Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Violet’s Rant; Democrats Love Making Fools Of Democratic Voters

Well, I wasn't sure exactly what to say this morning but thanks to some knucklehead I am going to throw this at you..... Ignorance is bliss and that's what democrats like.....keeping you uninformed and even worse misinformed. The Governor here in VA has pictures of himself in Blackface on his yearbook... and went as Michael Jackson for Halloween, yet no one says anything....because he's a democrat... yet we know if Donald Trump did that, that would be proof he's a racist right? We currently have 3 anti-American Muslims in our congressional office who are democrats and want to allow anyone in to our country and want to open borders and change our one says anything because they are democrats..... Trump has brought prayer back into the White House. He is working towards stopping abortions that take the lives of babies who could live on their own, has decreased unemployment... which could actually give welfare recipients their dignity back and increased the stock market which has renamed us the "Superpower." He is building the wall to keep criminals out and protect YOU. And is supporting our police officers who are in jeopardy of democrat induced hate everyday they work. And you don't see the riots and looting in the streets since he has taken office. Yes, I guess I'd rather have Trump, than a double standard party that says one Governor can go as a black face but a president is prejudice even when there's no evidence of it!!! Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, the man who is responsible for freedoms of people of color. Teddy Roosevelt was a democrat and he was a member of KKK . Please stop listening to people, do your research for crying out loud. You are listening to what people are telling you!!!! You saw Mr. Cummings funeral.... Hillary and Obama made it political..... Trump didn't! Democrats want you to hate, so you won't see beyond that. They want to bring the plantation back... it’s called the government plantation!!! Everything is free but you! It doesn’t care if you're black or white. If you're poor they want to keep you poor. I want jobs for my grandchildren not welfare and my guess is you do too! Now, look at the Democratic Clinton's friends... Anthony Weiner, multiple charges on child pornography, Jeffrey Epstein who just committed suicide by murder in prison for child molestation and Jerry Bean, Obama's friend, who was just charged for sexually abusing young boys. And you think this is a coincidence? GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT AND STOP BEING LED BY LIARS like Schiff who has publicly lied to you yet he's hanging out with Pelosi, Harris, Yang and Waters who are letting their state burn to the ground!!!! and .....Hilary who hid 30,000 emails from the FBI......WHY? and Bill who "did not have sex with that woman" BUT DNA DON'T LIE!!!! The democrats love making fools of democratic voters and I am afraid you have been misinformed and you are a part of their campaign to hold you down and keep you down. I will be at the polls early and just as I did last election... I will spend the day praying for my country and those who are being manipulated.

God bless and be wise.

By: Violet Holland

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Is Obamacare REALLY killing 2M jobs?

CNN's Anderson Cooper examines claims by Republicans that Obamacare would result in the loss of two million jobs.

You know you just have to love a spin story on a spin story.  How do you discredit the opposition?  You accuse them of something.  Anything.  If you listen to this report very carefully, you quickly realize that the CNN spin story is nothing more than spin itself and that digging deeper into their own words, Obamacare is in fact ruining millions of jobs.   But not to worry.  CNN is here to tell you what you need to think.  Oh thank heaven for CNN telling us all how to think so we do not have to do that ourselves.  
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Congressman Rob Wittman On Federal Sequestration

This is not a democratic issue, it's not a republican issue, we do not play the party blame game here on this site.  This is simply big government playing hardball politics to pacify political desires.  Our leaders need to once again understand that their jobs are to govern the nation on behalf of the people as we are a nation by the people and for the people.  Not by the people for special interests, not by the people for corporations, not by the people for government officials.  Those ideals be damned and those who would believe in them also be damned.

  Our founding fathers must be clawing inside their graves at this kind of garbage.   We have to give credit to Congressman Wittman for his stands and leadership.  He's at least looking like he it trying to do what is right for this nation in this video.
English: Congressional portrait of Congressman...
English: Congressional portrait of Congressman Rob Wittman, 112th Congress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Louise Theberge Gets Her Well Deserved Vacation - Window Weather Forcast

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia

Thank you Gloucester County for voting during the June Primary Election.

Those who voted show they support the system of government we have in Virginia and the US.  It is our responsibility to get out and vote.  There were winners and losers in these primary elections but the voters won by makings the system work.  Those voting in the Republican primary you voted to give Ms. Theberge a well earned vacation after 14 years of dedicated service.  Those voting on the Democratic Primary you voted for who you think will best serve us if elected to office.  My focus has been on our local government and I have not looked at the state level positions yet.  Whoever we vote for should support the Virginia Constitution as written since their oath of office is to support and uphold the constitution and the Bill of Rights in its entirety.  They need to be for small government and decreasing our tax burden.  Do the candidates do this?  We have time to learn their positions between now and the first of November.

We have two people on the ballet for Gloucester County At Large Supervisor as well as those running for individual districts; we have time for them to present us their position to ensure we get one that will follow the constitution, keep our taxes and dept down and bring the county code into compliance with the Virginia Code and Constitution.

Following the Virginia Constitution is a lot of work if we want to stay Citizens and not become serfs.  Keep up the work we have started we are well on our way.

Candidates for local and state office the blog site this letter is published on will publish your position and unlike newspapers there is no cost to you.  This is what you stand for and what you will do if elected to office.  He does not look for you to provide dirt against the other candidates.

“For the Common Good. “

Alexander James Jay


Overcast, wet and windy with a chance of more to come sometime soon.
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Friday, May 3, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Louise Theberge, Questions of Quid Pro Quo And Conflicts of Interest?

This is the video in full that covers the recent introduction of the Gloucester Main Street (Village) sub area plan.  Louise serves on the board of the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  This video opens a lot of legal questions.  Are there Quid Pro Quo issues here?  The conflict of interest is very clear.  We just received this comment from one of our readers.  


Unlike one of your other readers please feel free to post my comments.  Like you, I would like the County to answer the issues you have brought up in your posts.  Please continue to keep us informed since none of the local papers care to cover the news!

I read your article wondering how these things could happen.  Louise Theberge being the chairperson of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors would know that she has to excuses herself from any discussion or vote on anything to do with the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust as this is a conflict of interest and a violation of the public trust.  Case in point Mr Borden excused himself from discussions and votes on extending the sewer line to Providence Baptist Church since he is a long time member and supporter of the church.  We know she did not do this since the vote was 7 – 0.  I have to wonder why the State Police or FBI are not investigating this issue.  Does this meet the definition of Quid Pro Quo? 

According to Wikipedia:

“In legal usage, quid pro quo indicates that an item or a service has been traded in return for something of value, usually when the propriety or equity of the transaction is in question. For example, under the common law, a binding contract must involve consideration: that is, the exchange of something of value for something else of economic value. In the United States, if the exchange appears excessively one sided, courts in some jurisdictions may question whether a quid pro quo did actually exist and the contract may be void by law.[2]
Similarly, political donors are legally entitled to support candidates that hold positions with which the donors agree, or which will benefit the donors. Such conduct becomes bribery only when there is an identifiable exchange between the contribution and official acts, previous or subsequent, and the term quid pro quo denotes such an exchange. The term may also be used to describe blackmail, where a person offers to refrain from some harmful conduct in return for valuable consideration.”

Louise Theberge stated in a newspaper article for her reelection she is open to listening to the public.  I would like her to talk to us.  I would like her to address these issues and the questions you have your story “Gloucester, VA - What Are The Board of Supervisors And The GMSPT Hiding? “

I would definitely like to see these issues cleared up before the Republican Party considers proving support for her reelection.  These issues appear to reflect poorly on her as a person, as a member of the Board of Supervisors, especially as the chairperson, and the Republican Party in Gloucester County.
Does the Tea Party have anybody interested in this position?
Voter in Gloucester"

Should anyone be concerned?  

Free MP3 download.  Margin of Safety - Sunday Morning.  Easy listening Jazz song.  CC Lic attrib/non commercial no deriv distribution.  Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Democrats and Republicans Should Seriously Consider Mitt Romney As Next President

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are taking a different approach to discussing candidates in this upcoming election.  We are not going to sling any mud.  You can watch all the mud slinging and fighting on any TV channel, watch it all day long here on the Internet, listen to it on the radio or read about it in the newspapers or magazines.  Frankly, it's all very sickening to us.  Stick to the issues and bring forth the best of each candidate and stop the slimy backstabbing.

  We are not against Barack Obama in any way.  Let's just say he has done a fine job in one of the toughest periods this nation has ever gone through.  We are not going to say that he would not do fine in a second term.

What we are saying is let's look at the real facts of where we are right now and where we want to go as a nation.  Barack Obama has no real world business experience.  He was trained more for politics than anything else.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Mitt Romney brings forth to the podium for all of us to consider his background as both a very successful business man as well as a very successful politician.

  It is these two qualities that have the potential to bring us out of our present situation more than any other.  With Mitt Romney's background in both politics and business, who is more ready and able to deal with and work with businesses to help get the economy going?   Barack Obama does not easily speak the language of business.  As a politician, Mitt Romney is also ready to deal with tough issues of our nation and has been studying the problems for a number of years now.  Barack Obama has not had the luxury to sit back in a relaxed environment to study the issues, he has had to face them head on.

  Yes, Barack Obama knows where this nation is right now better than anyone based on his being the commander in chief.  However, how much time has he had to reflect on what is going on?  He has to act.  Mitt has had ample time to reflect and develop better plans.

  This next part you are welcome to argue all you want, but Mitt Romney is more likely to protect our Constitution, family values, religious rights as well as the right to not participate in any form of religious beliefs better than Barack Obama.  Mitt has a large family himself and so he knows what it takes to care for and protect than family.  That is not to knock Barack Obama who is also a family man, but Barack Obama does not know what it is like to take care of such a large family and do what it takes.

  You can easily get all the background information on both candidates all over the net.  What we are saying here is dig deeper into who you are considering and look at the bigger picture.  Get out of the mud slinging and just turn it off.  Look at what each candidate brings to the plate and make a careful consideration.

  If you are a Democrat, step back and take a look at Mitt's past and present and you will see that you share a lot of the same values.  Stop letting the press make your decisions for you.  This race is very close and will continue to the wire very close.  We wish both candidates the best.

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