Showing posts with label Judges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judges. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gloucester, VA Judges Private Vehicle Chambers Pushed Off Til Later Date

The Gloucester Board of Supervisors have pushed off making a decision on the requested private vehicle chambers for the Gloucester, Virginia Judges who have expressed a concern for their own safety and want special privileges not afforded anyone else.

  Part of the reason why the decision was held off was that the requests coming from 3 judges are all different as to what they want and the estimate for a new private security area was done in a rush in hopes that the present board would push it through for the judges.  With 3 Board of Supervisors now leaving, they could have taken the heat for yet another decision where tax spending continued uncontrolled.  It will now come before the new board that is coming in to make the decision if they want to fund the private security for 2 of the 3 judges as one of the 3 is retiring at the end of this year.

  The issue we brought up on this site about the Judges needing the local law enforcement to hold their hands as they enter and leave was brought up and Sheriff Darrel Warren stated that the Sheriff's office has provided that service, however, there is a cost for that as well and someone would always have to be on hold to continue to do so.  The private chambers for the Judges vehicles still does not provide the Judges with safe security and they would still need a county sheriff's deputy from time to time should they feel threatened.  So what is the point?  What makes these people think they are above all the rest of us?

  Mr Chrisco seemed to be the only voice of reason on the Board that kept the decision from being pushed through tonight on this issue for providing funding without more information as to exactly what was being funded and how much.  If the judges really want to trap themselves like rats in a cage, we say let them.  However, let them pay for it.  Then they can build themselves a castle for all we care.  Do we really want to live in a Banana Republic?  Our Judges are telling us it's already here.  Are they part of the problem?
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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gloucester, VA Judges Requests Private Chambers For Personal Vehicles At Taxpayer Expense of Course

Gloucester, Virginia:  Judge Long is going to the Board of Supervisors requesting private chambers for his personal vehicle.  It seems according the the county's own documentation, all the judges want these private chambers for their vehicles not feeling very secure about the decisions they hand down on the people everyday.

  We think it's a good idea even though it's further expenses to the taxpayers and does nothing to benefit the taxpayers other than lock these judges in a small space that they will then not be able to get out of should someone really want to get to them for their decisions.  If the judges want to pin themselves into a corner with a security wall and become trapped rats, we think they should have that right.  Let them pay for it however.  It does nothing to protect the taxpayers.  This is the type of garbage they do in banana republics because of all the criminals who run the systems there.  If we are to follow the examples of the banana republics, then it is telling us that maybe there is a reason for such?  Are our judges corrupt?  Are they handing down decisions that have nothing to do with law but instead are political or for financial gain or for favors to the few?

  It's a fair question.  Below is the documentation of the request for the private vehicle chambers spun to sound all nice.  Next they will all want their own private police body guards to meet them outside and hold their hands as they walk into the courts.  They already have the private police in the courts, just not outside.  Welcome to the banana republic of Gloucester.  You have to pay to get in, you have to pay to stay, but when it's time to go, it's free to leave.

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