Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cuccinelli On His Tax Plan - You May Have Missed This Story

Ken at Shad Planking
Ken at Shad Planking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From NBC12 Ken Cuccinelli On His Tax Plan.  Video of Ken Cuccinelli discussing his plans for taxes in Virginia over the next 4 years if elected governor of the state.  Also some business plans included to increase business in the state.

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Fast Terry McAuliffe - The Video You Need To See

Bad Diet Causes Bad Behavior?

Man suffering from pellagra.
Man suffering from pellagra. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Dr. Mercola
Your gut is quite literally your second brain, with the ability to significantly influence your mind, mood and behavior. Again and again, researchers find that depression and a wide variety of behavioral problems appear to stem from nutritional deficiencies and/or an imbalance of bacteria in your gut.
At this point, there’s simply no denying the powerful influence of the gut on both your physical and mental health. This is great news, since this places you in a distinct position of power over your and your children’s psychological health.
A recent article by the Weston A. Price Foundation,1 titled: "Violent Behavior: A Solution in Plain Sight", highlighted the impact of nutrition on brain health and behavior, reviewing the importance of a number of dietary factors, such as:
  • Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D3 and K2
  • Water-soluble vitamins like B1, B6 and B12
  • Minerals such as iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese
  • Specific brain nutrients like choline, ARA and DHA
The article is quite extensive and well worth reading in its entirety as it covers the nutrition-behavior connection from several different angles. In short, however, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that our current problems with violence and other behavioral problems are rooted in our diet...
As stated by Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN in her article:
“[T]he fact is that a large number of Americans, living mostly on devitalized processed food, are suffering from malnutrition. In many cases, this means their brains are starving...
Making things worse are excitotoxins so prevalent in the food supply, such as MSG and aspartame. People who live on processed food and who drink diet sodas are exposed to these mind-altering chemicals at very high levels.
... Modern commentators are blind to the solution, a solution that is in plain sight: clearly defining good nutrition and putting it back into the mouths of our children, starting before they are even conceived... because food is information and that information directly affects your emotions, nervous system, brain and behavior.”

How Chronic Niacin Deficiency Can Cause Violent Behavior

Few people realize just how potent a factor nutritional deficiencies can be when it comes to behavioral difficulties and violence. Last year, I interviewed Dr. Andrew W. Saul on the topic of niacin and psychiatric health.
He has over 35 years of experience in natural health education and is currently serving as editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. He's authored over 175 publications and 11 books, and has been named as one of the seven health pioneers by Psychology Today. He's also featured in the movieFood Matters, which I'm sure many of you have seen.
Dr. Saul is co-author of the excellent book, Niacin: The Real Story, along with one of the leading niacin researchers in the world, Dr. Abram Hoffer. Niacin, Dr. Hoffer found, may in fact be a "secret" treatment for psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, which can be notoriously difficult to address.
He performed the first double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition studies in the history of psychiatry in the mid-1950s. Giving patients extremely high doses of niacin—as much as 3,000 mg per day—his cure rate for schizophrenia was 80 percent! At that point, the American Psychiatric Association blacklisted him, which may in part be why you’ve probably never heard of him, or his invaluable research...
A key point Dr. Saul brings up in the full interview is that certain people have what Dr. Hoffer referred to as niacin dependency, meaning they need more niacin on a regular basis. Essentially, they're beyond deficient—they're dependent on high-doses of niacin in order to remain well.

This particularly appears to be the case with mental disorders. Other researchers have since confirmed Dr. Hoffer's findings, and found that niacin can also be successfully used in the treatment of other mental disorders, such as:
Attention deficit disorderAnxietyObsessive-compulsive disorder
General psychosisDepressionBipolar disorder

Might Fermented Foods Help Prevent Memory Loss in the Elderly?

Fermented foods have been a staple in virtually all native diets, and the more I learn about fermented foods and the importance of gut health, the more convinced I get that many of our “age-related” health problems stem from lack of protective intestinal microbiota.

We have, en masse in the Western world, abandoned traditionally fermented foods and replaced them with processed foods high in sugar and grains—which feed harmful bacteria instead and promote chronic inflammation.
The effects of this dietary trade-off can be seen in our worsening rates of behavior problems in children, depression, and mental decline in the elderly. It’s worth reiterating that memory loss is NOT a “normal” part of aging at all. It used to bequite normal for seniors to be “sharp as tacks.”
In a recent study, polyamines, found in foods such as wheat germ, fermented soy, and matured cheeses,2 were shown to stave off memory decline in fruit flies.3 The researchers are now embarking on studies to see whether a polyamine-rich diet might have the same effect on humans. I believe chances are, they’ll find that this is indeed the case... Polyamines are aliphatic amines4 believed to be essential components of all living cells. Your body gets polyamines from three sources:
  1. Endogenous biosynthesis
  2. Intestinal microorganisms, and
  3. Through your diet
 As described in a 2011 report5 on polyamines in food:
“[P]olyamines are involved in the differentiation of immune cells as well as in regulation of inflammatory reactions, and they exert a suppressor effect on pulmonary immunologic and intestinal immunoallergic responses. In children, high polyamine intake during the first year has been significantly correlated to food allergy prevention...
Diet can to a certain extent regulate biosynthesis of polyamines. Thus, dietary polyamines have several important roles to play in this regard; supporting a normal metabolism and maintaining optimal health as well as regulating the intracellular polyamine synthesis. These seem to be of importance for maintaining the normal growth, maturation of the intestinal tract. Since the level of polyamines decreases with age in animal organs (brain, kidney, spleen, and pancreas), it has been suggested that maintenance of polyamine level from the diet is important to keep the functioning of various organs in the elderly.”

At Least One-Quarter of Population Have Too Little Gut Bacteria

According to recent research6, 7 from Denmark, in which they analyzed the human gut microbial composition on 292 people (169 of them obese and 123 of healthy weight), a quarter of the participants were found to have 40 percent fewer gut bacteria than the average needed for optimal health. Obese participants were particularly at risk of having too little beneficial bacteria to maintain health. Oluf Pedersen, professor and scientific director at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen told Medical News Today:8
"Not only has this quarter fewer intestinal bacteria, but they also have reduced bacterial diversity and they harbor more bacteria causing a low-grade inflammation of the body...
Our study shows that people having few and less diverse intestinal bacteria are more obese than the rest. They have a preponderance of bacteria which exhibit the potential to cause mild inflammation in the digestive tract and in the entire body, which is reflected in blood samples that reveal a state of chronic inflammation, which we know from other studies to affect metabolism and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
...Our intestinal bacteria are actually to be considered an organ just like our heart and brain, and the presence of health-promoting bacteria must therefore be cared for in the best way possible.”
Recent studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the makeup of your intestinal flora can have a powerful impact on your weight, and your propensity to gain or lose weight. For example, lean people tend to have higher amounts of various healthy bacteria compared to obese people. One 2011 animal study9 even suggested that daily intake of a specific form of lactic acid bacteria could help prevent obesity and reduce low-level inflammation. Probiotics have also been found to benefit metabolic syndrome, which often goes hand-in-hand with obesity. This makes sense since both are caused by a diet high in sugars, which leads to insulin resistance, fuels the growth of unhealthy bacteria and promotes chronic inflammation, and packs on excess weight.

Diet and Environmental Factors Affect Your Gut Flora

I have long been convinced of the value of regular probiotic supplementation. For nearly 20 years, I took a daily probiotic supplement but now I eat about four ounces of fermented vegetables a day that are started with our new high vitamin K2 starter culture, which will soon be available for sale. I sincerely believe that it is a profoundly wise health habit to either regularly supplement with a high quality probiotic or eat non-pasteurized, traditionally fermented foods such as:
Ideally, you want to eat a variety of fermented foods to maximize the variety of bacteria. Keep in mind that eating fermented foods may not be enough if the rest of your diet is really poor. Your gut bacteria are an active and integrated part of your body, and as such are vulnerable to your overall lifestyle. If you eat a lot of processed foods for instance, your gut bacteria are going to be compromised because processed foods in general will destroy healthy microflora and feed bad bacteria and yeast. Your gut bacteria are also very sensitive to:
  • Antibiotics
  • Chlorinated water
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Pollution

Are You Getting Enough "Brain Food"?

One nutrient in particular that is essential for optimal brain functioning is omega-3 fat. Along with probiotics for those who refuse to eat fermented foods, an omega-3 supplement is one of the few supplements I had recommended to all the patients at my clinic.
In terms of brain health, omega-3 deficiency is known to change the levels and functioning of both serotonin and dopamine (which plays a role in feelings of pleasure), as well as compromise the blood-brain barrier, which normally protects your brain from unwanted matter gaining access. Omega-3 deficiency can also decrease normal blood flow to your brain, an interesting finding given that studies show people with depression have compromised blood flow to a number of brain regions.
Could rampant omega-3 deficiency be a contributing factor to deteriorating mental health? I believe so—along with vitamin Ddeficiency, which also plays an important role.
Making matters worse, a number of foods that contain critical nutrients for optimal brain function and mood control have been "demonized" in our culture. B3- and protein-rich foods such as raw dairy products, eggs and meat have been more or less blacklisted, accused of being too high in cholesterol and fat...
I couldn’t agree more with the Weston A. Price Foundation's sentiment that the answer to so many of our health problems, both physical and psychological, are right in front of our noses—in our fridge and pantry. In addition to consuming fermented foods, eliminating most sugars and grains from your diet is also of critical importance as these will increase your risk of insulin resistance, which is also linked to psychological problems such as depression and violent behavior.  Link back to where the article originated.  Video from YouTube.

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Make Mine Freedom - Video Cartoon

Make Mine Freedom.  A video that still holds a lot for every American even today.

If you are wondering where the usual Classic TV programs are, we have decided to discontinue them.  In a recent meeting with CBS, their legal staff discussed problems they are having with copyright infringement.  The extra legal staff and extra people needed to surf the entire Internet looking for copyright violations is costing them a fortune.  Even though we have been embedding content and not uploading the content and hosting it, we realized during that meeting that we were facilitating further copyright infringement issues.  It's not our objective to infringe or even cause the infringement of copyright content on this site.

  So that it is very clear, embedding infringing YouTube videos is not against any laws.  It's just not smart business to promote such activity.

  We will continue to port in videos, however, we are going to try our best to ensure that the videos are not infringing on the rights of others.  We will look for public domain content the most.  Other areas will be custom channels of interest.  If we find one we particularly like, we will create a regular feature of it on here.

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Slavery in Virginia and it's Religious Origins - E-Book

English: At Thomson above Augusta will be sold...
English: At Thomson above Augusta will be sold the following valuable negroes... (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Of the Negroeswith the Planting and Management of Indian Corn, Tobacco, &c. and of their Timber, Stock, Fruits, Provision, and Habitations, &c.

The Negroes live in small Cottages called Quarters, in about six in a Gang, under the Direction of an Overseer or Bailiff; who takes Care that they tend such Land as the Owner allots and orders, upon which they raise Hogs and Cattle, and plant Indian Corn (or Maize) and Tobacco for the Use of their Master; out of which the Overseer has a Dividend (or Share) in Proportion to the Number of Hands including himself; this with several Privileges is his Salary, and is an ample Recompence for his Pains, and[Pg 37] Encouragement of his industrious Care, as to the Labour, Health, and Provision of the Negroes.
The Negroes are very numerous, some Gentlemen having Hundreds of them of all Sorts, to whom they bring great Profit; for the Sake of which they are obliged to keep them well, and not over-work, starve, or famish them, besides other Inducements to favour them; which is done in a great Degree, to such especially that are laborious, careful, and honest; tho' indeed some Masters, careless of their own Interest or Reputation, are too cruel and negligent.
The Negroes are not only encreased by fresh Supplies from Africa and the West India Islands, but also are very prolifick among themselves; and they that are born there talk good English, and affect our Language, Habits, and Customs; and tho' they be naturally of a barbarous and cruel Temper, yet are they kept under by severe Discipline upon Occasion, and by good Laws are prevented from running away, injuring the English, or neglecting their Business.
Their Work (or Chimerical hard Slavery) is not very laborious; their greatest Hardship consisting in that they and their Posterity are not at their own Liberty or Disposal, but are the Property of their Owners; and when they are free, they know not how to provide so well for themselves generally; neither did they live so plentifully nor (many of them) so easily in their own Country, where they are made Slaves to one another, or taken Captive by their Enemies.
OUR NOTES:  The above comes from the book below and is just a partial section within the pages.  It gives an historical view that can no longer be taught in schools thanks to the ill conceived separation of church and state.  It shows the religious beliefs behind slavery and what is often called the cruel and inhumane treatment of the Native American or American Indian.

  It is not our own views and is only presented for it's historical value and to uncover real history and not revisionist history that has been forced on us all in part by the so called separation of church and state. Servitude has it's foundations in religion and has been a part of Judaism, Christianity, Muslim, and other tenants of religious beliefs.  Servitude and slavery are not one and the same issue.  That is where the arguments against slavery were fought on moral grounds.

The State of Virginia - 1712 to 1725 from Chuck Thompson

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English: Cocktail Claw crab meat from Blue Swi...
English: Cocktail Claw crab meat from Blue Swimming Crab. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For this risotto either lobster or crab meat can be used: the former is, however, considered more tasty. The lobster or crab meat ought to be about half the weight of the rice employed. A little more than a pound of rice and half this weight[Pg 24] of crab meat ought to be enough for six persons.
Chop fine a sprig of parsley, a stalk of celery, one carrot, half an onion a clove of garlic and brown the whole in good olive oil. When browned, add the crab meat and season with salt and pepper. During the cooking process stir and turn over the crabs, and when they have become red, pour over as much hot water as is necessary to cook the rice.
After the water boils for a while, remove the lobster (or crab, or craw-fish) leaving the saucepan on the fire. Put half of the crabs aside, and grind the rest. Rub the ground meat through the sieve and put it back on the fire. In another saucepan melt some butter and put into it little by little the rice that has been washed and dried. Stir and add the broth from the first saucepan. When the rice is almost cooked add the craw-fish that you have put aside, or rather its meat extracted from the shells, take from the fire and pour over it the fish mixture, adding some grated cheese.

Make something extraordinary tonight.

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Federalist Papers No. 16. The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union 2


To the People of the State of New York:

THE tendency of the principle of legislation for States, or communities, in their political capacities, as it has been exemplified by the experiment we have made of it, is equally attested by the events which have befallen all other governments of the confederate kind, of which we have any account, in exact proportion to its prevalence in those systems. The confirmations of this fact will be worthy of a distinct and particular examination. I shall content myself with barely observing here, that of all the confederacies of antiquity, which history has handed down to us, the Lycian and Achaean leagues, as far as there remain vestiges of them, appear to have been most free from the fetters of that mistaken principle, and were accordingly those which have best deserved, and have most liberally received, the applauding suffrages of political writers.

This exceptionable principle may, as truly as emphatically, be styled the parent of anarchy: It has been seen that delinquencies in the members of the Union are its natural and necessary offspring; and that whenever they happen, the only constitutional remedy is force, and the immediate effect of the use of it, civil war.

Read the rest below.

Federalist Papers No 16 - Insufficiency to Preserve Union 2 from Chuck Thompson

Liberty Education Series.

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