Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gloucester, VA - Two distinctly different artists share a common bond

Gloucester VA Links and News

Two artists live across the Chesapeake Bay from each other – Kacey Carneal in Gloucester and Mama Girl on the Eastern Shore.
They’ve never met but might be soul sisters of a sort.
Both are self-taught artists who rely on creative visions that they say are channeled through them. They’re part of a show of paintings and sculptures by 16 such artists at the Portsmouth Art and Cultural Center, “The Beat Goes On: Self-Taught Artists and Their Visionary Art,” organized by Gayle Paul, center curator.
 “I think I have spirits who help me,” Carneal said of her work. “I call it magic. It goes whichever way it wants to go.”
Carneal has lived in her 17th century home on Free School Creek for 40 years. Her late husband inherited the historic schoolhouse and 60 rural acres, and Carneal has transformed the two-story structure with antiques, her clever, painted furniture and dozens of her folk paintings.
Her house, that’s reality.
“The studio is my not reality,” she stressed during a tour of her home last week. “The real world is not in there.”
Carneal’s sacred place for painting is a small, 1930s cottage surrounded on three sides by water. It’s a short walk from her home along a strip of land where deer may cross her path.

CLICK HERE for the rest of the story.

Free MP3 Download Song.  Don Ward - Dreams - Smooth Jazz, Another great track by Don Ward.  A real mood enhancer.  CLICK HERE for your free copy.  Read the stories, follow the links, get stuff, save money.  GVLN, more useful by the day.

Gloucester Sheriff's Office - Victims In Apparent Murder/Suicide ID'd

Gloucester VA Links and News

crime tape police photo

Updated: Monday, 09 Jul 2012, 2:22 PM EDT
Published : Saturday, 07 Jul 2012, 7:34 PM EDT
GLOUCESTER, Va. (WAVY) - The Gloucester County Sheriff's Office has released the names of a man and woman found shot to death inside a home Friday evening.
Investigators say it is an apparent murder/suicide.
Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Scott Little said family members called deputies around 6:30p.m. to check on Neville Jackson, 85, and Mary Jackson, 79. They arrived to find their bodies inside the home in the 6900 block of Ware Neck Road.

CLICK HERE for the rest of the story.

FREE MP3 Song download - Don Ward - Black Diamond.  Smooth Jazz.  This is a light and jazz song with good rhythm and beat.  CLICK HERE for your song now. 

Gloucester VA Info Site Producing Lots Of Extra Pages

Gloucester VA Links and News

The main Gloucester County, VA web site with the dot info extension is using an old SEO trick to help stave off negative press from showing up in search results.  Why?  Because we are producing a lot of negative press about Gloucester County, VA Animal Control, Gloucester County, VA Sheriff's Office, Circuit Court Office and staff and now the Board of Supervisors.  The concept is to push other sites down by flooding the search engine with pages on your own site.  Gloucester has deep pockets, even though they happen to be yours.  So what we are doing in response to all of this is recoding our posts to move back up into the search results.

  Not an easy task and very time consuming.  So in case you have been wondering why all the pages now flooding the local search, you understand why.


Fri Events Orchestra - Free MP3 Music Download.  This is a very interesting track.  Rock Dance Mix soundtrack feel to it.  CLICK HERE for your free copy now.  GVLN More useful by the day.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Political History, James Madison on Constitutional Law

Gloucester VA Links and News

Political History, James Madison on Constitutional Law;

What It Means For Today;

Today's modern views and interpretations of the law of the land are as follows;

“Paragraph A; Gives Congress the power to tax and spend for the General welfare.

Under this broad power, Congress can help states improve the health and education of the citizens.
Congress can appropriate money to build roads, dams and do many other things that are good for the nation.

Here is the actual law;

Article I. Section 8.

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and
excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of
the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the
United States;

Present Interpretations;

Under this broad power, Congress can help states improve the health and education of the citizens.
Congress can appropriate money to build roads, dams and do many other things that are good for the nation.

Sounds logical does it not?

Here is what James Madison said; Based on his Veto of the “Bonus Bill”.

“The power to regulate commerce among the several States can not include a power to construct roads and canals, and to improve the navigation of water courses in order to facilitate, promote, and secure such a commerce without a latitude of construction departing from the ordinary import of the terms;

To refer the power in question to the clause,”to provide for the common defense and general welfare”
would be contrary to the established and consistent rules of interpretation, as rendering the special and careful enumeration of powers which follow the clause nugatory and improper. Such a view of the Constitution would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them.”

To appreciate these United States, it is important to know it's past, then view it's present state, and ask questions.

CLICK HERE to download a free version of this story.  http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/88x31.png  Click Here for the license to this document.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

GVLN - VA State Police Spy Cameras

Gloucester VA Links and News

- VA State Police Spy Cameras

Well you really can not call them spy cameras, but it is big brother watching in the newest ways. We spotted this VA State Police vehicle in Yorktown and took some pictures of the new equipment.  

With the first picture, we can see a set of cameras on the back end of the vehicle.  Notice how they are angled out and downwards. These cameras read your license plate as you drive by or they drive by you. The camera sends the information onto the computers in the vehicles and then feeds the information into a main database and checks background information. If you have any outstanding tickets or possibly a warrant for your arrest? Your busted. The speed on the transfer is pretty fast in most cases.

Here is a closeup view of the side and back of one of the cameras. All one of the police officers has to do these days is drive through a parking lot and they can scan every vehicle amazingly fast. It's no longer a guessing game. No one has to call in for plate information. The information to the police officer is near instant.
This is a front view of the camera. Again these are mounted on each side of the rear of the vehicle on both sides. The police officer does not have to drive up and down a lane twice to read all the plates on the lot. 
Inspection overdue? They got you. Outstanding ticket somewhere?  Your busted. Late on child support? Could find yourself in a lot of trouble the moment you walk out of a store or even just drive down
the road.

Stolen plates? Your done for. Now these are not on all of the vehicles yet, but it's coming. The state police are the first to have these, but it's only a matter of time before all the locals have them as well. What is next? Face recognition technology. Cameras will scan your face and you could be identified through a central database.  Issues with that and legal nightmare cases that will come from the technology when it gets launched will be a outrageous. The high level of mis-identifications will not be pleasant. 

As police cars become more high tech, the costs for each car is becoming ridiculous. The cameras on the car above are not cheap, plus they have to be configured with custom software and then there is the central data base that covers all 50 states. We have no idea at this time if these cameras are using the regular police computer laptops in the cars or if they have a special computer they have to go through. 

Free MP3 Download:  Chriss Onc - Chimers, A funky rock soundtrack with some really good guitar riffs.  CLICK HERE for your free download.  Read the stories, follow the links, get stuff, save money.  GVLN - More Useful By The Day.

GVLN - Rush Limbaugh Comes To Gloucester, VA

Gloucester VA Links and News

Video streaming by Ustream

Okay, Rush is not physically here In Gloucester, but we have this video to share with you from a CPAC meeting.  We have Adam Carolla on the side panel and we have Bloomberg TV just underneath that.

Download Another Free E-Book:  Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, by the Brothers Grimm.  CLICK HERE for the free download.  Read the stories, follow the links, get stuff, save money.  GVLN, more useful by the day.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

GVLN - Gloucester Credit Card Warning, Why Isn't The Sheriffs Office On This?

Gloucester VA Links and News

Here is a very serious credit card warning to all the residents here in Gloucester that either use credit cards or debit cards with credit card logos on them.  This has been a national issue for some time and now it has become a serious local issue.  Using your credit or debit cards may get you more than you bargained for.  Reports we have coming in from the local area, residents are complaining of being double charged for items they purchased at local retailers.  When we went to examine their credit or debit card statements, the lack of time stamps for the dual charges were missing in every case.

  All that we saw on any of the statements is the date stamps for the double charges.  That alone in our opinion is a serious flaw in how banks do business.  Scrupulous employees at local stores are charging cards a second time for the same item and who knows what they are doing after that.  Either way, you need to keep a close eye on your bank statements or better yet, go back to cash and not have to worry about the hassles of dealing with the issues of possibly being double charged ever again.

  Now where is the Gloucester Sheriffs Office on these issues?  What are they doing to either investigate or stop these crimes?  Sure, each double charge individually are small so they may seem insignificant, however, at the end of the day, these criminals could be getting away with hundreds of dollars.

Free MP3 download - SRX - Emotion - Dance Mix.  No signups, no gimmicks, no kidding.  Read the stories, follow the links, get stuff, save money.  CLICK HERE NOW.  GVLN, More useful by the day.


GVLN - Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Stores Going Up In Smoke

Gloucester VA Links and News

For smokers who bargained on roll-your-own cigarette stores for cheap smokes, it looks like those days are numbered.  On Friday, President Barack Obama is expected to sign into law a federal highway bill with a section that redefines tobacco manufacturers to include any business with a roll-your-own cigarette machine and taxes those products at the same rate as packaged smokes.
The move comes a month after Illinois increased taxes on such roll-your-own machine-made cigarettes.
Marcia Smith, 47, of Lake County, decided after the state tax increase that she should move her Smokes & Such tobacco shops in Skokie and Gurnee to Wisconsin, where taxes on rolled cigarettes are lower.
If Obama signs the law, she said she’ll shut her doors.
The machines, which cost about $33,000 each, allow customers to pick their own tobacco and pour it into a device that can roll the tobacco into a carton, or about 200 cigarettes, within minutes.
Since 2009, RYO stores have been selling cigarettes with far lower taxes than packaged cigarettes.
Why? In 2009, Congress more than doubled the federal excise tax on cigarettes, and, to bring RYO tobacco in line with packaged smokes, raised the tax on RYO tobacco from $1.10 a pound to $24.78 a pound. Yet it raised the tax on pipe tobacco by a far smaller amount — from $1.10 to $2.83 a pound.

Click Here for the rest of the story.

Just goes to show that it's the government that is in the tobacco business and not private industry.  Yet another alternative is the electronic cigarettes.  I have tried them and they really are pretty good alternatives.  But they are restricted in many areas just like cigarettes despite what any of the ads might say.

Free MP3 Song by Peri Mental - Remember Me, Dance Mix.  Click Here for download.  Read the stories, follow the links, get stuff, save money.  GVLN More useful by the day.

Friday, July 6, 2012

GVLN - Gloucester VA Board of Supervisors Ignore Complaints

Gloucester VA Links and News

GVLN - Gloucester VA Board of Supervisors Ignore Complaints

July 6th, 2012 – GVLN

Several months ago we filed a complaint with the Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors about all the issues we found with county officials who obviously did not follow any form of legal procedure when they raided a home in Gloucester County. We had numerous issues when we were investigating the story as county officials ignored numerous requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act, and then after months and repeated numerous requests, did not provide all the information requested.

Issues we complained about include an invalid search warrant used by Gloucester County Animal Control as well as the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office. Numerous serious issues were found throughout the search warrant as well as how it was issued. The laws of the state of Virginia were not followed as we have reviewed them.

Issues were raised regarding the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office 911 emergency recording. Serious questions about the authenticity of the recording have been made with evidence that the recording is fraudulent. The meta data on the audio equally questioned for serious fualts.

Issues were raised regarding Gloucester Animal Control audio recorded evidence that when put under lab testing showed it to be fraudulent. Further issues raised through said recordings also show serious signs of both Animal Control officers and Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies tampering with evidence as well as producing false evidence statements. Equally, serious questions concerning the meta data of the digital audio are of paramount fault.

Issues were raised showing very serious concerns and huge discrepancies in testimony given by one Holli M Cohoon, a 911 emergency operator for the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office at the time said raid took place.

Very serious issues of Gloucester County Animal Control photographic evidence and meta data showing that Gloucester Animal Control and Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies testimony in a courtroom were false and very misleading.

Issues of actual Animal Cruelty have been raised about both Animal Control Officers as well as Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies in order to produce false evidence against a Gloucester County resident who has been victimized by this raid.

Issues were raised about numerous Gloucester County attorney's including Gloucester County Official Attorney, One Ted Wilmot, along with numerous Circuit Court officials. Legal issues have been brought up about how law or the lack thereof has been presented.

Issues concerning Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputy reports have been raised for serious inconsistencies.

Though the above list is extensive, it is not complete as more issues are on the table. Extensive evidence has been presented to the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and as of this date, no response has been made by any member of the Board of Supervisors. The lack of response from members of the board of supervisors is:

  1. Reprehensible
  2. A Dereliction of Duties
  3. Complicit in said matters

Now we do understand that for the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors to investigate these issues and find any fault whatsoever would have major legal ramifications as well as serious expenses and huge potential restitution concerns. Choosing to ignore these issues in the hopes that they will just go away is not only fool hardy, it's down and outright dangerous as it makes each member of the Board of Supervisors potentially guilty of equal collusion, dereliction of duties, complicit in, cover ups and the list can go on and on.

No refute of the above issues have been made by any Gloucester County Official on these matters. No actions have been taken by the Board of Supervisors here in Gloucester County that we have been made aware of. There have been no personnel changes in Animal Control, Sheriff's Office or in the employ of the Circuit Court of Gloucester County that would indicate actions regarding these matters are in fact being addressed.

The issues along with our presented evidence can be seen on the following site and are presented in a list of numbered segments;

Download our PDF Press Release:  Click Here

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Gloucester, VA Links and News.  A GVLN Website.

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