Friday, July 26, 2013

Behind Green Lights - Classic Movie For Friday

Police lieutenant Sam Carson investigates a political murder after the victim is dumped at the door of police headquarters.
Carole Landis - Janet Bradley
William Gargan - Lt. Sam Carson
Richard Crane - Johnny Williams
Mary Anderson - Nora Bard
John Ireland - Det. Oppenheimer
Charles Russell - Arthur Templeton

1946 Classic Movie.  

Like this movie?  Get a free copy of it right here.  The above is a download link.

File is under 200 megs in size, will take some time, but not to long.  Pick the free user option and then download.  Enjoy.

Cropped screenshot of Carole Landis from the f...
Cropped screenshot of Carole Landis from the film Topper Returns. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Funk y Salsa por favor - Free MP3 Song of the day

Latin tune from Nex2012 and DJ "H".  It's fun, it's funky and it's another great summer party tune.  Check it out by playing it now.  If you like it, download a free copy.  Enjoy.

Karen Cook First Female Disc Jockey (DJ)
Karen Cook First Female Disc Jockey (DJ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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More Great News About Vitamin C

Vitamins (Photo credit: DBduo Photography)
By Dr. Mercola
Vitamin C has taken a backseat in recent years with the advent of many newer antioxidants, but that doesn't make it any less important.
Vitamin C is clearly the 'grandfather' of the traditional antioxidants we know of, and its potent health benefits have been clearly established. It’s a powerful antioxidant, which helps neutralize cell-damaging free radicals when taken orally.
When used intravenously, the vitamin appears to also directly attack pathogens and has shown promise for treating a wide range of infectious diseases, burns and boosting your immune system.
Most recently, a meta-analysis1 from Finland suggests vitamin C may also reduce bronchoconstriction caused by exercise, also known as exercise-induced asthma, by nearly 50 percent.
Symptoms of exercise-induced asthma include cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. An estimated 10 percent of people are affected. As reported in the featured article2:
“Previously, vitamin C was found to halve the incidence of common cold episodes in people enduring heavy short-term physical stress, which indicated that vitamin C might also have other effects on people under heavy physical exertion.
... [Lead author] Dr. Hemila concludes that given the low cost and safety of vitamin C and the consistency of positive findings in three randomized trials... it seems reasonable for physically active people to test vitamin C on an individual basis if they have respiratory symptoms such as cough associated with exercise.”

What You Need to Know About Oral Vitamin C

Vitamin C typically needs to be obtained from external sources. However, a high percentage of it may never reach your cells. 
As far as getting your vitamin C from food, remember that the more colorful your diet, the higher it will be in bioflavonoids and carotenoids. Eating a colorful diet (i.e. plenty of vegetables) not only helps increase your vitamin C levels but also ensures you're naturally getting beneficial phytonutrient synergism needed for maintaining optimal health.
One of the easiest ways to ensure you're getting enough vegetables in your diet is by juicing them. For more information, please see my juicing page. You can also squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice into some water for a vitamin C-rich beverage.

Rhodiola Rosea Can Also Be Useful Against Exercise-Induced Inflammation

The perennial plant Rhodiola Rosea has also been found to have exercise benefits. It’s known as an “adaptogen,” which can help your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stress, and is used by many athletes for improving athletic performance3 and shortening recovery time between workouts.
According to a 2004 study4, extracts of Rhodiola rosea radix had an anti-inflammatory effect on healthy untrained volunteers, before and after bouts of exhausting exercise. It also protected muscle tissue during exercise. According to the abstract:
“Professional athletes effectively use Rhodiola rosea (‘golden radix’) extract as a safe nonsteroid food additive improving endurance and rapid recovery of muscles during several decades.

Rhodiola rosea extract improves muscle work due to mobilization and more economic expenditure of energy resources of muscles. The use of adaptogens including R. rosea improved physical endurance of male athletes, reducing blood lactate level and accelerating recovery after exhausting exercise.”
Other studies have similarly found that Rhodiola can significantly increase time to exhaustion during exercise5, reduce C reactive protein levels, and improve neuromotoric fitness. For example, a 2003 animal study6 found that rats given 50 mg/kg of Rhodiola rosea extract along with the same amount of Rhodiola crenulata root, prolonged the duration of exhaustive swimming the rats were capable of by nearly 25 percent.

This improvement was found to be due to the extracts’ ability to activate the synthesis or resynthesis of ATP in mitochondria. The extracts also stimulated reparative energy processes that take place post-exercise. Rhodiola rosea was determined to be the most effective of the two extracts for improving physical working capacity.

What and When You Eat After Your Workout Matters

Since we’re on the topic of exercise, recovery, and nutrition, let me remind you that your post-workout meal can influence the overall health effects of exercise, so what you eat after your workout is an important consideration. For example, research has shown that eating fewer carbohydrates after exercise can enhance your insulin sensitivity, compared to simply reducing calorie intake7. Remember, keeping your insulin and leptin levels low by optimizing your insulin and leptin sensitivity is key for maintaining good health.
Generally speaking, after exercise your body is nitrogen-poor and your muscles have been broken down. Providing your body with the correct nutrients after your workout is therefore crucial to stop the catabolic process in your muscle and shift the recycling process toward repair and growth. If you fail to feed your muscle at the right time after exercise, the catabolic process will go too far and can potentially damage your muscle. Amino acids from high quality animal proteins, along with carbohydrates from vegetables (not grains) are essential for this process. High-quality sources of animal protein include:
  • Whey protein (minimally processed, and derived from organic, grass-fed, non-hormonally treated cows). Three ounces of high-quality whey protein will provide you with the recommended eight grams of leucine, which increases protein synthesis and builds muscle 
  • Humanely raised, free-range pastured chicken
  • Organic eggs from pastured hens
  • Grass-fed beef
Beneficial sources of carbohydrates include:
  • Virtually any non-starchy vegetable (limiting carrots and beets, which are high in sugar). Sunflower seeds sprouts are one of the best and pack nearly 30X the nutrient density of most vegetables.
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale or Swiss chard
  • Low fructose fruits like lemon, limes, passion fruit, apricots, plums, cantaloupe, and raspberries. Avoid high fructose fruits like apples, watermelons and pears
It's important to combine a quality protein with a veggie-type carb in every meal, no matter whether it's a resistance training day, an interval cardio day, or a non-workout day. However, after strength training (as opposed to cardio training), your body tends to need more rapidly absorbed nutrients and a higher glycemic (fast released, starchy) carbohydrate. Another slight difference between interval cardio and strength training days is the timing of your meal.
  • After cardio, you want to wait 45-60 minutes, and then consume a high-quality protein (whole food) and vegetable-type carbohydrate. (An example would be a spinach salad and some chicken, or high-quality whey protein).
  • After a resistance workout (muscle-building day), the ideal time to consume your post-workout meal is 15-30 minutes after finishing your session, in order to help repair your damaged muscles.  Link for more information about this subject from website.
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PURÉE OF CHESTNUTS - Recipe of the day

Make a little slit in each chestnut, boil them till tender, then put them in another pan with cold water in it and replace them on the fire. Peel them one by one as you take them out, and rub them through a sieve, pounding them first to make it easier, add salt, a good lump of butter and a little milk to make a nice purée. This is very good to surround grilled chicken or turkey legs, or for a salmi of duck.

Make something extraordinary tonight.
Roasted, unpeeled chestnuts; nuts grown in Cal...
Roasted, unpeeled chestnuts; nuts grown in California (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Gloucester, VA 17 Corridor Ordinance Awards

We have to give out awards to Gloucester County officials for their fine work on the county 17 corridor ordinances.  Thanks to them we have incredible breathtaking scenes like the following to drive by everyday.

The Bedford Falls dump truck sign right on route 17.  Because they can't put up a real sign?  Does this remind anyone of a movie?  It's a Wonderful Life?


The greedy banker with his development project?  Another Bonehead Award to County Officials using your tax dollars that cause this kind of community entertainment.  Moving the truck does not fix the underlying issues.  Gloucester County, Virginia Government, the gift that keeps giving.
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Lafayette Arrives - Free E-Book Downloads

Liberty's Kids episode number 22.  Lafayette Arrives.  A French Noble given title as an American Citizen for his incredible and generous efforts for American Liberty.  In this Liberty's Kids episode, this is where it begins with Lafayette, who was truly a great American.

We created this special edition to go along with this video.  Link to a free copy available for download.

The file is in PDF format.  It's just under 7 megs in size.

Again, the artwork in Liberty's Kids shows to be outstanding.  Above is a picture of Lafayette.  Looks like him in the Liberty's Kids video.  Liberty Education Series on GVLN.  If you do not understand how we got our freedoms, you are an easy target for giving them up.
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More Gloucester County Employee Abuse Pictures Just In

More pictures were just sent to us from yet another individual showing the same Gloucester County employee at Hardee's this morning at 7:37 AM.  Friday, July 26th, 2013.  You can blow these pictures up in our lightbox for better viewing.

  Again, this is the Hardee's up by the Gloucester Courthouse area, in front of the Gloucester, Tractor Supply store.  If it weren't for Hardee's some guys would never eat.  One has to wonder if there are discounts to local government employees that this place is such a hotbed for county employees.

  Can't find a county employee?  Go to Hardee's that's where they all are.    

Hardee's (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Bonehead Awards - Gloucester County, Virginia - Choking Local Search Engine Results

Daily Press Headline:

NN plumber, Gloucester IT department, U Va. goof: this week's 'Roses and thorns'

The Gloucester County Information Technology Department, for receiving the 2013 "Digital Counties Survey" award from the Center for Digital Government and the National Association of Counties.Gloucester was one of the top 10 counties nationally for localities with less than 150,000 residents.

Gloucester gets a rose according to the Daily Press.  Apparently no one bothered to check issues such as what was showing up on the Gloucester County website?  

Violations of the Dillon rule on Gloucester Animal Control laws and ordinances as we showed numerous times on this site.  The Daily Press article does not state why Gloucester won the awards.,0,2561710.story  Link to Daily Press story.

Now if the awards were for design and use, then the Gloucester County, IT department does in fact deserve that award.  If content was also taken into consideration, then a Bonehead award must go to the one's issuing that award for not bothering to check all the facts.  We are not taking anything away from the IT department, they worked hard and do in fact produce a great product and can not be held responsible for the content itself,  They do not write the laws or the information.  They only ensure it can be found fairly easily.

But another issue we have is the flooding of the search engines with all of the pages.  We checked search for Gloucester, VA and it's pages upon pages of county government content.  They have flooded the search engines with their content.  We are looking at the possibility of filing complaints on this.

  We have looked at other search results for plenty of other areas and we could not find any other area that is flooded the way Gloucester, VA is.  Richmond, Virginia Beach, other large cities in Virginia and other large cities outside of Virginia were checked and these issues do not exist.

  Gloucester County Government is choking local businesses off from being found in local search results.  Again, it's Gloucester County tax dollars paying for this abuse.  Even businesses are paying to be choked by the county that depends on them for revenus.  Another Bonehead award goes to Gloucester County for this.

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Continued Gloucester County Employee Abuses - July 26th, 2013

Gloucester County Maintenance Truck Number 63 seen at Hardee's at 7:37 AM this morning, Friday, July 26th, 2013.  This was just sent to us at 8:11 AM.  This is the Hardee's on Gloucester's George Washington Memorial Hwy North in front of the old Wal Mart in front of Tractor Supply.

  This is a county employee conducting personal business at taxpayer expense.  Using taxpayer money to gas the vehicle and we have no idea if this employee is on the clock or not.  We have reported other people's sightings of Animal Control doing the same thing at this location, County employees entering county garages during evening hours on weekends when no county employee should be there, Twitching Ted, (I'm not an attorney) Wilmot, county attorney shopping at the local grocery store during business hours.

  This is your tax dollars being wasted by the county.  You can see why the county needs to raise taxes when all the employees keep conducting personal business at your expense.  Someone has to pay for all this and you are the one getting stuck with that bill.  Are you proud?  Has Hardee's become a new extension of the county and we have not been notified?  Or is it that if it were not for Hardee's some guys would never eat like the commercial says?  Maybe Gloucester should work out a commercial deal with Hardee's to help pay for all of this?

Hardee's (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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