Showing posts with label Roads and Highways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roads and Highways. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2014

Gloucester, VA Container Use Ordinances and Codes Updated

17 Courthouse Area, Container in the back visible from the highway.  

Closer view of the container on the left back side.

Route 17 south, Ordinary.  Container to the left in back.  Visible from highway.

As the one directly above only more of a side view.

Route 17, south, Gloucester Point.  Container next to billboard.

Route 17 South.  Container barely, but, still visible from highway behind shop.

Route 17 South, Container sticks out just enough from side of building to be seen from highway.

Route 17 South.  One container stuck out from side of building just enough to be visible from highway.  When we went back behind area this is what we saw.  4 Containers.

Route 17 South.  S&B Muffler and Brakes.  To the right of the building behind little dumpster.  Very visible from highway.

Again, we are not picking on any business by any means.  The board of Supervisors are looking at ordinances that will affect the future use of containers on any property in the county.  At the moment, every single one of these businesses are in violation of county ordinances.  The county does not enforce these ordinances in any way unless of course, you are foolish enough to ask for the county's permission.  Best advice?  Do not ask for permission, just do it.   If you get questioned, refer them to this site.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mapping Gloucester, Virginia's Future? The Heart of Gloucester County

The above picture is what we have been able to put together based on over a year of watching the Gloucester Board of Supervisors meetings, watching the actions of the Gloucester School board, and looking into what the golden triangle has been planning and promoting as well as viewing the plans of a few local developers.  We like to call this the new Heart of Gloucester.  It's what it looks like when you draw out the plans of what is both seen and not seen.  It looks like a heart.

  What is within that heart;  The up river crossing.  606 across the river to York County to meet up with route 199.  A gateway to Williamsburg and a much faster route to I64.  Plus on the other side is a new road that would need to be constructed to alleviate the traffic congestion along business route 17 moving onto route 14 in the courthouse area.  A road that may go through some very interesting properties and who holds some of those properties.

  Questions that we will be raising over the coming months, has a newly created landmark been put in place to maintain traffic congestion?  What is the future of that landmark if that is the case?  Is mixed use development in the plans of those who are behind secret plans?  Has inside information been used for insider trading?  Have property deals been made to enrich the few privy to secret information and how did they get to those secrets?

  What place does the golden triangle play in all of this?  Who are those in the golden triangle?  How can you profit from this information?  Beware letting certain property sell cheap.  It may just be worth much more than you think.  Are certain people being considered for judge positions based on their willingness to further certain plans now in place even if it means not following the law?  Some odd questions, we know.  But we have seen some odd facts that brought us to this point and are causing us to ask these questions.

  Is a certain popular teenager's park going to go away on route 14 to make way for a new road?  Did the tear down of remains and a move to a new location of Page Middle school play a place in all of this?  We can not answer a lot of these questions.  But we are going to be showing you the facts and information that has led us to ask all of these questions and many more.  We think that if secret information is being used to enrich the few whom are privy to such, then everyone should have equal access to that same information and have the same privileges to make money on these deals as well wherever possible.  Plus it sheds a light on those who are behind those deals and makes those deals much harder to profit from and lets everyone know the kind of people they are dealing with.

  We will leave you to come to your own conclusions as we go through all of the information we have been collecting as well as information already shared along with all of the new information we will be bringing you.  It's been a very long and tedious process and the culmination and joint efforts of many to bring you what we will be sharing.  So stay tuned.  We promise that it's going to get very interesting.
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Monday, August 6, 2012

Gloucester, VA - Tracking down toll violators a costly operation

English: The Coleman Bridge as seen from Yorkt...
English: The Coleman Bridge as seen from Yorktown as it connects with Gloucester Point. © 2005 Wyatt Greene (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

State study says VDOT loses out on more than $10,000 per month in revenue from toll violators at the Coleman Bridge in Gloucester

GLOUCESTER — About every seven minutes a motorist passes through the Route 17 toll booths at the George P. Coleman Bridge without paying, a scene that repeats itself more than 75,000 times a year.
The numbers of Coleman Bridge tolls processed in 2011 is a staggering 5.5 million, an average of more than 15,000 per day, according to figures provided by the Virginia Department of Transportation. Motorists who run the toll booths without paying account for only a fraction of the total number of vehicles driving northbound on Route 17 into Gloucester.
Yet each time a motorist zips through the toll booths without paying — it happens on average more than 200 times per day — the action triggers a process of tracking down violators that has become a lucrative source of income for a Hampton-based firm, and a potentially devastating tally of fines and fees for drivers who are repeat offenders.
A Daily Press analysis of data and documents provided viaFreedom of Information Act request to VDOT and the state court system, and interviews with drivers — who in some cases had hundreds of violations — reveals the lengths the state goes to track down toll booth violators. The examination also shows how costly a relatively minor infraction can ultimately become for drivers running the toll booths.

Gloucester resident Crystal Donoflio is among the thousands of motorists who have run the Coleman Bridge toll booths. She appeared in court in March in connection with toll violations dating back to 2000. Court records show 293 toll violations for Donoflio.
Donoflio said she had an EZPass toll-collection sensor at the time, but on some occasions, there wasn't enough money linked to her account when she crossed the bridge into the county. She added that she is behind on paying, is unemployed and is trying to get on disability.
"I'll be glad when it's all over," she said.

Click Here for the rest of the story.

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