Showing posts with label Olive oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olive oil. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

LAEKEN RABBIT - Recipe of The Day

Take a medium-sized rabbit, and have it prepared and cut into joints. Put the pieces to soak for forty-eight hours in vinegar, enough to cover them, with a sprinkle of fresh thyme in it and a small onion sliced finely. After forty-eight hours, put one-quarter pound of fat bacon, sliced, in a pan to melt, and when it has melted, take out any bits that remain, and add to the melted bacon a bit of butter as big as an egg, which let melt till it froths; secondly, sprinkle in a dessert-spoonful of flour. Stir it over the fire, mixing well till the sauce becomes brown, and then put in your marinaded pieces of rabbit. Add pepper and salt and cook till each piece is well colored on each side. When they are well colored, add then the bunch of thyme, the sliced onion and half the vinegar that you used for soaking; three bay-leaves, one dozen dried and dry prunes, five lumps of sugar, half a pint of water. Cover closely and let it simmer for two hours and a half.

An old recipe not easy to get the main ingredients at your local supermarket.  Even old recipes can give way to new ideas.  

Make something extraordinary tonight.
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Monday, July 29, 2013


This ought to be cooked with Cayenne pepper and served with a highly seasoned sauce, but not everybody likes that and a simpler way to cook the chicken "al diavolo" is the following:
Take a young chicken, remove the neck and the legs, open it all in front and flatten it open as much as possible. Wash and wipe dry with a towel, then put it on the grill and when it begins to brown turn it. Grease it with melted butter or with oil, using a brush, and season with salt and pepper. The later may be Cayenne pepper for those who like it. Keep turning and greasing until it is all cooked.
To prepare the sauce piquante that many like with chicken broiled in this way, put four tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan and when it begins to brown add two tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until it is well browned, but do not let it burn. Draw to a cooler place on the range and slowly add two cupfuls of brown stock, stirring constantly, add salt and a dash of Cayenne and let simmer for ten minutes. In another saucepan boil four tablespoonfuls of vinegar one table[Pg 102]spoonful of chopped onion, one teaspoonful of sugar rapidly for five minutes; then add it to the sauce and at the same time add one tablespoonful of chopped capers two tablespoonfuls of chopped pickle and one teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar. Stir well and let cook for two minutes to heat the pickles. If the sauce becomes too thick dilute it with a little water.
This sauce is excellent for baked fish and all roasts and boiled meats, besides being a fitting condiment for the chicken "al diavolo"

Make something extraordinary tonight.
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Friday, July 26, 2013

PURÉE OF CHESTNUTS - Recipe of the day

Make a little slit in each chestnut, boil them till tender, then put them in another pan with cold water in it and replace them on the fire. Peel them one by one as you take them out, and rub them through a sieve, pounding them first to make it easier, add salt, a good lump of butter and a little milk to make a nice purée. This is very good to surround grilled chicken or turkey legs, or for a salmi of duck.

Make something extraordinary tonight.
Roasted, unpeeled chestnuts; nuts grown in Cal...
Roasted, unpeeled chestnuts; nuts grown in California (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Friday, July 12, 2013

Home Made Gloucester Dressing - Recipe of the day

Egg Cream
Egg Cream (Photo credit: Uncle Catherine)
Beat three eggs, and add a teaspoon each of salt, pepper, and mustard; six tablespoons of cream or milk, small half teacup of vinegar, and one-half cup sugar; mix thoroughly and set in top of teakettle, stirring constantly till it thickens.

Make something extraordinary tonight.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013


English: Chef Kevin Doherty's Lobster Risotto ...
English: Chef Kevin Doherty's Lobster Risotto and grilled peaches at "Parker's Restaurant" in the Hisyoric Omni Parker House Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For this risotto either lobster or crab meat can be used: the former is, however, considered more tasty. The lobster or crab meat ought to be about half the weight of the rice employed. A little more than a pound of rice and half this weight] of crab meat ought to be enough for six persons.
Chop fine a sprig of parsley, a stalk of celery, one carrot, half an onion a clove of garlic and brown the whole in good olive oil. When browned, add the crab meat and season with salt and pepper. During the cooking process stir and turn over the crabs, and when they have become red, pour over as much hot water as is necessary to cook the rice.
After the water boils for a while, remove the lobster (or crab, or craw-fish) leaving the saucepan on the fire. Put half of the crabs aside, and grind the rest. Rub the ground meat through the sieve and put it back on the fire. In another saucepan melt some butter and put into it little by little the rice that has been washed and dried. Stir and add the broth from the first saucepan. When the rice is almost cooked add the craw-fish that you have put aside, or rather its meat extracted from the shells, take from the fire and pour over it the fish mixture, adding some grated cheese.

Make Something Incredible Tonight.
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Spanish Steak - Recipe Of The Day

Frying chopped onions and tomatoes in a frying pan
Frying chopped onions and tomatoes in a frying pan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Pound thoroughly by means of a saucer a half cup of flour with a pound
of round steak.

 Then over a hot fire quickly fry the steak and remove.
In the same pan fry two good-sized onions, thinly sliced, and half a
dozen good-sized tomatoes and one large mango pepper

If the pepper is mild, add cayenne pepper. When the onions begin to get soft and the tomatoes to dry, add the meat. Cook very slowly until meat is tender.
One can use canned tomatoes very nicely for this. Cook onions and
tomatoes and peppers together, with plenty of oil or crisco until they
begin to thicken. Then add the meat. This is also a very satisfactory
way of reserving cold steak or any kind of cold meat. After the tomato
and onion mixture is well cooked, add the cold meat and heat up all

Making something extraordinary tonight.  
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

SAUCE MAYONNAISE - Recipe of the day

3 egg yolks
3 egg yolks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Place in an earthen bowl a couple of fresh egg yolks
and one-half teaspoonful of ground English mustard, half pinch of salt,
one-half saltspoonful red pepper, and stir well for about three minutes
without stopping, then pour in, one drop at a time, one and one-half
cupfuls of best olive oil, and should it become too thick, add a little
at a time some good vinegar, stirring constantly.

Make something extraordinary.  Check our recipes everyday right here on GVLN.

Olive oil from Imperia in Liguria, Italy.
Olive oil from Imperia in Liguria, Italy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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