Sometimes digging around areas you find little gold nuggets. Well while we were digging around the county's special interest video archives, we found this little nugget and could not help but put it up for everyone to see. Being big fans of the American Revolution and the great job that many within the county did putting both Battle of the Hook reenactments together and making these events happen, we had no choice but to share this. This video is from the first event that occurred in 2008. We have not seen anything from the 2013 event. Which also reminds us, there is a brochure out circulating in the state of Virginia for Gloucester County tourism that lists Battle of the Hook as an event for 2014 and will be in October. It's a very old brochure and there will not be a 2014 Battle of the Hook event for 2014.
These events were very costly and very difficult to produce. It take about 5 years to get groups together for this kind of event. It takes at least one year just for the planning and staging. Would we love to see another one? Of course. Can it be done yearly? No way. Will there ever be another one? We are not counting on it, but would love to see it anyway. We have a very large selection of photos from both events posted all over the net and a decent number of videos too. We still have a lot we have not yet shared. One day we may get to them.
American Revolution a (Photo credit: Battleofthehook) |