Thursday, May 22, 2014

Anti Federalist Papers No. 44 – What Congress Can Do; What A State Can Not

A writer in the Pennsylvania Packet, under the signature of A Freeman, has lately entered the lists as another champion for the proposed constitution. Particularly he has endeavored to show that our apprehensions of this plan of government being a consolidation of the United States into one government, and not a confederacy of sovereign independent states, is entirely groundless; and it must be acknowledged that he has advocated this cause with as much show of reason, perhaps, as the subject will admit.
The words states, several states, and united states are, he observes, frequently mentioned in the constitution. And this is an argument that their separate sovereignty and independence cannot be endangered! He has enumerated a variety of matters which, he says, congress cannot do; and which the states, in their individual capacity, must or may do, and thence infers their sovereignty and independence. In some of these, however, I apprehend he is a little mistaken.
1. "Congress cannot train the militia. " This is not strictly true. For by the 1st Article they are empowered "to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining" them; and tho' the respective states are said to have the authority of training the militia, it must be "according to the discipline prescribed by Congress. " In this business, therefore, they will be no other than subalterns under Congress, to execute their orders; which, if they shall neglect to do, Congress will have constitutional powers to provide for, by any other means they shall think proper. They shall have power to declare what description of persons shall compose the militia; to appoint the stated times and places for exercising them; to compel personal attendance, whether when called for into actual service, or on other occasions, under what penalties they shall think proper, without regard to scruples of conscience or any other consideration. Their executive officer may march and countermarch them from one extremity of the state to the other - and all this without so much as consulting the legislature of the particular states to which they belong! Where then is that boasted security against the annihilation of the state governments, arising from "the powerful military support" they will have from their militia?
2. "Congress cannot enact laws for the inspection of the produce of the country. " Neither is this strictly true. Their power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states, and to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying this power (among others vested in them by the constitution) into execution," most certainly extends to the enacting of inspection laws. The particular states may indeed propose such laws to them; but it is expressly declared, in the lst article, that "all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. "
3. "The several states can prohibit or impose duties on the importation of slaves into their own ports. " Nay, not even this can they do, "without the consent of Congress," as is expressly declared in the close of the lst article. The duty which Congress may, and it is probable will lay on the importation of slaves, will form a branch of their revenue. But this impost, as well as all others, "must be uniform throughout the United States. " Congress therefore cannot consent that one state should impose an additional duty on this article of commerce, unless all other states should do the same; and it is not very likely that some of the states will ever ask this favor.
4. "Congress cannot interfere with the opening of rivers and canals; the making or regulation of roads, except post roads; building bridges; erecting ferries; building lighthouses, etc. " In one case, which may very frequently happen, this proposition also fails. For if the river, canal, road, bridge, ferry, etc. , be common to two states, or a matter in which they may be both concerned, and consequently must both concur, then the interference and consent of Congress becomes absolutely necessary, since it is declared in the constitution that "no state shall, without the consent of Congress, enter into any agreement or compact with another state. "
5. "The elections of the President, Vice President, senators and representatives are exclusively in the hands of the states - even as to filling vacancies. " This, in one important part, is not true. For, by the 2d article, "in case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, etc. , both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. "
But no such election is provided for by the constitution, till the return of the periodical election at the expiration of the four years for which the former president was chosen. And thus may the great powers of this supreme magistrate of the United States be exercised, for years together, by a man who, perhaps, never had one vote of the people for any office of government in his life.
6. "Congress cannot interfere with the constitution of any state. " This has been often said, but alas, with how little truth - since it is declared in the 6th article that "this constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties, etc. , shall be the supreme law of the land, and every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. "
But, sir, in order to form a proper judgment of the probable effects of this plan of general government on the sovereignties of the several states, it is necessary also to take a view of what Congress may, constitutionally, do and of what the states may not do. This matter, however, the above writer has thought proper to pass over in silence. I would therefore beg leave in some measure, to supply this omission; and if in anything I should appear to be mistaken I hope he will take the same liberty with me that I have done with him - he will correct my mistake.
1. Congress may, even in time of peace, raise an army of 100,000 men, whom they may canton through the several states, and billet out on the inhabitants, in order to serve as necessary instruments in executing their decrees.
2. Upon the inhabitants of any state proving refractory to the will of Congress, or upon any other pretense whatsoever, Congress may can out even all the militia of as many states as they think proper, and keep them in actual service, without pay, as long as they please, subject to the utmost rigor of military discipline, corporal punishment, and death itself not excepted.
3. Congress may levy and collect a capitation or poll tax, to what amount they shall think proper; of which the poorest taxable in the state must pay as much as the richest.
4. Congress may, under the sanction of that clause in the constitution which empowers them to regulate commerce, authorize the importation of slaves, even into those states where this iniquitous trade is or may be prohibited by their laws or constitutions.
5. Congress may, under the sanction of that clause which empowers them to lay and collect duties (as distinct from imposts and excises) impose so heavy a stamp duty on newspapers and other periodical publications, as shall effectually prevent all necessary information to the people through these useful channels of intelligence.
6. Congress may, by imposing a duty on foreigners coming into the country, check the progress of its population. And after a few years they may prohibit altogether, not only the emigration of foreigners into our country, but also that of our own citizens to any other country.
7. Congress may withhold, as long as they think proper, all information respecting their proceedings from the people.
8. Congress may order the elections for members of their own body, in the several states, to be held at what times, in what places, and in what manner they shall think proper. Thus, in Pennsylvania, they may order the elections to be held in the middle of winter, at the city of Philadelphia; by which means the inhabitants of nine-tenths of the state will be effectually (tho' constitutionally) deprived of the exercise of their right of suffrage.
9. Congress may, in their courts of judicature, abolish trial by jury in civil cases altogether; and even in criminal cases, trial by a jury of the vicinage is not secured by the constitution. A crime committed at Fort Pitt may be tried by a jury of the citizens of Philadelphia.
10. Congress may, if they shall think it for the "general welfare," establish an uniformity in religion throughout the United States. Such establishments have been thought necessary, and have accordingly taken place in almost all the other countries in the world, and will no doubt be thought equally necessary in this.
11. Though I believe it is not generally so understood, yet certain it is, that Congress may emit paper money, and even make it a legal tender throughout the United States; and, what is still worse, may, after it shall have depreciated in the hands of the people, call it in by taxes, at any rate of depreciation (compared with gold and silver) which they may think proper. For though no state can emit bills of credit, or pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts, yet the Congress themselves are under no constitutional restraints on these points.
12. The number of representatives which shall compose the principal branch of Congress is so small as to occasion general complaint. Congress, however, have no power to increase the number of representatives, but may reduce it even to one fifth part of the present arrangement.
13. On the other hand, no state can call forth its militia even to suppress any insurrection or domestic violence which may take place among its own citizens. This power is, by the constitution, vested in Congress.
14. No state can compel one of its own citizens to pay a debt due to a citizen of a neighboring state. Thus a Jersey-man will be unable to recover the price of a turkey sold in the Philadelphia market, if the purchaser shall be inclined to dispute, without commencing an action in one of the federal courts.
15. No state can encourage its own manufactures either by prohibiting or even laying a duty on the importation of foreign articles.
16. No state can give relief to insolvent debtors, however distressing their situation may be, since Congress will have the exclusive right of establishing uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States; and the particular states are expressly prohibited from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts.

Learn More About American History:  Visit Jamestown, Yorktown and Colonial Williamsburg Living Museums in Virginia.

Never Shower Again? News You Have To See.

Shower Water Snake feeding :)
Shower Water Snake feeding :) (Photo credit: Images by John 'K')

AOBiome has created a new spray on tonic, featured in New York Times Magazine.  ABC News.

Our Notes:  Now here is going green taken to an all new level.  We predicted this would come but not this soon.  Yesterday we showed how it is now being promoted that you should not wash your jeans.  Now you are seeing early promotions on why should not use water to shower?  This is how all the nonsense gets started.  Next thing we will all be told is not to flush toilets as the odor has health benefits?  When you can offend a skunk with your body odor, then you have hit the height of fashion?  

  We will stay orange, the anti green, and continue to waste as much water as possible as the Earth seems to have plenty of it.  On the other side of all of this however, is that showering daily when one has not done anything to add considerable levels of dirt, grime and or grease to one's person, is excessive and strips off beneficial body oils that help protect you.  If you have an office job, then showering every other day is actually healthier.  If you work in a garage, then showering every day may prove best.  (Based on research and advice from medical professionals, please consult your own doctor to determine what might be best for you). 

Link showing that over showering may damage your health.   

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Countdown to the Fairfax 2015 Games, Virginia

Map of Fairfax County and neighboring jurisdic...
Map of Fairfax County and neighboring jurisdictions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Virginia Leaders, Sports Figures and Business Offer Support for World Police & Fire Games

FAIRFAX, VA (May 21) – Let the Games Begin! With 400 days to go until 12,000 public safety athletes kick-off the World Police and Fire Games, Fairfax 2015, the organizing committee for the Games, today announced the establishment of its Honorary Board, new funding commitments totaling $5 million from public and private sources, and its ceremonial venues for the Games.

The World Police and Fire Games are coming to the National Capital Region for ten full days of competition beginning June 26, 2015. The courage and competiveness of public safety (police, fire and other first responders) will be on-display at one of the largest multi-sport events in the world.  Governor Terry McAuliffe announced he will chair the Games’ Honorary Board.  Other prominent national, regional and local leaders from the worlds of politics, business and sports have also joined Fairfax 2015 to serve as members of the organization’s Honorary Board in support of next summer’s World Police and Fire Games. (Full list of Honorary Board attached.)

Fairfax County tourism and hospitality officials project that Games visitors and activities will have a primary economic impact in the range of $60 million to $80 million.  The budget to pull-off the massive 60 sport Olympic-style event is estimated at $20 million according to Fairfax 2015 ( 

New funding to support the effort has been secured from seven new official corporate partners and from Fairfax County, who recently approved $2 million in funding for Fairfax 2015 supplementing its prior funding and in-kind contributions.  The Governor has also said the Games can count on the Commonwealth of Virginia being “all in”.  He has requested funding in this fiscal year budget and has designated Virginia Secretary of Public Safety Brian Moran to further facilitate state efforts.   

At a press conference at Fairfax County Fire Station 42 near Wolf Trap National Park, site of the Closing Ceremonies on July 4-5 weekend next year, a contingent of public officials and business executives committed their time and resources to the Games.

“I am excited to serve as Chairman of these Fairfax 2015 Olympic-style games and to help support and honor the first responders and public safety heroes who have given of their service and sometimes their lives to protect us,” said Governor Terry McAuliffe. “If there is one thing I have learned supporting law enforcement and fire organizations over my years in public service, it’s that police officers, sheriffs’ deputies and firefighters are intensely competitive. Fairfax 2015 will showcase these great athletes and offer a great boost to the Commonwealth’s tourism industry. Virginia and Fairfax County are the perfect host for this great event and we are ready to let the games begin.”

Sharon Bulova, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, welcomed attendees and said Games visitors are expected from over 70 countries and athletes will compete at 53 venues not only in Fairfax County but across the National Capital Region. She revealed that Reston Town Center will serve as the Athletes Village, RFK Stadium in Washington D.C. will be home to the opening ceremonies and that nearby Wolf Trap will be an ideal host to the closing ceremonies 4th of July weekend. Delegates from the World Police & Fire Games Federation were in Fairfax last month to tour both ceremonial and competition venues.  Competition venues are being secured and will soon be announced.

“Fairfax County is honored to host the Fairfax 2015 Games,” said Bulova. “I am so proud of our public safety officers. In particular, thanks to Police Chief Edwin Roessler, Jr., Fire Chief Richard Bowers, Jr. and Sheriff Stacey Kincaid for working tirelessly behind the scenes to help plan and promote the Games as we draw closer to the event. 

Jim Corcoran, president and CEO of the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce, followed Bulova in committing business community support. “We believe these Games will showcase what is best about doing business here in Fairfax County,” said Corcoran. “People know about our highly educated and well-trained workforce, major corporations who have chosen Fairfax for headquarters operations and our technology infrastructure.”

“Today, we are talking about the quality of life in Fairfax County,” he added “We appreciate the Governor’s business acumen as Honorary Chair. I want to stress Fairfax 2015 is also about economic development.”

Local businesses and destinations will certainly benefit from Games visitors – hotels, restaurants, stores, shopping centers, service stations, movie theaters – you name it, the impact will be felt. Venues and competition hosts will also enjoy benefits including ice rinks, ball fields, bowling alleys and indoor arenas or fields. Historical landmarks will see admission fees.

Fairfax 2015 also unveiled a list of seven corporate sponsors who have committed over $2 million to date. This includes Keolis, Pierce, SAIC, Scott Safety, Cardinal Bank, Cordia Partners, and Venable.  Rockville-based Keolis America operates the Virginia Railway Express. “As a world leader in passenger rail and transit, Keolis understands and appreciates the vital role that first responders play to ensure the safety of our customers and the community in an emergency situation,” said Steve H. Townsend, CEO of Keolis America. “Speaking on behalf of the more than 4,500 Keolis employees in North America, we are pleased and honored to pay tribute to these brave men and women by becoming a major sponsor of the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games.” 

Bill Knight, CEO of Fairfax 2015, who has executive experience with the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, World Cup USA and other major events also spoke at the press event. “We are making great progress in the planning and coordination of the Games which are 400 days from today,” he said. “The days will fly-by, so it is critical that individual citizens and business leaders step-up today, embrace the World Police and Fire Games and help accelerate the momentum we are currently enjoying. Whether joining the effort as a sponsor, a volunteer, a member of our merchant program or simply a fan, these Games will be an amazing experience for this region and our communities.”

For additional information on the World Police and Fire Games, visit or call (202) 480-WPFG (9734).

About Fairfax 2015 / World Police & Fire Games 
The World Police & Fire Games is one of the largest multi-sport, multi-venue events in the world. It draws more than 12,000 athletes from police, fire and other public safety agencies representing 70 countries competing in 1,600 medal events across 61 sports. Fairfax 2015 is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation established to organize, manage and operate all activities related to the 2015 Games. Hosted by Fairfax County, Virginia and held throughout the National Capital Region from June 26to July 5, 2015, the Games strive to inspire, celebrate and honor our public safety officials.
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Governor McAuliffe Announces Virginia Tech’s India Research Laboratory Opens in Chennai

English: Young woman from Tamil Nadu near Maha...
English: Young woman from Tamil Nadu near Mahabalipuram, India Français : Jeune femme du Tamil Nadu près de Mahâballipuram, Inde (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Four years in the making, Virginia Tech's research laboratory in India opens today with Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger presiding over the ribbon cutting.
A built-to-specs laboratory is outfitted with equipment enabling researchers to harvest energy in new ways from waves, sun, and wind, as well as mechanical vibration such as railroad trains produce. Soon the 6,000-square-foot lab will feature a state-of-the-art wind tunnel where researchers can develop high-efficiency wind turbines by optimizing their aerodynamic and structural performance.
“We are crossing continents to meet a global challenge – doing research in a living laboratory where energy demands are outstripping the supply,” said Virginia Gov. Terence R. McAuliffe. “The insights we gain and the technology we create all transfer back to Virginia, and we can apply those assets to build new industry and address U.S. energy challenges.”
For Steger, the campus in India is a way to marry Virginia Tech's high-tech research edge with its tradition of putting new ideas and inventions into practice for the world's betterment. "We have an opportunity to expand beyond our neighbors in Western Europe into Asia, creating a global enterprise focused on one of the most important research areas for humankind – energy,” Steger said.
India is the ideal place for such research, said Guru Ghosh, vice president for Outreach and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. "Virginia Tech is setting a team to work that will refine and adapt windmills and solar panels for use in households in rural India. This is vital to reducing poverty where hundreds of thousands of people live off the grid. Uplifting lives in India and elsewhere rests on the world's capacity to produce enough electricity for everyone."
In March 2010, Virginia Tech announced plans for a center called VT, India to be located on 30 acres in the state of Tamil Nadu in southeast India, within a two-hour drive of Chennai (formerly known as Madras). Chennai is India’s fourth largest city and the capital of Tamil Nadu. The center sits inside the Amrita Research Park, where ocean breezes are conducive to windmill research.
As work proceeded with private-sector partner MARG Swarnabhoomi, which contributed almost $2 million to the laboratory build-out, two of Virginia Tech's research entities developed prominent roles: the Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems and the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science. The campus was christened the VT, India Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science Innovation Center.
"The research will become part of our global effort on energy-harvesting under the umbrella of a National Science Foundation Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems,” said Roop Mahajan, director of the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science on the Blacksburg campus. "Communication and interaction between the two centers, in Swaranabhoomi and Blacksburg, will ensure a seamless integration of research projects and goals.” 
Virginia Tech researchers already have brought the cost of wind energy down to about $1 per watt, enabling the technology to be deployed for household use. “We will use hybrid composite materials to design light wind turbine blades with a high lift coefficient and optimum performance at low wind speeds," Mahajan explained, making the turbines even more affordable for individual households and small communities.
Research will also involve experiments with the reel-to-reel manufacture of flexible, dye-sensitized solar cells, seen as a promising source of renewable energy.
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Mason Neck State Park Named One of ‘America’s Favorite Parks’

Mason Neck
Mason Neck (Photo credit: vastateparksstaff)
Governor and First Lady McAuliffe join Virginia park-goers to celebrate the park’s rec
ognition and kick off statewide outdoor challenge made possible by a $50,000 grant from Coca-Cola

Lorton, VA, May 21, 2014 – Governor Terry McAuliffe and First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe joined Virginia park-goers to celebrate Mason Neck State Park’s designation as one of “America’s Favorite Parks” as part of the Coca-Cola Company’s America Is Your Park campaign. The Governor and First Lady also launched a new outdoor challenge at Mason Neck to encourage visitors to enjoy their stay at the park and get active at the same time. Coca-Cola awarded Mason Neck the second-place prize, a $50,000 recreation grant which will be used for the challenge that was launched today.

“Virginia’s state parks are a tremendous economic asset for the Commonwealth and a great resource for Virginians who want to get outdoors and get active this summer. On behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I want to thank Coca-Cola for supporting our parks and encouraging people to get active outdoors,” said Governor McAuliffe. “Our thanks also go to those who voted for Mason Neck and particularly the Friends of Mason Neck State Park who organized a vigorous and successful get-out-the vote campaign.”

Mason Neck earned more than 278,000 votes through the support of park-goers who helped the park finish second in Coca-Cola’s America Is Your Park campaign by logging their daily fitness activities and rallying the local community to support the park.  The first-place winner was Veteran’s Memorial Park in Moore, Okla., which the city is rebuilding after the park was devastated by a tornado that hit the town last year.

“Through the Coca-Cola America Is Your Park campaign, our goal was to inspire people across the country to rediscover the joy of being active outdoors at their favorite park,” said Brendan Walshe, East Region Sales Operations Vice President, Coca-Cola Refreshments. “To continue encouraging Virginians to get active, Coca-Cola is partnering with Virginia State Parks to launch their Outdoor Challenge.”

Mason Neck developed interactive displays that educate park guests about ways to be active at the park and the health advantages of recreating outdoors. Challenge participants also will be able to track the calories they burn and other health benefits they accrue as they get active at the park.

The Outdoor Challenge is designed for all ages, providing activities geared for kids, teens, adults and seniors.  The challenges are also divided into easy, moderate and difficult categories. 

“Visiting our Virginia State Parks can be a fun and rewarding part of maintaining active, healthy lifestyles,” said Virginia First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe. “I particularly like that this challenge can be tailored to family members of all ages.”

Mason Neck is the first state park to launch the Outdoor Challenge.  Virginia State Parks plans to roll out the challenge at every state park across the Commonwealth.

Joe Elton, Deputy Director for Operations for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation continued, “In the modern age, we have all become dependent on electronic devices. We’re now using that same technology to educate, entertain and inspire people about our natural and cultural treasures and showcase the fun, health and well being benefits of outdoor recreation. We’re really fighting fire, with fire.”

The Virginia State Park system is managed by DCR.

The recreational grant from Coca-Cola is just a first step in the development of the statewide outdoor challenge. The Virginia Association for Parks, a statewide nonprofit organization that supports state and national parks in Virginia, is undertaking a fundraising effort for visitor center displays across the state. For more information on the campaign go to
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Governor McAuliffe Kicks Off Unprecedented National Traffic-Safety Campaign

“Drive to Save Lives” initiative to safeguard Virginia’s highways during Summer tourism and travel season

Richmond, VA – Governor Terry McAuliffe today joined more than 100 state and local law enforcement, and traffic-safety advocates at the State Capitol to officially kick off the Memorial Day and summer traffic and tourism season. The morning’s press event is one of four being held statewide Tuesday to introduce the Commonwealth to Drive to Save Lives, the nation’s first-ever traffic-safety campaign of this magnitude. The nationwide initiative is two-fold: to reduce traffic deaths by 15 percent in 2014 across the country and within the Commonwealth; and to improve officer safety on our highways.

The Drive to Save Lives campaign is a united effort by state police and highway patrol leaders, police chiefs and sheriffs to reduce highway crashes and fatalities. More than 33,000 deaths occur each year on our nation’s roadways. Highway fatalities rank as one of the top 12 causes of death in the United States and it is the leading cause of death among teens.

“Virginia is proud to join this nationwide traffic-safety program as a way of making our highways as safe as possible,” said Governor McAuliffe. “The Commonwealth is averaging about 30 fewer traffic deaths this year in comparison to last year. But even one death is one too many, which is why the active participation of all motorists living, working and visiting Virginia is so invaluable to the campaign’s life-saving success.”

In 2013, Virginia reported 741 deaths resulting from traffic crashes. To achieve the campaign’s 15 percent reduction in traffic fatalities in 2014, there must be 111 fewer crashes and deaths on Virginia’s highways.

“Never before has the nation’s state police and highway patrol agencies teamed up for such a comprehensive enforcement initiative,” said Col. W. Steven Flaherty, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “The goal to save 111 lives on Virginia’s highways is an ambitious, but necessary one. We are simply asking the public to drive to save lives, not take them.”

In order to decrease highway fatalities in Virginia, state troopers, police officers and deputy sheriffs are leading a sustained effort over the course of the year that is data driven; focuses on the use of seat-belts and speeding; and targets impaired and distracted driving. The campaign also includes enforcement actions against the unsafe driving behaviors of the operators of large trucks and buses.

“Law enforcement officers across the Commonwealth work every day to change the high-risk behaviors of motorists that lead to crashes,” said City of Charlottesville Chief Tim Longo, current president of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police Board of Directors. “Hopefully uniting with our state and local counterparts through education and awareness, partnerships, and high-visibility traffic enforcement, we can have an even greater and positive impact on the motoring public.”

“Most traffic crashes, injuries, and deaths are preventable when drivers and passengers buckle up, drive the speed limit, don’t drive distracted, and never drink and drive," said City of Bristol, Va., Sheriff Jack Weisenburger, current president of the Virginia Sheriff’s Association Board of Directors. " This is a message we’ve heard time and time again, but is still worth repeating. Now we’re just asking drivers and passengers to put them into action.”

Governor McAuliffe also today unveiled a new public service announcement promoting Virginia’s “Move Over” law, which can be viewed at  (Posted Below).

In Virginia, the law requires drivers to change to another travel lane or, when not able to, to cautiously pass vehicles equipped with blue, red or amber lights and stopped on the side of the road.The Virginia General Assembly this past session also passed Senate Joint Resolution No. 102, which designates June as “Move Over Awareness Month” in the Commonwealth (

“Reducing the number of traffic crashes isn’t the only reason for this nationwide campaign,” said Governor McAuliffe. “We also have a shared responsibility to help protect the lives of public safety professionals across the Commonwealth. Virginia’s local and state law enforcement will be doing their job to make your summer travels as safe as possible. In return, do yours. Move over for them. Drive to save lives. Let’s finish 2014 with fewer crashes, fewer public safety professionals injured or killed on the job, and hopefully, 111 lives saved in Virginia.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gloucester, VA Public Servants or Public Greed Gratification? The Test

Gloucester County Government
Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

What was the motivation for you to go into public service?

The Virginia Constitution was written for us to limit the government intrusion into our lives.  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia?

“All officers elected or appointed under or pursuant to this Constitution shall, before they enter on the performance of their public duties, severally take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:
‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ________________, according to the best of my ability (so help me God).’"

To all of our elected county officials what was your motivation?  Was it for the public good or for personal gain?  Were you looking to game the system to get special treatment to help your business or possible personal gain?  Maybe you want your child to get special treatment in school?  Maybe you want special treatment for permits or inspections?  We can watch your actions and see who is in there for personal gain.  Maybe you want to serve the public and make everyone’s lives a little better?  We can watch your actions and see who is there for the public good also.

What is a public servant an elected or hired person that works for local, state, or federal government.  Servants by definition do not get rich performing their duties.

A person going into public service is there to serve the public.  If your motivation is to get rich go into private service.  There are two main reasons to go into public service: to serve the public and to avoid risk. Neither reason is bad.  Looking for a safe job, minimum layoffs, benefits that take care of your family’s basic needs and the ability to contribute to the good of society?  If you want to get rich you need to go into private service working for yourself or a company that will pay you for what you are worth to them.  Think of public service like a bank account – you will never get rich off of the interest that is paid but you can keep you head above water.  Private Service is like the stock market – you can get rich you also can get poor there are no guarantees.

During the budget process 100 people got up and said they wanted more money.  It is time for you to get out of public service and go into private service.  The public service will be much better without you.  How much of the general public supported your request for raises?  I think all 6 people not associated with the schools said no to raises your services do not justify raises during these tough economic times.

I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  Our founding fathers used common sense and Christian scripture when establishing our founding documents. 

“For the Common Good. “

Alexander James Jay

P.S.  "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it." --Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." --Thomas Paine, Dissertation on First Principles of Government, 1791

Our Notes:  It's not hard to create a test to show which ones pass the public servants designation and which ones pass the personal greed and gain designation test.  But maybe with a little magic, Ted can wave his left hand and it might all go away.   You can always dream now can't you?
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Gloucester, VA Response To Brian McGovern Concerning School Board

Brian McGovern recited the following at the last School Board meeting.  After Mr. McGovern's opinion you will find my response.
Local Government is Cause for Concern
Recent actions by the Gloucester Board of Supervisors regarding public education in the county are a cause of concern on a number of levels.

In the recent budget hearing, more than 100 citizens attended with many requesting that the board of supervisors increase its financial support for public education in an effort to maintain high quality schools. Most advocated fully funding the school board’s budget request. Most recognized the effects of underfunding public education in Gloucester : A reduced school calendar; neglect of capital improvement needs; deteriorating and outdated textbooks; an exodus of highly-qualified teachers and staff who can no longer afford to support families on annual salaries $10,000 below the national average. One teacher, who happens to hold a master’s degree, reported that his family is eligible for WIC benefits.

Conversely, fewer than a half dozen citizens spoke advocating no increase in school funding. That’s right, 100:6. Those in attendance that night witnessed this lopsided ratio, and noted that the vast majority demanded that those who control the purse strings appropriately fund public education in Gloucester . As this community is now aware, this vast majority was ignored by the board of supervisors when it came time to vote on the budget.

There are some who have argued that there would be more funding had Gloucester simply replaced a 1953 school with a 1953 school on a dangerous stretch of a four-lane highway. They will no doubt continue to lecture those who disagree with them. This was not an issue raised by those who asked for appropriate funding for schools this year. The majority of Gloucester citizens simply want good schools.

The BOS has also given itself license to attempt to make administrative decisions for the school board. In addition to ignoring the will of the citizenry, the BOS also voted unanimously to earmark excess funds for bonuses for “selected” school staff.

The board of supervisors is charged with simply providing “lump sum” funding for the school board. This latest move is tantamount to “line item” funding and is an inappropriate role for the board of supervisors, if not an abuse of power. It is interesting that the BOS now seems to be interested in helping education support staff after one member suggested outsourcing the same support staff, many of whom have dedicated years or decades to the school system.

Instead of these political shenanigans, what the county board should have done was to listen to the collective voice of the majority and fully fund the budget request of the school board, which would have provided modest increases for all school staff, not just those inappropriately selected by the board of supervisors.
The school board asked for funding for a 3 percent increase for support staff as well as a 2 percent increase for teachers. The role of the board of supervisors is to provide funding for schools, not to decide who gets an increase or bonus, and who does not. The board of supervisors should do its job and leave it to the school board to oversee the operations of the school system. This author does not speak for the school board, but on behalf of the interests of public education in Gloucester County and the men and women who provide services to more than 5,000 children and teens on a daily basis.

Brian McGovern, President
Gloucester Education Association
I am writing in response to Mr. McGovern’s opinion titled; “Local Government is Cause for Concern”.
It is understood that numerous citizens attended a recent budget hearing and requested the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to fully fund Mr. Kiser’s and the School Board’s (SB) proposed budget.  The BOS and SB were directed by the people, through the results of the last election, to rein-in spending throughout all departments.  The citizens of Gloucester have demonstrated their desires to have good stewards controlling the money and an effective, efficient and equal public education system.  The BOS is charged with overseeing all of the County’s financial resources and the Code of Virginia allows them to either provide lump sum funding or categorical funding to the school system.  If the mentality of the School Board does not change soon, the method of funding could very well change.  The school system is not a sacred cow or privileged special interest group without financial boundaries.
Replacing Page with a 1953 school was not considered.  Many citizens and supervisors requested that Page be repaired because insurance proceeds would have covered most of the construction costs; developed athletic fields, utilities infrastructure connections and VDOT school zone safety requirements were already established; Page would have re-opened in 18 to 24 months; busing and modular space for the displaced would have cost half of what it is now.  The financial path Mr. Kiser and the SB created and chose to follow has now resulted in belt tightening in more areas than just the school system. 
Let’s not forget that along with tornado damage to Page the SB was also faced with closing T.C. Walker, obtaining school admin space and the issue of pay increases.  Now we learn through the budget process that the community is in need of large recreation spaces like the auditorium and regulation size gym that Mr. Kiser and the SB tore down.  A few months before the tornado, tens of thousands of dollars was spent to determine the cost of converting Page into an Administration and Operations Center.  This conversion could have been accomplished through the post tornado repair process for 4 to 5 million dollars.  T.C. Walker could have been refurbished into the new Page for 8 to 10 million dollars.  At least 8 million dollars of the 15 million would have come from insurance proceeds leaving only 7 for the County to pay.  Now it will cost well over 30 million with the County paying it all except 8 million.  Mr. Kiser and the SB do not seem to realize credit is not free money.  They also fail to realize the citizen’s pockets are only so deep. 
Mr. McGovern said, “Most recognized the effects of under funding public education in Gloucester: A reduced school calendar; neglect of capital improvement needs; deteriorating and outdated textbooks; an exodus of highly-qualified teachers and staff”.  In reality, Mr. Kiser and the SB have failed to properly prioritize updating textbooks, infrastructure maintenance and capital improvements. Under funding is not the cause, mismanagement is.  If there is an exodus of teachers and staff it certainly will not be the BOS fault. 
We the people have decided enough is enough and intend to bring about some serious changes.  I encourage Mr. McGovern to get his facts straight before rendering any more opinions and to join the rest of the citizens in attempting to re-focus the SB and school administration on providing an effective, efficient and equal public education program.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.
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