Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homeless Or Emergency Shelter, Possible Solutions

When it comes to the homeless, there are no easy solutions.  Various local entities to include non profit foundations and churches have already started working together this year to create homeless shelters for those whom are homeless for this winter.  Though it is a step in the right direction, it still falls way short of creating solutions to fix the problems.  Not all homeless people are drug addicts or have mental problems.  In this economy, many people have found themselves homeless due to economic conditions beyond their control.

Entire families who have lost their jobs and then their homes with no place to turn, are in very serious trouble.  Now you can say what these folks need to do is go out and get jobs.  Let's look at that shall we?  When you are homeless, you do not have access to running water, bathrooms other than public restrooms, which are not all that accessible are taken for granted by everyone except the homeless.  So bathing becomes a major issue.  Washing cloths becomes a major issue.

  Basic everyday functions that most people take for granted are major issues for the homeless.  You assume they have access to travel.  Most travel by foot, even if they have a vehicle, you assume they have money for gas.  Electricity does not exist for most homeless people.  So heating or air conditioning only comes with the weather changes that are usually not welcomed.

  So after only about a week of having no where to go and or no where to turn, homeless people start to get very ripe in their body odor.  Going to a job interview in this condition pretty much insures you have no chance of getting the offer.  Where to keep and or store what possessions you have left is also a major challenge.  You risk having someone else finding your stash and stealing it or throwing it out on you.  Cooking, safe places to sleep, trying to keep warm or cool are issues that most people never realize and take for granted.

  Once you have gone down this low, it's nearly impossible to get your life back.  Most never do.  What do you do each and every day?  Where do you go?  I know, I have lived it first hand along with my family.  We have managed to recover most of our life back with the help of some very dear friends who did not judge us.  We were lucky however, I managed to work the entire time and managed to create a fairly decent shelter with electricity, heat and air.  We had some other dear friends help us with places to shower and wash cloths.  We were able to stay under most of the radar.  We had a vehicle that allowed us to go places and never remain in one place and look suspicious.

  We still have not fully recovered and with this economy, do not know if we ever will.  Hope is what keeps us going.  We know what it feels like to have nowhere to go and nothing to do as I did not work everyday and the company I worked for kept cutting our hours and pay.  So I get outraged with the politicians who have no clue and continue to ravage this country for personal gain selling out to the monopolistic corporations and calling it capitalism, something it isn't.

  I get outraged with entities like the Salvation Army who do the most harm and kick people out of their offices who actually need and are seeking help.  My heart goes out to those who are needlessly suffering due to unfair conditions of this economy.  Entire families with no place to stay or that have to keep moving from one location to another trying to survive any way they can.  I have seen a number of people who lost their homes becoming homeless themselves.  I was in a small community of homeless where we all kept to ourselves and kept each others secrets as we were legally trespassing.

  There is a large number of homeless people in Gloucester who remain hidden for many reasons.  No one really trust the police when you are homeless.  You may become a very fast target.  Families have no desire to be broken up for any reason.  It's hard to live under such conditions with children as you only want what is best for them.  Giving them up to the state is not what is best for them even in those conditions.  It breaks your heart from both sides.

  I have been working with a non profit foundation for about 7 months now out of Philadelphia trying to come up with ways to help the homeless.  We have not gotten very far.  Day shelters has been one of my own goals for the past 9 months.  Some place where homeless people can go at least several times a week and wash cloths as well as get showers and other personal care needs is one of the main areas of what I know has to be addressed.  Also, some place where the homeless can safely store some of their personal belongings.  Lockers.  They must be accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


I have no idea how much one of these would cost.  It's just something to consider.  The other question becomes, where do you put people with these?  What location?  What do you provide them with if you do?  Do you give them access to some form of public restrooms?  Some form of electricity?  Water supplies?  Do you allow outdoor cooking?   What about food storage?  Mailing  Addresses?

Now let's look at this potential option.  The Yurt.

A lot of the video does not apply to the topic.  But the concept of yurts does have some degree of appeal as a potential low cost housing option.  I would not recommend going as elaborate as the one in this video, but something fairly close can be achieved.

  How we got out of our situation?  I tested the words of the Bible and did NOT find them empty by any stretch of the imagination and still do not find those words and promises empty.  Instead I have found them to be very real.  That's right.  I tested the words of the Bible and found them to be TRUE!  The experience changed our family forever.  It's the reason why I fight for freedom and liberty.  I have lived first hand the results of socialism and monopolistic corporatism.  Individualism and true capitalism are the only ways that work.  We do NOT live in a capitalist society as the politicians and main stream media proclaim.  We do not have freedoms as the pundits claim.  These are what we need restored.

  I can write a book about our experiences, but who would buy it?  Who cares?  So yes, I and my family were homeless for nearly 2 years and it was humiliating, degrading and fraught with dangers most would never understand.  The system is broken and unless we do something about it, there will be a great number of stories all with bad endings.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unleashing Histories Mysteries, Part 1, King Solomon, The Foundation

A Seal of the Knights Templar, who founded the...
A Seal of the Knights Templar, who founded the Temple on the banks of the River Thames. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are about to take you through some of histories most amazing mysteries and unlock a lot of secrets that sit right in front of so many yet so few have seen the markings that are right in front of them.  To begin with we are presenting the foundation of where it all begins.  You do not have to believe in the Bible or the Koran or any other religious text to understand why this foundation is needed as we progress through one of the most amazing stories in history, but you need to have this foundation as we take you through the rest of the story.

  Where this story ends, well, it won't.  It's going to take you all the way up through our modern day and has the ability to change everyone's views on almost  everything.  We are not looking to change anyone's views on religion or thoughts about religion being nothing more than nonsense.  That is up to you to determine and keep as your own ideal.  This journey will not cause you to rethink religion in any respect, but it does have the ability to change every other aspect of your life.  We are not going to ask you to just accept our word on any area of what we take you through.  We have been on these mysteries of history now for several years and have been collecting evidence for this work the entire time.  We are simply going to present you with the evidence that we have found and allow you to make your own decisions on these matters.


If you have watched these videos, then you now have a really good foundation.  If you have not, then you are going to miss out on understanding how everything is going to tie together as we move forward with the mysteries of history.  If you think you know where we are going to go, you may only be partially correct at best.  We plan on revealing a lot of hidden and buried history that has very profound effects on everyone to this very day.  Our next stop is a major leap in time and we are going to look at the Knights Templar's.  Again, if you think you know where we are going, you may want to hold on to your ideas as there are going to be some very interesting twists and turns you may have never seen before as we unlock a lot of information.

  We do not need to argue whether or not King Solomon existed or if his temple existed.  That you can maintain whatever ideal or ideology you already have on that subject.  It's not going to make a difference as we progress.  So bookmark this site if you have not already and stay tuned as we go through stunning and very revealing information most have never seen before.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Author: Science and faith aren't mutually exclusive

Science & Faith (song)
Science & Faith (song) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New book 'The Adam Quest' features scientists - who are also Christians - talking about evolution, creation and more.

Our Notes:
It should not matter what one's faith is in regards to the study of science as long as that faith is not trying to direct the science.  Although there are valid arguments for that as well.  Why lock out brilliant minds from discovering unless you fear what they may discover.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sounds That Heal? 528 Hz Frequencies, Free Sleepwalker Soundtrack In 528 Hz

English: A diagram showing four sinusoids of f...
English: A diagram showing four sinusoids of frequencies 1200, 1400, 1600 and 1800 hertz (green, purple, orange and red). Also shown is the summed signal (black) and the sinusoid with the same period as the beat frequency (f 0 , 200 Hz). Above is the spectrum of the signals. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Recently we came across information on what is called healing sounds.  It's referred to as the 528 Hz frequency.  We have been looking at a lot of information surrounding this so called new science and technology and though we had to dig through a lot of hype, we are finding that there seems to be some justification to the claims, though not to the level that claims are made.

  We were first asked to take a look and evaluate the below video and start our research there.

Okay.  The above information is interesting but leaves a lot of questions on the table.  From our research, the radio show is rather old and when we dug further, the full story behind the phenomena wasn't very credible or convincing.  528 Hz is said to come from a Bible revelation and secret code from the book of Numbers.  The code was said to be some lost ancient mathematical code that was part of a revelation that some doctor had.  Here is the real deal on that so called lost mathematical code.  They used numerology and called that the ancient and lost mathematical code to finding this new frequency which is ancient.  We are not joking about that.  Numerology is embedded in the Bible according to these folks.  It may be, we don't know.  We will leave that argument up to others.

  From what we gather on the above sound recording on the video, it's really nothing more than an octave scale change.  One argument that seems rather justified that we found in all our hours of research so far is that modern western cultural music is pitched at an octave that does create a certain amount of disharmony.  In other words, if you have ever felt bad after listening to hours of music you really enjoy, it's based on the frequency of the recordings.

  To date we have spent hours listening to modern rock music that has been converted to the new frequency of 528 and we do not feel bad after listening to the music all day.  But then again, we are still in the early stages of our own tests.  With some of the songs we are very familiar with, we have found that the beats per minute have been increased from their original recordings, so we have some questions about that.

  To check this out for yourself, we are putting in a link to a site that has numerous genres of music and a talk radio that is all produced in the 528 Hz format.  The link is just below and is to 528

Here is a video that is said to be recorded in the 528 Hz frequency that is designed to help you sleep better.  The problem is that it's only available online for this length of time of just over 3 and a half hours.  So it's only good for partial sleep if you can stream it for that length of time.  We made arrangements to test this during sleep.  We can't say either way at the moment if this is better than other relaxing music or sounds designed for such a purpose.  We are testing a number of tunes and frequencies to see what may be considered best if any.

  On some early test results we have found that certain music is beneficial to sleep and we woke up more refreshed than without it.  It was not in the 528 Hz frequency mode however.  We also were able to remember our dreams more vividly and the dreams were in color which is unusual as I am a male and we normally dream primarily in black and white as opposed to color for females.  This could also be attributable to a placebo effect however and that issue is not being discounted.


We have found this track that is one of the better tracks available for free download that is supposed to be in the 528 Hz recording sound.  If a song is lousy at production, the 528 Hz does not improve the sound recording by any means.  A perfect example exists above in the soundcloud track samples at the top of this post.  Annoying is still annoying no matter what frequency it's recorded at.

  We have our own inhouse music production technology that we can play around with tracks and see what we can do to produce our own 528 Hz tunes.  We took a track from our own files and converted it over to 528 Hz.  It's a Wolfang Amadeus Mozart piece from his 40th symphony, Molto Allegro as our experiment.  The original track was 10 minutes and 14 seconds long.  The new converted track is 8 minutes 13 seconds long which explains why the beats per minute are faster on the songs on the 528 Hz radio stations.  It's compressing the tracks when changing the frequency range and does create a discernable difference.

  There is no question about the fact that music is a vibration that has the ability to affect our moods and character.  The question we have yet to answer however is whether or not the 528 Hz frequency is a better more healing frequency as claimed by it's founders.  It's more compressed increasing the beats per minute.  We have not found any independent research outside of those who have founded the 528 Hz claims however.  But we have not done a lot of digging for it either.  It's a nice story so far, but one must keep in mind that those promoting it have something they are trying to sell and we have already found flaws in some of their other arguments on other issues.  So we are already skeptical on the claims.

  At present, the founders have a site where they sell converted music at some rather high prices.  $19.97 per CD compilation is rather high in our book.  Especially when we usually give music away.  And since we can convert our own music into 528 Hz, why bother?  In the future we may do an article on how to convert your own music to the 528 Hz frequency.  It's really not all that hard.  It only took us a few minutes to figure it out.  Now there is also the same arguments being made at the 432 Hz vs present 440 Hz frequencies.  Go figure.
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Terry McAuliffe Ad: Twisting Facts Retwisted

Because we have to put up with all the crap these two are throwing at each other, we are throwing it back at them everyday.

Now let's see if we have this straight.  Terry said that Ken believes in the Bible and is pro family making Terry anti family?  Ken showed Terry telling us that coal is evil.  If we want electricity in the future maybe we should rub two sticks together?  Brilliant.  Or maybe Terry thinks we should just import our electricity from China?  Now if Ken lied about Terry's involvement with that one company, maybe Terry should sue Ken for liable?  Ya think?  So why isn't he?  Is it that maybe the dates in question for the stock owned were at a time when Terry owned very little after selling off a huge amount?

  Too many issues not being answered.  Let's wag the dog.

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Are Gloucester, VA Officials Advocates Of The Devil? The Sunday Questions

Special Sunday Story;   We are asking if Gloucester, Virginia officials are Devil's advocates.  What we know is that many officials attend local church services each and every weekend.  What we see however does not fall under what one would deem sound Christian principles coming out of their works.  Instead, we have been able to trace the works to a more sinister teaching.  Thelema.

  For those who have no idea what Thelema is, it is Satanic worship.  It is only one sect of Satanic worship and there are many sects.  Are we stretching here?  Well, take a look at the evidence we put forth and you determine your final answers.

Before we go any further, we want to make it very clear that it is not our intention to promote, convince, or persuade you into any area of religious thought or belief.  We will be presenting documents of both Satanic beliefs as well as Christian beliefs.  The documents are for background evidence to show at no time are we making any of this up.

The present issue;  Gloucester officials are building a new middle school in the middle of a swamp where they have built an island in the swamp and have no sound foundation to support the new middle school which will cause serious issues for the entire structure in it's future.

What does that have to do with being an advocate for the devil?  Glad you asked.  According to Satanic principles, one is to build their house on an island and out of glass.  It is well noted that the house is vulnerable and not meant to hold up.  What does the bible say about building one's house?  Build a solid foundation so that the house continues to stand for generations to come.

Two very contradictory principles.

The Book of The Law from Chuck Thompson

1. Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khut.
2. There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught. Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
3. Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them.
4. Choose ye an island!
5. Fortify it!
6. Dung it about with enginery of war!
7. I will give you a war-engine.
8. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.
9. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.
10. Get the stele of revealing itself; set it in thy secret temple -- and that temple is already aright disposed -- & it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but miraculous colour shall come back to it day after day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the world.
11. This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the ill-ordered house in the Victorious City. Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger & trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat!

The above is straight out of the above book and starts off chapter 3.  Now what we are also going to point out from the above, "Dung it about with enginery of war!", could it not be conceived that the improper use of education may just fall into that category?

New Testament" target="_blank">The New Testament from Chuck Thompson

The Christian bible states that one should build a solid foundation before even considering building one's house.  Makes perfect sense.  If you do not have a solid foundation, the house will eventually fall.

The above picture is where Gloucester officials are building the new middle school.  They have brought in huge piles of dirt to fill the swamp.  No piles have been put in to create a sound foundation.  This is their island.  The two story school will be built with a lot of glass for more natural light.  Cuts down costs for artificial lighting.  Raises costs for heating and cooling.  Changes in the educational system have already been announced for the future.  Those changes are considered reactionary education to help foster more real life events and increase skills for dealing with issues in real time.  Sounds impressive, but what does that mean and how will it be used?  

  Well that part we are not being told.  Is the enginery being built for the island?

We are not asking you to believe in either school of religious thought.  Only to consider the principles of each doctrine to determine which are more sound and for a better understanding of what is going on in this county as well as the world around you.  Only you can make that determination.

In the event you are having difficulties reading any of the above documents, in the bottom right hand corner of each document container, there is an icon that you can click that will open the container and document into a full screen view to make reading much easier.  Downloads of both documents are available and free from our SlideShare site.  You will have to log in with either a Facebook account or LinkedIn account to get access to the download or you can create a free account.

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Luther - The Movie - Plus Free Bible

Luther, the story of Martin Luther.  If you have not seen this movie, we highly recommend it.  You do not have to agree with it's religious tenets, but it does bring up a number of fascinating historical information.  It's not our objective to argue over which version of Christianity is correct.  It is not our intention to force Christianity down anyone's throats.  It is our intention to believe in free speech as well as the freedom of religion.  If you want freedom from religion, you are in the wrong place for now.  Look beyond this post.  To make matters even more confusing, we are giving away another free Bible today.  This is a different version than we have posted in the past.  We have three versions we give away everyday on our e-books page, so if you want anther version, by all means help yourself.  No cost.  No sign ups, simply free for the taking.

This is the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible and is usually considered more of a Catholic version.  Again, we are not arguing one over another, simply sharing what we have so we expect no arguments over any of this and thank everyone so far that have supported these efforts and have not raised one complaint.

CLICK HERE  for a free download copy of the above Bible.  It's under 7 megs in size so the download will be pretty fast.  Just pick the free user option for the download.

English: Old Testament - Douay Bible - 1609 - ...
English: Old Testament - Douay Bible - 1609 - English College, University of Douai Français : Bible de Douai - 1609, Collège des Anglais, Université de Douai (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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