Showing posts with label Board of Supervisors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Board of Supervisors. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

When Public Officials Use Private Emails

Gloucester, Virginia Officials Using Personal email Addresses from Chuck Thompson

Its been all over the news about Hilary Clinton and her use of private email addresses to conduct public business.  We have had it here as well about how local officials use private email addresses for public business and the types of problems that this can cause.

  So what we are going to show you is exactly how much of a problem it really is as we got our hands on a number of private email addresses from Public officials and how they use them for so called conducting public business.  You may want to read through these but please be advised, public officials won't like it.  There is some very embarrassing content in here.  But you go through it and decide for yourself.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dr Walter R Clemens On School Board Issues, May, 2015

Greetings Dr. Clemons,
Let me start off by welcoming you to Gloucester County. Granted it is a bit late for such a gesture, but due to circumstances that manifest well before your arrival; many of us have become mistrustful of anything or anyone associated with our school administration and School Board. My intent is not to ridicule, but rather to share insight from another perspective. Since your arrival here; I have heard you remind everyone numerous times that you have no control over that which happened in Gloucester before your were hired. I agree with you 100%, however replaying that statement does little to mitigate the problem of mistrust. During the May 5th Board of Supervisors meeting you said the BOS needs to trust you and the School Board. I absolutely believe the BOS should be able to trust the Superintendent of our school system and the School Board. More importantly the people and citizens of Gloucester County should be able to have trust in our school system. Unfortunately, and due to circumstances that predate your arrival here, we do not have the pleasure of such trust at this time. You have likely received a large helping of stories about what occurred in the past and my story is way too large and detailed to get into here. Therefore, I will only offer a few suggestions that may help you get the bridge of cooperation built.
During the last two budget processes, the County has taken great steps towards enhancing transparency. Among other things the BOS required just about every entity requesting money to appear before them to justify their requests. We asked that the budget work sessions be televised and they were. On the other hand; when you folks do your budget, it is all done in secrecy. There are limited documents associated with the school budget, but most importantly, none of us know or understand where any of the money is going or what we are getting for it. Mr. Bazzani’s question pertaining to floating teachers is a good example of something that should be vetted in public during the school system budget process. Conducting the people and citizens business this way will provide clarity and enhance our faith and trust.
Another way to help restore trust would be for all school administration and School Board email communications to occur utilizing only school system email accounts. Attempts in the past to obtain school system email information under FOIA from School Board members’ and school system employees’ private email accounts have had negative results. We all have a constitutional right to know what is going on in our school system and local government. Likewise, our elected officials and employees have a responsibility to ensure accountability of government communications/documents and to ensure our unfettered access to such information authorized by FOIA.
I have submitted numerous FOIA requests to the school system and have been charged considerable fees for information. In fact I was informed that it would cost me in excess of $800 to obtain activities funds accounting information. I could not afford that one. I have also requested considerable information from the County and have been charged very little if any. In the eyes of the people and citizens; the excessive fees charged by the school system are viewed as retaliation and as a deterrent mechanism. Facilitating and welcoming other insight on what is going on in the school system would certainly help to establish trust.
The ineffective and community splitting relationship between the School Board and BOS continues to cast a negative shadow over Gloucester County as a whole. Some people say it is the BOS fault while others say fault lies with the School Board and school administration. The finger pointing and blaming should stop immediately and be replaced with consolidated and focused efforts to ensure the academic success of Gloucester’s children above all else. Such cannot be accomplished by merely throwing money at it, causing negative media attention and splitting the community. It will take everyone working together without distracters like power struggles, politics and secrecy being included in the equation. Potentials for consolidating services with the County and other potential cost saving measures should be thoroughly investigated and vetted. Committees that include members of the community could be formed to gather and format various types of data the two Boards will need in order to make informed decisions.
To sum it all up; the number one thing we all want is transparency. We want to see and hear discussions on where all of the money is utilized. We want to hear and see. It appears most of the BOS does too.
Thank you for your efforts since becoming a member of the Gloucester Community. I firmly believe after observing you over the past several months that with your expertise, our school district can achieve many great things. That is if the County, school system and community start working transparently together.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.

And the response?

Dear Mr. Hogge:

Thanks for the email and welcome. I greatly appreciate it. Also, thanks for the suggestions. I look forward to continuously working with the School Board, Board of Supervisors and the entire community in building relationships that foster trust and collaboration. That is why we started the process this year on developing a Comprehensive Plan that sought community input. I definitely want the community to be aware of what direction the school division is taking, what it needs and how we can work together to accomplish those goals. It will be an ongoing process and I welcome your participation. As far as the budget is concerned, I believe we have expressed our needs appropriately to the Board of Supervisors regarding our current request as this information has been previously shared (since my arrival) that dates back to September of 2014. I also know that the School Board had discussion with the BOS about the operating costs of reinstituting two middle schools before my arrival. In addition, I have also had conversations with the BOS about our needs and why we need the items requested. However, with that being said, we will be looking at revamping and refining our process next year for greater clarity. Specifically, our final budgets (2014-15 final is online on our homepage/2015-16 will be forthcoming later this spring) are much more detailed than what is initially shared with the BOS as they see the line items by categories without detailed explanation. This is the way that it has been done by GCPS over a number of years and I did not change that process this year. Next year we will provide a detailed version at the beginning instead of afterwards as we all want the process to be as transparent as possible. Please know that we will make every effort to be good stewards of all money that is appropriated to us. In closing, thanks so much for your time and have a great weekend!

Walter R. Clemons, Ph.D.
Division Superintendent

From About One Year Ago, Gloucester School Board - What Has Changed?

Gloucester CountyVirginia’s Board of Supervisors seems to be headed in a more sensible direction than it has been for many years.  If this governing body continues to make decisions on the side of what makes sense things will become better for Gloucester as a whole. However, there is one significant area where the governing body has little or no ability to apply sensibility or even successfully encourage it at this point.  That area is the Gloucester County public education system. 
The School Board is also a governing body whose primary function is to oversee the application and function of an effective public education system.  Many sensible thinkers believe the fateful aspects of Gloucester’s public education system stem primarily from the fact that Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser was hired and allowed to manipulate the School Board into a tool to facilitate his own aspirations, desires and gains.
The Kiser’s, record in Gloucester includes; ignoring negative disciplinary trends within the school system; failing to ensure the effective administration of mathematics at Gloucester’s only public high school; creating an atmosphere of un-trust and low morale among Gloucester’s teaching staff; turning Gloucester’s public school system and School Board into political tools; creating animosity and dysfunction between the Board of Supervisors and the School Board; disregarding input from the Gloucester Community after a tornado partially destroyed Page Middle School; allowing the unnecessary and unwarranted demolition of needed and usable infrastructure; excessive and disproportionate spending; creating biased and non-transparent citizen committees; sending Freedom of Information Act and Records Retention Act protected information to more than one of his private email accounts and failing to provide such emails in response to FOIA requests; 
manipulating Commonwealth of Virginia and Gloucester County Professional Service procurement procedures; placing his personal gain and ambitions above administering a quality public education program; failing to examine and correct significantly flawed accountability procedures intended to protect approximately 1.4 million dollars annually in school activities funds; and the list goes on and on. 
Now the rest of the Commonwealth of Virginia will have the opportunity to witness the workings of a Virginia K-12 public education administration failure as The Kiser now becomes Director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents.  This non-governmental position will enhance his ability to distort the sensible mind sets of public school Superintendents in every district throughout the Commonwealth. Well done Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser.  Well done.  As a member of the sensible thinking Gloucester Community I thank you for the excessive debt, the unfocused School Board, the disruptive school environments, the inadequate teaching at Gloucester High School and all of the other many wonderful knife in the back gifts you are leaving Gloucester County as you continue your journey to self gratification utopia.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr

Our Notes:  We were asked to review an article posted last year and ask everyone the simple question, what has changed?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gloucester Schools Want More Funding For Page Middle School

Here we go.  This point has already been put up before the Board of Supervisors already and the Board pretty much said no.  So what do the propagandists do?  They start the media campaign in an effort to publicly  embarrass the Board of Supervisors in an expectation that the School Board will get its way.

  This is not a new trick.  Its a very old trick and it works very well.  Especially when you can get any area of the media to run the story such as channel 13 news.  The school board is bloated with way too many administrative staff and spent a fortune on a refurbishing an entire school building for themselves all at the same time knowing that they had to fund Page.  But hey, its your money so who cares how much they spend?

  We have a solution to all of this.  Raise the tax rates on every registered democrat in Gloucester County by 3 times the present rate.  For the democrats hiding in the republican party raise their rates by the same amount.  Raise the rates on the socialists by 10 times the present amount.  They are free to complain but no one will care.  Anyone else who just feels bad about it all can pony up and donate all the money they want until it hurts.  Get another mortgage on your house and donate that money to the school board so they can continue their bloat at your expense.  This should allow them to add all new levels of bloat as well.

  We told everyone years ago before construction even started this would happen.  Yes we are saying we told you so.  What is even worse?  None of these folks feel the least bit bad about this crap.  In fact if you want to talk to any of them they will be more than happy to justify their claim and talk you out of more of your money.  Make it simple, just hand them all the money in your pocket before you even start to think about speaking to any of them.

One last thought.  If the school board can not afford to open this school they can always turn it into a homeless shelter that the area desperately needs anyway.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thursday April 30th, 2015 Support Teresa Altemus Candidate For Republican Nomination BoS

If you can not read the above flyer, you can click on it and blow it up.

Teresa Altemus is running for the Republican nomination for the Board of Supervisors position for Gloucester Point.  She is running against present sitting Board of Supervisor Chris Hutson for this position.  Only one will get to run for the seat on the Republican ticket after Thursday.  So its critical to get out and vote for whichever candidate you want to see running for that seat and sitting on the Board of Supervisors for the next four years.

  After Thursday, anyone running for the Republican nomination are prevented from running as an independent later on as we understand it.  So that means if you want to see Teresa representing your interests on the BoS, then you need to come out and support her and vote for her on Thursday.  Please bring a photo ID.  Location is Achilles Elementary School in Guinea.  Registration is between 5:30 and 6:45 PM.  If you want to see Chris Hutson continue to represent you then you need to come out and support him.   

Teresa Altemus

Chris Hutson

Get out the vote!
If you fail to pick one then you have no complaint when the wrong one gets elected.

Come Out this Thursday Evening to Support Teresa Altemus

In a recent news publication much enthusiasm was directed at supporting Gloucester Point Supervisor Chris Hutson in his reelection efforts and the actions of the infamous Gloucester 40 and Gloucester’s former Commonwealth Attorney. The article also cast a negative cloud about Teresa Altemus who is seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for Supervisor of the Gloucester Point District; even though she and the other targeted Supervisors were cleared of all charges. In fact it was not Mrs. Altemus and the other targeted Supervisors who cost Gloucester County hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. It was a group of people who were unhappy about the results of an election that were all associated with a single local civic organization that cost Gloucester County all of that money.
There was absolutely nothing in the article about Mrs. Altemus’ previous track record or her conservative and sensible views on issues that matter to the People of Gloucester County. There were no quotes from anyone supporting Mrs. Altemus. There were however, multiple quotes from members of the Gloucester 40 and from Mr. Hutson. In fact the article, in its own subtle way, tends to steer the reader away from Mrs. Altemus in favor of Mr. Hutson. What or who is the driving force behind Mr. Hutson having that privilege? It certainly cannot be a result of his track record as Supervisor for the Gloucester Point district.
Mr. Hutson’s track record includes failing to disclose his personal interest in property that would have been impacted by the Terrapin Cove sewer extension and voting to approve the project without disclosing the personal interest. When the appearance of conflict and Mr. Hutson’s failure to disclose his interest in the property was discovered, Mr. Hutson publicly claimed his wife did not tell him about the property. More recently he was heard claiming that his wife didn’t know about the property until the conflict appearance became public. Why the change of story at election time?
Mr. Hutson voted against lifting the boat tax and suggested taxing boats owned by already struggling commercial water-men. He voted against the recently adopted 2016 budget because real estate tax rates were not raised to 70 plus cents. He has stated that the only way the Board of Supervisors knows what the People and Citizens want is through comments made at Board of Supervisor meetings during citizen comment periods. What about emails to the Board or to ones district representative, or phone calls, letters and face to face communications? I can honestly say Mr. Hutson has never responded to a single email I have sent to him and I live in the Gloucester Point district.   
At the Republican Party Mass Meeting being held at Achilles Elementary School this Thursday evening; Gloucester Point residents will vote to determine which of these individuals will receive the Republican nomination to run for the position of the Party's representative on the Board of Supervisors. Those wishing to participate must register between 5:30 and 6:45 P.M.and bring with them a picture ID (as is required for elections in Virginia). Please come and vote for Teresa Altemus for Gloucester Point Supervisor.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Letter To The Daily Press, Chris Hutson's Voting Record and Teresa Altemus

Dear Ms. Hubbard,
Your April 19th article on Teresa Altemus appears to be just one more in a long line of articles written by daily press reporters responsible for the Gloucester County area that are biased to say the least. It appears that you wrote the article with much enthusiasm directed at supporting Gloucester Point Supervisor Chris Hutson in his reelection efforts, the unlawful and very costly actions of the Gloucester 40 and Gloucester’s former Commonwealths Attorney, while casting a negative cloud about Mrs. Altemus; even though she and the other targeted Supervisors were all found not guilty of all charges. In fact it was not Mrs. Altemus and the other targeted Supervisors who costGloucester County hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. It was a group of people, who were all associated with the same local civic organization (Rotary Club) that cost Gloucester Countyall of that money. Did anyone at the Daily Press ever look into why such effort was put into attempting to have Mrs. Altemus and the other targeted Supervisors removed from office? I think not. What were the Rotary folks trying to keep hidden from the People and who was directing them? Those are questions that still should be asked. It is also noteworthy that each of the individuals quoted in your article, except for John Walsh (the local Republican Committee Chair) has been discredited or rejected byGloucester voters. Perhaps it is that group which is continually looking in the rear view mirror rather than forward through the windshield.
There was absolutely nothing in your article about Mrs. Altemus’ views on anything that matters to the majority of the voters inGloucester County. There were no quotes from anyone supporting Mrs. Altemus, but there were numerous quotes from the other direction. In fact your article, in its own subtle way, tends to steer the reader away from Mrs. Altemus in favor of Mr. Hutson. What or who is the driving force behind Mr. Hutson having that privilege? It certainly cannot be a result of his track record as Supervisor for the Gloucester Point, Virginia district.
I personally contacted you via email on June 3, 2014 about Mr. Hutson’s conflict of interest in the Terrapin Cove Sewer project, but nothing was ever reported by the Daily Press. During the May 20, 2014 Board of Supervisors meeting, Mr. Hutson voted to approve the Terrapin Cove Sewer Extension project.  Part of the project entailed installing public sewer along Laurel Drive at Gloucester Point at a total project cost of $773,638.  The vote was 4 in favor of the project and 3 against it. 
The following information was obtained from the GloucesterCounty online property database and is for property on Laureldrive that is owned by Mr. Hutson’s father and mother in-laws. 
Owner Address:
PO BOX 122
RPC #: 32740
Physical Location:
Magisterial District: Gloucester Point
Tax Map #: 051C 5 C 5
Mr. Hutson should have abstained from voting on the Terrapin Cove sewer project in accordance with Commonwealth ofVirginia Conflict of Interest laws.  Without publicly disclosing his interest in the project area property, Chris Hutson not only voted for the project, he also acted as the primary public body advocate during the design, review and procurement processes. Shortly after the BOS meeting this information was brought to the attention of all of the Supervisors via an email message. After the email notification was sent it was further realized that Mr. Hutson’s father in-law has served on the Gloucester Public Utilities Advisory Committee since 2004 and was reappointed for another four year term by Mr. Hutson in 2012. 
During the June 3, 2014 BOS meeting the Terrapin Cove project was brought back to the floor for further discussion by Supervisor Ashley Chrisco, on the premise that funding was uncertain due to the Commonwealth not yet approving its budget. That in itself was a cover up. The Terrapin Cove project was not a Commonwealth funded project and the County’s ability to fund it was uncertain from the projects conception. Mr. Hutson knew this all along. The BOS voted to delay the project start up and to pull funding from it until the Commonwealth approved its budget. Then, upon the recommendation of At Large Supervisor John Meyer, the Board directed that a certified letter be sent to each property owner within the project area asking the owners for a binding commitment to hook up to the sewer system if the project moves forward. This and other steps should have been accomplished before any other money was spent to design the sewer expansion. Due to the project area resident’s lack of hookup commitment, the Board ultimately voted to terminate the project with Mr. Hutson finally abstaining from the vote.  
At issue here is not only Mr. Hutson’s excessive spending practices, but also and most importantly, the conflict of interest votes he made. Mr. Hutson went so far when caught in the deception that he blamed his wife. His comment during the July 1, 2014 board meeting was, “I’m married, my wife doesn’t tell me anything.” What is even more curious about Mr. Hutson’s claim is he used the same excuse convicted former Governor McDonald was using at the time. One cannot help but wonder what else Mr. Hutson is hiding from the People with the assistance of the Daily Press.
In your article Mr. Hutson speaks about transparency. During a public hearing on October 7, 2014, Mr. Hutson essentially stated that the only way the Board of Supervisors knows what the People and Citizens want is through comments made at Board of Supervisor meetings during citizen comment periods. What about emails to the Board or to ones district representative, or phone calls, letters and face to face communications? I can honestly say Mr. Hutson has never responded to a single email I have sent to him and I live at Gloucester Point off of Terrapin Cove Road.
In your article Mr. Hutson touts how well the current Board is doing for the People of Gloucester, yet he has voted in opposition of the other board members on numerous occasions. The most recent occasion was his vote against the recently adopted 2016 County budget. Yet your article said nothing about Mr. Hutson’s voting record or his desire to raise Gloucester’s real estate tax rate from $.65 to $.72.
My question to you is; why did you write and why did the Daily Press publish such a biased article?
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.
Gloucester PointVirginia

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mike Winebarger: Those People Comment

Mike Winebarger: "Those People" statement.  Please, by all means Mr Winebarger, who are "Those People"?  Are "Those People" the ones who pay taxes?  Are "Those People", the one's who elected you?  Are "Those People" somehow beneath you?  Who are "Those People"?  You were clearly pointing out away from you.

  Are "Those People" irritating to you?  Are "Those People" below your station?  What exactly was your point there Mr Winebarger?  Are "WE THE PEOPLE" offensive to your person now that you are a government persona?  We want to know.  Who are you referring to?