Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From About One Year Ago, Gloucester School Board - What Has Changed?

Gloucester CountyVirginia’s Board of Supervisors seems to be headed in a more sensible direction than it has been for many years.  If this governing body continues to make decisions on the side of what makes sense things will become better for Gloucester as a whole. However, there is one significant area where the governing body has little or no ability to apply sensibility or even successfully encourage it at this point.  That area is the Gloucester County public education system. 
The School Board is also a governing body whose primary function is to oversee the application and function of an effective public education system.  Many sensible thinkers believe the fateful aspects of Gloucester’s public education system stem primarily from the fact that Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser was hired and allowed to manipulate the School Board into a tool to facilitate his own aspirations, desires and gains.
The Kiser’s, record in Gloucester includes; ignoring negative disciplinary trends within the school system; failing to ensure the effective administration of mathematics at Gloucester’s only public high school; creating an atmosphere of un-trust and low morale among Gloucester’s teaching staff; turning Gloucester’s public school system and School Board into political tools; creating animosity and dysfunction between the Board of Supervisors and the School Board; disregarding input from the Gloucester Community after a tornado partially destroyed Page Middle School; allowing the unnecessary and unwarranted demolition of needed and usable infrastructure; excessive and disproportionate spending; creating biased and non-transparent citizen committees; sending Freedom of Information Act and Records Retention Act protected information to more than one of his private email accounts and failing to provide such emails in response to FOIA requests; 
manipulating Commonwealth of Virginia and Gloucester County Professional Service procurement procedures; placing his personal gain and ambitions above administering a quality public education program; failing to examine and correct significantly flawed accountability procedures intended to protect approximately 1.4 million dollars annually in school activities funds; and the list goes on and on. 
Now the rest of the Commonwealth of Virginia will have the opportunity to witness the workings of a Virginia K-12 public education administration failure as The Kiser now becomes Director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents.  This non-governmental position will enhance his ability to distort the sensible mind sets of public school Superintendents in every district throughout the Commonwealth. Well done Dr. Howard Benjamin (Ben) Kiser.  Well done.  As a member of the sensible thinking Gloucester Community I thank you for the excessive debt, the unfocused School Board, the disruptive school environments, the inadequate teaching at Gloucester High School and all of the other many wonderful knife in the back gifts you are leaving Gloucester County as you continue your journey to self gratification utopia.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr

Our Notes:  We were asked to review an article posted last year and ask everyone the simple question, what has changed?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

American And World Political History

The Church of Lucifer?

American and World Political History from Chuck Thompson

We changed the name of the book contained herein and also removed it's cover.  The book comes out of the Public Domain even though it had a 1990 copyright date on it.  The author has made the book a public work.  We consider the book a must read for everyone.  It reveals the real religion of the Freemasons which is Luciferian.  Is Luciferian the same as Satanism?  No.  There is a clear difference and this book covers that.

  How does one know when they are following the right God or the right religion?  If the God you follow can not claim to be the creator of souls, you are clearly not following the one true God.  Luciferian's can not claim their God is the creator of souls.  The taker of souls, yes, but not the creator.  The Masonic order has a lot in common with Wiccans but are not quite the same.

  Free downloads of this book is available from our Slideshare site.  What you will also learn is that Masons believe that it is alright to lie, cheat, steal, kill and more as long as it is for the right cause that they determine.  Is that saying that everyone in the Masonic order are lairs, cheaters, thieves and or killers?   No, not at all.  Many have no clue.  But if they find out that their brothers are, they have a code of silence about it that they are required to adhere to.  So it's not fair to put them all under one umbrella of evil.  But what we do know, the local government is deeply embedded with Masons and we have a lot of local corruption going on.  Does anyone consider this a coincidence?
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Watch Out For Big Talk - The Political Comic That Is Gaining Major Ground

Idealism Watch out for big talk" target="_blank">American Idealism Watch out for big talk from Chuck Thompson

We posted this comic book yesterday on our SlideShare account and it went viral within a matter of minutes.  Produced by the National Manufacturers Association back in 1950, it was a free giveaway.  It's an historical look at politics and what to watch out for that has destroyed nations throughout history.  The same techniques are used time and time again as they are time tested proven ways to destroy a nation.  If we do not watch out for what is really going on, we face the same fate.  The comic book is available for free downloads on our SlideShare site. Just hit the save button at the top of the container.  You are also welcome to embed this comic onto your own site to share it with others.  The embedding code is also on the SlideShare site as well.
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gloucester, VA Political Center, Romney, Obama, Paul

Issues of the day and of the campaigns.  Romney, Obama, Paul.  3 videos getting a lot of attention on You Tube.  The political season is under full swing.  Time to show the contenders and the issues.

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Some of Gloucester's most incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else will.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Political History, James Madison on Constitutional Law

Gloucester VA Links and News

Political History, James Madison on Constitutional Law;

What It Means For Today;

Today's modern views and interpretations of the law of the land are as follows;

“Paragraph A; Gives Congress the power to tax and spend for the General welfare.

Under this broad power, Congress can help states improve the health and education of the citizens.
Congress can appropriate money to build roads, dams and do many other things that are good for the nation.

Here is the actual law;

Article I. Section 8.

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and
excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of
the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the
United States;

Present Interpretations;

Under this broad power, Congress can help states improve the health and education of the citizens.
Congress can appropriate money to build roads, dams and do many other things that are good for the nation.

Sounds logical does it not?

Here is what James Madison said; Based on his Veto of the “Bonus Bill”.

“The power to regulate commerce among the several States can not include a power to construct roads and canals, and to improve the navigation of water courses in order to facilitate, promote, and secure such a commerce without a latitude of construction departing from the ordinary import of the terms;

To refer the power in question to the clause,”to provide for the common defense and general welfare”
would be contrary to the established and consistent rules of interpretation, as rendering the special and careful enumeration of powers which follow the clause nugatory and improper. Such a view of the Constitution would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them.”

To appreciate these United States, it is important to know it's past, then view it's present state, and ask questions.

CLICK HERE to download a free version of this story.  Click Here for the license to this document.