Thursday, March 20, 2014

Risk for Heart Attack or Stroke Increases After Anger Outburst

English: Angry woman.
English: Angry woman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Dr. Mercola
Intense emotion is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke, particularly in the first hours after the emotion occurs. While prevention efforts typically focus on more concrete steps like physical exercise, not smoking, and a healthier diet, it’s just as important, if not more so, to tend to your emotional health as well.
A new systematic review involving data on 5,000 heart attacks, 800 strokes, and 300 cases of arrhythmia revealed that not only does anger increase your risk of heart attack, arrhythmia, and stroke, but the risk also rises with frequent anger episodes.1

Intense Anger Boosts Heart Attack Risk Five-Fold, Stroke Risk Three-Fold

According to the study, when a person is angry their risk of heart attack increases by nearly five-fold and their risk of stroke goes up more than three-fold in the two hours following an angry outburst (compared to when they are not angry). The risk was even greater among those who had a history of heart problems.
Those most at risk following anger episodes were those with underlying risk factors and those who got angry frequently. As reported by Medical News Today:2
The researchers calculated that the annual rate of heart attack per 10,000 people who were angry only once a month would go up by one among those with low cardiovascular risk, and by four in those with high cardiovascular risk.
However, for those who had five outbursts of anger per day, this figure shoots up to 158 extra heart attacks per 10,000 heart attacks each year for those with low cardiovascular risk, and 657 extra heart attacks for those with high cardiovascular risk.”

How Does Anger Harm Your Heart?

Negative emotions like anger trigger a cascade of physical reactions that extend throughout your body, including increases in heart rate, arterial tension, and blood pressure. Together, these could prompt changes in blood flow that encourage blood clots as well as trigger inflammation.
Letting your anger out explosively may be harmful because it triggers surges in stress hormones and injures blood vessel linings. One study from Washington State University found that people over the age of 50 who express their anger by lashing out are more likely to have calcium deposits in their coronary arteries -- an indication that you’re at a high risk for a heart attack -- than their mellower peers.3
That said, simply holding in your anger isn’t the answer either. This has been linked to increases in blood pressure and heart rate. A new study even found that suppressing your anger may triple your risk of having a heart attack.4
It’s likely that the abrupt increase in risk of cardiovascular events following anger is also related to the flood of stress hormones your body is exposed to following extreme stress. For instance, adrenaline increases your blood pressure and your heart rate, and it's been suggested it may lead to narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to your heart, or even bind directly to heart cells allowing large amounts of calcium to enter and render the cells temporarily unable to function properly.

Grief and Other Intense Emotions Also Increase Heart Risks

It’s not only anger that increases your risk of heart attacks; other intense emotions seem to play a similar role. Researchers found, for instance, that losing a significant person in your life raises your risk of having a heart attack the next day by 21 times and in the following week by six times.5
The risk of heart attacks began to decline after about a month had passed, perhaps as levels of stress hormones begin to level out.
Mounting research also shows that people exposed to traumatic and/or long-term stressors, such as combat veterans, New Orleans residents who went through Hurricane Katrina, and Greeks struggling through financial turmoil, have higher rates of cardiac problems than the general population.
In one such study, which involved nearly 208,000 veterans aged 46 to 74, 35 percent of those diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) developed insulin resistance in two years, compared to only 19 percent of those not diagnosed with PTSD.6
Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and hardening of the arteries. PTSD sufferers also had higher rates of metabolic syndrome — a collection of risk factors that raise your risk of heart disease, such as high body fat, cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. More than half (about 53 percent) of veterans with PTSD had several of these symptoms, compared to 37 percent of those not suffering with PTSD.
It’s now undeniable that your emotional health engages in a continuous, intricate dance with your physical health, such that it is virtually impossible to untangle the two. As noted by Dr. Stephen Sinatra:7
“Suppressed anger, rage, loss of vital connection (heartbreak), and emotional isolation and lack of intimacy with others are all ‘hidden’ emotional risk factors that can contribute to the development of heart disease. Many cardiologists fail to recognize these psycho-emotional factors which often underlie other commonly recognized risk factors such as excessive smoking, inappropriate diet, and even high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.”

A Positive Outlook Reduces Your Heart Attack Risk by One-Third

If negative emotions have the potential to harm your heart, it would stand to reason that positive emotions may heal it… and this indeed seems to be the case. In a study of nearly 1,500 people with an increased risk of early-onset coronary artery disease, those who reported being cheerful, relaxed, satisfied with life, and full of energy had a one-third reduction in coronary events like a heart attack.8 

Those with the highest risk of coronary events enjoyed an even greater risk reduction of nearly 50 percent. This was true even when other heart disease risk factors, such as smoking, age, and diabetes, were taken into account. Separate research has similarly found:
  • Positive psychological well-being is associated with a consistent reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)9
  • Emotional vitality may protect against risk of CHD in men and women10
  • Cheerful heart disease patients live longer than pessimistic heart patients11
  • Very optimistic people have lower risks of dying from any cause, as well as lower risks of dying from heart disease, compared to highly pessimistic people12
You can use meditative approaches as Dr. Brogan discusses in the video below to also help you limit these outbursts.

The ‘Recipe’ for Emotional Wellness

If you’ve committed to other heart-healthy lifestyle changes like following my nutrition plan and exercising, you’ll want to be sure you’re also actively supporting your emotional health. First, if anger is an issue for you, I recommend using energy psychology techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT can reprogram your body’s reactions to the unavoidable stressors of everyday life by stimulating different energy meridian points in your body.
It’s done by tapping on specific key locations with your fingertips while custom-made verbal affirmations are said repeatedly. This can be done alone or under the supervision of a qualified therapist (seeking the help of a licensed EFT therapist is particularly recommended if you’re dealing with trauma-based stress such as PTSD, grief following the loss of a loved one or severe anger).There are also many other stress-management strategies you can employ to help you unwind and address your stress, including:
  • Exercise. Studies have shown that during exercise, tranquilizing chemicals (endorphins) are released in your brain. Exercise is a natural way to bring your body pleasurable relaxation and rejuvenation, and has been shown to help protect against the physical effects of daily stress
  • Restorative sleep
  • Meditation (with or without the additional aid of brain wave synchronization technology)
  • Schedule time to eat without rushing, and make sure to maintain optimal gut health by regularly consuming fermented foods, such as fermented vegetables, or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement
Beyond this, applying the inverse paranoid principle, as taught by W. Clement Stone, has been a guiding helpful principle for me for many years to help address life’s challenges. Admittedly, it isn’t always easy, but the benefits are profound. Unlike a conventional paranoid who believes the world is out to get him, an inverse paranoid believes the opposite: that every awful tragedy that befalls you ultimately is for some purpose that will benefit you far more than you can possibly imagine, even if you are unable to see it at the time.
Applying this principal can help you to get through even challenging times while maintaining a brighter outlook. Additionally, those who are happy tend to follow a certain set of habits that create peace in their lives. If you learn to apply these habits in your own life, there’s a good chance you’ll be happier (and your heart will be healthier) too.
1. Let go of grudges2. Treat everyone with kindness3. Regard your problems as challenges
4. Express gratitude for what you have5. Dream big6. Don’t sweat the small stuff
7. Speak well of others8. Avoid making excuses9. Live in the present
10. Wake up at the same time every morning11. Don’t compare yourself to others12. Surround yourself with positive people
13. Realize that you don’t need others’ approval14. Take time to listen15. Nurture social relationships
16. Meditate17. Eat well18. Exercise
19. Live minimally20. Be honest21. Establish personal control
22. Accept what cannot be changed  

7 More Steps to Protect Your Heart

The INTERHEART study, which looked at heart disease risk factors in over 50 countries around the world, found that 90 percent of heart disease cases are completely preventable by modifying diet and lifestyle factors.13 In addition to looking out for your emotional health as described above, you can further take control of your health, including your heart health, by paying attention to these positive lifestyle changes for your heart:
  1. Diet: Shift toward a nutrient-dense-food-based diet with higher fat and lower carbohydrate intake, such as my nutrition plan
  2. Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool to lower your body fat and normalize your insulin and leptin resistance
  3. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
  4. Exercise regularly, and make sure to incorporate high-intensity interval exercises, as they are particularly effective for improving insulin and leptin sensitivity
  5. Avoid sitting too much, as this can have a direct adverse effect on insulin and leptin sensitivity
  6. Minimize your exposure to environmental toxins as much as possible
  7. Optimize your gut health by eating fermented foods, soluble fiber that enriches your beneficial gut flora, and avoid food toxins that harm your gut flora (i.e. sugar
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Gloucester, VA School Board Meeting Video, March 11th, 2014

March 11th school board meeting here in Gloucester, Virginia.  Turn the volume way up on the video itself and then turn the volume way up on your speakers.  It's near impossible to hear these folks.  You have to wonder if this is done on purpose.
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Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisor's Video and Notes March 18th, 2014

We are including more information with the video.  Notes and news from board member Phillip Bazzani and John Meyer from the Gloucester Board of Supervisors and also the slide presentation that seems to have really stirred up the school board.  Exactly why are they so against cutting costs?

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Continued Corruption in Gloucester County, Virginia

Gloucester CountyVirginia’s track record of not having many persons interested in serving on the School Board continues to make it easy for the Gloucester County Public School System to be used as a tool to fulfill the interests of a select few with little regard to the effect on the education process.  The Gloucester County School Board has a newly elected member who turns out to be a developer who is involved in the creation of a mixed use development (MUD) at the intersection of T.C. Walker Road and Route 17.  It is about 400 acres of property that is mostly farm fields next to the old Page Middle School and current bus garage property.

  Examples of MUD are New Town and High Street in Williamsburg and City Center in Newport News.  The concept of a MUD like these is to provide a place for people to live, work and play. Successful MUDs are supported by people intense hubs like colleges, universities, high volume tourism, multiple large commercial or industrial businesses, etc.  In essence, the hub of a successful MUD is something that establishes and maintains a constant high volume of people. Gloucester County does not possess such a hub.
According to tax records and School Board meeting minutes; one day prior to the School Board’s December 13, 2011 vote to rebuild Page Middle School on property known as Tax Map #39-198, Harry Corr purchased all Route 17 road frontage property that connects to the new Page property.  These parcels of land are known as Tax Map #39-198A, Tax Map #39-198B and Tax Map # 39-199.  Tax records reflect that Mr. Corr purchased the three properties for $630,000 which is more than six times the current assessed value.  The value of the property Mr. Corr purchased will substantially increase and the cost to develop it will greatly decrease as a result of improvements to the Route 17 and T.C. Walker intersection and the extension of public water service to that side of Route 17.  These improvements and extensions are part of the Page project and are funded by GCPS and VDOT. (TAX DOLLARS)  This should be raising alarm bells because it appears Mr. Corr possessed insider or advance knowledge of what the outcome of the School Board’s vote was going to be.
Mr. Corr also owns and controls about 400 acres of land that is fronted by Route 17, connects to the old Page Middle School land and connecting Gloucester Public School’s transportation complex, connects to Hickory Fork Road and will greatly benefit from the signalization of the T.C. Walker Road and Route 17 intersection.  This is the property that Douglas S. Meredith, Director of the Gloucester Economic Development Authority pointed out as the location of a currently conceived MUD during his presentation to the Board of Supervisors on March 18, 2014. Mr. Meredith also shared that Charles Records was the developer and elaborated on the value of the old Page and bus complex properties to the MUD.  He also shared that various surveys have been done on Mr. Corr’s property and provided general information on the results.
Charles Records ran uncontested and was elected to the School Board in November 2013.  The same Charles Records who continually asserts how valuable the old Page and bus complex properties are and is a staunch supporter of selling it.  Selling it would mean building a new bus complex at a different location and tearing down the existing and usable buildings. So far this MUD has consumed what would have been a 30 plus million dollar school complex that would have cost the tax payers 10 million dollars.  All that had to be done was follow the insurance company recommendations after the 2011 tornado.  Now Gloucester County tax payers are not only faced with a 20 million dollar lose but also 20 million dollars in unnecessary debt to build the new Page Middle School.  
How much more money are the tax payers of Gloucester County supposed to watch get burned up in Harry Corr’s, Charles Records’ and a select few others’ trash barrel.  What do almost all of the residents of Gloucester get out of what Harry Corr, Charles Records and a few others are doing? Nothing.  Nothing at all.  They just get to watch millions of their tax dollars go towards making a very small number of people rich.  They get to pay unnecessary taxes and fees.  They get to watch their public education system degrade.  They get to watch valuable infrastructure fall apart.  They get to watch and absorb excessive and unnecessary borrowing.  They get to continue to distrust those responsible for operating the County and Public School System.
The high level of corruption that exists within the Gloucester County Public Education System is crystal clear and Charles Records appears to be a willing participant in that corruption and should resign his position on the Gloucester County School Board immediately.
Submitted by:
“Watching Them In Plain Sight”
“Watching Them In Plain Sight” is a non-political citizen based group focusing on identifying and exposing local government corruption, waste and misuse.  We encourage anyone with knowledge of corruption, waste or misuse within Gloucester County’s government or the Gloucester County Public School System to contact us at  Your identity will not be publicly disclosed without your written permission. 
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Governor McAuliffe Announces Richmond Ballet to Perform at 2015 ‘Meet in Beijing’ Festival

Ballet de Moscú Julio 2011
 (Photo credit: ExpoMeloneras)
~Road to China to include a year-long series of cultural exchange programs as well as multi-city tour in China~

RICHMOND– Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that the Richmond Ballet, The State Ballet of Virginia, has accepted an invitation to perform at the 15th Annual ‘Meet in Beijing’ Arts Festival in Beijing, China at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in May 2015. The trip will mark the Ballet’s first journey to Asia, and the organization’s second international tour, following a successful run at the Royal Opera House’s Linbury Theatre in London, England in June 2012. The Ballet’s Road to China initiative will also include a series of cultural exchange programs that will celebrate Chinese culture in the United States throughout the 2014-15 season, fostering further economic ties between China and the United States.

         “The Commonwealth of Virginia has a long-standing, productive, and mutually beneficial relationship with China, one built solidly on the economic pillars of trade and investment,” said Governor McAuliffe. “China is already the largest customer of Virginia’s agricultural and forestry products and one of our state’s largest trade partners. The country also is a top 15 global investor in Virginia. The Ballet’s Road to China initiative provides an opportunity to continue an open and collaborative dialogue that could set the stage for future partnerships between our two countries. This is exciting and promising for citizens of the Commonwealth and my administration.”

         The announcement was made at the Virginia State Capitol in the honored company of dignitaries from Washington, D.C.,  including Mr. Lu Kang, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, the second highest ranking Chinese diplomat in the United States, and Ms. Li Hong, the Minister Counselor from the Embassy’s Office of Cultural Affairs, along with Richmond Ballet Artistic Director Stoner Winslett, Road to China co-chairs Selina Rainey and Pamela Reynolds, representatives from the Ballet’s Board, Richmond Ballet dancers and major supporters.

         “On behalf of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Washington, DC, I am proud to officially welcome Richmond Ballet as one of the celebrated performers expected to take the stage for the 15th annual ‘Meet in Beijing’ Festival,” said Mr. Lu Kang. “Cultural exchanges such as the Road to China program advance mutual understanding and help substantiate the new model of major country relationship envisioned by President Xi Jinping and President Obama at their Sunnylands’ meeting last year. The Chinese Embassy encourages strengthened exchange and cooperation in all fields between Virginia and China and will do its best to provide assistance.”

         The Ballet’s year-long Road to China programs, which will celebrate Chinese culture in the United States throughout the 2014-15 Season, incorporate many facets including the arrival of two guest artists from the world-renowned National Ballet of China who will share the stage with Richmond Ballet dancers during the company’s February performances of Don Quixote. ‘China’ will also be the theme for the Ballet’s community outreach program, Minds In Motion, in both Richmond and Charlottesville. Additionally, Richmond Ballet plans to schedule a series of events designed to encourage diverse communities across Virginia to become more engaged in movement, dance and Richmond Ballet. This series will include the organization’s annual gala scheduled for February 28, 2015, honoring the Chinese New Year.

         “This represents an exciting new horizon for us here at the Ballet,” said Ms. Winslett. “The chance to explore a fascinating interesting culture, so historic and majestic, and of course so different from our own, is an opportunity I know our dancers cherish. I am so proud to take first steps along thisRoad to China, as we seek to share the power of dance and its special ability to communicate and connect our souls when words fail us.”

         Now celebrating its 30th professional season, Richmond Ballet is known today as one of the nation’s leading mid-size ballet companies. Under the direction of longtime artistic director Stoner Winslett, Richmond Ballet is recognized both nationally and internationally for the strength of its dancers and for its culture of cultivating new ballets while preserving classic traditions. The Ballet’s founding mission, to awaken and uplift the human spirit, both for audiences and artists, continues to be infused in all three of the Ballet’s areas of focus, including its professional company, its school, and its community outreach program, Minds In Motion. For more information on Richmond Ballet and its classes and programs, please visit or call 804.344.0906.
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Governor McAuliffe Announces 40 New Jobs in Nottoway County

Map of Virginia highlighting Nottoway County
Map of Virginia highlighting Nottoway County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ Trout River Dry Kiln to Invest $5.5 Million, Purchase More Than $30 Million in Lumber from Virginia Sawmills Over Next Three Years ~

Venture Marks Nottoway’s Largest Industrial Job Creation Project in Recent Years

RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today in the Town of Crewe that Trout River Dry Kiln, LLC will open a major hardwood kiln operation in Crewe, located in Nottoway County.  The company, which will dry lumber to be made into hardwood flooring, will invest more than $5.5 million to build nine new kilns and create 40 new jobs, making it the biggest industrial job creator for Nottoway County in recent years.  The Commonwealth of Virginia is partnering with Nottoway County, the Town of Crewe, and Trout River Dry Kiln on this project through the Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund (AFID).

            Speaking in Crewe about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “Virginia’s wood products industry supports good jobs in our rural communities, provides important market opportunities for the Commonwealth’s private forestland owners, and is a major driver of export sales and shipping containers through the Port of Virginia.  Partnering with a company like Trout River Dry Kiln furthers the recovery of Virginia’s forestry industries, which were hit hard by the economic recession, and the important income and jobs they provide.  Trout River’s expansion and relationship with Lumber Liquidators means that Virginia wood will be found in homes and businesses throughout this country.”

           In addition to the investment and jobs created in Nottoway County, Trout River Dry Kiln will spend more than $30 million to purchase from Virginia sawmills approximately 34 million board feet of lumber – or 85 percent – of the 40 million board feet the company will need over the next three years, providing new opportunities for Virginia’s logging and sawmill industries.  Trout River Dry Kiln will trim, dry, and grade the lumber before sending it to its sister company, Trout River Lumber, to be made into hardwood flooring. 

            “The Trout River Dry Kiln project is an excellent example of an AFID project that helps to create jobs and economic benefits, both at the facility, as well as throughout Virginia’s rural communities,” said Todd Haymore, Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry.  “Sixty-two percent of Virginia is forested, with two-thirds of that land privately held.  Trout River’s expansion creates a stronger market for private timber owners, provides jobs for Virginia’s loggers, and increases volume through the Commonwealth’s sawmills.  Finding markets for Virginia wood products and helping companies like Trout River invest and create jobs in this important industry sector are among this administration’s highest priorities.”

The company will construct nine new hardwood dry kilns, with a capacity of 100,000 board feet each, to dry “green” lumber down to a level where it is stable and ready to be manufactured into high-quality hardwood flooring.  The kilns will be heated by two large biomass boilers, which will be fueled entirely by sawdust and wood residuals from Trout River’s kiln and flooring operations.

            “We are grateful to have strong partners like Governor McAuliffe and Secretary Haymore to help us grow a strong and sustainable economic base for this community,” said Clarence Simpson, Chairman of the Nottoway County Board of Supervisors.  “We are delighted to have their support in attracting companies, like Trout River Dry Kiln, that rely on our community’s strongest assets, our natural resources and a dedicated workforce, but that also offer its workers wages that can support a family.”

A $100,000 AFID grant is being awarded to Nottoway County to assist the Town of Crewe with site improvements for a 5.26 acre parcel in the town’s industrial park, where the project is located.  The parcel, valued at more than $115,000, is being donated to Trout River Dry Kiln and will serve as the required local match for the grant.

            “My company, Trout River Lumber, has been a large supplier to Lumber Liquidators for the past fourteen years,” said John Barber, owner of Trout River Lumber and Trout River Dry Kiln.  “The formation of Trout River Dry Kilns further enhances the vertical integration of hardwood flooring production while providing Lumber Liquidators with hardwood flooring harvested and converted in Virginia. I am pleased by the support we are receiving from Nottoway County and the Commonwealth that is helping us to make this further investment in the Town of Crewe.”
            According to a 2013 economic impact study conducted by Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia, agriculture and forestry are two of Virginia's largest industries, with a combined economic impact of $70 billion annually.  Agriculture generates more than $52 billion per annum, while forestry induces over $17 billion. The industries also provide more than 400,000 jobs in the Commonwealth.

About the Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund
The AFID Fund was created  during the 2012 session of the General Assembly and is being embraced by the McAuliffe Administration as an important tool in growing the Commonwealth’s agriculture and forestry sector and helping to make Virginia the leading exporter of agricultural and forest products on the East Coast.  More information about the AFID grant, which has the flexibility to assist projects large and small throughout Virginia can be found at
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Virginia Receives Increased Homeland Security Grant Funds

Hampton Roads and National Capital regions gain UASI funding

RICHMOND, Va. – Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced that Virginia has received $7.4 million in Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds for fiscal year 2014 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a 15 percent increase from the previous fiscal year. These grants are provided to strengthen the commonwealth’s ability to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies.

In addition, both the Hampton Roads and National Capital regions will receive increased funding for fiscal year 2014 as part of the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI). The Hampton Roads region was identified as a high-threat, high-density urban area and will receive $1 million in renewed funding. The National Capital region will receive $53 million in UASI funding, a 2.2 percent increase from the previous fiscal year. UASI grants are provided for law enforcement and terrorism prevention and typically include training and exercises, updates to current planning and procedures, and lifecycle replacement of equipment.

“This significant increase in federal homeland security grant funding will greatly improve Virginia’s ability to keep our families, communities and economic assets safe,” said Governor McAuliffe. “As home to some of the world’s largest military installations and critical government infrastructure, Virginia is a strategic partner in national defense and homeland security. These funds are vital to us as we plan and prepare for known and unknown threats. We especially appreciate that the Hampton Roads region was added back in to the UASI program. I salute the hard work of those with Hampton Roads governments and organizations as well as state agencies that made the case and developed the documentation to gain this crucial funding for sustaining regional preparedness initiatives.”

Virginia's proposal for the federal grants is developed with input from local and state governments, nonprofit organizations and others from throughout the commonwealth. The proposal identifies statewide and regional projects that will improve Virginia's capabilities to plan for and respond to manmade and natural emergencies. Funds will be distributed to localities on a regional basis.

Further information on DHS’s preparedness grant programs is available at and

Our Notes:  Looks like increased funding for the police state.  But at least it all has a nice spin and added flavor to it so it does not look that bad.  I wonder if they know the widow's son?  
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