Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gloucester, VA 2nd Board of Supervisors Meeting, November 13th, 2014

Here is the video of the 2nd Board of Supervisors meeting for the month of November, 2014.  Approved was the re zoning for a new mixed use development of apartments, retail and other use structures.  It's my own opinion that anyone who buys or contracts land should be free to do what they want with it without having to bother with all this nonsense.  I do not see where the area needs this project, but it's the freedom to do what one pleases with their land.

  I am fully aware of arguments against this project and have made a few myself, however, its still an issue of freedom and liberty.  If the developer wants to overload the market for rentals and has not been paying attention to the market, that's his or their issue.  If the project goes belly up?  So what?  As long as it does not cost the tax payers anything, who cares?  As long as there is no corporate welfare being paid into the project, it matters not.

  Now if we take a close look at the market, we see that Gloucester continues to have businesses run from the county not into it.  We have lost 2 restaurants, one bank branch and yet another automotive repair shop.  What has come in to replace these lost businesses?  Nothing.  Part of the issue is all of the regulations the county wishes to impose in socialistic formats.  Socialism does not work.  If it did we would have business growth like never before seen.

  Now those restrictions?  Ignore them.  They are unenforceable anyway unless of course you wish to consent to them.  That's up to you.  Then you pay out the nose and suffer massive restrictions that can break your bank account in no time at all.

Friday, October 24, 2014

The York Herald, Issue No 12, By Phillip Bazanni, Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors, Oct, 2014

York Herald 2014 Issue 12, Phillip Bazzani, GCBoS from Chuck Thompson

Here is the latest edition of the York Herald, Issue No. 12.  Written and produced by Phillip Bazzani,  it's a great tool for keeping area residents up to date on what our local government officials are looking at and considering or adopting.   Mr Bazzani has been kind enough to share these with us each month.

  In order to read the newsletter in larger detail, just click the box at the very bottom right hand corner to open the container into full page format.  This will make reading much easier.

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

Your meetings seem to get more interesting overtime. Where can you go to a county meeting to talk about a “cat house”? Did you not go to or see the meeting. Check out the video.

"The Land of the Life Worth Living" for everyone in the county.
If you have not seen this meeting it is available on Mr. Thompson’s website. I cannot do justice to what was shared in the meeting. But here are a few highlights to whet your appetite.

At hour 3 in the meeting Mr “Ted” Wilmot, you know his complete name with out me have to write it out, started discussing changes to the Animal Control Ordinances to bring them into compliance with Virginia Code. He used phrases like: “consistent with state definition”, “track state code definitions”, “track precisely with state code”.

Now after hearing him use these phrases I have to wonder why Gloucester County Ordinance Chapter 3 Section 3-18 is still part of the code?

Amend Section 3-18 as follows:
Sec. 3-18. Animals in enclosed vehicles.
(a) It shall be unlawful to leave any animal in a vehicle without the
benefit of air conditioning when the outside temperature reaches
eighty (80) degrees fahrenheit or greater.
(b) Any person who confines an animal in an unattended vehicle so as
to cause the animal to suffer from heat stress, shall be guilty of a
Class 1 misdemeanor. The animal control officer or other officer
shall have the authority to remove any animal foundleft in an
enclosed a vehicle that appears to be suffering from heat stress.
The animal shall be provided immediate veterinary care. The
animal owner or custodian shall be responsible for all expenses
incurred during the removal of the animal or its subsequent
treatment and impoundment.
(c) In the event that the person responsible for the violation cannot be
ascertained, the registered owner of the vehicle, as required by
Chapter 6 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia, shall constitute in
evidence a prima facie presumption that such registered owner
was the person who committed the violation.”

Virginia Code Title 3.2 Chapter 65 Comprehensive Animal Care (3.2-6500 thru 3.2-6590) and specifically 3.2-6508 Transporting animals; requirements; penalty.

"§ 3.2-6508. Transporting animals; requirements; penalty.

A. No owner, railroad or other common carrier when transporting any animal shall allow that animal to be confined in any type of conveyance more than 24 consecutive hours without being exercised, properly rested, fed and watered as necessary for that particular type and species of animal. A reasonable extension of this time shall be permitted when an accident, storm or other act of God causes a delay. Adequate space in the primary enclosure within any type of conveyance shall be provided each animal depending upon the particular type and species of animal.

B. No person shall import into the Commonwealth, nor export from the Commonwealth, for the purpose of sale or offering for sale any dog or cat under the age of eight weeks without its dam.

C. Violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. “

I do not see anything that looks like the county code in this section or as Mr. Wilmot would say “consistent with state definition”, “track state code definitions”, “track precisely with state code”. Does Mr. Wilmot know we live in a Commonwealth and not a state? Inquiring minds want to know?

Lets look further: 3.2-6566 Preventing cruelty to animals; interference; penalty

Ҥ 3.2-6566. Preventing cruelty to animals; interference; penalty.

Each animal control officer, humane investigator or State Veterinarian's representative shall interfere to prevent the perpetration of any act of cruelty upon any animal in his presence. Any person who shall interfere with or obstruct or resist any humane investigator or State Veterinarian's representative in the discharge of his rights, powers, and duties as authorized and prescribed by law is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. “

Not here either. Lets continue: 3.2-6568 Power of search for violations of statutes against cruelty to animals

Ҥ 3.2-6568. Power of search for violations of statutes against cruelty to animals.

When an affidavit is made under oath before a magistrate or court of competent jurisdiction by any animal control officer, humane investigator, law-enforcement officer, or State Veterinarian's representative that the complainant believes and has reasonable cause to believe that the laws in relation to cruelty to animals have been, are being, or are about to be violated in any particular building or place, such magistrate or judge, if satisfied that there is reasonable cause for such belief, shall issue a warrant authorizing any sheriff, deputy sheriff, or police officer to search the building or place. After issuing a warrant under this section, the magistrate or judge shall file the affidavit in the manner prescribed by § 19.2-54. After executing the warrant, the animal control officer, humane investigator, law-enforcement officer, or State Veterinarian's representative shall return the warrant to the clerk of the circuit court of the city or county wherein the search was made. “

I believe Section 3-18 paragraph (b) violates Virginia Code. Does Mr. Wilmot have a real law degree and everything or did he just forget to stop at a “Bar” or was that pass a bar? Maybe his vast staff did this work and he did not check it to make sure it was legal?

I cannot find in Virginia Code where this is a legal ordinance. Lets look at the proposed ordinance to see what it says:

Animals in enclosed vehicles.

(a) It shall be unlawful to leave any animal in a vehicle without the
 benefit of air conditioning when the outside temperature reaches eighty (80) degrees fahrenheit or greater.”

This says animals in a vehicle a horse trailer back of an open pickup truck, etc. if it is 80 degrees Fahrenheit or greater you can have your animal taken with this new change if you do not have air conditioning. When are the animal control vehicles going to meet this requirement. Bring them into compliance and then consider 3-18 after it is made part of the Virginia Code.

If the Board considers passing this they are “criminals with no regards for the rule of law”? I believe your oath of office state you will uphold the US and Virginia Constitution and laws. This does not appear to meet those requirements?

If you want to hear about these changes listen at hour 3 for about 10 minutes and learn about the county's position on cat houses.

I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice. Our founding fathers used common sense and Christian scripture when establishing our founding documents. This change does not meet either of these., you decide?

"The Land of the Life Worth Living" for everyone in the county.

Alexander James Jay

P.S. So why are we hiring another Animal Control Officer don't the ones we have get in enough mischief without needing another one?

"Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, 1816

"Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Smith, 1822

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors Meeting, October 7th, 2014 YouTube Video With Notes

This is the Board of Supervisors October 7th, 2014 meeting.  We have posted it on YouTube in order to avoid the streaming issues that have been found on the county site.  You can embed this video and share it the same way as you can any other YouTube video so feel free to use it any way you wish.

In the July meeting I spoke during the citizen comment period and gave the BOS a list of things they need to do to make Gloucester County "The Land of the Life Worth Living."

Until they fix the items  I think they need to be graded on their progress.  So I will grade them on the five items.  Maybe the School Board needs to be graded on the same items; I would but untl they get above a “F” I will not waste my time.  I will keep track so we can present your grade when your next election comes up.

If any of the boad members feels the grades are not fair I will consider their appeal.

1. Integrity at the Board of Supervisors level
Quit voting  for things that benefit you over the county.


Aug 14
Jan 15
Robert Orth

Christopher Hutson

Ashley Chriscoe

Andrew James, Jr.

Michael Winebarger

John Meyer, Jr.

Phillip Bazzani

Comment:             Aug - Dr. Orth did not vote for Ernest Lane.  Absent that night.
                        Sep - Why do you think more government intrusion into our lives is better?
                        Oct – Not voting to send the rquest to the State Representatives for mandintory sewer hookup was good, however keeping it on the agenda was not good.

2. Hold Department Heads and Supervisors to high standards and get rid of them when they break the rules.  You cannot hold lower level employees to high standards if they are not practiced at the higher levels.

Aug 14
Jan 15

Aug - Nothing has been fixed.
            Sept - Allowed department heads and supervisors to get away with not answering your questions.
            Oct – Based on Mr. Meyer’s action to hold county administratior accountable the Board was in line to get an A.  However, Mr. Hutson and Chriscoe wanted to allow carry over and new funding to proceed without going through correct procedures.  The county employees did a better job presenting their requests and reports to you.

3. Fire employees on the spot if they use vehicles for personal business, except in the case of an emergency and the employee better contact the supervisors before the supervisor contacts them.  No shopping, banking, and fast food restaurants in county vehicles.  If trash is found in the vehicle from these places the employee needs to receive the same punishment.

Aug 14
Jan 15

Sept - Apears employees are not going out to eat, however, they are still finding places to go to not work, cruising the beach.  Many different vehicles, departments cruising not including those that were actually there for work.   One month does not show a fix but it is trending in the correct direction.
Oct _ Why does Jeff Stillman still have a job?

4.  Quit wasting taxpayers money.  The Board of Supervisions and all county employees need to be good stewards of the resources.


Aug 14
Jan 15
Robert Orth

Christopher Hutson

Ashley Chriscoe

Andrew James, Jr.

Michael Winebarger

John Meyer, Jr.

Phillip Bazzani

 Aug - Dr. Orth did not vote for Aberdeen Creek.  Absent that night.
Sept - Continuing to make rules that cost taxpayers money.  Government intrusion into property rights.  Taking property from land owners on Rt. 17 without compensation.  Restricting property owners us of their property.
Oct - Making the county come back to the board with detailed request for new funding and not allowing it to go forward with the carry over fund request.

5.  Bring County Ordinances into compliance with Virginia Code.  Mr. Wilmot can help you with this if not consider hiring a competent county attorney.

Aug 14
Jan 15

Aug – Who told you voting for Ernest Lane was a good idea?
            Sept -  Mr. Winebarger wanting to add leash law to subdivision and people did not want it, but not willing to fix County ordinances.  Increasing liability to the county being sued for illegal laws.

            Oct – Why does Mr. Wilmont present changes to the County ordinance that have no bases in VA Code and continue to have ordinances on the books that will make you “Criminals with no regard for the ‘Rule of Law’”.

I am a tax payer and you need to held accountable to “We the People”.

I have a voter registration card and know how to use it.
Respectfully submitted by

Wayne Crews
Gloucester Point District

P.S.  You did a good job holding presenters to higher standards and thanking them when they did a good job.  I like the changes I saw in this meeting keep up the work.

Wayne Crews