloucester residents or will they continue to lookout for Cox Communication’s interests?

The Public Hearing to renew Cox’s cable franchise on October 2nd at 6:30 p.m. at the Colonial Courthouse is the time and place to share your concerns with the Board of Supervisors. Some may think the franchise agreement is a done deal and nothing can be done about it. That is not true. Federal law requires cable providers to submit franchise renewal requests a full three years in advance of the expiration of the most current agreement. The current agreement does not expire until sometime in 2021, therefore there is plenty of time for negotiations. If Cox and the Board of Supervisors are not challenged at the public hearing, nothing will improve. All who can attend the public hearing should attend and all who cannot should at least contact the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors at: 

It may also be a good idea to contact the big wigs at Cox Communications’ corporate office to share your concerns about the cable service they do and do not provide. It appears taking this route resulted in success for at least one Gloucester resident.

Cox Communications’ President’s contact information is:        

Cox Communications Inc
Mr Patrick J. Esser


404-269-7100 (Direct)

Postal Address
1400 Lake Hearn Dr, Atlanta, GA, 30319M

Advice from
Related lists

The link to the United States Code pertaining to cable franchises is:           

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Why Hasn’t VDOT Fixed That Road!!?? This is what you can do to help them do their job.

Photo By Chuck Thompson

As we navigate the roads, streets and highways throughout Virginia, most of us will find ourselves wondering why the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has not fixed a pothole, repaired a street that is falling apart, cleaned out a drainage ditch or about any number of other roadway issues. Typically, we assume VDOT monitors the condition of Virginia’s transportation facilities and performs maintenance as needed, but when it comes to roads, streets and highways, we assume wrong to say the least.

As it turns out, VDOT relies primarily on reports from roadway users and traffic stopping roadway failures to determine when maintenance or repairs are necessary. For this reason and because VDOT does very little to inform roadway users of this responsibility, we are providing you with information on how to report roadway problems to VDOT.

The best way to report non-emergency roadway problems is to fill out and submit an online service request. The first step in the process is telling VDOT how they can help you. You will be asked to select one of the following choices:

-         I need a road repaired

-         I need something removed from a road

-         I need signs, signals, or guardrail repaired

-         I need new signs or traffic devices installed

-         I need to report an issue on a sidewalk, or pedestrian or bicycle path

-         I have a question or need information

-         I want to submit a claim (includes mailbox damage)

-         I want to submit a compliment

-         Other

Once you select the area you are asking for help with, you will be asked to provide details about the requested service and your contact information. When filling out your contact information, we suggest not providing a phone number. Not providing a phone number will force VDOT to correspond with you in writing through email instead of by phone; otherwise there will not be a written record of VDOT’s response to you to fall back on in the event your service request is not satisfactorily fulfilled. The online service application only takes a couple of minutes to complete and can be found at:

If your service request is related to a road hazard that needs immediate attention, VDOT suggests calling them at 1-800-367-7623 (FOR-ROAD). For emergencies, they recommend dialing 911.

You also have the option of contacting or visiting your local VDOT Residency Office. The following is contact information for the office that services Gloucester County:

-         Saluda Residency (Servicing: Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, Middlesex)

-         Temporary address: 300 Virginia St.

Urbanna, Virginia 23175

-         Mailing address: 1027 General Puller Highway

Saluda, Virginia 23149

-         Phone: 804-758-2321

Have A Great Day and Be Safe on Our Roadways

Monday, September 24, 2018

Cox Cable Requests Franchise Renewal In Gloucester County (We need a better deal)

Photo By Chuck Thompson
On October 2nd at 6:30 p.m., the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will conduct a Public Hearing to consider renewing the County’s cable franchise agreement with Cox Communications. The current and only cable franchise agreement in Gloucester expires on March 21, 2021 and if renewed, will continue as is for another 10 years beyond that. 

Cox Communications has made a lot of money in Gloucester, but they do not appear to have invested any of that money back into the community. They closed the Gloucester Cox Solutions Store, forcing customers to travel to Newport News or Williamsburg or rely on various mail services to fulfill certain needs. There are still huge sections of Gloucester that are without cable service and Cox Communications has pretty much refused to expand their infrastructure to accommodate these areas. The biggest slap in the face is Cox’s refusal to provide highspeed internet to Gloucester residents. The lack of highspeed internet not only frustrates would be user, it contributes to stifled economic growth.

Tuesday, October 2nd at 6:30 p.m. is the time for you to tell the Board of Supervisors and Cox Communications that Gloucester County wants a better deal, or the franchise agreement must go away.

Below and beginning on page 5, you will find a SlideShare presentation of the franchise agreement and other information pertaining to the agreement. We have also provided the email address for the Board of Supervisors.

Email the Board of Supervisors: