Saturday, October 15, 2011

Event Productions - Gloucester, Virginia And Nationwide

We are now launching our event productions on a national level. We have contracted numerous people and groups ranging from magic shows to mermaids, music in just about every category, actors and actresses covering pretty much whatever you can think of, models, and more. We have worked out some deals with vendors and have even worked out deals on stages and land use for all kinds of productions. We offer events for any reason, corporate parties, product launches, grand openings and nearly everything else. Our people are in areas from Pennsylvania to the Keys in Florida. Some of our people do limit their travel as they have day jobs. However, our list of contracts is growing so if one of our people or groups can not cover your needs, we should have another who can.

We are also opening up an office in Pennsylvania to handle jobs in our Northern region. Let us entertain you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gloucester, Virginia Events And Attractions
The above is a link to our newest web site that is just under way. It is to become our events and attractions site. On this new section you will be able to view what past events looked like to see if going to the new ones would suit your tastes or not. It's loaded with videos and will be loaded with pictures and any additional information we think you may be able to use. It's the first site of it's kind and will be very extensive. We are kicking it off with 36 videos from the Renaissance Festival held here each year. Plus we will be embedding a slide show of new updated pictures into the site very soon.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

AWE Wrestling In Gloucester

This is one of two videos we just finished and published of the AWE wrestling from an event here in Gloucester. Enjoy.

Gloucester Antique Car Show

Well if you don't know about it by now then where have you been hiding? Every Friday night at the parking lot by the library on Main Street is the Gloucester car show. Sometimes it's a bomb and other times a treasure trove of automotive delights from yesteryear and today. This video is just a small part of our collection on some of the vehicles seen at this weekly event. Let us know if you want to see more. We have a huge collection of vehicles from numerous events here.

Gloucester Historic Courthouse Circle, Video

We just finished this video on the historic courthouse circle and are posting it here. We have just produced a large number of videos of Gloucester and are in the process of producing many more. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New World Order Has A New Dawn

One can not ignore the important work that Jordan Maxwell has contributed to the world, but one must look at both how and why he has made these contributions. The same can also be said for Alex Jones. Both give you unbelievable information as to what is going on in the world, the question is how are they getting away with telling these secrets and who is funneling this information to them? And why have they not been stopped by those with interests in not having this information get out?

Well the answer seems pretty clear. These people, like Jordan Maxwell and Alex Jones, are used to help bring in the new world order like it or not. You see, those above realize that we need what seems to be champions on our side, even when they are not. The works are important coming from Maxwell and Jones, but not always in the way that they are presented and or with the meanings that are on the surface of their contributions. One must ask what their real motives are and what they are trying to get from us, or are they trying to get us depressed and in a state of despair.

Watch them and study them, but realize that they have two agendas. They reveal some important truths but also impart us with lies and deceit to further the agenda of the new world order.

Interesting Video On Horses

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sheriff Steve Gentry Election Call

During certain elections we have a habit of calling the results before they are actually in. Well the one for local Sheriff is no different. We are already calling present sheriff Steve Gentry the winner of the upcoming election. Now we are not saying he does not have some tough competition on this round because he does. We just have a good inside track. We can't say congrats to him yet, but it's coming.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How Money Really Works Or A Brief History Of The World

You Can Set The Mind Free, Everything Else Costs Money!
Chuck Thompson of TTC Media

Let's have some fun today and set up a model society. Let's create a small independent town of say 100 people to keep it simple. Everything needed to maintain the town is in and around it, however, there is no money for trade. So what we are going to do is come into this town and set up banking so that this little town can trade amongst each other. We are going to infuse the town with an initial $100.00 for one year to handle all trade. No trading can be done without the official money our little bank creates. Everyone in town is thrilled with the idea.

So business goes about throughout the year and everyone is happy. The end of the year comes and it is time to call in all the money for the year so that we, the banker can get our interest on the money we put into the community. For the $100.00 we put up, the people of the town owe us $105.00. That means that some of the folks in town are going to have to give up a few things such as a car or a house or something to make up that difference. So we as the bank take over possession of these things and put a debit on the town for the $5.00. The next year we put the $100.00 back into the town and yet the town still owes us $5.00 even though we took possession of goods from several people. That possession is just collateral. The year goes by again and again we have the same results. Only now the town has a $10.00 debt on the books and we have more collateral.

Let's make this game a lot more interesting shall we? Well we want the town to think they are all doing well so we put the $100.00 back into the town and decide to add the original $10.00 debit back into the town to help fuel the economy. All of a sudden the town has extra cash for commerce despite lost collateral and a growing deficit. No one notices what is going on nor does anyone care because there is now extra money in the economy to trade with. Well those who have lost cars or homes are complaining so we decide to set up a care office for them that we finance the initial structure of to collect donations for those poor souls who have lost their goods. We blame them for poor money management and set up an administration fee for the care office that will go against the town's money. We charge the town $2.00 for this care office and we collect goodwill from the town's people to offset the poor saps who lost their place.

So another year ends and now the town owes us the usual $5.00 for the $100.00 plus they owe us an additional 50 cents for the extra $10.00 we put into their economy plus an additional 50 cents for the debt still owed on the first two years of non payment, plus $2.00 for the care center we set up. So on year three the town owes us $18.00. More people have to give up collateral. Now keep in mind that collateral does not pay the money debt, it simply stands on the books as money owed to us and we take possession of the collateral. Well in our little town, this isn't going to stand very good on year three if we keep taking away the town's resources so we decide to allow people to keep what they have and we set up a new savings and loan. Well that's at a cost to the town of another $2.00. The savings and loan allows people to maintain their collateral at a small additional cost from their yearly input.

Now we also decide that we want the town to grow so we put the $100.00 back into the town and add an additional $25.00 this year really firing up trade. At the end of the year the town owes us the usual $5.00 plus last year's $18.00 plus the $2.00 for the savings and loan and the $2.00 for the care center and an additional $1.25 for the additional $25.00 we pumped into the economy plus the interest on the $18.00 which equals $.90. So let's see, on year 4 the town owes us $29.15. Well most everyone is really happy with how the town is going so we begin year 5. So now let's make it really interesting. We put the usual $100.00 back into the economy plus the additional $25.00 plus we kick it up a notch by adding yet another $25.00 into the economy.

Because we are really kicking things up we also start to charge fees at the bank for these extra loans. The fees are above and beyond the usual interest rate and we justify the charges because we can. We also impose a new tax on the land that everyone must pay. Plus we have to set up a new office to collect the taxes. We charge the town another $2.00 for the set up and also charge the town $1.00 for the town employee that we must extract from the town. We pay the employee 25 cents per year on the $1.00 fee we collect for that person. We also have to extract another person from the town to run our savings and loan so assess the town yet another $1.00 for that employee and pay that employee 25 cents as well. We also charge the town yet another $1.00 for the employee we must have for the care center and we pay that person 15 cents per year. So we have removed 3 people from the towns commerce production creating a retail trader status of these new employees.

Well even though this is all starting to get a little confusing, remember, we have created the confusion and we are doing so by design. The people of the town are ecstatic about all the new capital in the town and growth is moving along despite the growing debt and collateral looses. End of year 5 we are not going to do the math above, we will just say that you now own half the town's resources. So now we are going to make it really interesting for year 6 and everyone is going to love us for it.

Year 6. We decide we really don't want you to know just how bad we have taken advantage of you so we are going to make you really happy over the next 4 years. We build an entertainment center and an art center all of which have fees to them and we also have to take more people out of the town's production system. We also start numerous news organizations that are designed to keep you occupied and off the track of what we are doing and all of these organizations promote us at every level. Yet more people out of the town's production system. We also start to infuse the town with new comers from some foreign town to help pick up the town's slack production. The town is growing. By year 10 not only is the town in debt for the usual $100.00, it also has more than tripled the original debt and the town now owes you over $300.00 above and beyond the usual $100.00 infusion for trade you began.

Some people are really starting to complain as they have figured out what has been done but no one hears them as they are all to busy with all the new games, entertainment and news. Year 11 begins with even a lot more fun. You create trade with other foreign towns and set up offices all of which costs each town the usual $2.00 and is assessed on each town the same. You also set up laws for trade and set up new offices for the governance of those laws and charge the people who earn fees from acting as middle men the foreign trade offices you set up and call them lawyers. These lawyers run the trade and pay you for the privilege. Remember you are also getting your money on the offices as well.

We can play this game to no end at every level. Welcome to our modern world. We can set inflation wherever we want and create economic downturns and upswings all by how we choose to infuse the economy. It isn't rocket science after all. It's just a matter of keeping good books to see who owes you what at any given time and playing the game as you want to play it. You created the game and you control every aspect of it. You create the growth and the destruction of growth. All the while you are taking more collateral out of thin air. But it still gets more interesting. Some of the towns you want to add into this game do not want to play, so you invade them and force them into the game. All done incrementally. Each invasion you set up new winners and new losers.

You determine and manipulate who gets the biggest piece of the pie in each town and who gets nothing. You decide what percentage of the town gives up housing, cars, resources of every type. And yet they still love you because you created all these great things to keep them occupied. You steal every part of their minds by controlling every aspect of entertainment, art and education. No one dares speak against you for fear of being the next victim. You have managed to take over the entire world by manipulating this game to no end. Those you have put at the top of the game keep everyone else in check should they dare challenge the game. You have even set up levels of conduct expected of your new slaves so that they can police each other at no further costs to you. Life is good if you rule the game. It sucks if you have been manipulated to the bottom. But in order for there to be winners, there must be those who lose everything. The ones who no longer have anything have been manipulated out of what they once had.

This game requires the takeover of everything in it's path. You can play this game forever. You can even justify removing the majority of the planets population to get them off the land and out of the resources you now own through manipulation and theft. After all, you worked hard to create the game and manipulate all the rules. Does this sound familiar? Unlike the game of Monopoly, where anyone can win through good luck and fortune, this game is stacked in one direction only. There must be poor people in order to have what looks like some winners and the rest in the middle. The ones in the middle have one end result only, to go straight to the bottom eventually. Even those at the very top of this manipulated game end up eventually at the bottom once all those in the middle have been wiped out. The one left standing is you the banker.

What is so amazing is that even those at the top of this game have yet to figure this out. If they have, they hope and pray that those in the middle do not get wiped out before they are gone or game over for them as well. Once you wipe out the middle, you may as well wipe them off the books for good to get them out of the way. Then you start an all new game with the few who were at the top of the last game and it all starts over again only this time with all new rules and you as owning pretty much everything. The question is, how is this one going to be played? You can bet the rules are not going to be as nice. By the way, how do you wipe the slack off the books for good? You destroy it through the most efficient means and bury the waste. That's why you need that top tier to remain. Someone needs to clean up after wiping the books. Looks like the new game is going to be a lot more fun for those left. Are you really interested in being at the top knowing what that means? The new game begins with clean up and then starts all over again which will require the last batch of winners all eventually going to the bottom. Your job if you are in the top tier at the end of the first game is to remain in the top tier of the second game and the third game. What no one ever figures out is that this game can not go on forever.

Yet here we are, all playing until it is our turn to be cast out. Once out, it's nearly impossible to come back. The cards have been stacked against you and you have been coded to remain at the bottom unless you have a magic card. But magic does not exist, just luck at that point. Now you know how the world really works. Banking, politics, commerce, trade, labor, entertainment, art, education and everything else under the sun is manipulated from the top of the banking empire and is directly controlled. Anything can be moved anywhere and any section of the world can be vastly changed over an incremental period of time. Entire nations can be built and destroyed at will. Entire processes from religion to work can be manipulated with ease over a period of time. It is those who control the banking empire who control the world and you gave them permission. Now they own you and you have no clue on what to do. Who gave them this power? We all did because we never learned the game.

Now that we know the game, they took everything already and now we are powerless against the machine we built at our expense and gave to them. Even the most intelligent amongst us did not figure this out until it was to late because they lied or covered up the rules they were going to play against us. The beauty of this game is that it uses a sense of honesty against ourselves. We are taught and are expected to be honest at every level yet those are not the rules they play by. Even knowing what has been played against us, we fight within ourselves as to what to do about it wanting to remain honest and fair. They know this and manipulate this to their advantage too.

Again the game is very simple. It is made complex to keep even the smartest person from ever figuring out the real rules. It does not matter how you do the math. In fact, the more complex you make it, the better. The end results are still the same. Your ownership of debt and collateral just continues to grow every year and those out in the towns continue to decline and give up what is theirs. What is not seen is that this game eventually leads to total destruction of all life on the planet, even by those who rule this game. They are manipulated into thinking the game can be played forever.

Either way, this is the game that the majority of the world is presently under and the rest of the world is in conflict over. Or in other words, why wars are really being waged. The majority of people really do not care what form of government, banking, trade or commerce is in place as long as they are left alone to have some sort of comfortable living not realizing that they are part of the game and are manipulated in it at every level and the exact reason why everyone should know and understand this very simple game. Once you understand the basics, you can see how easy it is to manipulate everything in sight. If you have an answer on how to stop this game, the world is waiting and really can not afford to wait any longer. The world answered this once and only once. It's called the United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Now only memories as it has all been supplanted by other laws that have taken over and rendered it a distant memory that will soon disappear forever. You won't even learn about it in the history books as it gets removed. This system depends and thrives on the destruction of people's live in order to succeed. Without it, the system would collapse.

Fools, aren't we all. Play ball.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Coming Economic Collapse Is Being Stated Everywhere

This video explains what we have been saying if you watch it all the way through.

Occupy Wall Street, A Closer Look

A look inside of what is really going on down at the Wall Street location in New York City. This is the beginning of a world wide revolution. What we all must be careful about is triggering World War 3. I say this as I see it as part of the lead in to it. The NWO wants these protests to happen and turn into world wide violence. It's part of their protection plan designed to take away the remaining liberties and freedoms we have left that will be offered as the financial markets worldwide collapse.

This is all by design and carefully manipulated by the same people who are going to offer you their protection from what they are putting us all through. These are the same people who tell you that capitalism is still alive in America but is in serious trouble. Capitalism was destroyed over 50 years ago and the present state is the collapse of Socialism just before it turns into communism. It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. Those are Hollywood parties designed to keep you off the real issues. Now you don't have a choice as the world around you is caving in from every angle.

It's time to pay attention and start looking at what is really going on and what is about to take place. You are being lied to from the Main Stream Media and you can no longer afford their poor services.

Euro About To Crash, Dollar Only Three Weeks Away

Well now you have not been seeing this on the local or national news. You have to travel outside of the America's to get this news by an American. If the Euro does in fact crash, the dollar will crash within 3 weeks of the Euro. Afterwards will be the announcement of the NWO coming to eveyone's rescue. Don't you believe it. See our earlier post on the 21 protocols of world domination and then you will understand what is coming.

It's The Alternative Media That Is Now Breaking The News, Occupy Wall Street

It's sad that it now takes the alternative media, which we are a part of, to break the news. It also takes us all coming together to get the news out to you. SO we are bringing you the news that the main stream refuses to view as they want to control what you know and what you do not know.

You Can Not Trust The Main Stream Media

The above video just goes to show that you can not trust main stream media. They know what is best for you. Your to stupid to know any better so just sit back and let them do the thinking for you. They constantly and obviously lie to us all but hey, it's on TV so it must be true.

Ron Paul Explains The Constitution Once Again

It's a sad day when you only have one political leader who knows the law of the land and has to explain it to everyone else.

More Inside Dirt On Rick Perry

If you want your vote to count, do not vote for one of the New World Order nominee's. Those picked to be president before you even get to vote. Obama winning the election was foretold long before an election was even held and we even went on line and reported this. We had our post dates removed while the posts stayed up. This is unheard of. It's already been said that Rick Perry will become our new President. Your vote does not count. He's been picked for you. Is that acceptable to you?

What's The Deal With Rick Perry?

Anyone buying into the Rick Perry deal? This guy is just another puppet of the masters. No thanks.

News You May Have Missed. Ron Paul

Ron Paul. He just makes sense. Rick Perry? Run for the hills and as fast as you can.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Descendants of Pocahontas
Many claim to be descendants to Pocahontas, above is the link that prove whether they are or not. Chances are very high they are not. Thomas Rolfe was the only son of John and Rebecca Rolfe. Rebecca being the Anglo Saxon name of Pocahontas. So the link will take you to John Bolling who was the only son of Robert Bolling who married Jane Rolfe, the only offspring of Thomas Rolfe. It's not hard to trace folks.

Gloucester, Virginia In The Civil War

Gloucester, Virginia played a significant part in the Civil War. For those who are not aware of this, it was here in Gloucester that the first shots of the civil war in Virginia were fired and they happened down by the Gloucester Point beach. The above video is from the 150th anniversary event held here in Gloucester back in May of 2011 showing the event. Enjoy.

Jordan Maxwell Explains A Great Deal About Our Legal System In This Video

Change is happening all around us and many feel that it is not in a good direction. Part of our own missions is to help you sort through all the information and get news you just will not find on the main stream media news channels. Why not? Because they are complicit in the change.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pocahontas Link On Wikipedia
The above is the link to Pocahontas on Wikipedia. We used this site and this page as part of our early research along with some others.
The research on this site is deep and plausible with plenty of links to other sites as well. In the mean time we will continue to do our research and bring you our findings.

Pocahontas, Moving Closer To The Truth?

When one starts digging through all the information out there, one begins to build a new picture of what really happened in earlier times. This video was also well researched and kicks the movie done about Jamestown, Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. But again, digging must continue until we are able to establish the best possible picture based on the best possible evidence. Links will be coming soon so that everyone can follow and build their own conclusions.

Pocahontas And Jamestown Alternative Historical Views

Here is an interesting video also found on You Tube that has a different take on early English history. Unless you have documents in front of you that are authenticated as original of the period, who can actually say what is true? We ran into a great deal of difficulty when just drafting our brief history of Gloucester. There are conflicts all over and a multitude of alternative stories to the one's we have been taught in school. It is not to suggest that the information in the above video is not correct, it was obviously well researched and produced. It also makes a lot of sense and does not fit into our own history books teachings. If there is anything we have learned in life, everything is subject to interpretation and somewhere in the middle the truth of one person lies but proves to be the lies of another.

It was all the conflicts that we found while doing our tiny piece that has prompted us to further investigate Gloucester history and present as much information as possible about it. We have also found that sites that once existed and was a part of our research are no longer active and have been abandoned. If we are able to, we will pick up those areas and create new sites and tie them together.

Some of the major issues that we face today in our research is that Jamestown was burnt to the ground by Nathaniel Bacon, destroying valuable records. Not all of early English American history were destroyed but a great deal was. Piecing it all together has been a very difficult task at best and the task is still ongoing. What is interesting is that Jamestown was not the first settlement tried in North America. Many attempts were made and were failures, but that in itself is food for yet another article.

A Brief History of Chief Powhatan and Pocahontas Video

Here is a brief history on Chief Powhatan and Pocahontas found on You Tube that was sponsored by the folks over at Jamestown.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Brief History of Gloucester, Virginia - Notes

Below this post is a story on the Brief History of Gloucester, Virginia. We have posted a link at the very bottom of this site to a copy of the original work. It is on line and can be sent anywhere. You are free to copy and use it in it's entirety without alterations to it whatsoever. You may add notes to it when you send it to others, but you may not change any of it's contents. We will be dedicating a larger part of this site to the history of Gloucester with more stories and links. We hope you enjoy the site.

A Brief History of Gloucester, Virginia

From the earliest of English history in the US to modern day technological advancements, Gloucester County, Virginia is in the forefront of the silent history that impacts the world.
This brief history will show you how and why.

By; Chuck Thompson of TTC Media

United States English American history begins with the landing at Jamestown, Virginia. Less than 30 miles away from what is now known as Gloucester, Virginia. The new English frontier begins in Jamestown but is superseded by native American history of Gloucester, Virginia where Pocahontas was born in 1595 to chief Powhatan. Pocahontas, aka Matoaka, her real given name, was responsible for saving the life of Captain John Smith and building the first bridges of understanding between the Native American's and English settlers. Pocahontas married John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia and lived with him on his tobacco plantation in Henrico County, Virginia until they moved to England where she died a year later from small pox.

Gloucester County or Werowocomoco, was the seat of Powhatan's Confederacy of 30 tribes or about 12,000 to 15,000 Native Americans until around 1609. The location of Powhatan's chimney in the area of Wicomico in Gloucester County, was first thought to be the site of Powhatan's seat of power, but has since changed to further north in the county around Ark and Purtan Bay area.

It is hard to pinpoint exact present locations of early American history as land values have changed dramatically throughout time. Counties such as Gloucester were once part of York County which was also a part of James Citti an area that held Jamestown as the seat of government and encompassed land all the way out to West Point and included Williamsburg, Yorktown, Gloucester and others at one time. Present day Mathews county was once a part of Gloucester County. So again, even early Gloucester history is partially skewed by past and present day boundary lines that did not exist in earlier times.

Early history shows that Gloucester was a part of the tobacco trade and plantations flourished throughout the county taking advantage of this lucrative business. Fairfield Plantation was established in 1642 by Lewis Burwell and was a part of the many tobacco plantations of the early colonies. Tobacco back in that era was as good as cash.

1651 – Gloucester County is formed off of York County and established. The county is named after Henry Stuart, Duke of Gloucester, third son of King Charles 1st of Great Britain. Daffodils are planted around the county that later become significant to future history.

1657 – Warner Plantation is established by Augustine Warner, the grandfather of George Washington.

1667 – Fortifications are built at Tyndal Point to serve as a protection location of the York River. Tyndal Point is presently known as Gloucester Point.

1674 – Nathaniel Bacon begins his famous “Rebellion”.

1676 – Nathaniel Bacon burns Jamestown to the ground. He and half his troops run for cover in Gloucester, Virginia while the other half run to nearby Surry, Virginia to hide out. On October 26th he dies of Dysentery in Gloucester County. Where is not known.

1715 – 1773 World renowned botanist John Clayton comes to Gloucester, Virginia with his father from England. He also serves as clerk of the county. Many books today still site his research.

1725 – Mann Page begins Rosewell Plantation in what is presently known as the Rosewell Ruins. The Page family is considered one of the first families of Virginia. Rosewell is considered the most elaborate home ever built in the colonies and was designed to exceed the Governor's Palace that was just built in Williamsburg in every level of luxury and amenities. The home, (now ruins), is of tremendous historical importance in our nation's history. John Page, grandson of Mann Page went to the college of William and Mary in Williamsburg and was close friends with Thomas Jefferson who spent a great deal of time at this site. It is said that early drafts of the Declaration of Independence were created here.

John Page went on to become Governor of Virginia and also served in the American Revolution attaining the rank of colonel. Meetings between John Page, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were a normal occurrence.

1781 – Battle of the Hook takes place here in Gloucester that essentially hinders Lord Cornwallis's escape route from the coming American and French armies. Surrender by the British occurs both in Yorktown and in Gloucester.

1851 – Dr Walter Reed is born here. Dr. Reed is famous as the medical hero who discovered the cause for and cure of Yellow Fever.

1861 – The first shots of the Civil War in Virginia are fired from Gloucester Point. It was well understood that protecting the York River from a northern invasion was very important as the York is an easy access point to Richmond via West Point. A northern ship trying to sail up the York River was fired on and rendered helpless moving over to the York County side of the river staying away from further enemy fire.

1930's and 1940's. Gloucester is named the “Daffodil Capital of America”. Annual festivals are still held each year celebrating this vibrant flower.

1940 – VIMS or the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences is founded here. Part of the college of William and Mary, VIMS impacts the world with it's research findings and it's work is much sought after around the globe.

1952 – The George P Coleman Bridge is opened to traffic. Rebuilt in record time in 1995 to create more lanes for traffic, this bridge once it was finished was the largest in the world at the time. Today it ranks largest of it's kind in the United States and Second in the world but it's about to become third place. It is a double swing span bridge that extends almost 90 feet above water at it's highest area.

Present day. Gloucester as one can clearly see, has been at the forefront of history that has had great effects on both the nation and the world around us and yet it's all in the background of the history books if mentioned at all. Gloucester continues this great tradition today and who knows what the future holds? If history is a key indicator, then Gloucester will continue it's greatness but maybe, just maybe, no longer in the footnotes of the history books but instead at the front of the history books.

Gloucester County government sponsors events throughout the year celebrating it's great history and now you know what pride exists amongst it's residents.

Halloween and Christmas Countdown Clocks Now Here

We just installed countdown clocks on the site that tell you how much time is left before Christmas and another one that tells you how much time is left before Halloween. They are towards the bottom of this site on the right hand side. The time is ticking so make sure you have everything you need before these all important dates. Once Halloween is over we will install one for Thanksgiving. It's all in fun.

Save The Chesapeake Bay! From..... What?

Efforts to save the bay costs all of us money.
The question is, are we actually doing any good?

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

We here the banter all the time and have plenty of government interference in our lives in very seriously flawed ways in which we are all held responsible for saving the bay. Yes I said we are all held responsible and we are all forced to pay for ways that are said to save the bay. The problem is that these injuries inflicted on us have nothing to do with saving the bay whatsoever and only serve to cause potential serious health issue later on down the road. Something else we will be forced to pay for it's clean up but not until after a serious health crisis ensues. What am I referring to? The watersheds being constructed all over. Every business being put up must build a watershed so that water does not run off the property and potentially contaminate the bay. What a seriously flawed plan that is. You are actually being blamed for nature.

How dare you be born and live on the earth you dirty rotten piece of filth you. It is you that is contaminating the bay just by being alive. A government run amok that very often accuses it's citizens for the ravages of nature or the destruction of corporations on the planet is a well thought out and played plan used against the people all the time. But getting back to the serious flaw of the watersheds is the fact that these watersheds are breeding grounds for bacteria, the kind that cause dysentery and potential death should we try to drink that water. That isn't the worst part. It is also a breeding ground for mosquito's that could very well bring back the dreaded Yellow Fever, bring in malaria and a host of other serious life threatening diseases. What guineas came up with this idea of building watersheds all over was either incredibly nave or horribly guilty of understanding these issues all to well.

Watersheds that prevent run off from land where the bay is potentially poisoned is plain old insane. Run off from land is the least of the problems for the bay. Over a century of industrialization and modernization are more responsible for the bay's ill health than ten thousand years of water run off from the lands. All one has to do is look at the tributaries that feed the bay to see where the real problems are coming from. In today's modern technological world, this is now very easy to do. All one has to do is trace what is along the tributaries to the bay on Google Earth and one will find a plethora of industries producing everything under the sun. There are numerous nuclear power plants along the tributaries, old leather tanneries, chemical plants, and all kinds of manufacturing plants.

Let's look at a close tributary manufacturing plant's contributory impact on the bay. In West Point, Virginia along the York river is a paper manufacturer. Outside the plant are thousands of log trees that have to be chipped down to saw dust in order to create pulp for paper. The chipping of the wood creates a very acidic environment in the water that is extremely intense. Let's examine how this works. If a tree dies or gets knocked down by a storm and falls into a river, there is a slow progress in breaking down the tree into it's organic compounds and only creates a very low acidic level over a long period of time in the water. When a tree is chipped, it's compounds are released much faster and in a more concentrated form. Looked at another way, if you took a sugar cane stalk and dipped the entire stalk into a large bucket of water, only a small amount of it's sweetness would be released into the water over a period of time. The moment you grind up the sugar cane stalk into a powder, you can quickly release much higher levels of sweetness into the water at much faster rates.

The paper plant is creating very high levels of acidity in the water around the plant and that water works it's way all the way down the York river wrecking havoc all along it's path and this river is a tributary to the bay. Now in fairness to the paper plant, I want what they produce and it's products that this plant produces that many people throughout the nation use and may not even realize it. It's a trade off that is part of the process of industrialization and modernization. Yes there are trade offs that must be made. Is it possible to stop any and all organic pollution of wood chips going into the river and causing high levels of acidity on the water that destroys plant and fish life? Yes, but at a cost that no one is willing to pay. A smarter way to offset the acidic conditions the paper plant create is to lime the local area.

Now again, this is only one plant along one tributary feeding into the bay and this one is a mild case where the pollutants are organic. There are other plants along the tributaries that produce synthetic pollutants that are much more destructive. Again, all one has to do is travel along the tributaries using Google Earth to see more than you could ever handle. What you also will learn that even if you built watersheds all over the nation, you have a zero sum chance of ever stopping run off into the tributaries of the bay that have more impact on the bay than those who live along the bay. We should all be concerned? Let's look at present news that are now on the headlines. This article has been in the works for several weeks and now is the best time for us to release it as there is now a major mud problem stemming from the tributaries that are now impacting the bay and will consume the entire bay over the next few weeks.

Run off from properties all along the tributaries of the bay are causing issues that have many concerned for the bay's health. It's called nature. Yeah, let's worry about that. Let's blame all of Virginia and Maryland for the issues of nature and industrialization and modernization. Let's put the costs and blame on the citizenry of these states for the havoc nature and manufacturing plants cause. Let's blame everyone and everything else. The bay is polluted, welcome to the effects of the 19th and 20th centuries on present day life. Over fishing has been a mild contributor but not to the effects blamed. But a bad guy is always needed in every good story and you are it. Welcome to the Green World of Environmentalism. Where you are the problem. Why we are part of the Orange movement and are one hundred percent anti green. The world works from the bottom up, not the top down. You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can not fool all the people all the time. We are not fooled and will continue to blast the insanity that surrounds us. History is replete with revolutions that always start from the bottom and work their way up removing undesired leadership. The new information revolution is alive and growing.

It's time to remove the insane restrictions put upon the people whom live along the bay and it's tributaries and put the blame of it's ill's on the real areas. It's time to stop signing the songs of the Environmentalists who are the biggest environmental polluters. Go orange not green.

On a final note about the watersheds being placed and the issues of growing bacterial concerns. Won't these contaminants run down into people's own wells? If the contaminants do seep into people's well water, who is going to pay for new wells or fixing the issues? Old problems are not being solved, instead new problems and higher costs are being implemented with no answers for the coming issues and impacts of poor planning.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Great Time To Avoid Buying A House

Well this post should prove to make a lot of Real Estate professionals very upset with us. You are being sold everywhere that now is the best time ever to buy a house. Interest rates have never been lower. I would rather pay higher interest rates on a property that I know will appreciate than to pay a lower interest rate on a property that will continue to depreciate especially in light of the next market bubble burst that only so called experts will tell you they saw coming after the fact. Yes there will be another bubble burst. It's already under way but gets little to no press coverage at all. After all, everyone still wants your cash.

On average, homes have fallen fifty percent of their value of a 2006 high price point. That's the national average. Prices have yet to fully fall here in this area. Don't fool yourself into thinking they won't despite stories in the press otherwise. Rental prices are at all time highs and continuing to go up as more people continue to get kicked out of their homes. There will be market adjustments in a few years here as well. Most people these days are upside down in their mortgages on their houses. Jobs are still being lost and not replaced at an alarming rate with no fix in site.

Many people are walking away from their houses and letting the banks take the eat the negative balance. Problem here is that the banks are making a profit on these homes and on foreclosures. So it's no nothing to them that you walk away. It's just your credit that takes the bath. The banks can sell these newly acquired homes in the red and still make a profit from them as you the tax payer are already paying these bailout costs. Your crying because of presently proposed tax increases? Who do you think is footing all these bills? They are coming one way or another like it or not.

Smart investors are picking up these houses for pennies on the dollar that is well below a fifty percent reduction in present prices. How long do you think this can go on before it hits the value of your home? It is without question a buyers market and a buyer can easily walk away from any deal or make offers that dramatically call into question the present value of your home and it is. You just do not know it yet. County assessments are artificially inflated to maintain the present tax base otherwise you would be screaming at the new hikes in taxes you are paying now anyway based on the real value of your home.

Want to have some real fun? Challenge your assessment with the county on your present home value. If enough people do this, values will be re done to reflect the actual value of your home and tax hikes will kick in to maintain present levels. Opps, no one else is explaining any of this to you now are they? So again, you must look at all the market forces that make up a homes value, an important one is people with enough income to pay what you are asking. Something that no longer exists as it once did. Jobs that allow enough people to make enough money to buy a home have gone into major decline with no new ones to replace them. So how long do you think it will be before a market correction on present over inflated prices hits and your home value crashes? Well Alice, you can live in dreamland for as long as you want, but you can't escape what is going on around you.

The only way we can see buying a home in the present economy is if one pays cash for it and buys it with the intent on living there and it is a dream house. Otherwise you are going to end up upside down in the home with no hope in sight. This of course is not the news that the real estate brokers want you to read, and they will do everything they can to disprove this storyline or show you the flaws. Use your own common sense and look at the economy around you asking the tough questions, then ignore what the broker has to say unless the broker is retired and has no financial interests in selling you anything.

Free $200.00 Dinner

If you think it's really free then we need to talk

Today's investment climate is sure to make you poor
Chuck Thompson of TTC Media

You are invited to a free dinner at Crystal's Diamond Palace. The catch, you must own your home or must at least be actively and presently looking to buy your first home. Plus you must have an asset portfolio of one hundred thousand dollars and have an additional thirty thousand in cash conversion equivalents. (How else do you expect to pay our fees?) Welcome to the money store jingles raging across the nation. Self proclaimed financial experts implying they know money better than you do. Well at least they know how to get their hands on other people's money better than you do anyway.

If you are a sucker enough to buy into the storyline, you can expect a great night of constant low pressure sales techniques designed to show you how dumb you are and how smart they are. You will be sold on concepts that show you how to part with your money under the guise of making and keeping more of your money and building a sounder nest egg for when you retire. Good luck on that. One recent person we heard was advocating taking your 15 year mortgage and turning it into a thirty year one to free up monthly cash flow. Wait there is more. If you roll your high interest credit card debt and even your car payments that is not tax deductible into the new 30 year mortgage and it now becomes partially tax deductible, you will save a fortune.

Sounds smart huh? Wait there is more, but you have to come to the free dinner to get the entire scoop. Have you figured out the con yet or are you hungry for more? If you are hungry for more, go git yer free dinner. We have freed up over $500.00 monthly cash for one of our clients using this technique alone. (Costing that poor sap a huge fortune). Let's break this down just where we are now and see how you will loose a ton of money on what sounds like a very smart idea. First off, re structuring your mortgage is going to cost money. I don't have to have any financial interests in any mortgage company to make a big fat fee from steering you towards them.

Second, extending any credit, even at longer and lower terms costs more than paying them off sooner. You think buying a house is a wise investment? You bought that house thirty years ago for fifty thousand dollars and now it's worth two hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Smart investment huh? Until you add up all the monthly payments you paid during the lifetime of that mortgage and found out that you paid three hundred and twenty thousand dollars for that two hundred and fifty thousand dollar house. What? You didn't think the bank understood appreciation of assets when they wrote that loan thirty years ago? So you are still upside down in your smart investment. You would have been better off buying that corvette.

A fifteen year loan does not carry as much of an interest bearing burden as a thirty year fixed lower interest loan does. The sooner you get rid of any loan, the better off you are going to be. What is more profitable, a four year twenty five percent loan or a thirty year four percent loan? Answer, a thirty year 4 percent loan is more profitable to the bank and more expensive to you. Higher interests rates are charged for depreciating assets. Lower interest rates are charged for appreciating assets. So rolling over a depreciating asset and refinancing it into an appreciating asset insures the bank against loss while you pay more.

But hey, after paying those refinance fees that just put you deeper into debt, you have more cash to play around with. So now these financial experts are going to show you how to make money with your new found money. (Ah, more finders fees paid to them). You are shown the way to financial freedom and are instructed to cut up all but maybe one of your credit cards. Smart no matter what your situation is. I recommend cutting them all up and not even saving the one. So now you are directed into the investment market. Account setup fees and transaction fees abound. But you are building your nest egg now in sound financial instruments. How smart you have become and how good it's been for you to listen to these folks.

And the choices. Not one when truly researched sound no matter how good they look on paper. Let's look at market portfolios that invest in everything from pork bellies to stocks to bonds. All spread out over an entire array of fields. Cuts the risk. Well, it cuts the risk of the managers, not yours. These portfolios may make a huge amount of money, but by the time everything is cut up and their fees taken out and costs divided up, you are lucky if you stayed just below inflation. Turns out what is on paper is not what actually comes down to you. But now you have more fees to pay that are not covered by your meager profits that eat further at what you are trying to build. Those fees are your account fees and have nothing to do with your investments except where your investments are held. But hey, next years market will be better. And remember, your investment friends can not be held responsible for market corrections that are going to wipe you out next year before you pay more administrative fees to your broker along with account fees.

Your new mortgage in the mean time has been sold several times to other companies that have created derivatives out of it. Your last payment as it turns out went to the wrong company and now you are a month behind on your mortgage and your credit takes a hit. More fees and higher rates because of this. But hey, your investments will pick up the difference. Now that you are in the hole deeper than ever before, at least you had more spending money and still have some of it left over even though you have gotten even deeper into credit debt and are now potentially facing being laid off as your company moves operations overseas. But hey, your a smart perso0n and these strategies came along at a great time, so maybe there is hope for some new strategies. Well I have just the perfect opportunity for you. Turns out there is this bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

So let me just finish by saying that I am more than happy to spend two hundred dollars up front to show you that I am smarter than you with the use of charts and knowing that by the end of the night I have you hooked into bringing me about two thousand dollars in fees all the while selling out your future. Yup, your a pretty smart person for buying into this. By the way, that two hundred dollar dinner only costs me thirty five dollars and I have just structured a deal to pull an additional eight hundred dollars out of one in five that I get on board. Cheers.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Scott Petty With The US Coast Guard Update

We have just learned that Scott Petty with the US Coast Guard, a division of Homeland Security, works in the legal department in Norfolk, Virginia. This is the guy we have been reporting about with all the illegal fireworks and the way he uses them as well as our last report where he tried to pick a fist fight with a female neighbor. Here is a guy that should obviously know better based on the fact he works in the legal department. Apparently this guy thinks he is above the law? This is frightening.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gloucester County man arrested for soliciting sex from a minor on Facebook, Story From WTKR News

This Story from WTKR News

A Gloucester County Sheriff's Office investigation led to the arrest of Werter Gregory Wright, 43, who has been accused of communicating with a minor on Facebook and making inappropriate, sexual comments to the teen.

He was arrested at his Newport News home in the 12700 Block of St. George Street and has been charged with three felony counts of use of a communications device to solicit a minor for certain sexual offenses.

A 16-year-old female told police that she had been communicating with Wright, who took school pictures at several schools on the Northern Neck, through Facebook. The teenager indicated that Wright made several inappropriate comments of sexual nature to her.

Police went undercover and started communicating with Wright where several conversations between and undercover investigator took place.
Authorities searched Wright’s residence and seized several items including a computer, external hard drive and a cell phone.

Wright is now being held without bond at the Gloucester County Jail.

Wright was using the Facebook account “” and the Yahoo Account

Anyone with information on Wright or has had any juveniles who may have had contact with him on any of these accounts is asked to contact Lt. Little at Gloucester Sheriffs Office at 804-693-1100 or Investigator Taylor with Richmond County Sheriffs Office at 804-333-5646.

Man Charged In burglaries, Story From The Virginia Pilot

By Cindy Clayton
The Virginian-Pilot
© September 14, 2011


A 24-year-old man has been charged in connection with several larcenies and burglaries last month.

Christopher Michael Hatton, of the 4100 block of Cappahosic Road, was charged with two counts of burglary, two counts of grand larceny, two counts of misdemeanor credit card fraud and one count of petty larceny, a news release from the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office says. He is free on a $10,000 bond.

Cash, credit cards and GPS units were stolen during overnight larcenies and burglaries in the 6700 block of Havers Hall Road and the 6700 block of Paramount Court on Aug. 21, the release says.

Surveillance cameras later captured video of the stolen credit cards being used at area convenience stores.

Gloucester County Public Events Calendar Now Up And Updated

On the top right hand side, that little calendar you see there is a public calendar that shows upcoming events for and around Gloucester County. At the bottom right hand side of the calendar is a Google Calendar button, if you click on it, it will take you to a full size page of the calendar itself and you can go through it based on a single day, one week or one month. The calendar can be printed out as well making life very easy should you want to make sure you want to remember a given event.

Coming soon will be a way for you to sign up for text messaging for upcoming events. Plus we will be making announcements here on this site and when we can, we will include pictures and video from previous events to give you an idea of what the present one will be like. Now having attended many events here in Gloucester, even though the event title may be the same year in and year out, the event structures are usually a bit different than from previous years.

Almost forgot a very important feature. Google maps is embedded into the calendar so if you would like directions to the event, just click on the Google map button and it will map everything out for you. Now how is that for simple? Plus we have our own Google Map embedded into this site, so you can always use that to find anything in and around Gloucester.

Because this is a free public calendar, we will be happy to post other events not listed either through Gloucester County's government web site or Gloucester Main Street's calendar. We will also be happy to post pictures or video or both if you have them. Just send us an email and we will get back with you shortly. There is an email section on the right hand of this site towards the bottom so contacting us is very easy.

Guinea Jubilee Starts Friday Night September 23rd, 2011 At 7:30 PM

The Guinea Jubilee will begin Friday night at 7:30 PM in Bena and will remain open until 10:00 PM. Saturday the day kicks off early starting at 7:30 AM and lasting throughout the day until 9:30 PM. This is a top notch seafood festival that many look forward to each year and this year should be no disappointment. For more information, click the link above to go to the official web site for the event.

Civil War Re Enactments, Historic Courthouse Circle, September 24th, 2011

Being held at the Gloucester County Historic Courthouse Circle September 24th, 2011 from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM will be a Commemoration of the African American's Fight For Their Own Freedom event. Above is a list of the days events. From personal experience, Gloucester does an amazing job building and hosting events throughout the county. The issues are getting the word out to the public about these events. Well there are a number of us now working on fixing that issue. The major problem is budget constraints within the county. We promote Gloucester County and county events for free. This particular event will probably be a one time shot being the 150th anniversary of the Civil War here in the United States. So everyone everywhere has been producing unique one of a kind events throughout the nation because of this fact.

This is a great time to see a different side of history not often portrayed in other Civil War re enactments. The event itself is historical and deserve great support. So send this information on to as many people as possible and help spread the word.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Heading For Guinness World Records With Fife and Drum Videos

We are Heading to Guinness World Book of Records. We have already registered on the Guinness web site and posted our new challenge. What are we shooting for? World Record of the most Fife and Drum videos shot, produced and published in one year. We already hold the title for producing and publishing the most Fife and Drum videos on the Internet today. It's time to take it to a new level. The start of the new challenge begins January 1st, 2012 and ends on December 31st, 2012. We have set up a new blog site to chronicle the events, will be adding a new calendar to the site to show where we will be shooting on any given day and we will also launch a new video channel on You Tube to host all the videos for 2012.

Our goal will be to shoot and produce no less than 300 videos during the year. One camera, one person, one goal. Winner takes the title.

Monday, September 12, 2011

US Coast Guards Scott Petty In The News Again

The above clip is of Scott Petty of the US Coast Guard blowing off illegal fireworks. This is just a partial clip but shows the illegal fireworks going off in his back yard. We have some updates to this story and another one coming soon. First we want to thank Congressman Rob Wittman for stepping up and sending to the Coast Guard our complaint on this guy. We received a letter from Congressman Wittman's office along with a letter from the US Coast Guard informing us that they are now holding an ongoing investigation regarding Scott Petty.

Well our own continuing investigation shows that this guy stoops to some very low levels. I mean really low levels. What we learned. Scott Petty tried to pick a fist fight with one of his neighbors. Okay, no big deal you say? The neighbor is a woman. This woman decided that instead of trying to fight back, she would report him to the Coast Guard. What she got for reporting this guy was backlash from the US Coast Guard. Joseph Sedoti, US Coast Guard RAC, started a harassment campaign against her in the name of a so called investigation. When the woman's husband stepped in a week later, Joseph Sedoti claims he never opened nor was looking to open an investigation.

Wait, the US Coast Guard got involved but had no intention of doing an investigation? This guy harassed a civilian just because he was conducting backlash? Well we have sent this information to Congressman Wittman's office so that he may forward it to the US Coast Guard as part of the ongoing investigations they have against Scott Petty. If you think this is over or that you have seen how low this guy really sinks, you have not seen anything yet. We are finishing up yet another news story on this guy that is even worse than this one.

Scott likes to use and abuse his friends in the wrong places. One such case was sending a police officer to investigate the so called illegal video we did of Scott shooting off illegal fireworks and then giving us permission to show the video to his boss. The police officer was not acting under authority of his boss but instead on his own behalf using his uniform to intimidate. He claimed to have seen the video but yet it was clear he hadn't. This isn't the next story we have for you. It's just one of many sideline stories we have on this guy.

We said it before, this guy is a neighborhood terrorist. Our next story will show you how deep it all goes. Do we really need people like him serving in Homeland Security? That should scare everyone.

Green Cleaning Products You Can Believe In

As any of you whom have been following this site for some time know, we are anti green. So much so that we use the term that we are orange. You have to see our other post on this for further details. With that said, one of our arguments forever and a day has been that most manufacturers that claim to be green or going green are far from green at all. The products still contain harmful chemicals and they ship a lot of water with them which we already have enough of thank you.

Once in a while we actually see a company that has made serious in roads to true green technology and are making products that make sense even to us on the orange side. Two companies come to mind. Amway with it's LOC product also known as Liquid Organic Cleaner, sold in concentrated form where they are not shipping a lot of water and now Shaklee who ships even less water with their new H2 product. This is the link to Shaklee's page for their H2 organic cleaning product. We have no connections to Shaklee nor do we want any. We were just very impressed with this offering and it makes true sense. Non toxic. Bio Degradable, highly concentrated, not shipping a bunch of water, multi use product with zero sum side effects.
Now L.O.C. has changed since we were last aware of what it was called, but they still make the same product but have expanded on the product line and now call it Legacy of Clean. The Multi Purpose Cleaner is the one that was always a favorite. Again, we have no ties to Amway and we do not want any either. We can not stand the Multi Level marketing game. Places products cost to high in order to pay everyone out on the various levels. If I wanted to sell these items at retail, the markup on them isn't there to make it worth our time. Selling the items wholesale to any business makes zero sense as then there is no markup at all. You have to sell at your own cost which makes no sense at all.

You may get a bonus at the end of the month because of volume? Big deal, no thanks. These products make sense for what they are and what they do, but for buying them through a network? Again, a pain. I don't want to buy from someone who will try and sell me a lousy business op all the time, or sell me at full retail. I'd rather buy it on line without the hassle of having to deal with any dealers or buy it in a store. So there you have it. If you want green products that make sense and work, you have to deal with a bunch of other stuff you may not be able to stand.

One day maybe someone will get it right. In the mean time, here's to the orange revolution sticking our thumbs down to the green movement.

Affordable Ink Cartridges For HP, Kodak, Lexmark, Epson, Canon And Others

One of the issues that has bothered us as of late is the constant rising costs of ink cartridges without competition to slow the prices. There was a time when you could go into most retailers and find an off brand cartridge for your printer that didn't cost nearly as much as the name brand cost. Most retailers these days have made deals with the manufacturers though to no longer carry the off brand cartridges leaving us no choice but their own high priced offers. Kodak and HP lead the field in the best prices for replacement ink on the market today, but that is not competition. Competition is when there are competing manufacturers of the same product.

So we have done our research and found that Ink Grabber is one of the best deals around to find alternative manufacturers for ink cartridges made by alternative manufacturers for the printer you presently use. A fair enough argument can be made that the off brand manufacturers do not use the same quality inks as the name brand uses, however, it makes little to no difference if you are printing text pages with minimal pictures and will only be using the pages for a short period of time for your work. Now if you are printing say top end pictures that you want to last for years to come, then you may want to consider the higher prices, otherwise why would you bother to spend more for less?

Another alternative that we will mention is that Walgreen's refills ink cartridges for a fair price. However, I rarely find that they can refill the ones we use the most such as Kodak. If they can refill yours, color is usually only $12.00 per cartridge. If you find a better deal on line, buy it on line then.

Again, we like Ink Grabber because they carry an alternative manufacturer for our Kodak ink at a cost of only about $8.00 for a number 10 color ink cartridge as opposed to paying $20.00 retail for Kodak's offer. So we can buy 3 color ink cartridges for slightly more than the cost of 1 from Kodak. We have decided to start advertising Ink Grabber on this site for exactly that reason. So here is to leveling the playing field and starting to tell the world that we want real competition and not forced products at inflated prices.

Friday, September 9, 2011

It Is Now Illegal To Feed Deer In Virginia

As of September 1st, 2011, it has become illegal to feed deer in the state of Virginia. Click Here to see the official state notice. Feeding deer may just harm other species of wildlife according to the state department. In fact, they say that there is movement to see the deer population decrease. Poor Bambi does not have a prayer here. So if you have a bird feeder outside your door and the deer sometimes come over to it to eat the seed, you may now be guilty of breaking the law. According to what we have read, it is alright to kill off deer to save other species of wildlife. ?????

You also can not use feed as bait for hunting deer as that too is a violation of Virginia law. Seems that this is what brought about the present law. Gotta love the people who spend how much money of our tax dollars to come up with this stuff?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Irene Updates, Gloucester, Virginia

Just some quick update news. For the most part Irene was not as bad as it could have been. We have seen much worse. We lost internet access to the site for posting just after we posted the video Saturday. We have tried to get back onto the site for several days but had no luck as servers were still down in numerous areas. Everything seems to be fixed now. A fair amount of trees went down along the main roads and plenty down all over. We heard that the Courthouse area was hit especially hard in relation to Isabelle. We never lost power at the command center. We have traveled all through the Northern Neck and damage overall is minimal. Not to make light of those who have suffered extensive damage to their properties, overall it was minimal for the area as a whole when compared to the damages seen by other storms and this past spring's tornado's.

This year we have seen a number of strange behaviors that are not normal to the area. Massive tornado's and numerous earthquakes. We hope we have seen the worst of the year and that we can now begin to write it all into history. We hope that those of you here in Gloucester get your power back on soon and we have learned that many of you have. There are still a few without lights and we know that this is no fun.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene Video, Gloucester, VA

Irene is now really starting to pick up strength now here in Gloucester. The winds have picked up quite a bit and in the distance it even sounds like a tornado is hitting. This video was just shot moments ago along route 17 just outside our present command center. Branches are now being pulled off of some of the trees behind and along side of us. Power has been flickering on and off. But still nothing major. Dominion Power trucks are still traveling along 17 so that is a good sign. The worst has not even begun yet. Maybe we were wrong about this storm? It might just be a bit stronger than what we have been expecting.

Nicks Spaghetti And Steak House Open Today Even If Power Goes Out

The folks over at Nick's Spaghetti and Steak House wants everyone to know that they will be open today to serve you even if the power goes out. Good to know should the power go out. A fine menu over at Nick's.

Virginia Dominion Power Trucks On The Road

The winds have picked up again and are now blowing pretty hard. The rain is coming down harder and everything is mostly coming in from a northern direction. While we were outside, we spotted a Dominion Power truck traveling north on 17 so they are out and ready to respond should things get worse. This is a good sign that they are pro active.

Coleman Bridge Link Update, VDOT

Here is the link for the Coleman Bridge updates. You have to select Hampton for area updates. We are working on keeping all the information updated on here as much as possible so you can plan your day during this storm.

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Hampton Roads Brdige Tunnel Closed Due To Weather Today

If you are considering traveling across the river towards Norfolk or VA Beach, you want to take another route than I-64 crossing the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. The bridge tunnel is closed due to the high winds and the storm.

Wal Mart Store Update, Gloucester County

Wal Mart along with a number of other retailers around the area are doing business as normal. The store is open but they are sold out of D batteries and bread at last known report. The majority of the retail stores if not all of them are sold out of D batteries. Other updates show that we are about 8 hours out from the worst part of this storm. Otherwise there is nothing really going on.

Coleman Bridge Update For Today

We checked the updates for the Coleman Bridge and there is nothing news. The bridge is listed as open and conditions are cautionary due to high winds, but otherwise travel is fine.