Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Gloucester, VA Courthouse Library, Proposed Changes To Save Money

In an effort to help save money in the county, a few concerned citizens sat down and started looking at areas where there may be savings to be had by the county by consolidating services.  One of the first areas recognized by the small citizens groups was the Gloucester County Courthouse Library location.  

  The question that came up is why are we paying rent in this space at this time?  We now have the TC Walker school up and running with a tremendous amount of space wide open for use by the county.  Why not move the Courthouse Library branch to the new TC Walker school administration building?  Can anyone think of a better location?  The mix would seem perfect.  Since the taxpayers are already paying for all the extra unused space at the newly remodeled TC Walker school, why not move the library into that unused space?  The savings would be tremendous.  

  Isn't it time to start thinking smarter, consolidating resources, increasing services while decreasing expenses, expanding knowledge in a creative center and stop the divisions of the people and our resources?  With county services now moving more and more to the TC Walker area, it just makes sense to stop paying rent on a building the county does not own and utilize the space where taxpayer dollars are already being spent and cut those costs.  There is no reason to maintain the present location of the Courthouse library in the courthouse area any longer.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gloucester, VA School Board, Benefits Corruption, (Part 10 of 10)

Armand A. Fusco, Ed.D.

About the Yankee Institute for Public Policy

The Yankee Institute for Public Policy, Inc. is a nonpartisan educational and research organization
founded more than two decades ago. Today, the Yankee Institute’s mission is to “promote
economic opportunity through lower taxes and new ideas for better government in Connecticut.”

Question 10: Benefits 
Do part-time employees pay a proportional share of their insurance benefits? If 
not, why not? Are retirees who are being paid their medical insurance by the 
school district entitled to the payments? Are there retirees listed who are 
deceased but still having their benefits paid? Is the list reviewed yearly to keep 
it updated? 
Background: School districts have a list of retirees whose benefits are 
paid either by the school district or the employee. Such lists have been shown 
to include retirees who are not entitled to the benefits, as well as retirees whose 
benefit are being paid even though they are deceased. 
Proposed Solution: An issue is whether a part-time employee should 
receive the same paid benefits as a full time employee. A part-time employee 
should be required to pay for a proportional share of their benefits. For 
example, a half-time employee should pay 50 percent of the benefit cost. 
 The retiree list must be reviewed each year to determine whether the 
payments are legitimate and whether the retiree is still living. 

School boards and administrators usually claim that 75 to 80 percent of 
their budget represents “fixed costs.” Taxpayers should never accept such a 
statement, because this is the biggest deceit of all. Such a statement assumes 
that every school employee is essential, that no consolidations can take place, 
all programs and services are efficient and effective, all resources are managed 
with quality guidelines, and every operation is managed with utmost efficiency. 
Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to any organization 
supported by taxpayer dollars -- and this is especially true of schools. 
 Therefore, these ten critical questions need be to given honest and 
meaningful answers, and then followed by appropriate action. 
School boards cannot do the job alone. If they were doing their jobs, 
School Corruption: Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust could not have been  written, and the evidence of rather shameful statistics of student results such as dropout rates, poor testing results, achievement gaps between white and 
minority students, and over 25,000 schools identified as failing would not exist. 
No amount of money will solve these and other school problems. It 
requires effective monitoring of school assets, human and financial resources, 
and programs and services. Unfortunately, such monitoring can only be 
effective if there is enough outside taxpayer knowledge and pressure to demand 
answers and action. 
 What taxpayers need to understand is that local boards have the power 
and obligation to adopt policies and practices to manage the school resources 
so that they are used wisely, honestly, and effectively, as well as protected from 
corrupt acts. No other approvals are needed for action on their part, but it 
does require education, training and courage. 

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gloucester, VA School Board Candidates Open Public Forum

Candidates for 2014 include from left to right, Andersen, Hook, Parker and Records.  Each are running for positions on the Gloucester county school board unopposed.  One thing we liked that Mr Andersen said was that even though he is running unopposed, a vote for him is still a vote of confidence in his abilities and he would greatly appreciate that.

  Ms Hook is a local attorney in the Gloucester area who showed she is very well versed in many areas of the school board's issues and able to articulate matters quite well.

  Ms Parker has been a concerned domestic engineer overseeing her families business with a passion to see that present and future education of the area's children are well represented.

  Mr Records is an engineer with a great deal of concern over local education and is seeking to fill a position on the school board.  We would like to see Mr Record get that opportunity.  

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Gloucester, (Swamp) Page Middle School Future Views?

Come one come all to the ground breaking ceremony of the new school being built in the middle of a swamp.  A school already mired in very real potential scandals before construction even beings.  Come out and celebrate with those who think they have every right to your future earnings to pay for whatever it is they want.

  The above picture is to give you an idea of what the new Page Middle school may just look like after only a few years.  Sinking back down into the swamp it's being built on, that is provided it is not blown apart because the school is not been built to handle standards of withstanding even a class 2 hurricane.

So a weak tropical storm may just come in and blow the house down?  And all at the very low cost of 26 million dollars not to include the future interest.  But hey, it's your money and not theirs so who cares right?  The Gloucester officials can always put through another bond for 35 million for yet another school and stick you with that bill as well.  

  The ground breaking ceremony is today and Gloucester officials are asking you to come out and support this.  The event starts at 4:00 PM at the grounds of the site of the new school location.  Parking will be at the Gloucester, High school and you will be bused to the new site as there is no parking a the new site yet.

  Monday, September 23rd, 2013.  4:00 PM.  You can go to the high school as early as 3:00 PM to be bused to the new site.   Are you excited about seeing how your tax dollars are being wasted?  

Just remember to keep an eye on any of your loved ones.  Last thing anyone wants to see is another scene like the one above.  Should you see this view while there? Just look the other way please and pretend you didn't see anything.  In fact, help out and cover the hand or foot up with a brick or something.

Future cafeteria views as the swamp takes back over it's rightful place in the area?  Aquatic learning with real life situations?

Proud parents will want to come out to the new swamp school to take pictures of their children playing outside with the new game, swamp ball?

Gloucester Officials may want to follow the lead of China with new school bus issues, getting the children in and out of the school area in the swamp.

But hey, again, it's only 26 million.  Pocket change, right?

So come one, come all.  Remember, it's all about the children.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gloucester, VA School Board Ready To Contract Construction Without Funds

According to the Gloucester, Mathews Gazette Journal, The Gloucester School Board is ready to sign a contract with Oyster Point Construction of Newport News.  Problem is, the School board does not have the money in any account to do this.

  From what we have seen of the State law, the county is ready to move forward in violation of the laws and they could care less in our view.

Let's once again look at those laws.

§ 15.2-1238. Certification of sufficient funds.
Except in emergency, no order for delivery on a contract or open market order for supplies or contractual services for any county department or agency shall be awarded until the chief financial officer has certified that the unencumbered balance in the appropriation concerned, in excess of all unpaid obligations, is sufficient to defray the cost of such order.

15.2-1239. Orders and contracts in violation of article.
If any department or agency of the county government purchases or contracts for any supplies or contractual services contrary to the provisions of this article or the rules and regulations made thereunder, such order or contract shall be void and the head of such department or agency shall be personally liable for the costs of such order or contract.

§ 22.1-175.5. Capital School Projects Fund.
A. The governing body of any locality which is awarded a grant pursuant to this chapter may authorize the local treasurer or fiscal officer, by ordinance or resolution, to create a separate escrow account upon the books of the locality, as described in this section. Upon the adoption of such ordinance or resolution, the treasurer of the locality shall place such grant awards into this account.

B. The escrow account shall be known as the "County/City/Town of ____________ Capital School Projects Fund." All principal deposited to such fund, together with all income from or attributable to the fund, shall be used solely for (i) construction, additions, renovations, including retrofitting and enlarging public school buildings, infrastructure, including technology infrastructure, and site acquisition for public school buildings and facilities or (ii) debt service payments, or a portion thereof, for any such projects completed in the previous ten years if so designated. No disbursement from the fund may be made except upon specific appropriation by the governing body in accordance with applicable law. If a locality establishes such a fund and designates any portion of the funds deposited therein to pay debt service for (i) any general obligation of the locality held by the Virginia Public School Authority or (ii) any Literary Fund loan, the locality shall obtain an opinion of bond counsel that designation of funds to pay debt service on obligations described in clauses (i) and (ii) hereof does not adversely impact the tax-exempt status of such obligations.

C. All grant awards deposited in the fund, including all income from or attributable to such fund, shall be deemed public funds of the locality and shall be subject to all limitations upon deposit and investment provided by general law, including, but not limited to, the Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act (§ 2.2-4400 et seq.). Income, dividends, distributions, and grants accruing to the fund shall be retained in such fund and shall be expended only in accordance with the terms of this section.

D. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to authorize a school board or school division to receive, hold or invest funds in its own name, nor to expend funds in the absence of a specific appropriation by the governing body of the locality in accordance with applicable law.

Now here is what we know, the county has not yet sold bonds to raise the money needed for the school construction for the new swamp school.  We all know this.  How can the School board, without having the proper funds move forward with committing to a contract when they do not have the money to do so?  Do you think they really care?  

Let's dig further into the local enquirer news story, the school board has a shortage of expected funding for hardening an area of the new swamp school.  What is hardening?  They are going to take a section of the school and ensure it is built to a code where that section of the school will withstand a category 2 hurricane.  But wait.  Why isn't the entire school being built to that standard?  A category 2 storm is what comes through here pretty much every year.  Isabel was a category 3.  Schools and homes withstood that for the most part.  But the school, according to the paper, will only be hardened in one area to withstand a 2.  That means we go back to the first step to rebuild another new school after the next big storm?

  Are these people serious?  They are already wasting your tax dollars on a new school that is not needed except by a local attorney who wants to make money off of his property across the street from what we see.  (That is only our opinion at this time).   Over 1,000 acres owned by local attorney Breckenridge Ingles.  

  They played a shell game on everyone telling us they need 5 million dollars for school repairs.  Money they had but spent it instead clearing out and refinishing another school they closed and are going to reopen as office space for themselves.  How is that about the children?  Are we all being held at gunpoint by these people?  Don't look to the local paper to figure this out for you, they know about it and won't cover it for any reason.  Instead they will just feed you the official spin.

The School Board is holding a ground breaking ceremony open to the public, September, 24th, 2013 at 4:00 PM.  Board of Supervisors expected to attend.  We recommend everyone show up with all the cash you have and just give all of it to them and plan on giving plenty more.  There is no reason for you to expect to keep any of it anymore.  If you do not have cash, bring your credit cards and allow them to max them out.  Do you have any investments?  Bring those too and be prepared to hand them over.  Title on your car free and clear?  Bring it to them and let them take out a title loan in your name.  Maybe they will have representatives from the payday loan places and you can sign for a loan letting the county take the cash while you get the payback note.  Bring your gold and silver or any other valuables you have and let County Officials pawn it in your name.  

  Sorry, they are not accepting your children though, they cost money to maintain.  Just send them to the swamp school for fun and games with all the frogs and snakes.  You might even get them back at the end of the day if the school does not play SS Titanic first and sink back into the swamp groundwater.

Don't take your eye off your loved ones if you attend.  No one want's another occurrence like the one above to happen again.

Our own recommendation to Gloucester Officials is do not delay in signing, sign the contract as fast as possible.  Then read the law afterward.  No one is watching.  Really. Take our word for it.

We are not lawyers and none of this is to be considered legal advice.  Only a COMPETENT attorney can advice you on legal matters.  Finding a competent attorney is another issue however.  Maybe we can all look to the Governor's race?  Yes that was a joke.

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