Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Waterline At Page Middle School: Disaster Waiting To Happen Here Too?

The new 16” waterline extending along T.C. Walker Road and installed as part of constructing Page Middle School, does not seem to have been installed in the proper location. Apparently when VDOT required changes to design drawings for improvements of the T.C. Walker Road and Route 17 intersection, those changes were not incorporated into the civil site and utility drawings. This failure has resulted in the 16” waterline now being located in the very bottom of the VDOT drainage ditch.
As the story goes; the contractor installed the waterline and then began constructing the drainage ditch. As they constructed the ditch they discovered they removed most of the dirt above the waterline. Instead of removing the waterline and reinstalling it in the correct location when the error was discovered, they excavated along side of and under the waterline, removing the stone bedding and dirt from under the pipe while it was still put together. 

Once the stone and dirt are removed from under the waterline it will sag downward. The more it is forced to sag, the more each connection joint in the line separates. This is a dangerous and unacceptable method of lowering a waterline that operates under pressure. The reliability of the gaskets used to seal each joint and the chances of every joint being completely home (fitted all the way together) become compromised when manipulated in such a manner. 

The required stone bedding under the pipe is also compromised and often completely ignored when utilizing such method. Another reason to avoid such method of adjusting waterline depth is it rarely results in achieving the required depth. A significant section of the new waterline does not come close to having the required amount of cover. On August 20, 2015 I used a four foot long probe rod to determine the amount of cover over the waterline and discovered areas with less than two feet of cover. The minimum cover requirement is generally three feet. The main reasons for minimum cover requirements are to protect the waterline from freezing and to limit pipe movement, thus preventing the pipe from blowing apart under pressure. The close proximity of the waterline to the water tower that supplies it, the fact that the pipe dead ends so close to the incorrectly covered pipe and that flow through the pipe will basically cease daily during each day’s coldest periods, during weekends and during other times the school is closed during winter months, are all very good reasons for not accepting the waterline in it’s current condition. The waterline in its current condition will also increase the chance of VDOT damaging it during ditch maintenance.

 If VDOT should damage the line, they will be exempt from responsibility as prescribed by the Code of Virginia and all liability will fall on Gloucester taxpayers. If, for any reason, the waterline blows apart so close to the water tower supplying it, the results would be catastrophic; most likely resulting in a significant portion of T.C. Walker Road and the entrance to Page being washed away before the water could be turned off. Page would be closed until water could be restored and the road and entrance repaired. In this scenario Gloucester taxpayers will also assume liability.
I know everyone wants the new school opened as currently scheduled, but this serious issue should not be ignored or dismissed for the sake of opening on time. It should also not be dismissed to save a buck, no matter whose buck it is.
Respectfully and just my 2 cents worth,
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.

The two above pictures shows where we were out measuring where and how deep the waterline is buried by Page Middle School.  

Mr. Hogge,

Schools and the Contractor are very well aware of the waterline issue and have committed to making the needed repairs during the Winter Break in December. Not only has the Contractor’s President issued a guarantee to the County for the repair, but we also continue to hold a performance bond on the Contractor to ensure the repairs are made to satisfaction. Public Utilities is aware of the Contractors commitment and finds the repair strategy to be acceptable.

Thank you for your support. Have a nice day.

John E.Hutchinson

Constitutional Corner – “Just who do we think we are?”

By:  Gary Porter

“Just who do we think we are?” stated Chief Justice John Roberts,[1] in what, I predict, will no doubt become one of the most famous statements ever made in a Supreme Court dissent, barely edging out “[The Constitution] had nothing to do with [today’s decision.]”

“Petitioners make strong arguments rooted in social policy and considerations of fairness,” (emphasis added) he continues. Social policy? I thought Supreme Court decisions were to be rooted in the law? “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judg­ment,” Roberts reminds us.

“The Celebrated Montesquieu” said: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

Social justice, the great utopic goal of every Progressive, not jurisprudence, was the goal of the five Justices who formed the majority opinion in Obergefel vs Hodgesl.

It was an act of judicial activism.

What do we mean by judicial activism? The Heritage Foundation defines it this way: “Judicial activism occurs when judges write subjective policy preferences into the law rather than apply the law impartially according to its original meaning.”

There is no better example than Obergefell.

Prior to Obergefell, the most famous statement by a Supreme Court Justice which encapsulated the idea behind judicial activism occurred when Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall described his judicial philosophy as: “You do what you think is right and let the law catch up.” That’s simply an amazing statement for a jurist: Ignore the law and rule instead based on your “feelings” of what is right. It’s all about feelings to a Progressive; in fact the law is often seen as an obstacle to PROGRESS. So, if you can get a court to declare its sense of justice as “the law,” instead of constraining itself to proper interpretation of the law, all the better.

But judicial activism is often in the eye of the beholder. The perfect example is Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission. The Right saw the decision as an affirmation of unrestrained free speech, the Left saw the decision as the perfect example of judicial activism since it “declared corporations were people,” as I heard more than one liberal insist.

Judicial activism is a natural outgrowth of the doctrine of legal positivism, which replaced natural law theory in the late 1800s. Legal Positivism holds that the only relevant law is what man creates. Natural law, if it exists at all, is irrelevant; and revealed law (i.e. as found in the Bible) has no place in a mature society. Since man is constantly evolving (so goes the theory) the law must continually evolve as well. And who guides the evolution of the law? Why, the judges, of course.

In another candid moment, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wondered aloud whether the court went “too far, too fast” in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision; yet another admission that Progressives see the Court as the “seeing eye dog” of a society groping culturally in the dark. So, perhaps the court went “a smidgen” too far in 1973; so what? Fifty million undelivered babies might have a different opinion.

Compare these previous progressive sentiments with that of Associate Justice Joseph Story, who wrote in his 1833 work: “Commentaries on the Constitution,” “The truth is, that, even with the most secure tenure of office, during good behavior, the danger is not, that the judges will be too firm in resisting public opinion, and in defence of private rights or public liberties; but, that they will be ready to yield themselves to the passions, and politics, and prejudices of the day.” Is that not what we just saw happen in Obergefell?

Thomas Jefferson saw the danger during his time, writing to William Jarvis in 1820: “To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”

Besides Obergefell, are there other examples of judicial activism? Lists, long ones, are not hard to find. You’ll find us discussing these cases and more tomorrow morning on “We The People, The Constitution Matters” (7am EDT, www.1180wfyl.com).

The Heritage Foundation lists these cases (and others) as activist:

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), in which Justice William O. Douglas, in one of the most famous of judicial DIY projects, constructed a right to privacy from bits and pieces of vague privacy inferences salvaged from “emanations from penumbras” of the Constitution.

Roe v. Wade (1973), building on the “right” of privacy constructed in Griswold, the Court then further defined that “right” to encompass the murder of unborn babies, with few restrictions, striking down numerous state laws.

Lawrence v. Texas (2003), building once again on Griswold, the Court decided that the by now very useful “right” of privacy should be extended even further to sodomy — that states would no longer be allowed to decide whether certain sexual acts were immoral and restrictable. Another dose of “social policy.”

Kelo v. City of New London, Conn (2005). In Kelo, the Court took the plain language of the 5th Amendment and contorted it beyond recognition. The Amendment’s final clause requires that private property taken under eminent domain be only taken “for public use.” Historically, this has meant taking property to build roads and stadiums, install utility lines and other public features which benefit all a locale’s citizens. Not so, said the Court. The City of New London was allowed to take private property and give it to a private corporation (Pfizer Corporation) for the purpose of their building a new private manufacturing plant (reasoning that this would increase the city’s tax base, boost revenues, and thus benefit, well, whoever the city spent the money on). Ironically, Pfizer pulled out of the deal after all the necessary homes were razed and the ground sits vacant to this day. The finding in Kelo encouraged more than one state to pass legislation or Constitutional amendments protecting private property from just such predations exhibited in Connecticut.

Perhaps the “poster child” of terrible Commerce Clause cases, but also a perfect example of judicial activism since it contorted the clause’s clear wording, is Wickard v. Filburn. Old Farmer Filburn wanted nothing more than to grow some wheat for his own animals’ consumption; but doing so would exceed his planting allotment. “ If we let you do that,” said the Court (in effect), “you’ll not have to purchase that wheat on the open market, which will affect the interstate market in wheat, which Congress has complete control of under the Commerce Clause.” See the iron-clad legal reasoning? Neither do most people. Wickard was the final nail in the Commerce Clause coffin, and essentially gave Congress (and by extension, the Executive) the power to regulate nearly any business activity. Wickard v. Filburn is the “butterfly effect” applied to the Commerce Clause.

There are many, many more examples and you can study them on several websites. Let’s turn our attention to remedies. What can “We The People” do in the face of judicial activism? We’ll examine six avenues for redress:
Congressional or state legislative or amendment action. We today have several Constitutional Amendments (11th, 13th, 16th, 26th) due to Supreme Court decisions. In some cases the precipitating action was a SCOTUS decision declaring a piece of legislation passed by the Congress to be unconstitutional (16th and 26th Amendments), and sometimes it was merely the implications of a decision. InChisholm v. Georgia the Court declared that citizens could sue sovereign states. The Congress replied: “We don’t think that should be so,” and they dutifully passed and got ratified an Amendment putting their view into effect. The 13th Amendment was at least in part the result of the Court’s horrendous Dred Scott decision. In the wake of the Dred Scott decision, many northern state legislatures scrambled to pass legislation nullifying or muting the effects of the decision.

Jurisdiction stripping: Article 3 Section 2 provides Congress the power to remove any subject area from the Court’s jurisdiction. This was most famously proved in Ex Parte McCardle when the Supreme Court shut down a case “in mid-stream,” i.e., after oral arguments had been heard but before an opinion had been published. This power has been used often by the Congress but is still not widely understood in that body. In 1996, Congress successfully stripped the federal courts of jurisdiction to review certain INS decisions. Understand also: for Congress to exert this power, a piece of legislation so stating must be passed and signed by the President, which adds another layer of partisanship to the process. Jurisdiction stripping must also be used “judiciously.” If the Congress tomorrow removed the topic of abortion, for instance, from the Court’s jurisdiction, some say that would prevent Roe V. Wade from ever being reversed, or even reviewed. You should converse with your Senators and Representative to ensure they understand jurisdiction stripping.

Impeachment or Criminal prosecution of judges: To date, sixteen federal officials have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives. These include two presidents, a cabinet member, a senator, a Justice of the Supreme Court, and thirteen federal judges. Of those, the Senate has convicted and removed seven, all of them judges. District Court Judge John Pickering of the District of New Hampshire was the first impeached official actually convicted and removed from office. He was found guilty of drunkenness and unlawful rulings. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase is the only U.S. Supreme Court Justice to have been impeached (he was acquitted, much to Jefferson’s disappointment). In 1981, Alcee Hastings, sitting as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, was impeached and removed from the bench (convicted of accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a defendant’s lenient sentence). Once off the bench, he ran for office and the good citizens of Florida’s 23rd District amazingly sent him to Congress as their Representative!
Presidential refusal to enforce: In a statement that is probably apocryphal, President Andrew Jackson is claimed to have said: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!” The decision, Worcester v. Georgia (1832) required nothing of Jackson, so it is unlikely he said this, but it points to another remedy. The Congress or the President can decide not to give effect to a Supreme Court decision. This of course would create a Constitutional “crisis” and place things in a state of tension. But as Hamilton points out in Federalist 78: the reason he calls the Judiciary the “least dangerous branch” (boy, was he wrong!) is because“It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.” This comports with Jefferson’s opinion that “The Constitution… meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.”[2] In other words: the Congress and President are to act as a check on an activist Judiciary.

Presidential pardon: The President’s pardon power, found in Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1, gives the President the ability to demonstrate that he believes a court acted improperly. Immediately upon taking office in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson pardoned everyone jailed under the onerous Sedition Act of 1798 (which had given rise to the doctrine of nullification) and even went so far as to return their fines.
Nullification: We discussed this last week on “The Constitution Matters” (you can download the podcast from WFYL’s website). The states and/or the people are free to (and should, according to the venerable Sir William Blackstone) ignore a judicial ruling as null and void if it contravenes natural or revealed law (like the definition of marriage?). A final remedy would be jury nullification, which was used to great effect in response to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and in the aftermath of prohibition (Volstead Act). In both cases juries (Northern juries, obviously, in the case of the Fugitive Slave Act) routinely refused to render guilty verdicts, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt. This action rendered the acts essentially null and void in those jurisdictions.

There are probably other remedies that can be sought in the face of judicial activism. But in the end, what gives a judicial opinion legitimacy (for that is simply what it is: an opinion) is the reaction of the people. A Supreme Court opinion is not the law of the land unless we give it that status.

The Constitution does not begin with “We the Judges,” “We the Congress” or with “ I the President.” As I tell all my classes, it is the peoples’ document (with all due respect to those who hold it to be a compact of the states) and “We the People” need to take individual ownership of it. We need to actively work with our representatives in Congress to “put right” terrible Court decisions, and there are many ways to do so. There have been many terrible Supreme Court decisions over the years and Obergefell, I fear, is not the last of them.

Join us tomorrow morning, 7am, on WFYL (Listen Live at www.1180wfyl.com) to hear your trusty commentators, joined by special guest, Dr. Herb Titus, Founding Dean of the Regent University Law School, as we discuss: “Judicial Activism.”

“Constitutional Corner” is a project of the Constitution Leadership Initiative, Inc. To unsubscribe from future mailings by Constitution Leadership Initiative, click here
[1] Obergefell vs. Hodges, 576 U. S. ____ (2015)

[2] Letter to Abigail Adams, 1804.

Governor McAuliffe Announces $20 Million to Improve Energy Efficiency in Virginia

~ VirginiaSAVES will facilitate low interest loans for approved projects ~

RICHMOND ─ Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today the launch of VirginiaSAVES, the Commonwealth’s first Green Community Program.  VirginiaSAVES is a loan program created to lower financing costs for energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and alternative fuel projects. This low-cost financing tool will be available to local government, institutional and commercial and industrial entities in the Commonwealth.  VirginiaSAVES will be funded through $20 million in federally-allocated Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs). (Your tax dollars)
Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “Providing the public and private sectors with the tools they need to reduce energy consumption and save on energy costs is critical for building a new Virginia economy.  VirginiaSAVES encourages investments that will save money, improve energy security, reduce Virginia’s dependence on federal spending and attract new jobs and advanced energy industries.”

“One of our best economic development strategies is to catalyze strategic growth in the energy sector,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “VirginiaSAVES will help businesses and localities save money while creating jobs in high growth industries focused on renewable development and energy efficiency.” 

Developed by the Division of Energy of the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, VirginiaSAVES (which stands for Sustainable and Verifiable Energy Savings) is administered by Clean Source Capital and Abundant Power Group. The program is funded through Virginia’s allocation of QECBs.  The QECBs were allocated to Virginia in 2010 by the Federal Department of Energy and re-authorized for use by Governor McAuliffe in 2014 under Executive Order 36.   As the program grows, additional funding may be added as needed.

Those interested in applying for a loan through the VirginiaSAVES Green Community Program can visit the program’s website (http://www.vasavesgcp.com)for borrower eligibility and project selection criteria, service provider registration forms and other program documents and information.

About CleanSource Capital
CleanSource Capital, LLC – CleanSource, based in Charlotte, NC, is the administrator of the Program and is the affiliate formed by Abundant Power Group to administer and grow its SAVES platform using alternative forms of specialized financing as well as provide specialty finance solutions and advisory services in the energy efficiency industry.

Abundant Power Group, LLC (www.AbundantPower.com) – Abundant Power, based in Charlotte, NC, is an energy management services company providing financial and technology solutions for the built environment ecosystem.  Abundant brings expertise in finance, engineering, building science, technology and real estate to each of its programs.

(Our own proposals for lowering the amount of energy we use?  Get rid of big government and big business.  Easy solution.  Now the arguments can begin.)

Governor McAuliffe Declares September as Preparedness Month in Virginia

RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe has proclaimed September as National Preparedness Month in Virginia and he encourages business owners, families and communities to be ready for emergencies. 

“September has historically been the most active time of the year for hurricanes in Virginia,” Governor McAuliffe said. “Whether it’s a natural disaster like a hurricane or a human-caused emergency like terrorism, individuals, families and businesses that take the time to prepare are more resilient in the long run than those who failed to plan.”

Everyone can prepare for all emergencies, including hurricanes, by taking these steps:

  • Sign up for text alerts/weather warnings that may be offered by your locality. 
  • Have basic supplies on hand to last at least three days for each family member.
    • Food that won’t spoil, such as canned and packaged foods
    • Water, one gallon per person per day
    • A working battery-operated radio and extra batteries
    • Flashlights with extra batteries
    • First aid kit
    • A written list of your prescriptions and prescribing doctor(s) and at least a week’s supply of medications
    • Food and water for your pets
  • Create a family emergency communications plan. 
    • Decide how and where everyone will meet up with each other if separated
    • Choose an out-of-town emergency contact for your family and give that person’s phone number to each family member
    • Make a sheet of emergency contacts and post it in visible places in your home and workplace.  Don’t rely on your smart phone or online contact lists.
    • Get a free emergency plan worksheet and emergency contact cards atwww.ReadyVirginia.gov or www.ListoVirginia.gov or use the new Ready Virginia app.

People with disabilities or access and functional needs may need to take additional steps. Plan how to handle power outages and/or being asked to evacuate. For more information, visit www.vaemergency.gov/readyvirginia/getakit/disabilities.

The third National Day of Action on Sept. 30, known as America’s PrepareAthon! Day, is a nationwide, community-based campaign for action to increase emergency preparedness and resilience through hazard-specific drills, group discussions and exercises. To sign up for America’s PrepareAthon! go to www.ready.gov/prepareand register how you will take action to prepare in September.

(Just a quick question:  How does a governor of a state declare a National Preparedness Month?  Just asking.) 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Page Middle School, Serious Life Threatening Concerns To Consider

Above is a close up picture of the fence at the back or front of the building where the buses will be dropping off children at the new Page Middle School.  Children are going to want to play on and try to climb these fences.  With the top the way it is, we can see some serious issues coming up where some of the children will potentially get hurt.  Well, you can say, keep the children off the fences and make it a penalty for playing on them.  That's what any good person would think who never had children.  Children are going to be children.  Any penalty here should go against the school, not the children for such a poor design.  This is the very least of the issues we have seen at the new school.

Here is a scene when you go through what most would consider the front of the school, not where buses will be dropping off the children.  The staircase is okay, but look at the top of the stairs.  That is a wide open floor plan between the first floor and the second floor and it is very extensive.  The rail to protect the children is only 3 feet high.  Nothing else to protect anyone from anything.

  Now again, children are going to be children.  Lets see what we can expect with this type of open floor plan.  From the second floor, Johnny is going to want to see his new paper airplane can really fly.  Jimmy will want to see if he can hit Bobbie on the first floor with a piece of balled up paper from the second floor.    Oh and this is just the potential for mild mischief.  Now Madison and Billy do not get along, so while walking down this corridor, Madison comes up behind Billy and takes his bookbag and tosses if off the second floor where it accidently hits little Alison in the head forcing her head into the wall where she is knocked out and has to go to the hospital.  (Pray something like this never happens.)

  Or two children get into a fight by the rails and one or both go over.  Will any of them survive?  In my own opinion, this is a premeditated design disaster.

Wait, it gets worse.

Now take a look at these lockers.  The top of the lockers are at an even match for the top of the rails.  Anyone envisioning a child standing on top of the lockers and playing around?  Way to close to the edge of a very long fall.

This is the view of what is below.  Open education?

Here are some better views of the open corridor from the second floor where the middle school children will be walking everyday.

I walked through this school with an engineer who was mortified by what he saw.  A question that has been brought to my attention is how did the school board manage to get a certificate of occupancy especially when there are no visible escape routes and or facilities for handicapped children that might be on the second floor?  None.  Only item seen was one elevator which during a fire, can not be used according to what we know of fire codes.

If a fire should engulf the front of the building, the children will be locked in an outdoor courtyard that is fully fenced in with locked gates trapping them from being able to get out to safety.  Who designs these buildings?

At least the folks of the school board did think of one escape route that doubles as a king of the hill playground.  That massive dirt pile there might just be the escape route when the area floods.  You know those rising sea levels are unpredictable.  (HEHEHEHEE!)

Now someone from the School Board managed to get channel 13 out to cover the open house day at Page.  I wonder if anyone from the news crew noticed any of these issues?  Did they report on any of the potential issues for the incoming students?  No?  

Now I will give it that the new gym looks pretty nice but lacks bleachers for games against other schools or is competition dead?  My question is who are these workout machines for?  Please do not tell me these are for the children.  Their muscles are not ready for hard core training like this from what I understand.  This is even to high end for high school.  So is this for the teachers at taxpayer expense?  

Other issues well noted was the tremendous waste of space everywhere throughout the building.  Poor planning.  With all the wasted space and all the open areas up through the second floor, that also creates massive heating and cooling issues that is not really a big deal since its the taxpayers who are paying for it all anyway.  Ya gotta love that.  You are stuck with the bills for someone else's carelessness in design and others who approved that carelessness.  Or was it carelessness?  Nah, they just know its your money they are spending so it does not mean anything to them.

Approved by your local school board and probably the state Board of Education.  The same people in charge of our children's education and our future.  Oh, now that is just embarrassing. 

https://goo.gl/photos/8reFUmCLkGSnjw5a6  You can see more photos of the school at this link.

Route 17 Accident August 26th, 2015 - Photos

Due to computer issues we have had a major delay on getting these pictures up on this site of an accident that happened on route 17 South on August 26th, 2015 at about 2:00 PM.  We had all the photos up that same day, but our system started locking up due to an Adobe update virus.

  The accident started at the end of the Tidewater motel or beginning of the property known as the Salvation army.  The above Toyota Camery was traveling south on 17 at about the speed limit when a another vehicle traveling north on 17 decided to make a U turn and from what we understand, stopped in the middle of the highway.  The other vehicle is described as a white SUV.  That SUV was in the way of oncoming traffic which from what we understand caused the Camery to swerve off to the right shoulder to avoid hitting the white SUV.

  The driver hit multiple signs and the ditch caused the car to flip from what we can tell multiple times eventually landing on its side.  The driver of the SUV drove away leaving the scene of the accident but not before a witness took pictures of the SUV and from what we understand got the vehicle's plate.

  The drive of the Camery did not appear hurt despite how bad the accident looks.  We spoke with him and he seemed fine at that time.  But with any accident, sometimes injuries do not show up until later.  We have no updates on his condition since that time.


The above link is to the entire photo series we have on the vehicle accident.  Over 100 pictures.