Monday, February 3, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Court, Part 8, Time Frame

(By; Chuck Thompson)

We want to act pretty fast here folks.  Part of the intention of getting this going is to stop all the crazy new laws coming out of Richmond.  We want this event to happen before July 1st, 2020.  This way we can put injunctions or stays on all the new codes until they can be checked against both the Commonwealth's Constitution as well as the Federal Constitution to ensure there are no violations to the unalienable rights of the people which we all know there are plenty.

That is why I keep pushing this idea on a daily basis.  It is far easier to fight and maintain our unalienable rights than it is to lose them and have to fight to try and get them back.  Once lost, the rights are no longer considered rights.  We can't use the regular courts for multiple reasons as already discussed to include that the courts are way to slow.  Voting these folks out is also way to slow and the rights will already be gone.  The chances of bringing in all new people and hoping they will reverse these insane codes is a pipe dream that may come true, but I am not willing to bank on it.  Plus as stated, the unalienable rights will be gone and are no longer rights.  At best they will be brought back as privileges that can be taken away at any time.  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention, Part 7, Oath Not To Touch Underlying Constitution

(By; Chuck Thompson)

The risk is to great.  Once the politicians start on a convention, they will destroy what is there.

  Slow down.  There will be an Oath administered before the Convention even begins.  WIthin that Oath will be a provision that each delegate will swear to that will ensure the underlying Constitution can not be touched for any reason and everyone is going to know that it's not the intention of the Convention to even consider.  The only area that will be open is a chance to create an amendment to the present Constitution that will make it very easy to remove any politician from office if they break any area of our Commonwealth Constitution or our Federal Constitution and any of our Bill of Rights.

  They will have to prove that what they are proposing does meet the intention of the Constitution.  That will be it.  There will be absolutely no tolerance for anyone breaching the Oath administered.  Besides, the way the plans are starting to come together, there will not be time for that anyway.  The intention is to keep costs down so the meeting schedule will be very tight.  Plus, I do not believe for a minute that our local representatives to the convention would want to even try to take that on.

  We need your help.  Get these posts to your local boards and have them put this on the agenda for the public to vote on.  It's much easier to maintain our unalienable rights than to have to try and fight to get them back.  Voting them out does nothing to reverse the destruction that will be caused and many of the new codes can be killed here, but once put into play, will be nearly impossible to reverse.  You can hope and pray that they get reversed, but many are not likely to.

Now is the time for action.  Don't sit and hope someone else does this for us.  We have that opportunity now.  Take advantage of this.

Gloucester County, Virginia Public Schools 2020 Staff Salaries

The following Slideshare presentation contains GCPS Staff only salaries for 2020. Note the Superintendent’s increase since 2016.

You can change to full screen view at the bottom of the presentation screen. 

Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Meet The People Trying To Run Against Mark Warner In 2020

Virginia Patriots
Since the Virginia Republican Party is not spreading the word, I thought I would share links to the campaign pages of the people trying to run against Mark Warner in 2020. (See Below)

If you are already registered to vote, encourage other likeminded Patriots to register. If you are not registered, do so soon so you can vote in the Primary Election on June 6th. You must be registered at least 22 days before the election.

This may be shared by clicking of the Facebook, Twitter, etc. Icon's below. Sorry they are so small.

United We Stand

Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Alissa Baldwin

Blaine Dunn

Omari Faulkner

Roger Franklin
No Information Available

Daniel Gade

Thomas Speciale

Victor Williams

In State Constitutional Convention Part 6 Rough Cost Analysis

(By; Chuck Thompson)

In calculating a rough cost analysis, I have come up with a rough estimate cost of about $2,500.00 per person to attend two sessions.  The first session is a 3 day event.  The costs include breakfast, lunch, dinner, loding for 3 nights, meeting room, break out areas, support staff for the event, event speakers and organizers.  Not all localities will have to pay the full fee as they may live within an hour of the meeting event location and therefore will not have to pay the expenses for overnight accommodations and may not wish to participate in all the meals.  The followup session is only a one day session but a number of localities may wish to pay for overnight stays as not to burn out their local delegates to this event. 

The second event is needed for multiple reasons.  Should one of the new proposed codes seem to difficult to decide on by the delegation, then the delegates will need to bring back the issue to their locality for further review by the people of the locality.  Also, the second session will focus on prosecutions of those who may be indicted in the first session.  Proper hearings must be maintained to determine innocent or guilt.  Then sentencing must be completed.  The second session could actually end up being the longest session requiring more than a day or two which could increase expenses estimated above.  There is no way to tell until after the first session is over. 

  The rough cost analysis was created purposely high and is actually expected to come in under the estimate, which gives room for any extended time on the second session.  But that is still not to say that the estimate may still be considered a few hundred extra dollars per person to low.  There are variables to consider that effect the entire venue. 

More to come.

Friday, January 31, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 5 Your Help Is Needed

(By: Chuck Thompson)

We need your help to get this idea going.  Please contact your local Board of Supervisors and have them put this on their meeting agenda.  For those in towns and or cities, please contact your local town or city council and have them put this on their meeting agenda.  No different than what was done for the 2A sanctuary meetings.  But, we need them to commit to sending someone to the convention.  It needs to be decided if localities want only 1 representative or maybe 2.  If one, it should probably be the chair person of the Board or council.  If two, we recommend the chair person and the local sheriff for the area.  A central meeting place still has to be picked and arrangements need to start for that meeting.  The question is who pays for this?  It's going to have to come out of each localities pockets to do this.  How much?  No idea at this time.  It will depend on the location of the meeting place and the arrangements that need to be made to cover the amount of people who will be attending and an estimate of how long the meetings will go on. 

  This is not an easy concept to setup and run.  But we have to begin somewhere folks.  Remember, we are leading the nation in this fight.  What is done here will be done everywhere else.  So we want to be very successful in this mission.  Meeting in Richmond is probably not the smartest plan, but can still be done if that is what the masses want.  This will have to be paid from our tax dollars.  Private funding may have legal issues unforeseen.  What is an estimate of the costs?  It depends on how many localities actually participate.  We would need a quorum of at least 51% of the localities.  Then we would need two thirds of the votes to eliminate any code deemed a violation of the Constitution. 

  Once we start getting localities on board we can start calculating costs.  

Thursday, January 30, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 4 Trust The Regular Courts? No Way

(By; Chuck Thompson)

So why not just take the new codes coming out of Richmond and put them before the regular courts?  This is an answer where you will probably have to do some research if you have never been in the courts before.  You simply can not trust the so called regular courts of corruption.  Let's take a moment to look at this.  If we even have anyone suggesting any code that looks like it could breach the Constitution and the unalienable rights of the people, the courts have a duty and are honor bound to do something about that even before it goes to the floor of our Commonwealth legislative body.  Has anyone seen or heard of this being done anywhere?  Me either.  A corrupt government depends on corrupt courts in order to put forth their illegal codes.  A corrupt court depends on a corrupt government to continue to support the so that they may continue to do as they please.  The two go hand and hand.  One can not exist without the other. 

The enemies of Liberty that have infiltrated our government would have you to believe that Common (Natural) Law is passé and have been legislated away. We the People ordained the constitution that created and governs our government, how then can the "created" supersede the "creator" and by what authority? They have none!

The People’s US Constitution Article VI, Clause 2, known as the “Supremacy Clause” denies the ability of the servant to act as master: “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding”.

The People’s US Constitution Article IV, section 4 guarantees a “Republican” form of government not a democracy, the un-codified common law is the superior law of the people and the codified civil law is the special or inferior law of the government and its agency. Therefore the law and the will of the people outranks the law of the government and access to the common law is guaranteed and protected in law by the U.S. Constitution.

  If you take a corrupt government before a corrupt court, how can you expect to win?  And attorney's can not be involved in this either as they are part of the corrupt system.  They say you must have a license to practice law in the courts.  Folks there is not one attorney that I have ever met that has a license to practice law in any court anywhere in these United States of America.  Instead they say, or granted a right, as in BAR attorney's whom are first and foremost loyal to the judge of the court no matter what.  Read their own statements and pledges.  It's all right there.  And the BAR is a foreign concern which means all lawyers who are members of the BAR are required to file a foreign agent statement with the United States of America.  Whether or not they do is still another issue, but they are in fact required and if they have not, are in violation of the Foreign Registration act.  

  Attorney's will be fighting this at every angle as it creates a real court and throws them out.  They can not control it nor make money from it.  It's never been about justice folks.  It's been about enslaving us and taking our money.  Think about it.  How many attorney's are you seeing fighting these thugs in Richmond?  They are silent.  Why?  They stand to make huge sums of money if all these codes go through.  And they will hardly have to even work for it and they are going to charge you large sums of money while barely doing anything except deceiving you and cutting deals to make it look like they did something for you.  

  I am not saying all attorneys are bad.  There are a few good ones.  Very few.  They usually do not last long or keep themselves pretty well hidden because they realize and dislike all the corruption within their own business.  And that is all the entire law practice is, a business that they have usurped for their own.  And they do not even have a business license.  What a crock that is.

  Do your research.  Start here.

Become part of the solution.  Join the militia, or start a militia in your locality.  If you are part of a militia, register everyone in your group to be Constitutionally compliant.  There are no fees and you come under Federal and State recognition.  You do not surrender your militia to anyone else by registering.  go to the link provided here.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention, Part 3, How The Court Works

(By; Chuck Thompson)

Quoted from Chief Justices John Marshall and Joseph Story, of the United States of America, Supreme Court.  It is the people who created the Constitution.  (McCulloch v. Maryland, Fletcher v. Peck, Martin v. Hunter's Lessee and Cohens v. Virginia).  And as stated by both of these men, "We The People" are the ultimate authority and power.  It is our final say as to what the laws are and how they will be applied.  Not the legislature.  Therefore when the Legislator inflames the people, as they are doing today, "We The People" either through our locally elected officials as a republican form of government, or through our own will, have the right and the duty to alter, abolish, restrain, nullify, and or arrest offenders of our government when they violate our unalienable rights.

  What I am calling an In State Constitutional Convention is simply a court of the people where our republican form of government may represent us in a state wide convention court or if need be, where "We The People" do this ourselves should our elected officials refuse to do their duty.  But "We The People" do not have the backing of law enforcement.  A valid point, but one we can overcome.  Since "We The People" are in fact the ultimate arbiters of our Constitution, we can and have the full right and duty to form Militia's which become the force behind the authority of our judicial tribunal against Governor Northam and the Democratic and even some of the Republican legislators and hold them accountable for their actions as well as nullify their codes.

  The In State Constitutional Convention is exactly that.  A Judiciary Tribunal.  If conducted by our locally elected officials on our behalf, each member from each locality are a part of the judiciary and are in fact conducting a tribunal of law.  In other words, each member sent to the convention, is a judge.  There is no head judge like we see in our local courts today.  That is a bastardization of what our country was founded on and an usurption of the rights of "We The People", as made clear by both Chief Justices John Marshall and Joseph Story. 

From the 1828 Dictionary by Noah Webster:

JUDI'CIARY noun [Latin judiciarius.]

1. Passing judgment or sentence.

2. Pertaining to the courts of judicature or legal tribunals.

JUDI'CIARY, noun That branch of government which is concerned in the trial and determination of controversies between parties, and of criminal prosecutions; the system of courts of justice in a government. An independent judiciary is the firmest bulwark of freedom.


TRIBU'NAL, noun [Latin tribunal from tribunus, a tribune, who administered justice.]

1. Properly, the seat of a judge; the bench on which a judge and his associates sit for administering justice.

2. More generally, a court of justice; as, the house of lords in England is the highest tribunal in the kingdom.

Following the common law tradition of what our Commonwealth and Nation was founded on and has since, illegally abandoned, unwritten or common law a rule of action which derives its authority from long usage, or established custom, which has been immemorially received and recognized by judicial tribunals. As this law can be traced to no positive statutes, its rules or principles are to be found only in the records of courts, and in the reports of judicial decisions.

  A chief judge in a tribunal of common law is not one with any form of authority.  The Judge is just someone who referees the tribunal.  Nothing more.  That judge can not determine any form of law.  It's the judiciary of the tribunal that determines the law and any violations thereto.  Start your research here to see what you think about the above.  It's all laid out for you in plain, easy to understand, English.  

We highly recommend if you are not a part of the militia, or want to join a militia in your locality, or we also highly recommend that existing members and militia all have their people register as such on our National Militia Alliance.  The Alliance is not over any militia at any time.  It shows you are registered as a Constitutional militia and following the laws of the Constitution of these United States of America.  There are no fees to register and we offer a great level of education, communications and standardization for compliance purposes.  

More to come.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 2 Convention Is A Court

(By:  Chuck Thompson)

A few days ago I introduced the idea of an In State Constitutional Convention.  This is part two in an effort to explain more about the idea and why we need to do this.  An In State Constitutional Convention can not touch the underlying Constitution nor can there be any form of effort to change or rewrite the underlying Commonwealth of Virginia's Constitution.  That is not what the In State Constitutional Convention is for.  The Convention is actually a court.  The proposal is that a member of every board in every locality throughout Virginia send one delegate for that locality to the Convention.  The Delegates will hear each House Bill from Richmond and decide if it has violated the purpose and intent of either our Commonwealth Constitution or that of our Federal Constitution.  If yes, the delegates will vote to kill the new bill.  If not, the House Bill gets a pass.  If the delegates can not make a determination, the delegates have an opportunity to bring back to their respective localities and put the matter before the people to determine if they want to allow or kill the House Bill.  In order to kill a House Bill. two thirds of the localities must agree that it violates an area of either the Commonwealth's or Federal Constitution. 

  If the House Bill appears to be purposely written to deprive the people of their rights, the delegates of the Convention, will have an opportunity to have those behind the House Bill arrested and tried before the Constitutional Convention with the delegates of the Convention's determination as being final.  If it turns out that the bill was voted into law, all those who voted for it may be tried before the Convention along with the Governor if he signed the House Bill into law.

  The only option for any form of change to our present Constitution that may be considered is an amendment for these Constitutional Conventions to continue in an effort to reign in a rogue government. 

  This type of court is known as a Common Law Court which is the type of court our Constitution guarantees to "We The People".  The below code is from the Code of Virginia.

§ 1-200. The common law.

The common law of England, insofar as it is not repugnant to the principles of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of this Commonwealth, shall continue in full force within the same, and be the rule of decision, except as altered by the General Assembly. (This last part, highlighted, is an usurption of our rights, and not lawful).
Code 1919, § 2, § 1-10; 2005, c. 839.

§ 18.2-152.7:1. Harassment by computer; penalty.

If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, shall use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he shall be is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which the communication was made or received or in the City of Richmond if the person subjected to the act is one of the following officials or employees of the Commonwealth: the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.

Now what is interesting about the above is the fact that it's actually from English Common law and was once the law here in the Colonies.  Tavern keepers were not allowed to have any of their patrons speak anything negative about the government or government officials.  Once we became the United States, this was forever changed as it is considered repugnant to our Constitution, specifically free speech.  Politicians did in fact try to bring back the above style of law early in the Republic of these United States of America but the idea was shot down as a violation to the 1st Amendment.  So, if 18.2-152.7:1 should be passed, then those who vote yes, those who proposed and sponsored the bill and the Governor, should he sign such into law, will all be charged with violations to the Constitution  and arrested and brought before the Convention for trial under the Convention.

  So why not use our present courts?  Because our present courts are not Common Law Courts.  They are civil law courts that are in violation of the Constitution.  Something you will have to do research on your own.  The evidence for this can be found on the National Liberty Alliance website.  Visit  Plus, by doing this through a Constitutional Convention, we can act much faster.  Does the Convention have to have members of the local Boards?  No, it can be the Sheriff's from each locality.  It can be the Chair of each board and the Sheriff.  In fact, by having our Sheriff's involved, whom are all Constitutional Officers, it gives more force behind the actions of the Convention itself.  It's still a work in progress and I believe it's a sound solution.

More to come on this.