Showing posts with label Federal Reserve System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal Reserve System. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

Let's Talk Bitcoin Podcasts, Information You Need To Understand

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Because Bitcoin is the single largest news story of our times, we are going to educate everyone to the best way we can.  We are digging through all the information out there and bringing our findings to you.  Above is over 11 hours of podcasts on Bitcoin that brings you very indepth knowledge of the coming future wave.

  You can download each episode individually to play at a later time and keep it in your library for future reference.  We are going to continue to show where we are in the world with our present banking system and what the future looks like if we continue to go along that path, or what the future can look like if we decide to take more control of our future with concepts such as Bitcoin.  

  We think it has become very clear based on reports here for the past few days, if we continue down present paths with our present banking system, we are all in very serious trouble.  If we decide to take more control over our future, we have some serious hurdles to get through, but the end rewards for everyone makes the most sense.
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Wake Up Call – The HELOC Horror Revisited 10 Years Later

U.S. Subprime lending expanded dramatically 20...
U.S. Subprime lending expanded dramatically 2004-2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Richard Martin

HELOCs from before the financial crisis are about to reset to fully amortizing loans. The figures are astronomical and many – if not most – of those with HELOCs are probably unaware of the huge hikes in monthly payments which await them. The real estate nightmare takes on a new lease of life on January 1. Many will simply stop paying and continue to pay the first mortgage. These loans cannot be written down, they must be written off. What’s so terrible about deflation? Why do governments in a time of crisis always seem to want you to pay higher prices? Not to worry, though. They can never win that game. Some choice words on the Federal Reserve, 100 years old last Monday. End-of-year spending continues to drop. Young Americans are certain to enjoy lower living standards than their parents. America has lost its moral compass and with it its credibility. More on Las Vegas real estate.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Look Out Below: Home Sales Plunge: “Biggest Drop in 40 Months”

The NAR building and the U.S. Capitol in the b...
The NAR building and the U.S. Capitol in the background. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mac Slavo
October 28th, 2013

Last week the Sacramento Bee published a report indicating the foreclosure rates had returned to “normal” levels and that the, “foreclosure crisis that overwhelmed the greater Sacramento area for the past seven years has ended.” The Sacramento, California area was one of the hardest hit by the recession and foreclosures, with average home price declines reaching 50% in some areas.
If foreclosure rates were dropping, suggested analysts, it means that home sales must be rising again.

Except they didn’t.
According to a report from the National Association of Realtors home sales plunged significantly in the month of September. So much so that it is the single largest drop in signed home sales in 40 months.
The National Association of Realtors said Monday that its seasonally adjusted pending home sales index dropped 5.6 percent last month from August to a reading of 101.6. That also pushed the index below its year-ago level, the first time that’s happened in nearly 2 ½ years.
There is generally a one- to two-month lag between a signed contract and a completed sale. The drop suggests final sales will decline in the coming months.
Via Sac Bee

The pending home sales data collapsed in September (and remember this is before the shutdown and was heralded at the time as buyers rushing to buy before the risk of the shutdown slowed acceptances). Affordability, argued by some serial extrapolators as still being ‘relatively’ positive – has drastically weighed on housing at the margin just as we argued previously. This is the first annual drop in 29 months, the biggest drop in 40 months, and the biggest miss against expectations in 40 months.
Via Zero Hedge
There are a variety of factors that may be at play here. Officially, the NAR reports that the drop in sales is a result of higher mortgage rates and the government shutdown.
Of course, the shutdown didn’t happened until the month after the drop, so there’s that.
Rising mortgage rates certainly play a role, and those rates only declined to begin with because of massive Fed monetary intervention.
In fact, the Federal Reserve has made so much money available, that many economists believe the debt party is back.
We are very closely approaching 2007 levels of personal and business debt. Likewise, we’re reaching new highs on stock market exchanges and home prices seemed to be recovering to boot.
But the real question is… how can we possibly be in a recovery when millions of Americans remain unemployed and underpaid?
How is it possible that home prices were rising and sales increasing while a record 107 million Americans received government distributions?
How can we be out of a recession when nearly 50 million Americans – fully 23 million households, or about 20% – are dependent on food stamps?
The answer is simple.
The entire economy is now a complete sham.
The CPI economic growth index indicates our economy is growing at a rate of about 2.5%. Simultaneously, however, the official rate of inflation is 2.5% (nearly 6% if welook at the real numbers). What this means is that not only is the economy not growing, we are actually in a growth decline of at least 3%.
By economists’ definition, a recession is a period of time in which we experience negative economic growth for two quarters. Given we’ve seen a real decline in economic growth for at least the last five years, does anyone still believe we’re out of the recession?
Or is it possible that we are in a greater depression that continues to chip away at Americans’ wealth?
When experts say we’re out of the recession because the economy is growing, it’s important to understand that the purported “growth” is simply inflation making it’s way into the system.
It’s the very same reason for why stock markets have once again reached record highs (none of these company’s earnings justify their outrageous stock prices!), and why home prices didn’t continue to collapse.
They injected the system, literally, with trillions of dollars to keep prices afloat and avoid a deflationary depression.
The consequence, however, will be continued inflation – likely hyperinflation – in years to come.
The only other option is to scale back the Fed’s monetary expansion – in which case we see a complete collapse in prices.
The bottom line is that all roads to true recovery will be extremely painful.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

How The State of Virginia Can Out Prosper The Rest of The Nation

How can the State of Virginia out prosper the rest of the nation?  It's very simple.  The video above is about nullification.  Our Federal Government has grown to big and to powerful for the good of the people.  The states can do something about it.  The Federal Reserve system is a private banking concern that produced paper script backed by nothing.  The federal reserve also has a large presence in Richmond, Virginia so it would make it hard to fight, but our leaders of this great state could declare the Federal Reserve null and void based on Constitutional law and then proceed to produce a state currency that is actually backed by something of value.  Once one state starts the ball rolling, other states will follow.  It's not script that is the problem, that's paper money for those who have no idea what script is.  Paper money that is backed by nothing means nothing.

  If you view American History, every state used to create it's own script.  Script or paper money that was backed by a deposit of something valuable like Gold and Silver.  The Gold standard was removed in the USA back in the 1930's after the Federal Reserve grabbed it all for the payment of debt it said the Federal Government owed it.  Hence the first great depression.  Then in 1965 we dropped the silver standard in our coinage.  Again the Federal Reserve took all our silver in partial payment of the debt we owed to a private bank that does nothing more than print paper money.

  The real kicker.  All the Gold and Silver that used to belong to the USA is no longer there and has not been.  Private citizens have been allowed to buy gold and silver that was once theirs anyway, at an increased cost.  But nothing backs the USA dollar.  Nothing.  What is the good faith and credit of the citizens of the USA mean really.  No one has ever been able to explain that to us logically.  Illogically yes, but logically?  No.  End the Federal Reserve at least in this state and you will have a state well on the way to being a world leader in everything and everyone wanting to do business here as well as live here because there will be true value here.  And this is only scratching the surface of what the state is capable of doing if it really looks at the nullification process.  The majority of power of the USA belongs to the states, not the Federal Government.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama's Second Term - We Told You This 6 Weeks Ago

You can click on the image to enlarge it or you can read the September post on this site.  We told you about 6 weeks ago that Obama was going back in for a second term.  This was not a guess.  We saw first hand the secret announcement.  It is always 6 weeks before the election and only for one day.  If you miss the announcement, all you can do is guess.  We told you back in 2007 that Obama was going to be president then.  Again it was 6 weeks before the election and the announcement was only available for one day.  After that, the information disappears forever.  If you catch it, you can make your announcement without it being a guess.  If you read our post you will clearly see we were not making a prediction, we were telling you what was going to happen.

  We can do this anywhere with any major election in any country.  It's not a guess.  It's knowing where to look and what to look for and why.  We already know the headlines for 2013 and what the big news is going to be.  Why Obama?  Simple, the Federal Reserve is up for renewal in 2013 and the powers that be know that Obama will not throw a monkey wrench into the renewal process.  As some of you know and understand, the Federal Reserve along with the IRS is a private banking concern that has bankrupted us as well as the rest of the world.  They have everything at stake at making sure their control continues and that you go broke trying to maintain your lifestyle.

  Obama will take the hit in the future as the president that sold us out a second time.  The first sell out was back in 1913 when the Federal Reserve began.  The Federal Reserve answers to no one.  Not the people of the US, not the government, not even to those employed by them.  There is no recourse.  There is plenty more but we will cover that on another day.

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