Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ted Wilmot Explains FOIA Meetings Policies and Proceedures

You want to turn the volume up on your speakers as well as on the video itself to watch this and hear it properly.  Ted Wilmot and Brenda Garton actually do a decent job of explaining FOIA meetings to the Board of Supervisors.  5 stars to Ted on this one.  He actually acted like an attorney.  (Guess we can't beat him up on this one).  Some dirty little secrets get revealed in this meeting.  Watch and listen closely.  Mr Bazzani, please turn your microphone on when speaking.  Thank you.  Found some other interesting information on the Agenda that we will be sharing soon.
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History, Albert Pike and One World Government

English: Italian statesman Giuseppe Mazzini
English: Italian statesman Giuseppe Mazzini (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Albert Pike and the Luciferian plan for world government 

"This letter of 1 871 5.08.1 was revealed by Commodore William (1 895-1 959) in its 

book "Pawns in the Game" ("Pawns on I'Echiquier" Canadian Ed published in 1954 

by the "National Federation of Christian Laymen"). This officer of the Canadian navy was

part of L'equipe formed by Sir Barry Domville British L'amiral, former head of the " 

Naval Intelligence, "retired in 1936 and later incarcerated by W. Churchill as

anti belliciste. [...]

"... But the two defeats suffered by France, military and social benefit to both 

cosmopolitan financial and followers of Karl Marx, while proponents " 

Revolutionary World "movement, Giuseppe Mazzini and its North American counterpart, 

General Albert Pike [1 809-1 891], in their letter of 1 5.08.1 871, dealing with the scheme "Crisis, 

War »Revolution 3 followed by 3 major revolutions world wars must 

mark the twentieth century. A. Pike, 33rd degree, Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Southern

founded his own Luciferian obedience: the "New Reformed Palladian Rite" was intended 

support the Revolutionary Movement World (John Lombard, "The hidden face of 

L'Histoire modern ", p. 552-554, 1984 and pages 555-556 of Volume 2 of Ted. Spanish).

"The First World War was to the Illuminati to overthrow the power of 

Tsars in Russia and turn that country by the stranglehold atheistic Communism. The

differences "natural", fueled by the agents of the Illuminati between the Empires 

British and German should be used to foment this war. The conflict ends, the

Communism was to be used to create and destroy other governments and 

weaken religions. 

"The Second World War must be fomented by playing on the differences between 

Fascists and Political Zionists. This war would allow the destruction of Nazism and

accroItre power of Zionism Policy Fagon that the State of lsrael sovereign could 

establish themselves in Palestine. During the Second World War, the power of Communism

International should arrive at that of the whole of Christendom. Arrives at this point,

he had to be content and set up reserve its use for the last cataclysm 


"What informed person would deny that Roosevelt and Churchill realized this 


"The Third World War must be fomented by using the differences that 

officers illuminati tantalise between Political Zionists and the leaders of the world 

Muslim. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Arab world there

including the religion of Muhammad) and political Zionism (the State of lsrael including) are 

are destroying each other. At the same time, other nations once more divided in

them in this connection will be forced to fight until a state of exhaustion 

complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic. 

"How impartial and reasonable person could deny that intrigues ongoing 
Near, Middle East and East I'Extreme do not prepare the realization of this plan 


"On 1 August 5th 1871, Pike told Mazzini was only after the Third World War, those who 

aspire to dominate the world undoubtedly provoke the greatest social cataclysm 

the world has ever known. We quote his own words borrowed a letter

catalogs in the British Museum Library in London " 

"We let go the Nihilists and Atheists, and we cause a tremendous cataclysm 
social, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of atheism 
absolute origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then all citizens,

obliged to defend themselves against the world revolutionary minority, 

exterminate the destroyers of civilization, and the masses degus by which Christendom 

deistic spirit will from that moment without compass, seeking an ideal, 

without knowing where to turn his adoration, will receive the true light through the 
universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally revealed for all to see, 
event following the destruction of Christendom and L'atheisme, simultaneously 

submitted and exterminated at the same time. "

Our Notes:  An interesting document we came across and translated into English as it was originally in French.  You know what?  We just don't see it.
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The Truth About Bitcoin

Bitcoin Art
Bitcoin Art (Photo credit: btckeychain)

Stefan Molyneux looks at the rise of Bitcoin and discusses its history, mining, fees, altcoins, regulatory hypocrisy, worldwide awareness, comparisons to gold, anonymous transactions, possible government attacks and what the future holds for the decentralized cryptocurrency.
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Tesla Motors - The Car Company They're Scared Of And Why

English: The Tesla Model S is an all-electric ...
English: The Tesla Model S is an all-electric sedan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"The legislative battle that pits Ohio car dealers against Tesla Motors and its company-owned stores continues.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that the car dealers are once again pushing legislation that would keep Tesla from selling cars in the Buckeye State.

Senate Bill 260 would explicitly prohibit the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) from issuing car-dealer licenses to auto manufacturers.

Section 11 of the bill lists "a manufacturer... applying for license to sell or lease new motor vehicles at retail" as one of the types of organization ineligible for a dealership license.

This comes after car dealers sued to block Tesla from selling cars in Ohio."* John Iadarola, Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?!, and TYT Sports) and Cara Santa Maria (co-host and producer, TakePart Live) break it down on The Young Turks.

Our Notes:  What?  Democrats don't do the same thing?  Yeah they do.  It's not party politics, it's just the way that the Constitution has been scraped down to nothing more than a piece of paper.  Throw all of the politicians out.  Who cares whether or not they are republicans or democrats.  They all need to go.  
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Billionaire: Rich Americans should get more votes

10c Billionaire
10c Billionaire (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Paul Begala and Reihan Salam discuss Billionaire Tom Perkins remarks that America's rich should get more votes.

Our Notes:  What?  He is really saying this?  The rich already get a lot more votes than the little guy.  It's called lobbying!  Ya think?  It's giving special interests to special interests.  Violations to the US Constitution.  This is just a bad argument.  Well done by CNN however which is a real shocker.  Give Paul Begala a bone and tell him to go somewhere else.  Stupid has no limitations.  But hey, it got him in the news.
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Gerald Celente - Alex Jones Show - February 12, 2014

Alex Jones, Welsh television presenter
Alex Jones, Welsh television presenter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They've Created Total Mental Illness, Everyone Afraid of Everything. The government keeps coming out with one lie after another- and the public keeps buying in! Take for example, the recent "off microphone" statement by Obama. Have we really been so dumbed down that we are totally shortsighted? Or is it something more than that? Gerald and Alex discuss these topics here.

Our Notes:  Fluoride Shield?  Really?  And you expect us to believe that works?  Alex Jones, the guy who when you trace the money goes all the way back up to Fox News. Fema and Homeland Security?  Really?  Why does Gerald Celente Bother with this guy?  And it's not that we are not speaking up, it's just some of the stuff you guys are spinning is a joke.  Look at that Obama clip again.  I don't have to like the guy to know that what he said and the context he said it in was not an issue to be worried about or create any kind of fuse over.

Trends Forecaster: Proof the Markets are Rigged. At least five top level bankers have "fallen" to their deaths from high-rises in just the last two weeks. Are the worlds Stock Markets, Currency Exchanges and Interest Rates all rigged? Gerald Celente brings the facts from the news to the table.

Our Notes:  Gerald Celente never answers the real question posed nor should he have regarding speculation of the deaths of the Bankers.  Good for him.  Alex Jones.  Made in America?  Is that Canada or Mexico?  Both are considered America.  How about MADE IN THE USA there dude.  Opps, can't do that now can we?  How about printed in America on Chinese manufactured goods?  (That's printed in Mexico on top of Chinese manufactured goods)  Gotta support good old Alex now don't we?  Really?  Nah.

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Governor McAuliffe Statement on Bostic v. Rainey Ruling

Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement on the federal district court’s decision striking down Virginia’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples:

"I applaud the federal district court's decision to ensure all Virginians are treated equally under the law, no matter what their backgrounds are or whom they love. In order to grow our economy and attract the best businesses, entrepreneurs, and families to Virginia, we must be open and welcoming to all who call our Commonwealth home.  As this case continues through the judicial process, I will enforce the laws currently on the books, but this decision is a significant step forward in achieving greater equality for all of our citizens."

Link to more information on the Judge who made this ruling.  

Our Notes:  If this is what the founding fathers had intended, they would have made provisions for it.  They didn't as they did not accept this concept.  We can not even imagine how this woman can call herself a Christian.  Even our Russian and Chinese friends who read this site are highly offended by this.   This judge should be thrown out of the country.   And what does that say about our Governor?  In all fairness, we having nothing against the gay community.  We just do not consider it a right.  We view it as a special interest with special privileges which is a violation to both the State and Federal Constitutions from what we have reported here on this site.

  Next move?  The promotion and legalization of pedophilia?  It's coming.  Is this the price this woman had to pay for this position?  (What, you don't think this happens?)  The next probable move is the legalization of pot.  But hey, why stop there.  Legalize all of it.  Opium, LSD, Cocaine, Meth, the whole 9 yards.  Start opening casinos.  Legalize prostitution.  Get a bunch of abortion clinics into the state.  One on every corner and make them cheap and funded by the state.  DO WHAT THOU WILT is the order of the "LAW".    Babylon Returns, get used to it.

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