Showing posts with label Lawful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawful. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Beat The Traffic Ticket Scams In 3 Parts

Some interesting arguments for traffic court.  How to beat traffic tickets from Marc Stevens.  Now these are not the only arguments for beating traffic tickets there are a number of ways to argue and ways that you can legally beat them that is as long as they do not change the rules on you in the middle of the case.

  We have seen judges completely ignore the law and evidence put right before them and still rule against you anyway.  It is true that the courts seem to just want your hard earned money and nothing more.  Those rules they expect you to follow never seem to apply to them.  How does that work?

  Now most judges are not familiar with the arguments above as the videos here have not exactly gone viral.  That is good news.  That means you stand a good chance of using the techniques above and with good effect.  Now if these videos were old and with hundreds of thousands of hits then you can rest assured that most judges have a battle plan against these arguments.  The trick is to use what they do not expect.  Its fair game here.  The courts do not have the appearance that they have your best interest at heart at any point so everything is fair game to shut them down legally in every way anyone can.  Please note the term, legally.  Do what is legal to do.  Do not break the law just because they might.

  In a future article we are going to show you tricks that law enforcement uses that invalidates their tickets against you.  We are also going to show you how to fight back if the courts do find against you even though you had the right legal argument.  Now none of this is legal advice in any way.  Only an attorney appointed by the bar can give you legal advice.  We prefer the common law and will show you that the common law still applies here in the USA and the courts can not get around that once you know how the system is designed to work.  You can win without a BAR attorney.  You just need to educate yourself.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Are The Courts Fair? Are You Getting A Fair Trial? Can You Beat The System?

Letters To Authorities, Robert Arthur Menard 

Now all of this information comes out of Canada, however, their system really is not all that different than ours here in the US.  Our system as well as their legal system come from England.  So the differences are not all that much.

  2015 is a year we are dedicating to exploring real solutions to today's problems.  People everywhere are now pushing back from what looks like unbridled corruption at every level of government.  We will be looking at every tool we can to help as many as possible to understand what is really going on and how you may wish to protect yourself from potential harm.

  Everyone knows that there are many issue that are very wrong.  Very few can ever seem to put their fingers on what those real issues are.  We have found a number of sound arguments of what is wrong and what you can do about it.

  Other sites only complain of issues, we are dedicated to finding solutions for everyone to use.  Now that is a major difference.  When was the last time you saw the news and they showed you how to protect yourself from potential corruption?  Very rare and the solutions?  You have to question the answers they gave.

  What life used to be like in the United States no longer exists.  What happened?  Everything we used to know has been replaced with something else.  If you decide to learn the real deal, there is no turning back.  Your life will be changed forever.  We make no apologies for that.

  All of the above information is not considered legal advice or information.  That is part of the corruption in our opinion.  It may be considered lawful information when you dig through it.  What is the difference between legal and lawful?  Everything.  Time to start learning.

  We also want to take a moment to thank Robert Arthur: Menard for all of his hard work and sharing.  Robert gave us permission to re publish and share his book above.  You can download a free copy of it on our Slideshare site.  This is Robert's website where you can get more information on what is going on.  He has some free eBooks on there as well.  We signed up for his free newsletter.  Expect to see more from this man on this site.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Introduction To The Common Law: How To Get Out of Speeding Tickets

English: The Bill of Rights, the first ten ame...
English: The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An introduction to the common law.  Bill Thorton of  gives a brilliant mini education to help you understand what your real rights are.  Thought you knew your rights?  You might want to think again and watch this video all the way through.

  The above video is a long one at almost 3 hours.  It is well worth the 3 hours spent.  It is also more than worth your time to visit the 1215 website and start going through the entire site as it will help you understand the real law of the land as put forth by our forefathers.  The Common Law has not disappeared.  It has only been buried from your view and knowledge.

  There is also a tremendous bonus if you are willing to watch and pay close attention to this video.  Bill tells you how to get out of any speeding ticket.  It will also work with parking tickets.  Now this does take some understanding that the present legal system was not designed with you in mind as far as protecting your rights.  In fact, it is our opinion, as well as the opinion of many others, the present system was designed to work against you every time.

  Why should you visit his website?  Well if you have not watched the video, which you really need to do, the main reason is all the tools on his site to help you build your own case and take the courts back and assert your actual rights that the present courts seem to have well stripped away from you.

  We will be bringing you more on the common law and what your real rights are and why the courts seem to ignore your rights as promised by the Constitution.  We have already amassed a large library of books and documents that we will be bringing to you to help you reclaim your rights and know how to protect them.  Again, the present legal system does not use words in ways you think you understand them.  Even though the words may be in English, they do not have the same meaning under the legal codes as they do in everyday life.

  The above video starts you in understanding just that.  The Constitution isn't dead it's just buried under a pile of dirt that needs to be removed.