Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Empathy by Evil Inside, Free Album Mp3 Downloads

English: Leopard bikini.
English: Leopard bikini. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Evil Inside with their album, Empathy.  Extreme heavy metal from Spain.  11 tracks to play and determine if this is what you are into.  If you are, then download what you like.  It's all free and no cost and it's all legal.  Even though the band is from Spain, the lyrics are all in English so the only issues are trying to understand what they are saying while they are screaming.  Add these to your iPod, Mp3 player, tablet, smartphone, computer or flash drive.  Burn them to CD and play them til you just can't stand them anymore.  Tell your friends about us so they can get free stuff too.  Or keep it a secret and share the cool stuff telling everyone you paid a fortune for it all and now you are willing to share these tracks with them as you are such a nice person.

  Enjoy.  ;  )
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