Monday, October 14, 2013

Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus History

English: Christopher Columbus Česky: Portrét K...
English: Christopher Columbus Česky: Portrét Kryštofa Kolumba od malíře Sebastiana del Piomba (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Happy Columbus Day.  In honor of this special day we are putting up a special Christopher Columbus history book with several ways to read the book as well as download a free copy of the book.  In more recent modern history, many have worked hard to discredit this great explorer and I am willing to bet they have no idea as to why they are doing so.  Once you remove religious history from the equation, you are left with no choice but to explain actions as horrific though this was not the case in that date and time.  It's the issues with the so called arguments between church and state.  True history is no longer communicated.

Christopher Columbus from Chuck Thompson

You can read the above book either in the Slideshare container opening it up to full screen view via left clicking the icon at the far bottom right of the slideshare container.  You can also click the link above and read it online that way as well.  Both options allow for for free downloads of the above book.  Through slideshare, you have to sign in with a Facebook account, LinkedIn account or set up a free account on Slideshare to get the free download.  Through the above link, the download option just requires a little searching as it is not as plain as the nose on your face.

Happy Columbus day everyone.

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