Friday, September 13, 2013

The Terry McAuliffe Email Rants

Ken Cuccinelli (R)
Ken Cuccinelli (R) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
McAuliffe speaking at Frying Pan Park in Hernd...
McAuliffe speaking at Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I wanted to make sure you saw James Carville's note — the RGA just poured another million into my opponent's campaign, and Jeb Bush and Rand Paul are on their way to help him raise hundreds of thousands more to attack me on TV.

Last year's elections proved that grassroots campaigns like ours can out-raise, out-organize, and beat these guys. But that only works with your support.

I'm just $4,873 from hitting our $25,000 emergency response goal by midnight. Please chip in right now to make sure I have the resources I need to fight back:

Thanks for everything,


The same national organization that's already spent more than $5 million attacking Terry McAuliffe just gave Ken Cuccinelli's campaign another million dollars!

Math's not my strong suit, but that means they've spent a total of $6.8 million so far — almost approaching a dollar per Virginian.

That much money will make a real difference for the Cuccinelli campaign. It could pay for direct mail to thousands of voters, go towards blanketing the state in radio ads, or (and this is most likely) buy a whole lot of attack ads on TV across the Commonwealth.

If Terry is going to keep up, he needs our help. When I heard about the donation, I knew I had to do everything I could — and that I had to check in with you to see if you'd join me.

Will you donate $5 right now to help Terry? His team needs to raise $25,000 by midnight tonight to counter these damaging RGA-funded attacks.

Terry is the only person that can stop Ken Cuccinelli's extreme right-wing agenda from becoming a very scary reality for Virginia and national Republicans know it.

News just broke that Jeb Bush is coming to town to raise money for Cuccinelli's campaign. And that's on top of the fundraising trips already planned by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio!

There aren't a lot of competitive races this year, so Republicans — who want a big win to build momentum for next year's elections — know electing Tea Party darling Ken Cuccinelli is their best shot.

They're all in. And they'll come out on top if we're not all in for Terry McAuliffe, too.

Chip in $5 right now to make sure Terry hits his fundraising goal before midnight.

I can't emphasize enough that this is a critical moment for you to support Terry. We need to stop Jeb Bush and his friends from pushing Cuccinelli into the lead right now — it'll be much harder to fight our way back from behind.

We're all counting on you,

James Carville

Everyday we keep getting messages from the McAuliffe campaign asking for money money money and lots more money and a lot of finger pointing.  Here is what we would like to see each of these campaigners do.  Pick five things they like about their opponent and discuss those issues with the public.  

If each says the other is a criminal, have full investigations done and throw the other in jail.  We do not need a criminal in the governor's office.  Also, what is the problem with Jeb Bush and Rand Paul coming to help Cuccinelli?  McAuliffe just had Bill Clinton sending emails on his behalf.  Finger pointing?  Throwing stones in a glass house are we?

  We are all tired of party politics.  Stop it.  Tell us what you are going to do for us and how you are going to protect the interests of the commonwealth.  Complaining about the other guy only sours us on each of you.  We do not care if you are a republican or a democrat or a libertarian, we care what you plan to do and how you plan to get there.  If this is how either of you are going to run your office, go somewhere else.   

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Banish Afternoon Fatigue

Sick and Tired (Anastacia song)
Sick and Tired (Anastacia song) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many people experience a slump in energy levels by the time the afternoon rolls around. A number of factors may contribute to this phenomenon. The most common cause is post-lunch hypoglycemia, which is related to your inability to burn fat.
Hence, addressing your diet is key if afternoon fatigue is something you contend with on a regular basis. Besides alterations in your diet, intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways to switch your body from burning carbs to burning fat, thereby boosting your mental and physical stamina.
Other factors are related to when and how much you exercise. Poor sleep also plays a role, of course, and recent research highlights the interconnectedness between sleep and exercise.

Diet Is Key for Maintaining Your Energy Levels

There are two fuels your body can use, sugar and fat. The sad reality is that our ancestors were adapted to using fat as their primary fuel and over 99 percent of us are now adapted to using sugar or glucose as our number one fuel source.
Because most are primarily burning carbs as fuel, afternoon fatigue is typically related to post-lunch hypoglycemia. By switching your body from using carbs as its primary fuel to burning fats instead, or becoming “fat adapted,” you virtually eliminate such drops in energy levels. Overall, being adapted to burning fat instead of carbs has a number of benefits, including:
  • Having plenty of accessible energy on hand, as you effectively burn stored fat for energy throughout the day. One way to tell if you’re fat adapted or not is to take note of how you feel when you skip a meal. If you can skip meals without getting ravenous and cranky (or craving carbs), you’re likely fat-adapted.
  • Improved insulin and leptin sensitivity and decreased risk of virtually every known chronic degenerative disease.
  • Effectively burn dietary fat for your energy, which leads to less dietary fat being stored in your adipose tissue—hence the weight loss benefits associated with fat adaptation.
  • Being able to rely more on fat for energy during exertion, sparing glycogen for when you really need it. This can improve athletic performance, and helps burn more body fat. As explained by Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, if you can handle exercising without having to carb-load, you’re probably fat-adapted. If you can work out effectively in a fasted state, you’re definitely fat-adapted.

First, Replace Carbs with Healthful Fats

Keep in mind that when we're talking about harmful carbs, we're only referring to grains and sugars, NOT vegetable carbs. You need very little if any of the former, and plenty of the latter. In fact, when you cut out sugar and grains, you need to radically increase the amount of vegetables you eat since, by volume, the grains you need to trade out are denser than vegetables. You also need to dramatically increase healthful fats, which include:
Olives and olive oil (for cold dishes)Coconuts, and coconut oil (for all types of cooking and baking)Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk
Raw nuts, such as almonds or pecansOrganic pastured egg yolksAvocados
Pasture-finished meatsPalm oilUnheated organic nut oils
Avoid highly processed and genetically engineered omega-6 oils like corn, canola and soy as they will upset your omega 6/3 ratio. Trans fats should also be avoided, but contrary to popular advice, saturated fats are a key component of a healthy diet. A reasonable goal will be to have as much as 50-70 percent of daily calories from healthy fat, which will radically reduce your carbohydrate intake.
Fat is far more satiating than carbs, so if you have cut down on carbs and still feel ravenous, it’s a sign that you have not replaced them with sufficient amounts of healthy fat. Most people will likely notice massive improvement in their health and overall energy levels by following this approach. To help you get started on the right track, review my Nutritional Plan, which guides you through these dietary changes one step at a time.

How Intermittent Fasting Can Help

Once you’ve addressed your diet, you can try intermittent fasting. This will effectively help shift your body from carb- to fat-burning mode. Please do not embark on a fasting regimen if you’re still subsisting primarily on processed foods and fast food meals, however. Since it involves skipping meals, making sure you’re getting high quality nutrients with each meal you do eat becomes all the more critical.
Intermittent fasting involves timing your meals to allow for regular periods of fasting. It takes about six to eight hours for your body to metabolize your glycogen stores and after that you start to shift to burning fat. If you keep replenishing your glycogen by eating every eight hours (or sooner), you make it far more difficult for your body to use your fat stores as fuel. Remember, your ancient ancestors never had access to a 24/7 supply of food like virtually all of us do with modern supermarkets. By necessity they regularly engaged in periods of fasting as they had no choice.
While there are several different intermittent fasting regimens, one of the easiest to implement simply involves restricting your daily eating to a narrower window of time, say 6-8 hours, instead of grazing all day long. This equates to 16-18 hours’ worth of fasting each and every day—enough to get your body to shift into fat-burning mode. Once you have made the shift to burning fat as your primary fuel, you will be shocked at how your cravings for sugar and junk food virtually disappear.
As a precautionary note, if you're hypoglycemic, diabetic, have adrenal fatigue or pregnant (and/or breastfeeding), you are better off avoiding any type of fasting or timed meal schedule until you've normalized your blood glucose and insulin levels, or weaned your baby. Other categories of people that would be best served to avoid fasting include those living with chronic stress and those with cortisol dysregulation.
Intermittent fasting also works synergistically with high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which is a foundational part of mycomprehensive exercise recommendations. The combination of fasting and exercising maximizes the impact of cellular factors and catalysts (cyclic AMP and AMP Kinases), which force the breakdown of both fat and glycogen for energy.

Fighting Fatigue with Exercise

The issue of afternoon fatigue was recently covered in a Wall Street Journal1 article, which placed the focus on exercise. Personally, I believe that altering your diet and implementing intermittent fasting will have a far greater impact than making alterations to your exercise schedule alone. But, that said, some of the advice given may be helpful in conjunction with your dietary changes. As reported in the featured article:
“Researchers and fitness trainers say whether you exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening, small changes in your routine can keep you from suffering midday blahs.
Midday is the ideal time to exercise, some fitness experts say. A workout then can give you an energy boost lasting three to four hours... If you prefer working out in the evenings, it's best to avoid exercising two to three hours before bedtime to avoid sleep disruption... On the other hand, if you are a morning exerciser and not getting seven to nine hours of sleep, Lona Sandon, a Dallas fitness instructor and assistant clinical nutrition professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, suggests getting to bed earlier or exercising in the evening.
To avoid midday fatigue and preserve energy throughout the day, most trainers recommend doing more moderate workouts, meaning those in which you hit 70% to 80% of your target heart rate. "Listen to what your body is telling you," says Ms. Sandon. "If you have a high-stress work environment then vigorous workouts may not make you feel better. You might be better off with restorative yoga so your brain can slow down." An ideal schedule would be two to three high-intensity workouts during the week, mixed in with lighter workouts like yoga, walking or weight training, say fitness experts.”

The Importance of Non-Exercise Movement During Your Workday

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can also be a source of fatigue. Besides that, compelling research shows that prolonged sitting in and of itself is a major contributing factor to chronic disease and reduced lifespan—even if you exercise regularly.
To counteract the adverse health effects of sitting, which go far beyond mere fatigue, make it a point to stand up every 10 minutes or so. As explained by Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, the reason for these ill effects are due to the fact that when you sit, you’re not interacting with gravity.
Based on her groundbreaking research, we now know that the key is in how many times you interact with gravity, such as standing up from your seated position, in any given day. The act of standing up makes your body interact with the forces of gravity, which is what produces beneficial health effects. Interestingly, the lipoprotein lipase is dramatically reduced during inactivity, and increases with activity, the most effective activity being standing up from a seated position. Lipoprotein lipase is an enzyme that attaches to fat in your bloodstream and transports it into your muscles to be used as fuel. So essentially, simply by standing up, you are also actively helping your body to burn fat for fuel.
After reading Dr. Vernikos's book, Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, and interviewing her, I was inspired to give some serious attention to this because even though I perform a lot of structured exercise, including high intensity interval training, I too was guilty of sitting down a vast majority of the rest of the day.
I simply set a timer on my computer to go off every 10 minutes, at which point I rise from my chair and do four jump squats. As explained by Dr. Vernikos, squatting is an extension of standing. If you squat and stand, you can get the maximum benefit of working against the force of gravity. Moving every 10 minutes or so will also get your blood pumping to oxygenate your cells, which will also combat fatigue. I mix it up though and try to do six to eight different moves every 10 minutes. The ones I currently use are one legged squats, two legged squats, lunges, jump squats, hamstring stretches and pectoral doorway stretches.

An Obvious Culprit: Poor Sleep...

Not to be ignored of course is sleep. If you’re not sleeping well, it will be next to impossible to avoid lagging energy levels. According to recent research, maintaining a regular exercise program can help improve your sleep over time2. It can also boost your cognitive performance, as evidenced by a number of studies3. In one recent study evaluating the effect of exercise on sleep,4volunteers with sleep complaints took two-hour forest-walks to assess how it affected their sleep patterns. According to the authors:
“Two hours of forest walking improved sleep characteristics; impacting actual sleep time, immobile minutes, self-rated depth of sleep, and sleep quality... Furthermore, extension of sleep duration was greater after an afternoon walk compared to a forenoon walk.”
In another study5, the results suggested that improved sleep had a beneficial influence on exercise performance the next day, rather than the exercise influencing sleep. Over time, however, exercise will tend to improve your sleep patterns, even if you’re struggling with more serious sleep problems. As reported by Yahoo News6:
“While prior research has shown that for most people, exercising can improve sleep, for insomniacs the relationship may be a bit more convoluted, the new evidence suggests. The rationale? Head researcher Baron told the New York Times that people with insomnia tend to be 'neurologically different' and have a 'hyper-arousal of the stress system.' Breaking a sweat in the gym one day isn't likely to override the system, she said, and could even exacerbate it.
Still, if you struggle with insomnia and currently don't exercise, Baron said that it's advisable to start -- but don't expect miracles. The process could take months, which can be frustrating for someone suffering from sleep deprivation. 'If you have insomnia you won't exercise yourself into sleep right away,' she said in a press release. 'It's a long-term relationship. You have to keep at it and not get discouraged.'"

Some Sleep Basics

That said, it seems clear that you can help set up a positive feedback loop where both your sleep and exercise benefits. Two key points to remember if you’re having difficulty sleeping include the following. For more tips, please see my article 33 Steps to a Good Night’s Sleep.
  • Create a sleep sanctuary. This means removing items associated with entertainment, recreation, work and hobbies, and turning your bedroom into a single-purpose space—one for sleeping. Of utmost importance: Make sure your bedroom iscool, dark and quiet. These three factors can have a major impact on your sleep. In regards to temperature, studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is quite cool, between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit, so keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees.
  • As for light, even the tiniest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin, hormones involved in your body’s circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. So close your bedroom door, get rid of night-lights, and most importantly, cover your windows. I recommend using blackout shades or heavy, opaque drapes. Also cover up your clock if it has a lit display. Alternatively, you could wear an eye mask to block out any stray light.
  • Turn off your gadgets well before bedtime. Again, the artificial glow from your TV, iPad, computer or smartphone can serve as a stimulus for keeping you awake well past your bedtime by disrupting melatonin production. I recommend turning off all electronic gadgets at least one hour before bed. As Rothstein suggests, that time is far better spent reading a good old fashioned book, practicing relaxation techniques or meditating.

Banish Afternoon Fatigue with Appropriate Diet and Lifestyle Changes

So remember, if you’re frequently battling with afternoon fatigue, check your lunch selections, first of all. More often than not, you’ll find that the more carb-heavy your lunch, the more apt you are to feel tired an hour or two later. To remedy the situation, focus on shifting your diet from carbs to healthful fats. Once your diet has been addressed, implementing intermittent fasting is an effective strategy for really shifting your body into fat-burning mode.
Just remember that proper nutrition becomes even MORE important when fasting, so I believe that addressing your diet is your first step. Always listen to your body, and go slowly ; work your way up to 16-18 hour fasts if your normal schedule has included multiple meals a day. Also be sure to address any hypoglycemic tendencies, such as headaches, weakness, tremors or irritability, as it can get increasingly dangerous the longer you go without eating to level out your blood sugar.
Once you’re fat adapted, your energy levels will remain fairly stable throughout the entire day, and you hunger cravings will virtually disappear. Exercise and sleep are also important factors, so experiment with your workout schedule to see what works best for you. Again, proper sleep can boost your exercise performance, and exercise in turn can help improve your sleep, forming a positive feedback loop.  Link back to website.
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Chervil Soup - Recipe of the Day

Chervil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Put a bone of veal on to cook in water, with four or five potatoes, according to the quantity desired. When these are tender, pass them through the tammy and return them to the soup. Chop up the chervil, adding to it half a dessert-spoonful of cornflour. Quarter of an hour before serving, put in the chervil, but take the cover off the pot, so that it remains a good green color. Pepper and salt to be added also.

Make something extraordinary.

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Liberty's Kids 11, Washington Takes Command - Battle of the Hook Pre Show

Washington Takes Command is episode number 11 for Liberty's Kids.  These are the events that led up to the Battle of the Hook that happened only days before the victory in Yorktown, Virginia.  The Battle of the Hook was part of the strategy of Washington and allies to cut off all escape routes for Lord Cornwallis.  Gloucester, Virginia is just across the river from Yorktown and was part of Lord Cornwallis plans for an emergency escape.

  After the British surrendered in Yorktown, they then surrendered in Gloucester, Virginia.  The history books seem to overlook this fact.  In celebration of the Battle of the Hook, there is a major reenactment coming to Gloucester here very soon which is why we are calling the Liberty's Kids videos here a pre show.


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Federalist Papers No. 13 Advantage of the Union in Respect to Economy in Government

To the People of the State of New York:
As CONNECTED with the subject of revenue, we may with propriety consider that of economy. The money saved from one object may be usefully applied to another, and there will be so much the less to be drawn from the pockets of the people. If the States are united under one government, there will be but one national civil list to support; if they are divided into several confederacies, there will be as many different national civil lists to be provided for—and each of them, as to the principal departments, coextensive with that which would be necessary for a government of the whole.

 The entire separation of the States into thirteen unconnected sovereignties is a project too extravagant and too replete with danger to have many advocates. The ideas of men who speculate upon the dismemberment of the empire seem generally turned toward three confederacies—one consisting of the four Northern, another of the four Middle, and a third of the five Southern States. There is little probability that there would be a greater number. According to this distribution, each confederacy would comprise an extent of territory larger than that of the kingdom of Great Britain. No well-informed man will suppose that the affairs of such a confederacy can be properly regulated by a government less comprehensive in its organs or institutions than that which has been proposed by the convention.

 When the dimensions of a State attain to a certain magnitude, it requires the same energy of government and the same forms of administration which are requisite in one of much greater extent. This idea admits not of precise demonstration, because there is no rule by which we can measure the momentum of civil power necessary to the government of any given number of individuals; but when we consider that the island of Britain, nearly commensurate with each of the supposed confederacies, contains about eight millions of people, and when we reflect upon the degree of authority required to direct the passions of so large a society to the public good, we shall see no reason to doubt that the like portion of power would be sufficient to perform the same task in a society far more numerous. Civil power, properly organized and exerted, is capable of diffusing its force to a very great extent; and can, in a manner, reproduce itself in every part of a great empire by a judicious arrangement of subordinate institutions.

Read the entire paper below.

Federalist Papers No 13 - Advantage of the Union from Chuck Thompson

Liberty Education Series here on Gloucester, Virginia Links and News.
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Criminal Prosecutions

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia:

The rights of the citizens needs to be considered by the county.  They do not have the right to make nanny state laws to make us all criminals nor do they have the right to keep illegal code on the books.

The Virginia Constitution was written for us to limit the government intrusion into our lives.  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia?

Article 1 Section 8.  Criminal prosecutions.  ” That in criminal prosecutions a man hath a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses, and to call for evidence in his favor, and he shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial….”

I believe Mr Thompson has written of a case where the accusers did not come forward; they were protected by the county.  Why does the county feel they are above the law?  They do not have to present the accusers in court? And do not give the accused a chance to speak? Are they afraid of the truth? Are they afraid that their unconstitutional laws will get repealed by the court? Why do they allow the biggest “criminals with no regard for the law” “speaking for those that cannot speak” to continue to break the law in county vehicles that violate County Code that the County insist is legal in Virginia? 

 Why do they protect these criminals?  If you or I protected criminals we would be charged with obstruction as well as accessories after the fact; this needs to stop.  Speak to your representative tell them you are tired of the illegal county code.  Make them do their job and stand up to the Chair of the Board of Supervisors and remove all of the illegal code. The board members refusing to do this continue to break their oath of office and have no respect for the citizens of the county, to GOD, and this nation.  If we want this county to be "The Land of the Life Worth Living" then we need to hold the Supervisors, County Administrator and County Attorney accountable for their actions.

The Supervisors appear to enjoy Mr Thompson making fools of them for their not bringing County Code into compliance with the Virginia Code, Dillon Rules, and the Virginia Constitution.  Does Mr. Thompson need to have a court jester of the month determined by the antics during the board meeting (This may upset Ted the County Jester to lose his position as the full time Jester?)  Ted the county jester has a full time job ensuring the county code is in compliance with Virginia Code is this too hard for him? Do we need to replace him?  Does he do this to make the board look like fools?

Mr Christopher Hutson you need to resign your position.  You have taken the responsibility to be at the Board of Supervisors meeting on the First Tuesday of every month.  You missed the meeting in August to take your child to school?  What a poor excuse to not be at the Board meeting and representing the people of your district.  I know of no school that only has one day for checking in.  You were not willing to present yourself to the county with your position on the Bond issue for the new swamp school is not excusable.  What a joke you make of your oath of office and responsibility to the people that elected you to look out for their interest.  Like they say when the going gets tough the weak willed leave town?

I am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  Our founding fathers used common sense and Christian scripture when establishing our founding documents. 

“For the Common Good. “

Alexander James Jay

P.S.  "[T]he propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained."  George Washington, First Inaugural Address, 1789
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