Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Omega-3 Fats Raise Prostate Cancer Risk? Not Really - Bad Information Uncovered.

Omega 3 Krill Oil
Omega 3 Krill Oil (Photo credit: HealthGauge)
By Dr. Mercola
Omega-3 rich fish oil is one of the most well-researched substances on the market. Its wide ranging health benefits have been repeatedly proven, and animal-based omega-3 is one of the few supplements I recommend for virtually everyone to improve overall health.
But omega-3 fat, naturally found in salmon and krill, which are both excellent sources, has received some undeservedly bad press coverage lately. You may have seen some of the following headlines:
These headlines are perfect examples of gross misreporting of science by the media, and it is instances like this that demonstrate why you cannot trust the conventional press to keep you informed about health. In the words of Jonny Bowden,6 PhD, CNS, the media’s reporting on this particular study is “disgraceful, incompetent, and scientifically illiterate.” I couldn’t agree more.

'Omega-3 Fats Involved in Prostate Tumorigenesis,' Researchers Claim

The study raising all this hoopla was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute7 on July 10. This case-cohort study8 examined associations between omega-3 levels in blood and prostate cancer risk among participants in the "Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial," also known as SELECT.9
The researchers concluded that men with higher blood concentrations of animal-based (marine-derived) omega-3s had a 44 percent increased risk of developing low-grade prostate cancer compared to those with the lowest levels.
Specifically, higher blood levels of the omega-3 fat DHA correlated to higher prostate cancer risk, while no correlation was found for EPA and ALA. They also had a 71 percent higher risk of developing high-grade prostate cancer.
The “grade” refers to the level of abnormality found in the cancer cells.10 The more abnormal the cells appear, the higher the grade of the cancer. Based on these correlations, the researchers concluded that “these fatty acids are involved in prostate tumorigenesis.” But just how did they reach that conclusion?
According to Time Magazine:11
“The study measured omega-3 blood levels in the participating men, and did not include information on the volunteers’ eating habits, so researchers could not differentiate between the effects of fatty acids from fish from those of supplements. However, the overwhelming majority of the participants did not take fish oil supplements.
Based on the results, [lead author, Theodore] Brasky says that men with a family history of prostate cancer should discuss with their doctor whether fish oil supplements are safe for them, since these pills tend to contain concentrated doses of omega-3.
Supplements contain between 30% to 60% of a serving of fish, and if a fish oil supplement is taken every day, that adds up to a lot of daily fish oil. Brasky also suggested that men cut down on their fatty fish intake, though not eliminate it entirely.”
Folks, this is some of the most absurd advice I’ve seen in a long time. How they could possibly come to the conclusion that omega-3 supplements might be dangerous based on this study is a mystery in and of itself. Correlation is not the same as causation, first of all.
Secondly, no omega-3 supplements were actually given in this study. In fact, most participants reportedly did not take them. Another immediate tip-off that something’s awry is the finding that participants who had the highest levels oftrans fats in their blood had the lowest risk for prostate cancer... As Dr. Bowden writes in his Huffington Post12 rebuttal:
“How do you explain the fact that reporter after reporter and news outlet after news outlet conveniently equated higher blood levels of DHA with 'fish oil supplement taking?'
There’s almost no other explanation other than a strong anti-supplement bias and a desire for shocking headlines. And any doubt about the objectivity of the researchers should have been abandoned after one of them—Dr. Alan Kristy—told reporters,13 'We’ve shown once again that use of nutritional supplements may be harmful.'”
Indeed, Dr. Kristy sounds like a spokesperson for Senator Durbin’s hypocritically idiotic supplement bill, which threatens the supplement industry by granting the FDA more power to regulate supplements as if they were drugs, potentially putting supplement companies out of business.

Do Omega-3s Raise Men’s Prostate Cancer Risk? Hardly!

Foods rich in omega-3 fats have previously been shown to prevent prostate cancer from spreading. One such clinical study (opposed to the featured study, which was observational and therefore cannot establish causality) was published in the British Journal of Cancer14 in 2006. This study found that while omega-6 fats (the kind found in most vegetable oils) increased the spread of prostatic tumor cells into bone marrow, the spread of cancer cells was blocked by omega-3 fats, suggesting that a diet rich in omega-3 fats could potentially inhibit the disease in men with early stage prostate cancer.
A more recent meta-analysis15 of available research, published in 2010, found that fish consumption was associated with a 63 percent reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality, even though no association between fish consumption and a significant reduction in prostate cancer incidence could be found. GreenMedInfo.com16 recently discussed this topic as well, listing a number of additional studies that have shown fish/fish oil/omega-3 to be beneficial against prostate cancer.
As pointed out by Denise Minger,17 previous research18 has shown that the higher blood levels of DHA found in the featured study is not necessarily indicative of higher fish consumption. In fact, low-fat diets can increase DHA levels in much the same way omega-3 supplementation can. According to previous research:
“Plasma phospholipid fatty acids have the potential to function as a surrogate measure of the potential effects of diet on a whole range of cell membrane lipids... This difference in fatty acid levels after the consumption of similar proportions but varied content of fatty acids suggests competition among the lipid series [(n-3), (n-6), (n-7) and (n-9)] for the enzymes of elongation and desaturation.
When the relative supply of (n-3) fatty acids is abundant, these fatty acids are preferentially desaturated and elongated relative to (n-6) fatty acids)...
In summary... free fatty acid compositions are responsive to total dietary fat content. Specifically, the consumption of a low fat diet promotes an increase in the level of total and highly unsaturated long-chain (n-3) fatty acids and a decrease in the total (n-6) content of plasma phospholipid and cholesteryl ester fatty acids. The observed modifications in phospholipid and cholesteryl ester fatty acids in response to a low fat diet are similar to those observed when (n-3) fatty acids of plant or animal origin are fed.”

Why DHA Levels in Featured Study May Be Meaningless...

Furthermore, the featured study reported DHA levels based on percentage of total fatty acids rather than the absolute value, which in and of itself can be quite misleading,19 as it actually obscures any real differences. Dr. Bowden illustrates the dilemma well with the following analogy:
“Would you like 90 percent of all the money Mr. Jones has or 10 percent of all the money Mr. Smith has?”
How could you possibly tell how much money those percentages of total represent, unless you know how much money Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith each have to begin with? As explained in a 2009 commentary published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,20 the only time percentage of total might be meaningful is when the total fatty acid content is identical for all subjects, which it undoubtedly was not in this case.
As stated by Dr. Bob Roundtree, MD:21
“Considering the extensive body of literature that supports the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids, there is no credible biological mechanism, nor is one suggested in the article, that would explain why these essential fatty acids might increase tumorigenesis.”

Confounding Factors Ignored

Another problem with studies looking at correlations only, is that the factor you’re looking at may only be a minor player, or completely irrelevant, compared to other factors. For example, in this case:22
  • 53 percent of the subjects with prostate cancer were smokers
  • 64 percent of the cancer subjects regularly consumed alcohol
  • 80 percent of the cancer subjects were overweight or obese
According to a 2011 study published in PLoS One,23 aggressive prostate cancer was associated with obesity. More recently, a cohort study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention24 in April of this year found that men who were overweight or obese increased their risk of prostate cancer by 57 percent—a percentage that falls right smack in the middle of that 44-71 percentage range attributed to high DHA serum levels in the featured study. And this association between obesity and prostate cancer held for all cases— low-grade and high-grade, early stage and late, nonaggressive and aggressive prostate cancer.

Krill Oil vs. Fish Oil: What's the Better Source?

From my perspective, based on medical experience and overwhelming scientific evidence, making sure you’re getting enough omega-3 in your diet, either from wild Alaskan salmon or a high-quality omega-3 supplement like krill oil, is absolutely crucial for your optimal health. While a helpful form of omega-3 can be found in flaxseed, chia, hemp, and a few other foods, the most beneficial form of omega-3 -- containing two fatty acids, DHA and EPA, which are essential to fighting and preventing both physical and mental disease -- can only be found in fish and krill.25
Unfortunately, nearly all fish, from most all sources, are now severely contaminated with toxic mercury, which is why I have amended my previous recommendations to consume fish on a routine basis. It's simply not advisable for most people any longer. About the only exception to this rule is wild-caught Alaskan salmon. This is really the ONLY fish I’ll eat on a regular basis, and the only one I feel comfortable recommending as a good source of healthful fats. AVOID farmed salmon, as they contain only abouthalf of the omega-3 levels of wild salmon. Farmed salmon may also contain a range of harmful contaminants, including environmental toxins, synthetic astaxanthin, and genetically engineered organisms from the grain feed they’re given.
My latest recommendation for a source of high quality omega-3 fats is krill oil. The omega-3 in krill is attached to phospholipids that increase its absorption, which means you need less of it, and it won't cause belching or burping like many other fish oil products. Additionally, it naturally contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant—almost 50 times more than is present in fish oil. This prevents the highly perishable omega-3 fats from oxidizing before you are able to integrate them into your cellular tissue. In laboratory tests, krill oil remained undamaged after being exposed to a steady flow of oxygen for 190 hours. Compare that to fish oil, which went rancid after just one hour. That makes krill oil nearly 200 times more resistant to oxidative damage compared to fish oil!
When purchasing krill oil, you'll want to read the label and check the amount of astaxanthin it contains. The more the better, but anything above 0.2 mg per gram of krill oil will protect it from rancidity. To learn more about the benefits of krill versus fish oil, please see my interview with Dr. Rudi Moerck, a drug industry insider and an expert on omega-3 fats.
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LAEKEN RABBIT - Recipe of The Day

Take a medium-sized rabbit, and have it prepared and cut into joints. Put the pieces to soak for forty-eight hours in vinegar, enough to cover them, with a sprinkle of fresh thyme in it and a small onion sliced finely. After forty-eight hours, put one-quarter pound of fat bacon, sliced, in a pan to melt, and when it has melted, take out any bits that remain, and add to the melted bacon a bit of butter as big as an egg, which let melt till it froths; secondly, sprinkle in a dessert-spoonful of flour. Stir it over the fire, mixing well till the sauce becomes brown, and then put in your marinaded pieces of rabbit. Add pepper and salt and cook till each piece is well colored on each side. When they are well colored, add then the bunch of thyme, the sliced onion and half the vinegar that you used for soaking; three bay-leaves, one dozen dried and dry prunes, five lumps of sugar, half a pint of water. Cover closely and let it simmer for two hours and a half.

An old recipe not easy to get the main ingredients at your local supermarket.  Even old recipes can give way to new ideas.  

Make something extraordinary tonight.
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Information Wanted

 "WASHINGTON, December 10, 1867.

"Could you give me any information respecting such islands, if any, as the government is going to purchase?"

It is an uncle of mine that wants to know. He is an industrious man and well disposed, and wants to make a living in an honest, humble way, but more especially he wants to be quiet. He wishes to settle down, and be quiet and unostentatious. He has been to the new island St. Thomas, but he says he thinks things are unsettled there. He went there early with an attache of the State Department, who was sent down with money to pay for the island. My uncle had his money in the same box, and so when they went ashore, getting a receipt, the sailors broke open the box and took all the money, not making any distinction between government money, which was legitimate money to be stolen, and my uncle's, which was his own private property, and should have been respected. But he came home and got some more and went back. And then he took the fever. There are seven kinds of fever down there, you know; and, as his blood was out of order by reason of loss of sleep and general wear and tear of mind, he failed to cure the first fever, and then somehow he got the other six. He is not a kind of man that enjoys fevers, though he is well meaning and always does what he thinks is right, and so he was a good deal annoyed when it appeared he was going to die.

But he worried through, and got well and started a farm. He fenced it in, and the next day that great storm came on and washed the most of it over to Gibraltar, or around there somewhere. He only said, in his patient way, that it was gone, and he wouldn't bother about trying to find out where it went to, though it was his opinion it went to Gibraltar.

Then he invested in a mountain, and started a farm up there, so as to be out of the way when the sea came ashore again. It was a good mountain, and a good farm, but it wasn't any use; an earthquake came the next night and shook it all down. It was all fragments, you know, and so mixed up with another man's property that he could not tell which were his fragments without going to law; and he would not do that, because his main object in going to St. Thomas was to be quiet. All that he wanted was to settle down and be quiet.

He thought it all over, and finally he concluded to try the low ground again, especially as he wanted to start a brickyard this time. He bought a flat, and put out a hundred thousand bricks to dry preparatory to baking them. But luck appeared to be against him. A volcano shoved itself through there that night, and elevated his brickyard about two thousand feet in the air. It irritated him a good deal. He has been up there, and he says the bricks are all baked right enough, but he can't get them down. At first, he thought maybe the government would get the bricks down for him, because since government bought the island, it ought to protect the property where a man has invested in good faith; but all he wants is quiet, and so he is not going to apply for the subsidy he was thinking about.

He went back there last week in a couple of ships of war, to prospect around the coast for a safe place for a farm where he could be quiet; but a great "tidal wave" came, and hoisted both of the ships out into one of the interior counties, and he came near losing his life. So he has given up prospecting in a ship, and is discouraged.

Well, now he don't know what to do. He has tried Alaska; but the bears kept after him so much, and kept him so much on the jump, as it were, that he had to leave the country. He could not be quiet there with those bears prancing after him all the time. That is how he came to go to the new island we have bought—St. Thomas. But he is getting to think St. Thomas is not quiet enough for a man of his turn of mind, and that is why he wishes me to find out if government is likely to buy some more islands shortly. He has heard that government is thinking about buying Porto Rico. If that is true, he wishes to try Porto Rico, if it is a quiet place. How is Porto Rico for his style of man? Do you think the government will buy it?

Mark Twain:  1882.
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Pioneer's And The New Frontier

Liberty's Kids episode number 27, "The New Frontier."  The fight for freedom, liberty and independence was by no means an easy feat.  We are almost three quarters of the way through the Liberty's Kids series of shows, however, that does not mean that we will stop with videos or e-books.  This is going to remain an ongoing series as we continue to find plenty of more content to continue this educational series.

  The e-book we have today goes along rather well with the Liberty's Kids video as it covers pioneer's and Indians of the colonies.

The Pioneers from Chuck Thompson

Free downloads are available on this e-book from our SlideShare site.  You will have to log in with either your Facebook account or LinkedIn account to get one though.  Over 300 pages of history.

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Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation Releases Draft

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / Srpski: Застава америчке савезне државе Вирџиније. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation Releases Draft Virginia Statewide Rail Plan for Public Review and Comment

-Draft 2013 Virginia Statewide Rail Plan is available here-

RICHMOND –Governor McDonnell announced today that  the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) released the Draft 2013 Virginia Statewide Rail Plan for public review and comment.  The comprehensive plan will provide a defined vision for passenger and freight rail transportation in Virginia through 2040.  It profiles the Commonwealth’s current rail assets, services, and capacity chokepoints. Recommended improvement projects are included as part of the Rail Resource Allocation Plan, a tool that establishes funding sources, funding needs, and phasing for rail projects. Projects were identified using public and stakeholder input, and extensive evaluation of future population and employment trends, land use, and travel demand.

            “DRPT continues to demonstrate its effectiveness by improving and adding rail service in the Commonwealth despite major policy changes at the national level,” said Governor McDonnell.  “This plan shows how a small agency of dedicated individuals can maximize state’s resources to move passengers and goods efficiently, buoyed by the landmark transportation funding legislation signed into law this spring.”   

            “The Virginia Statewide Rail Plan provides a vision that will help guide the Commonwealth towards meeting its transportation goal of moving people and goods efficiently and effectively,” said Thelma Drake, director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation.

            The Draft 2013 Virginia Statewide Rail Plan is posted online for a 30-day public review and comment period and can be viewed here. Comments received before 30 days will be summarized in the Plan.  Please direct comments to the Department’s public information office at  or at the address below.

Department of Rail & Public Transportation
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102
Attention: Public Information Office – VSRP Comments

            DRPT is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  For additional information on DRPT’s nondiscrimination policies and procedures or to file a complaint, please visit the website at or contact the Title VI Compliance Officer, Linda Maiden, 600 E. Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA 23219.

About Department of Rail and Public Transportation:
The Department of Rail and Public Transportation’s mission is to improve the mobility of people and goods while expanding transportation choices in the Commonwealth through rail, public transportation, and commuter services.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Newhart - Fun With Dick and Joanna

Newhart.  Fun with Dick and Joanna.  Classic TV here on GVLN.  Catch Newhart every Tuesday right here.
Newhart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Statement of Governor Bob McDonnell on Passing of Former Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr.

Harry F. Byrd Jr.
Harry F. Byrd Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Governor Orders State Flags to Fly at Half-Staff Friday and Saturday

WASHINGTON D.C.- Governor Bob McDonnell issued the following statement this morning regarding news that former Virginia Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., America’s oldest living former senator, has passed away at 98 at his home in Winchester. In addition, the governor has ordered all state flags to fly at half-staff Friday and Saturday in memory of the senator.

“This morning, Harry F. Byrd, Jr., America’s oldest living former senator, passed away at his home in Winchester. This is a sad day in the Commonwealth. A chapter of our history has concluded; we’ve lost a good and decent person and a dedicated public servant.

Senator Byrd was a son of the Valley. He was born in Winchester. While he would go on to attend school at VMI and UVa, serve our nation in World War II, represent the area in the State Senate, and then serve three terms in Washington as a United States Senator, it was always true that in spirit and in soul, Harry F. Byrd, Jr. never left the Valley that he loved.
Senator Byrd was an iconic figure in Virginia history. He lived through a century of immense change, both here at home and abroad, and he never sat on the sidelines. From his time in public office to his long career in journalism, Harry F. Byrd, Jr. was at the center of the great debates and policy discussions that marked our nation’s path forward. He made his mark as a strong fiscal conservative, always committed to ensuring that taxpayer dollars be wisely and conservatively utilized.

I had the great opportunity to visit with the senator several times over the past few years at his home. His mind was sharp, and he was quick with stories from growing up in Virginia’s Executive Mansion in the 1920’s to his experiences as the first person ever elected and re-elected to the United States Senate as an independent. The senator was rightly known for his civility, candor and wit, and those attributes remained with him until the very end. As governor, there were a number of times I would receive a carefully handwritten letter from the senator, well into his 90’s, letting me know how he felt about legislation and policy discussions in Richmond. He lived to participate in the public discourse and he cherished democracy and civic engagement. That was the common thread that ran from his time in public office to his editorials and columns in The Winchester Star and The Harrisonburg Daily News-Record.

Virginia will mourn the passing of Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr.”
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Dope Stars with Two Dimensional World - Free MP3 Song Download

The Dope Stars with Two Dimensional World.  What a name for a band.  The band name leaves a lot to be desired but they make up for it with this song.  Great tune.  Very decent recording.  Great tune.  Check it out.  If you like it, download a free copy.  If not, check back, we have free music daily.
Dope Stars Inc.
Cover of Dope Stars Inc.
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Failure of the Gloucester County Leadership?

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia.

Once again, I planned to return to the State Constitution today; however, reading several of Mr Thompson’s stories over the weekend I must deviate from my plan.  I read with great sorrow the events Mr. Thompson reported; based on these event am even more convinced the Board of Supervisors should vote no on the school bond until many changes are made in the county.

The question that everyone needs to ask is why the employees were using the vehicles for personal use?  Was it learned from watching their bosses and other supervisors? Why have the management and supervisors allowed it to go on? No one in the county employment has ever seen them do this before and reported it?  Why did the employee in one truck chase a vehicle, did they know they were doing something wrong? Why did the other employee go to the Hardee's at the southern end of the county for a second meal rather than the one closer to the court house?

It appears county management has taught them by example.  Has this been going on for years?  It needs to stop.  The county wants to constantly raise our taxes; until they get their house in order no new taxes.

You are now asking what does it have to do with the school board and the new school? It goes back to what these people learned in school?  I have talked to a number of students over the years living in this county and what they are learning is disturbing. They are learning that they are owed by the generation before them; they do not have to work hard to earn for themselves.  Look at the condition of the county, commonwealth, and country, it shows.  They want top salary jobs and want to be the boss when they come out of school.  Do the students come out of school see their bosses go to Hardee’s in county vehicles and repeat what they see?

I have some other questions for the School Board and Board of Supervisors.  A video on Mr. Thompson’s website from the School Board shows TC Walker being made into a new office complex for county employees.  Is it for school use or county use?  Why is additional space needed are you in the process of growing the government larger?  Then why the new space?  The School Board should have offices in each of the schools so they have firsthand knowledge of what is being taught, what the teacher deal with on a daily basis, and how the students are being treated.  You do not need an ivory tower to isolate yourselves from the students, parents, and teacher.

Until the County shows leadership and can control its employees and the School Board show it is capable of teaching ALL students to be good citizens prepared to live in Gloucester County, Virginia, and the United States as productive adults they should not be given any additional money.

Tell the Board no new Monument to Stupidity; you do not support them going forward with the bond.  I am not a lawyer, but have questions that are not being answered.

 “For the Common Good. “


Alexander James Jay

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