Showing posts with label Taxpayer expense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taxpayer expense. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gloucester, VA Judges Requests Private Chambers For Personal Vehicles At Taxpayer Expense of Course

Gloucester, Virginia:  Judge Long is going to the Board of Supervisors requesting private chambers for his personal vehicle.  It seems according the the county's own documentation, all the judges want these private chambers for their vehicles not feeling very secure about the decisions they hand down on the people everyday.

  We think it's a good idea even though it's further expenses to the taxpayers and does nothing to benefit the taxpayers other than lock these judges in a small space that they will then not be able to get out of should someone really want to get to them for their decisions.  If the judges want to pin themselves into a corner with a security wall and become trapped rats, we think they should have that right.  Let them pay for it however.  It does nothing to protect the taxpayers.  This is the type of garbage they do in banana republics because of all the criminals who run the systems there.  If we are to follow the examples of the banana republics, then it is telling us that maybe there is a reason for such?  Are our judges corrupt?  Are they handing down decisions that have nothing to do with law but instead are political or for financial gain or for favors to the few?

  It's a fair question.  Below is the documentation of the request for the private vehicle chambers spun to sound all nice.  Next they will all want their own private police body guards to meet them outside and hold their hands as they walk into the courts.  They already have the private police in the courts, just not outside.  Welcome to the banana republic of Gloucester.  You have to pay to get in, you have to pay to stay, but when it's time to go, it's free to leave.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

More New Pictures Of Gloucester County Employees Abusing Taxpayer Dollars

Monday, July 29th, 2013 7:48 AM.  B&G maintenance vehicle number 63 once again seen at Hardee's buying breakfast using a Gloucester County government vehicle for personal business.  All at the expanse of the taxpayers.  This is the same vehicle caught on Friday.  We were kidding on Friday about if you can't find a local government employee at their work, then check Hardee's.  It looks like it's not a joke after all?  If it weren't for Hardee's some Gloucester County government employees would never eat!  Ya gotta love these guys.

Hardee's (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Friday, July 26, 2013

Continued Gloucester County Employee Abuses - July 26th, 2013

Gloucester County Maintenance Truck Number 63 seen at Hardee's at 7:37 AM this morning, Friday, July 26th, 2013.  This was just sent to us at 8:11 AM.  This is the Hardee's on Gloucester's George Washington Memorial Hwy North in front of the old Wal Mart in front of Tractor Supply.

  This is a county employee conducting personal business at taxpayer expense.  Using taxpayer money to gas the vehicle and we have no idea if this employee is on the clock or not.  We have reported other people's sightings of Animal Control doing the same thing at this location, County employees entering county garages during evening hours on weekends when no county employee should be there, Twitching Ted, (I'm not an attorney) Wilmot, county attorney shopping at the local grocery store during business hours.

  This is your tax dollars being wasted by the county.  You can see why the county needs to raise taxes when all the employees keep conducting personal business at your expense.  Someone has to pay for all this and you are the one getting stuck with that bill.  Are you proud?  Has Hardee's become a new extension of the county and we have not been notified?  Or is it that if it were not for Hardee's some guys would never eat like the commercial says?  Maybe Gloucester should work out a commercial deal with Hardee's to help pay for all of this?

Hardee's (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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