Showing posts with label Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Continuing Saga of Moonbeam Bagels

Tales from the campfire
This is a work of fiction.

As the weather has been suitable for spending time out around the
campfire more people are out and talking about the great bagel shop in
the community.  We had wondered about the lack of open business hours
and the long hours into the night of the business while closed.
People have come forward and explained.  The business being open
interferes with the money making back door operations.

The front door operation had a very limited menu while the back door
operation has a huge assortment of chemicals used to alter your mood
and pain level.  We are now wondering if the backdoor business is
cutting the business of our local doctors and medical centers, but has
probably increased our emergency rooms and undertaker business?

We had also wondered why the business had such a huge presence, large
square footage, yet little front door foot traffic to justify the
large retail space.  Is the retail side for laundering all the
backdoor business income?

How do you go about ordering backdoor bagels?  Hold the cream cheese?
Can coffee hold a candle to the back door chemical pick me up?

While waiting to get your best in the area bagel or hanging out in the
parking lot (we have to wait because of the limited hours and highly
limited production) be sure to keep your smart phone handy to get
pictures of people going to the back of the building for business.

You have to wonder why the owner of the bagel shop was once
complaining about the spice shop that existed next door.  Did the
owner need the space for the chemical business or was the problem the

We need a good bagel shop, but one that has the front door open for
bagels that does not sell out in two hours each day.

Remember this is a work of fiction and tales around the campfire.  No
writer of this work of fiction uses illegal chemicals to alter mood or
pain level.

As we hear more interesting tales around the campfire we will share
them with you.  If you have any stories, fact or fiction, you would
like to share we are always here to share.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Gloucester, Virginia More Retaliation Against Us From Officials (Part One)

Gloucester County officials continue their retaliation against us for daring to challenge what we see as their illegal ordinances.  In November, while we were arguing 3-18 animal control ordinance, showing that it has no match in state code, they had one of the people in our group arrested for, well, we don't really know what.

For those of you who remember the front page of the newspaper, Glo Quips or the story we had in the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal, we argued about the legality of the ordinance 3-18.  We had 3-18 overturned and taken off the books, or so we thought, but to this day, the ordinance remains on the books of Gloucester County.  So it looks like officials have lied to us all yet again.


The above is one of the documents from Laura Fielder Crews who was arrested just after we left the Board of Supervisors meeting on November 5th, 2014.  To this day, none of us including Laura's attorney of record, understand these charges.  We understand the wording, but not the charges or why the charges are made.  They were made by Steve Baranek of Animal Control against LAURA FIELDER CREWS.  Who is LAURA FIELDER CREWS?  We know who Laura Fielder Crews is but have no idea who LAURA FIELDER CREWS is.  

  But that is still not the issue.  This is some sort of Grand Jury indictment.  So the information we are told can be withheld against the accused?  How does that work?  It's a complete violation of the American Justice System as it was laid out in the US Constitution.  (Yes, we know, the US Constitution no longer applies, or if properly argued, yes it does).  The US Constitution still applies to the people it just does not apply to legal fictions and some citizens.  

  We know this is in retaliation to all of the complaints we make on this site against Animal Control of Gloucester, Virginia.  This is what you can expect when you constantly speak out against what has all the appearance of corrupt government.  They figure out ways to put charges against someone within your organization and have them arrested as a warning.  Well we did not get that message to well.  

  The reason we have not been doing to much news on this site is because we have been doing a lot of research on the laws and what rights we the people actually have as well as what is really going on in the courts these days.

  Speaking of the courts, while we have been in the courts twice now because of this, we have seen first hand, that the courts here in Virginia, are run under Admiralty.  So we have quickly discovered that the 9th District Circuit Court is a court of Admiralty even though we are not at sea.  Two dead giveaways.  One, are the flags in the court.  They have gold Trim which are signs of Admiralty and also when the Bailiff was announcing the judge entering the chamber, he stated that the Judge is On Board.  That means you are in a court of Admiralty.

  You can not be charged in a court of Admiralty if you do not have some type of international contract that you are in fact a party to and also agreed to.  The courts do not want you to ever understand this however.  If you did know this, then you would also know how to get out of the charges against you.  So don't tell anyone about this.

  It's also why you do not have Constitutional rights in that court.  Admiralty is a court of the sea and the Constitution does not apply at sea.  Have we been duped?  Sure we have.  It's how they get over on you.  Time to put a stop to all of that now however.  Over the coming months we are going to show you ways to combat this corruption.

  This is only one tiny part of the overall battle.  There are a lot of parts to all of this and we are going to be covering a great deal of it.  We have to thank Animal Control for forcing us to learn all of this however.  And what we have learned will be able to help a great deal of people facing the courts in the future as well as in the present.  It has also shown us how to now turn everything against them.

  Watch for future stories as we show you the meaning of words used in the courts and in the Virginia courts.  These words do not mean what you think they mean.  Words such as person, individual, owner, all have meanings that are not at all what you think that they mean and we have the evidence for this.

  Now please keep in mind that we are not attorneys and can not give legal advice nor would we want to.  We prefer law to the legal system.  The legal system in our opinion is nothing but the color of law and has no real meaning.  It's a fiction.  A complete illusion that is corrupt and detrimental to the people.  It's why you never win in court.  You do not understand the rules they created.  Words you think mean one thing, mean something different than what you ever thought.  They are not speaking English as you understand it.  They also love to use confusion.

  What we keep reminding the officials of the county is that their employees are agents of them.  The actions of employees is no different than the actions of each one of them.  This is part one of a multi part story about how the county is retaliating against us for speaking out against what we see as continuing violations to our rights and freedoms.  The retaliation is our opinion of what is going on here, and if they can show evidence that it is not, we will be happy to share that information with everyone.  We have asked them that question already and they have refused to answer it.  What does that tell you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A story passed down through time around the campfire

A Piece of Fiction:

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia
Today I would like to tell you a story to help you to understand how part of the county code came into being and that it has no basis in law but in nanny state big government.
This story has been told around campfires when the hunters returned from the hunt and the gathers returned from the fields.  A long time ago (less than 10 years using clocks of today’s time) in a province far away whose name rhymes with Gloucester there was a farmer that lives in the northern lands of the province who liked to travel in his horseless wagon whose name rhymes with pickup truck, with his companion animal, whose name rhymes with dog, when he was not attending to his herd and farm.  There was a law keeper, whose name rhymes with Hawkins that did not like this farmer and would wait to ambush him every time he left his farm with his companion animal.  No one around the campfire understands why the law keeper had this dislike for farmer since farmer was well known and got along well with his neighbors and the law keeper would not come to the gatherings at the end of the day to say why.
One day the law keeper decided to take the farmer to the village chief who's position was to judge what the law keeper told him and determine if anything wrong had been done.  The law keeper told the village chief that farmer liked to let his companion animal ride in the back of the horseless wagon and was not tied to the horseless wagon while traveling on the province paths, whose name rhymes with road.  The village chief nodded his head and listened to both men.  He then went to the book of laws for the province and for the region the province was located, whose name rhymes with Virginia and made the ruling that there are no laws in the land that prevents the companion animal from riding in the back of the horseless wagon when it is not tied to the wagon. Quit wasting my time on your nanny rules and leave my people alone.
The law keeper was madder than ever and decided he would fix farmer.  So he went to one of the village elders, whose name rhymes with Theberge and the province herder, whose name rhymes with Shipley and told them what happened and that he did not want it to happen again.  The elder's job was to make laws for the province, believed she was smarter than everyone else in the province, and that she should run their lives for them and believed in lots of nanny state rules said we can come up with a plan to help you. The province herder was trying to become more impotent in the province was willing to go along with the plan.  So the three of them worked together until they worked out a plan to change all the laws in the province for companion animals so they could grow the province herders empire, increase income by fining the people they did not like and to specifically get back at farmer for making the law keeper look bad in front of the village chief.  They convinced the other elders to change the laws for the good of the province and the other elders not knowing the plan went along since they did not want to be on the bad side of this elder since she would make their lives miserable.
The laws were changed.  Farmer and the others in the province knew why and shook their heads in disgust not knowing what else to do.  Time passed and a new man, whose name rhymes with Thompson came to the province and saw the laws and that they were evil and in violation of region laws and of bigger chiefs saying provinces could not make stricter laws not allowed by the region, whose name rhymes with Dillon Rule, and let the elders know they were in violation.  The elders not knowing any different asked their law writer, whose name rhymes with Wilmot, to look into the issue.  The story has different versions at this point but the most common version is the elder that made up the law told the law writer we made this law up fair and square and you have to defend it no matter that it is not allowed by the region.  At this point the story kind of ends but there are lessons told at this point.  This elder loses her position among the group of elders because she does not listen to the people of the province.  The province herder retires to go beat rugs and sit on his porch in shame.  There are rumors that the law writer loses his position for cause without severance pay because he is not capable of doing his job and has to become a gather since the hunters will not allow him to hunt with them.  The law keeper has the opportunity to learn from this and become a good citizen of the province if he is willing because other stories told round the fire was he was a good man and can become one again.
This story has nothing to do with any person alive or dead if it seems like it does it is coincidence and not done on purpose.  This is a work of fiction.
County residents tell the Supervisors to get rid of County Code 3-17 before it gets the county sued.
I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  Our founding fathers used common sense when establishing our founding documents. 
“For the Common Good. “
Alexander James Jay
P.S.  Point to ponder:  God only ask for a Tithing of 10 percent and he returns it to us seven fold.  The government asks for 50 percent or more depending on your tax rate. What do we get in return?  A new school in the swamp.
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