Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Many Lies of Governor Ralph Northam and The Latest Breach of More Laws

(By:  Chuck Thompson)
Governor Ralph Northam has declared a state of emergency for this coming Monday where he says guns to be outlawed from the grounds around the Capitol building due to supposed threats seen on Facebook.  Here is a serious problem folks, he wants to ban guns from the grounds of the Capitol building yet he does not have that right.  In fact, he is breaking the law of the Commonwealth even trying to declare such.  HB 20 sponsored by Delegates Mike Watson and Tony Wilt, stating the following; "Emergency services and disasters; constitutional rights, Provides that nothing in the Emergency Services and Disaster Law shall be interpreted to limit or prohibit the otherwise lawful possession, carrying, transportation, sale, or transfer of firearms".  that law passed in 2012 under governor McDonnell who signed it into law.

  So we have a real dilemma here folks.  Either the present Governor is ignorant of the law, or he just does not care what the law says.  Now let's address his argument for trying to pull this illegal bluff off.  He states that there is intel that "Militia plan on storming the Capitol on Monday the 20th, VCDL's lobby day.  That folks is a lie.  No militia is planning that anywhere.  Paramilitary or more like Anarchists have in fact stated that they do have these plans.  I knew about them weeks ago.  But to claim "Militia are planning this is a purposely deceitful propaganda ploy as there are a number of Constitutionally planned militia in the making which scares the hell out of the democrats, because the militia will not follow any orders that are unconstitutional such as red flag laws, and the like.  The left are trying to create a bad impression of the coming Militia because it stops their plans to disarm law abiding citizens against the constitution of both Virginia and of these United States of America.  It's what we call using the poison pen to undermine sound ideas.

  Now what further should concern everyone is the idea that the actions are construed as so grievous by so many as to why anyone would even consider violence against the Commonwealth legislators.  Could it possibly be due to the fact that the democrats are violating their oaths of office?  Democrats breaking the supreme law of the land both with the Virginia Constitution as well as the Constitution of these United States of America?  Attempting to tear down and destroy each and every aspect of the Bill of Rights?  The Bill of Rights which are not rights granted "We The People", by government, but instead by God and only an extra layer of protection for "We The People" in the event of a tyrannical government?

  It's beyond disturbing that anyone could think that destroying the Bill of Rights will protect anyone except a corrupt government.  We are seeing democratic legislators spitting in the face of every Virginian and lying all along the way while doing so trying to convince the ignorant that they want to take away your rights to keep you safe.

  It was laughable when one person stood before the democratic lead committee the other day and was given unlimited time to tell the committee that he was from Fairfax county and that 80% of the people in Virginia, later corrected to 80% of the people in Fairfax county supported gun control.  Can someone show me where even 80% of the population in Fairfax speaks English?  Can anyone even show me where 20% of Fairfax even speaks English?  It was highly dishonest and the Democrats went along with it because it supported their cause.  Never mind that most of the people that spoke that morning were dead set against the stripping "We The People" of our rights.

  A serious problem we now face here in the Commonwealth is how do you trust a government that lies, and breaks the laws in order to put forth their own agenda?  Where is law?  Democrats are actually creating a precedence for lawless government. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Violet’s Rant; Democrats Love Making Fools Of Democratic Voters

Well, I wasn't sure exactly what to say this morning but thanks to some knucklehead I am going to throw this at you..... Ignorance is bliss and that's what democrats like.....keeping you uninformed and even worse misinformed. The Governor here in VA has pictures of himself in Blackface on his yearbook... and went as Michael Jackson for Halloween, yet no one says anything....because he's a democrat... yet we know if Donald Trump did that, that would be proof he's a racist right? We currently have 3 anti-American Muslims in our congressional office who are democrats and want to allow anyone in to our country and want to open borders and change our one says anything because they are democrats..... Trump has brought prayer back into the White House. He is working towards stopping abortions that take the lives of babies who could live on their own, has decreased unemployment... which could actually give welfare recipients their dignity back and increased the stock market which has renamed us the "Superpower." He is building the wall to keep criminals out and protect YOU. And is supporting our police officers who are in jeopardy of democrat induced hate everyday they work. And you don't see the riots and looting in the streets since he has taken office. Yes, I guess I'd rather have Trump, than a double standard party that says one Governor can go as a black face but a president is prejudice even when there's no evidence of it!!! Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, the man who is responsible for freedoms of people of color. Teddy Roosevelt was a democrat and he was a member of KKK . Please stop listening to people, do your research for crying out loud. You are listening to what people are telling you!!!! You saw Mr. Cummings funeral.... Hillary and Obama made it political..... Trump didn't! Democrats want you to hate, so you won't see beyond that. They want to bring the plantation back... it’s called the government plantation!!! Everything is free but you! It doesn’t care if you're black or white. If you're poor they want to keep you poor. I want jobs for my grandchildren not welfare and my guess is you do too! Now, look at the Democratic Clinton's friends... Anthony Weiner, multiple charges on child pornography, Jeffrey Epstein who just committed suicide by murder in prison for child molestation and Jerry Bean, Obama's friend, who was just charged for sexually abusing young boys. And you think this is a coincidence? GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT AND STOP BEING LED BY LIARS like Schiff who has publicly lied to you yet he's hanging out with Pelosi, Harris, Yang and Waters who are letting their state burn to the ground!!!! and .....Hilary who hid 30,000 emails from the FBI......WHY? and Bill who "did not have sex with that woman" BUT DNA DON'T LIE!!!! The democrats love making fools of democratic voters and I am afraid you have been misinformed and you are a part of their campaign to hold you down and keep you down. I will be at the polls early and just as I did last election... I will spend the day praying for my country and those who are being manipulated.

God bless and be wise.

By: Violet Holland

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Governor McAuliffe Signs Caboose Budget Bill

English: Photo of the Virginia State Capitol b...
English: Photo of the Virginia State Capitol before renovations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement today after signing House Bill 5001, the Caboose Budget Bill, which funds state government through the remainder of this fiscal year:

“Today I signed a budget bill that funds state government for the remainder of the year, and proves that Democrats and Republicans in the General Assembly are capable of working together to get things done for the Virginians who sent them to Richmond.

“This budget is the product of earnest negotiations between Democrats and Republicans in the General Assembly, with whom I was pleased to work to ensure that a final product came to my desk that I could sign.

“This budget is a compromise – it is not perfect. Today I signed it over reservations that I have expressed to Republicans and Democrats in the legislature about spending over $300 million on a new General Assembly building at a time when some legislators continue to refuse to use our own tax dollars to close the health care coverage gap.
“As negotiations on the next biennial budget move forward, I hope those legislators will recognize the message their actions send to 400,000 Virginians who need access to health care, not a new building for 140 state legislators.

“The bill I signed today is proof that the General Assembly is capable of negotiating and passing a budget that reflects the varied values and political views of its members and their constituents. There is no reason that the House and Senate cannot bring that same approach to the biennial budget I introduced last week. The sooner the General Assembly puts politics aside and negotiates a way forward, the sooner we can end this gridlock, close the health care coverage gap and give Virginians the budget they deserve.”
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Senator John McCain, A Strong America

English: John McCain official photo portrait.
English: John McCain official photo portrait. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A secure world relies on a strong America. And a strong America relies on a robust military.
Yet, sadly under President Obama, America's military strength has been weakened and our country's leadership in the world has been questioned.
As a result, the world's most dangerous players are flexing their muscles. Extremists are gaining ground. And these conflicts are becoming more dangerous by the day for our allies—and for us.
My friend, what we're seeing across the world, particularly with the situation with Russia, is the ultimate result of Obama's reckless and feckless foreign policy.
From the beginning, when he refused to criticize the Iranian government, all the way through his incredible misreading of Vladimir Putin, the tyrant hell-bent on restoring the Soviet empire, Obama has led from behind.
If you want to see where Obama and the Democrats' priorities lie, look at how much they've slashed the defense budget yet found ways to pay for every item on their liberal wish list—the pinnacle being ObamaCare.
What kind of message are we sending when we slash defense funds and shrink the size of our military?
On national defense and international security, Democrats just don't "get it."
We must return to our best traditions of American leadership—for the sake of the cause of freedom, for the sake of the brave Americans who are willing to give their life for this cause, for the sake of our nation's peace and prosperity.
We must be committed to peace through strength to protect our national security in this dangerous world.
And we must support those facing brutal tyranny by their oppressors and our enemies.
That's why we must elect more Republicans to the Senate who will fight for freedom and will promote peace throughout the world.

Thank you,
Senator John McCain

Our Notes:  The Republicans are coming on strong right now.  A strong military is needed for DEFENSE.  Not to police the world.  We do not need to be the world police.  That is the job of the UN and even then , we do not need to be the world police for the UN.  How many trillions of dollars have now been wasted on being the world police from the US taxpayers?  And we should spend more why?  At least there is a good point on why we are wasting so many tax dollars on a health care system that was designed to fail from the start in our view.  Anyone in the political mafia ever here of the US Constitution?  We didn't think so.

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