Friday, October 18, 2013

Battle of the Hook Pre Show, Liberty's kids 36, Yorktown

Battle of the Hook Pre Show.  Liberty's Kids episode number 36, Yorktown.  This ends the pre show for the Battle of the Hook as the event officially kicks off October 18th, 2013 and everything up to this exact episode are the events that led to the Battle of the Hook.  Now this battle took place just before Yorktown, it was a part of the battle plans and strategy of the siege of Yorktown.

  We will not be posting any further videos until after the event at which time we will finish the series in commemoration of the Battle of the Hook event.  Our present plans are to be on site at Warner Hall taking early pictures and video and we hope to get them up later in the evening for everyone to get the early view of what will be coming.  We are very excited about all of this and have spent the past few days preparing all of our equipment and we even looked at shooting live event feeds, however, no WiFi is available in the area which is a requirement for us to produce the live feeds.

   Below is information you are going to need if you are attending this event.  It shows you where you need to go to park for the event.

Gloucester, VA Crier, Battle of the Hook, Event Parking from Chuck Thompson

  Now because we are going to be spending a great deal of time at the event, we will be limiting our posts on the site over the next three or four days but we will be coming back with a vengeance as we start to produce media from the event.  Look for it.  See you there.
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