Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies

Marxists Internet Archive
Marxists Internet Archive (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most people have no clue what the above titles words mean.  Most people have no real clue what Capitalism is nor do most people have a clue what real socialism or communism is either.  You may think you do, but do you really?  This video is one of the best sources for defining Capitalism for what it is really supposed to be and not what most consider it to be as well as what socialism really is as opposed to what most people think it is.

  Another piece we found on the Internet Archive.  We doubt this would be found on YouTube and if it is, chances are it gets very little views.  Most people do not want to know the meanings of these words.  We prefer real capitalism which unfortunately is dead.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Katy Perry 'Dark Horse' Video & Why Muslims Want It Banned

Katy Perry Boobs SNL
Katy Perry Boobs SNL (Photo credits: Giphy)

"An online petition launched on Tuesday by Muslims around the world demands that Katy Perry's music video for "Dark Horse," in which a 'God' pendant is seen being burned, be removed from Youtube.

At 1:15 into the video, a man is shown wearing two pendants, one of which says God in Arabic. Perry, who plays a queen-like figure in the video, zaps the man with lightening and he disintegrates into sand; his pendant disappearing with him.

Petitioners argue that the pop diva is meant to symbolize the opposition of God, making the video blasphemous.

The video, which has a cartoonish Ancient Egypt theme, features other nonsensical aspects such as cat-human hybrid as body guards with whom Perry pole dances with, a dog which walks on its hind legs, and Perry eating spicy junk food."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

The entire video is loaded with secret society symbols and we can see even before you play it, the all seeing eye.  It's designed to be offensive on many levels.  Having anyone wanting to ban this video is giving the video tremendous upshot views.  The song is average at it's best.  The visuals beyond the secret society symbols are again, average at best.  The arguments coming in from all over the world are skyrocketing more division.  Looks like their plan is working better than they ever could have hoped for.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Facebook's 19 Billion Dollar Purchase - WhatsApp With That?

WhatsApp (Photo credit: abulhussain)

"What is WhatsApp? WhatsApp is a mobile messaging service that functions as a kind of a social network. WhatsApp users can send messages to one or many recipients at the same time, and they can even share their locations.

In many ways, WhatsApp's users are just the kind of customers Facebook is looking for. They are extremely active, sending more than 600 million photos a day -- more photos than Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) users upload. A whopping 70% of WhatsApp users are active every day. By way of comparison, 62% of Facebook users are active daily.

People around the world send 19 billion WhatsApp messages per day, including 200 million voice messages and 100 million videos."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors Meeting February, 2014 Video

There seems to be a number of issues lately with these videos coming from the county.  They just do not stream properly.  In the smaller modes given some time to load, then they start to stream a little better after several minutes.  If this persists into the future, we will simply download copies from the site and re upload them unto YouTube so that people will be able to watch them properly.

  We have not had the opportunity to go over the entire video as of yet so we are holding off on any comments.  What we have seen so far however is looking much better than it has in the past.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

This Tiny Sliver Has HUGE Implications For How The World Works

 (Photo credit: memoflores)

Our last post was the so called conservative spin on the news and here is the liberal spin on recent news.  Frankly we do not buy the studies on climate change and the information being reported here.  The Young Turks are a liberal news media outlet that is off the main stream.  Again, we do not always disagree with what they talk about, but we also do not buy into a lot of their disinformation.

  We polled 9,000 scientists where 99.9 percent said they did not believe that climate change is man made.  So where is the evidence of the Young Turks to show that their statistics are correct?  For that matter, where are ours?  We don't have any.  Why not?  We didn't conduct a poll.  We are just telling you we did.  So are they.  They are just telling you that someone conducted some poll.  Where is the evidence of the poll?  It's spin.  Anarchistic spin with no real meat.

  So where is the news story then?  It's man made so no reason to worry about it.  It's as clear as the evidence that climate change is caused by man.  Junk science and junk news.  Ya gotta love these people.   Oh yeah, 75 percent of Americans do not believe in man made climate change.  Where do they get that 60 percent do?  Again we made up our numbers to show that they are not providing any verifiable facts on their numbers.
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