Showing posts with label Common law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common law. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention, Part 3, How The Court Works

(By; Chuck Thompson)

Quoted from Chief Justices John Marshall and Joseph Story, of the United States of America, Supreme Court.  It is the people who created the Constitution.  (McCulloch v. Maryland, Fletcher v. Peck, Martin v. Hunter's Lessee and Cohens v. Virginia).  And as stated by both of these men, "We The People" are the ultimate authority and power.  It is our final say as to what the laws are and how they will be applied.  Not the legislature.  Therefore when the Legislator inflames the people, as they are doing today, "We The People" either through our locally elected officials as a republican form of government, or through our own will, have the right and the duty to alter, abolish, restrain, nullify, and or arrest offenders of our government when they violate our unalienable rights.

  What I am calling an In State Constitutional Convention is simply a court of the people where our republican form of government may represent us in a state wide convention court or if need be, where "We The People" do this ourselves should our elected officials refuse to do their duty.  But "We The People" do not have the backing of law enforcement.  A valid point, but one we can overcome.  Since "We The People" are in fact the ultimate arbiters of our Constitution, we can and have the full right and duty to form Militia's which become the force behind the authority of our judicial tribunal against Governor Northam and the Democratic and even some of the Republican legislators and hold them accountable for their actions as well as nullify their codes.

  The In State Constitutional Convention is exactly that.  A Judiciary Tribunal.  If conducted by our locally elected officials on our behalf, each member from each locality are a part of the judiciary and are in fact conducting a tribunal of law.  In other words, each member sent to the convention, is a judge.  There is no head judge like we see in our local courts today.  That is a bastardization of what our country was founded on and an usurption of the rights of "We The People", as made clear by both Chief Justices John Marshall and Joseph Story. 

From the 1828 Dictionary by Noah Webster:

JUDI'CIARY noun [Latin judiciarius.]

1. Passing judgment or sentence.

2. Pertaining to the courts of judicature or legal tribunals.

JUDI'CIARY, noun That branch of government which is concerned in the trial and determination of controversies between parties, and of criminal prosecutions; the system of courts of justice in a government. An independent judiciary is the firmest bulwark of freedom.


TRIBU'NAL, noun [Latin tribunal from tribunus, a tribune, who administered justice.]

1. Properly, the seat of a judge; the bench on which a judge and his associates sit for administering justice.

2. More generally, a court of justice; as, the house of lords in England is the highest tribunal in the kingdom.

Following the common law tradition of what our Commonwealth and Nation was founded on and has since, illegally abandoned, unwritten or common law a rule of action which derives its authority from long usage, or established custom, which has been immemorially received and recognized by judicial tribunals. As this law can be traced to no positive statutes, its rules or principles are to be found only in the records of courts, and in the reports of judicial decisions.

  A chief judge in a tribunal of common law is not one with any form of authority.  The Judge is just someone who referees the tribunal.  Nothing more.  That judge can not determine any form of law.  It's the judiciary of the tribunal that determines the law and any violations thereto.  Start your research here to see what you think about the above.  It's all laid out for you in plain, easy to understand, English.  

We highly recommend if you are not a part of the militia, or want to join a militia in your locality, or we also highly recommend that existing members and militia all have their people register as such on our National Militia Alliance.  The Alliance is not over any militia at any time.  It shows you are registered as a Constitutional militia and following the laws of the Constitution of these United States of America.  There are no fees to register and we offer a great level of education, communications and standardization for compliance purposes.  

More to come.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 2 Convention Is A Court

(By:  Chuck Thompson)

A few days ago I introduced the idea of an In State Constitutional Convention.  This is part two in an effort to explain more about the idea and why we need to do this.  An In State Constitutional Convention can not touch the underlying Constitution nor can there be any form of effort to change or rewrite the underlying Commonwealth of Virginia's Constitution.  That is not what the In State Constitutional Convention is for.  The Convention is actually a court.  The proposal is that a member of every board in every locality throughout Virginia send one delegate for that locality to the Convention.  The Delegates will hear each House Bill from Richmond and decide if it has violated the purpose and intent of either our Commonwealth Constitution or that of our Federal Constitution.  If yes, the delegates will vote to kill the new bill.  If not, the House Bill gets a pass.  If the delegates can not make a determination, the delegates have an opportunity to bring back to their respective localities and put the matter before the people to determine if they want to allow or kill the House Bill.  In order to kill a House Bill. two thirds of the localities must agree that it violates an area of either the Commonwealth's or Federal Constitution. 

  If the House Bill appears to be purposely written to deprive the people of their rights, the delegates of the Convention, will have an opportunity to have those behind the House Bill arrested and tried before the Constitutional Convention with the delegates of the Convention's determination as being final.  If it turns out that the bill was voted into law, all those who voted for it may be tried before the Convention along with the Governor if he signed the House Bill into law.

  The only option for any form of change to our present Constitution that may be considered is an amendment for these Constitutional Conventions to continue in an effort to reign in a rogue government. 

  This type of court is known as a Common Law Court which is the type of court our Constitution guarantees to "We The People".  The below code is from the Code of Virginia.

§ 1-200. The common law.

The common law of England, insofar as it is not repugnant to the principles of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of this Commonwealth, shall continue in full force within the same, and be the rule of decision, except as altered by the General Assembly. (This last part, highlighted, is an usurption of our rights, and not lawful).
Code 1919, § 2, § 1-10; 2005, c. 839.

§ 18.2-152.7:1. Harassment by computer; penalty.

If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, shall use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he shall be is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which the communication was made or received or in the City of Richmond if the person subjected to the act is one of the following officials or employees of the Commonwealth: the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.

Now what is interesting about the above is the fact that it's actually from English Common law and was once the law here in the Colonies.  Tavern keepers were not allowed to have any of their patrons speak anything negative about the government or government officials.  Once we became the United States, this was forever changed as it is considered repugnant to our Constitution, specifically free speech.  Politicians did in fact try to bring back the above style of law early in the Republic of these United States of America but the idea was shot down as a violation to the 1st Amendment.  So, if 18.2-152.7:1 should be passed, then those who vote yes, those who proposed and sponsored the bill and the Governor, should he sign such into law, will all be charged with violations to the Constitution  and arrested and brought before the Convention for trial under the Convention.

  So why not use our present courts?  Because our present courts are not Common Law Courts.  They are civil law courts that are in violation of the Constitution.  Something you will have to do research on your own.  The evidence for this can be found on the National Liberty Alliance website.  Visit  Plus, by doing this through a Constitutional Convention, we can act much faster.  Does the Convention have to have members of the local Boards?  No, it can be the Sheriff's from each locality.  It can be the Chair of each board and the Sheriff.  In fact, by having our Sheriff's involved, whom are all Constitutional Officers, it gives more force behind the actions of the Convention itself.  It's still a work in progress and I believe it's a sound solution.

More to come on this.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What Is The Militia And How Can It Save Our 2nd Amendment Rights?

(By:  Chuck Thompson)
What is the Militia and how can it save our 2nd Amendment rights?  The militia folks is a Constitutionally authorized part of "We The People", and the power and or force behind "We The People", in regards to our government.  It is meant to be our first line of home defense.  When I say home defense it includes your actual household and all members therein, but is meant to include local communities and even our state which we live in.

  There are 4 militia clauses found in the United States Constitution as well as in just about every state constitution.  Right now, main stream media either through ignorance or an act of the poison pen and propaganda is working overtime to discredit the militia by calling Anarchists and or paramilitary operations militias.  There is very clearly some serious differences here.  Militias properly structured and run according to the laws of these United States and each of the several states is fully legal and or lawful.  Paramilitary organizations follow whatever laws they create or no laws at all.  The militia is not about violence.  It is about defending against violence and unlawful disorder.  So let's stop confusing the two.  They look similar until you break them down and look at the structure.

  The militia upholds the Constitution and the common law.  It protects and is the power behind "We The People".  It's members who decide to register as active unorganized militia, will be working with the local sheriff's offices throughout the nation.  Paramilitary are not structured like that.  To put it simply, "We The People are the authority of a Constitutional Government.  The Militia, composed of "We The People" are the power or force behind that authority.  It's government by consent as it should be.  It's what we have failed to uphold and let slip away over the past 175 years.  It's time to bring it back.  Militias are forming throughout the Commonwealth and there are other militias that have already been here.  There are also paramilitary organizations throughout the Commonwealth and more of them forming as well.  You will want to know the difference. 

  A new organization known as the National Militia Alliance has been formed and is partnered with the National Liberty Alliance to help folks either create or become members of local militias throughout the Commonwealth as well as throughout the nation.  The NMA is not in charge of any militia in any area but instead is a central location to help people receive the proper training, education, communications and networking needed to be in compliance with the Constitution of these United States of America and of each state.  There is no fee to register or for most of the education, training communications or assistance in starting or becoming members of the militia in any area of these United States of America.  Click the link provided to register now.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Beat The Traffic Ticket Scams In 3 Parts

Some interesting arguments for traffic court.  How to beat traffic tickets from Marc Stevens.  Now these are not the only arguments for beating traffic tickets there are a number of ways to argue and ways that you can legally beat them that is as long as they do not change the rules on you in the middle of the case.

  We have seen judges completely ignore the law and evidence put right before them and still rule against you anyway.  It is true that the courts seem to just want your hard earned money and nothing more.  Those rules they expect you to follow never seem to apply to them.  How does that work?

  Now most judges are not familiar with the arguments above as the videos here have not exactly gone viral.  That is good news.  That means you stand a good chance of using the techniques above and with good effect.  Now if these videos were old and with hundreds of thousands of hits then you can rest assured that most judges have a battle plan against these arguments.  The trick is to use what they do not expect.  Its fair game here.  The courts do not have the appearance that they have your best interest at heart at any point so everything is fair game to shut them down legally in every way anyone can.  Please note the term, legally.  Do what is legal to do.  Do not break the law just because they might.

  In a future article we are going to show you tricks that law enforcement uses that invalidates their tickets against you.  We are also going to show you how to fight back if the courts do find against you even though you had the right legal argument.  Now none of this is legal advice in any way.  Only an attorney appointed by the bar can give you legal advice.  We prefer the common law and will show you that the common law still applies here in the USA and the courts can not get around that once you know how the system is designed to work.  You can win without a BAR attorney.  You just need to educate yourself.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Johnny Liberty: The Real State of The Union Address

If you think this video is long, wait til you try and read the book that goes along with this.  If you want to truly understand the real state of the Union as it presently stands, you have a lot of work ahead of you.  The good news is that most of the work has already been done for you.  You do not have to do all the footwork research, but you are free to verify all of it.  What you need to do is spend the time reading and watching the above video.

  The video above is not even starting to touch on what the book contains.  The book is a long read, fascinating, infuriating and inspiring all under one cover.  It not only explains the issues, it also explains the solutions.  We are not left high and dry like most everyone else likes to leave you with just complaints.

  Solutions to the issues are given throughout the book but do not start until you have a very strong understanding of the issues.  Why should you care?  Because you have already been a victim to massive abuses and may not even be aware of just how badly you have been victimized.  There is not one person in the United States that has not been victimized by very serious abuses put forth by the system.

The Global Sovereigns Handbook from Chuck Thompson

It's all here.  The question is do you have the guts to learn the real deal?  Can you stomach how bad it all really is?  Are you willing to do something to reclaim your rights?  If you are not willing to do anything to protect and or reclaim you true rights, then don't even bother with any area of this post.  It is not for wimps.

  If you would rather watch TV and live in your own little world of bliss, by all means, that is fine.  The world is demanding slaves just like you and you fit that bill to a tee.  If on the other hand, you have the guts to stand up and say no, you are not going to take the abuses anymore, then you have found the right place to start your journey to self governance and true freedom.  It is just a matter of reclaiming it, but you better know all the angles worked out against you designed to defeat you even when you do reclaim your natural rights.

  You need to be prepared to defend your new found freedom and how to properly use that freedom and for the benefit of not only yourself, but for others as well.  We wish you either a happy journey or a happy sleep.

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Devil And Daniel Webster

The Devil and Daniel Webster from Chuck Thompson

Now here is a short story for your consideration.  This little story gives you two very important pieces of information.  One, what it used to be like to be an American.  We no longer recognize these qualities as we have been brainwashed to think in terms of good little socialists chattel.  Very sad.  Two, what a real common law jury court looks like.

  How this relates to real solutions for today's world?  We better understand where we came from and what our real rights are as we have voluntarily given way too many of them away.  If we do not start going back to our roots, we will forever be lost and slaves to hidden masters as is the present situation.


The above video is a quick view of the story above.  It is not complete but does give you the overall basics of the concept of what our real freedoms mean.  We would love to find the full video, but imagine that it is still under copyright and also, do not imagine that those in power want you to see this.  Least you understand.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Introduction To The Common Law: How To Get Out of Speeding Tickets

English: The Bill of Rights, the first ten ame...
English: The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An introduction to the common law.  Bill Thorton of  gives a brilliant mini education to help you understand what your real rights are.  Thought you knew your rights?  You might want to think again and watch this video all the way through.

  The above video is a long one at almost 3 hours.  It is well worth the 3 hours spent.  It is also more than worth your time to visit the 1215 website and start going through the entire site as it will help you understand the real law of the land as put forth by our forefathers.  The Common Law has not disappeared.  It has only been buried from your view and knowledge.

  There is also a tremendous bonus if you are willing to watch and pay close attention to this video.  Bill tells you how to get out of any speeding ticket.  It will also work with parking tickets.  Now this does take some understanding that the present legal system was not designed with you in mind as far as protecting your rights.  In fact, it is our opinion, as well as the opinion of many others, the present system was designed to work against you every time.

  Why should you visit his website?  Well if you have not watched the video, which you really need to do, the main reason is all the tools on his site to help you build your own case and take the courts back and assert your actual rights that the present courts seem to have well stripped away from you.

  We will be bringing you more on the common law and what your real rights are and why the courts seem to ignore your rights as promised by the Constitution.  We have already amassed a large library of books and documents that we will be bringing to you to help you reclaim your rights and know how to protect them.  Again, the present legal system does not use words in ways you think you understand them.  Even though the words may be in English, they do not have the same meaning under the legal codes as they do in everyday life.

  The above video starts you in understanding just that.  The Constitution isn't dead it's just buried under a pile of dirt that needs to be removed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Writ Quo Warranto; Judges Beware?

The Line in the Sand - Breaking News November 10, 2014 Unified Common Law Grand Jury in every State files writ_quo_warranto.pdf in every Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court and served upon every Federal Judge and all 9 US Supreme Court Justices. Information in the nature of a quo warranto. A proceeding against the usurper of a franchise or office. Jarman v. Mason, 102 Okl. 278, 229 P. 459, 460.; An extraordinary proceeding, prerogative in nature, addressed to preventing a continued exercise of authority unlawfully asserted. Johnson v. Manhattan Ry. Co., N.Y., 53 S.Ct. 721, 289 U.S. 479, 77 L.Ed. 1331. watch the Video.

The above video and information come from the National Liberty Alliance.  The pdf is available above as it is live linked here and it is covered in full detail in the above video.  Will this work?  Will judges just stop being thieves and sell outs?  Not likely.  There is way to much money and power in what they are doing now.  They are not going to give up that power and corruption without a fight.  

  What I will say is that I do like what these folks are doing and I have decided to join.  So I am a member of NLA and cover Gloucester, Virginia.  Now I have many hours of training to go through.  What kind of impact will all of this have?  Hope for the best, expect the worst.  It's the right stand no matter what.  Standing for the rights of the people is always the right decision.  I need two more people for Gloucester to have 4 people covering this county.  Each county should have 4 representatives.  I already have a second person.  May already have a third, but waiting on their answer.  Who will step up to be number four?

Please visit the NLA, National Liberty Alliance at the below link